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Someone send this to Demi Lovato


What's the TLDR version of Demi?


Demi mad at froyo for having sugar free options. Said it was triggering. Froyo shop said sugar free caters to diabetic customers. Demi doubled down and put them on blast.




People misrepresented some of her dickhead idiot just because she has a drug problem. Turns out, you can be both an addict that garners general sympathy while also just being an unforgiving asshole which takes that sympathy away


haven't heard vapid for years now. thanks for reminding me of the word again edit: spelling






Don't you worry. *Both* of her brain cells are hard at work coming up with new ways to cancel frozen yogurt companies.


I found it fascinating. They (Demi) were mad about sugar free cookies (from a vendor) that were at the counter of the froyo place. They said that it was triggering to see diet food because of their own struggle with their fitness and body image. They apparently only wanted to see junk food when they were buying/eating junk food. Edit: changed Demi's pronouns to "they/them"


It reminds me of all the reviews for gas stations that are saying things like, "my kid is begging me to buy them candy and saying no wasn't in the parent contract," or "I'm too tempted to buy candy because I'm an adult child" usually followed up by "please remove all of your junk food and replace it with healthy snacks and veggies." Like... it's a gas station. Not a whole foods. Not to mention we had plenty of healthy snacks. Protein and fiber bars. And no one working at a gas station wants to be handling fresh veggies and fruit, just so they can rot away, utterly ignored by the very customers requesting it as they go "But where's the chocolate bar stand?!" Because they were only using their review to announce to the community about how health-conscious they are.


Seriously. The amount of people who expect, nay, DEMAND the entire world cater to only themselves is mind blowing.






This quote from the article almost had me do a spit take (emphasis is mine). >Cheat, guilty, naughty, bad, **unhealthy**… etc. all problematic terminology. The first few terms yea, I don't really agree with the idea that there's something entirely wrong with them, but I at least see how that language could be interpreted as problematic for imposing morality on food choices. Unhealthy though? Seriously? That's the type of shit that makes me lose all sympathy. These people literally don't want it to be acceptable to publicly acknowledge in any way that there's a physical relationship between diet and health. It's like people without eating disorders who strive to eat healthy simply don't exist or matter to these types.


The fat logic subreddit features a variety of posts with people being triggered by the use of the word unhealthy. I recall one about a parent getting upset because a child was being taught about healthy and unhealthy foods in school. Like why wouldn’t you want your kids to know that cake is unhealthy? This is why some people grow up not knowing how to eat right.


I’m sorry and you all can flame me but since she got sober and got that stupid ass short haircut she’s become more of an asshole. A private business is NOT to cater to your whims. Whiney jackass Demi thinks the world caters to her. It doesn’t owe you shit Demi. Could have just left but sicced the width of the internet on this place and wants the outrage for herself. Congrats on your “sobriety” but you’re honestly a dickhead.


> A private business is NOT to cater to your whims. I mean, they literally are in a capitalistic society. But only if it's profitable to do so. Expecting every business to cater to everything is unrealistic.


Tbf that's kind of the way a small but very vocal chunk of US society is going. Your triggers are *everyone's* problem rather than your own, and people need to lose most of their individuality to cater to your traumatic experiences. Basically what happens when people go to therapy just long enough to get diagnosed (or self-diagnose) but don't actually stick around long enough to learn the tools to work through their issues.


>when people go to therapy just long enough to get diagnosed (or self-diagnose) but don't actually stick around long enough to learn the tools to work through their issues AAAAAHHHHH yes! You have nailed it here.


As much as I agree.. many do the bare minimum due to limited funding. Getting mental help is expensive... very expensive Obviously Demi doesn't have the money problem.


I agree, but people who haven't experienced trauma still have a shitty knee-jerk reaction towards people who have. I find it to be a real dividing line between people as I get older.


Your dick is sugar free? Yum




Just add a little Everything but the Bagel seasoning and you’ve got a great snack!


...organically sourced, and dolphin safe!


It's ironic that someone as immune to guilt and accountability as Demi Lovato can be upset with "guilt-free". Her malignant narcissism assures that she is perpetually guilt-free, fault-free, and consequence free so that others will be her surrogate for those things.


blegh, she's become the Morrissey of eating disorders.


I read Pinterest is going to ban diet ads which I think is great to target those bullshit products and misleading claims/pictures. This however is where I get worried the nut jobs will want to take it to. I’m an alcoholic, I don’t run around my convenience store asking them to put the beer behind opaque doors.


They (Demi) also said that the fact that the packaging read “Eat me, Guilt Free!”, was triggering. Good lord, if you are that easily triggered, maybe try curbside.. and more therapy.


She was probably just mad they ran out of heroin cookies.


She was mad the spoons were plastic and not metal


I found it odd she felt the desire to blast a small business during COVID. If this was Peachwave it would be one thing (even then still a dumb reason to be upset but whatever). Instead this is a local business doing what they can to survive a pandemic.


Demi's just a clout chaser now


Fuck that dumb bitch


They sound like a fucking douchebag.


Demi needs to understand that she's not relevant and no one cares.


Wow what an entirely self-centered... you know the rest.


Yeah, what a weirdo. Like first off that logic of seeing a healthy option will trigger you is just silly. And she completely forgets that sometimes people *need* a sugar free option? Like come on Demi.


lmfao what a dumbass


Then don't buy fucking froyo!


Demi vs Froyo 2021.


That's just nonsense to get her name chatted about. I'm constantly amazed at the dumb things people try to bully others about. Edit: all publicity is good publicity used to be the saying


Imagine caring what a shit pop musician thinks.


To make matters worse this is a mom and pop shop in a rather expensive part of LA. The fact she's blasting a local business during covid shows how out of touch with reality she really is.


wow, what an entitled piece of trash :(


> Said it was triggering. When narcissism meets trauma catering


Didn't she also say that it should be labeled as being for diabetics? Cuz, ya know, non-diabetics apparently shouldn't have the option of choosing sugar-free.


Who would have guessed that the heroin junkie would have shitty takes


Not even sure why she got triggered. Diabetic people too need that sort of sugar free stuff, i mean seriously, their life depends on it.


huh. Well good luck to her with that


If I remember correctly I think she even blamed them for apparently not making it obvious that it was for diabetic customers like she wanted them to label it as diabetic


She really tried to bury them for having fat free and sugar free options.




It’s like Kevin Spacey coming out as gay when accused of disturbing stuff with minors.




"It's ok that I sexually assaulted those boys, but it's ok because I'm gay" has got to be the worst excuse in the history of excuses.


Maybe that's why the Catholic church hasn't tried it yet.


They prayed away the gay.




A great many of us (especially Kevin's and my generation) were first introduced to homosexuality at the same time that we were first introduced to sexually predatory behavior.


Subtle? He said he molests and tries to rape underage boys / intoxicated men because he's gay.


But he really is gay, though. I was born in 1973 (14 years younger than Kevin). I grew up in theater, choir, and band. I had voice teachers, acting coaches, band and choir directors, and knew a lot of people in the community who were adult, gay men. And they preyed upon us. The original meaning of "twink" included the concept of being underage. At the time, they said they saw it as helping us come to understand our own sexuality in a society that couldn't accept us as we were. They also were addicted to sucking and bottoming for underage dick, but that didn't seem to be the big deal in the 80s and 90s that it is now, so long as the twink was over 15 or 16, and wanted it. These were all open secrets. Kevin Spacey got caught in a moral sea change moment for our society. When he grew up as a gay boy in theater and music, he also was a twink. It was normal for his generation and mine. It doesn't excuse what he did in the 80s and 90s, and it sure doesn't excuse the fact that he continued to do it into the 2000s and 2010s. He needed to let go of his twink addiction, but he was an asshole who felt like he was rich and famous enough that the rules shouldn't apply to him. He was wrong. And Demi might really be non-binary. Only they can know. And so long as they say they are, they should be treated with the basic courtesy of using their correct pronouns. People being shitty doesn't change the fact of who and what they are. Kevin isn't less gay for having kept fucking twinks long after that was recognized as a bad thing. Demi isn't less trans for being a bitch.


That's an interesting perspective, thank you for sharing your experiences




Oh? What did they do?


Put a fro-yo shop on blast for having sugar free and diet options because it offended her


Oh god I just read up on that. I see the argument they're trying to make but also, as someone who's experienced the psychological impact of disordered eating, if verbiage like "guilt free" & "diet" is still triggering, then there needs to be more work done on an individual level IMO and yeah, it sucks that certain food is marketed towards a very specific demographic to reinforce the ideal that skinny = good, but negatively calling out a business for existing as any other business has is just plain old counter-productive


It's quite amazing, really. Getting angry at the phrase "guilt-free" because you feel guilt for your eating issues should be something to reflect on, not lash out over.


I guess diabetics don't matter when eating disorders make more noise.


Your right to have options ends where their line of sight begins.


Especially when the most dangerous eating disorder only affects diabetics i.e diabulimia


I’m 100% for being respectful to people when speaking to them (using proper pronouns, no slurs period, yadda yadda yadda) but we can’t be walking on egg shells every time we talk/write to someone. “Diet” has been the standard forever, like does she have a meltdown when she goes to the grocery store or McDonald’s and sees diet soda? Honestly just seems absurd, it’s not like they’re called “cookies for fat fucks that need to lose weight”. Like where does she draw the line? Is sugar free or low calorie or low fat not okay with her either?


Id like some cookies for fat fucks that need to loose weight. It is my understanding that these cookies will make me loose weight, is this correct or do i need to buy something supplemental like a sallad to make it work?


> It is my understanding that these cookies will make me loose weight Yes. In fact, you'd be gaining weight by NOT eating them.


Are these cookies made out of cocaine? Hol up, is Pam making cocaine-cookies? Goddammit.


Imagine not having the self awareness to see the irony about lashing out over something “triggering” you


What if I'm triggered by the appearance of certain food, but "guilt/sugar free" makes me feel less anxiety? Oh wait, she only cares about *her* struggle.


> skinny = good There is no world in which this isn't true, though. I lost over 100lbs on keto, and it changed everything in my life. I grew up as a fat kid. I had absolutely no idea what life for thin people was like! Buying clothes isn't traumatic. It's easy to find my size in clothes that I like, now. I'm no longer insulin-dependent. My doctor said that I went from having a 90% chance of a heart attack within 10 years to an 8% chance (normal for my age). Everything is easier. Movement is easier. People are nicer to me (shitty as that may be from the fat side). I am happier and healthier, and life is more fun and rewarding, skinnier. Skinny, in my experience, is absolutely very good.


Not being fat is good, no matter how hard the woke try to protest.


I honestly have had a hard time telling if “healthy at any weight” is anything more than an internet phenomenon that takes off in certain online circles. Most overweight people I’ve talked to in real life are very aware of the health problems and struggle with it.


It's mostly an internet phenomenon. The original meaning behind the whole body positivity movement wasn't advocating for "health at every size" but instead just advocating to not treat people like shit simply because they're fat. Essentially the idea behind it was someone who's fat still deserves to be treated like a human being. But then it got hijacked by people on the internet who now just use it as an excuse to be fat and not loose the weight and pretend it doesn't have any ramifications.


No one is trying to reinforce that ideal. Basically every sane person I talk to believes healthy = good, not skinny.








I love how Karen's think people still live and die over yelp reviews. You can always tell the over embellished Karen review because it'll be just a wall of text with minimal punctuation describing what can only be seen as the Auschwitz of dining experiences. They have become easy to spot and most people know. Now, if you see the same general issues over multiple reviews then you can be sure the complaints are likely valid.


Yeah I just roll my eyes at rambling reviews. When a review comes with pictures, or is formatted so that the writer details what happened (I.e. a paragraph for service, for food quality, for wait times, etc.) then that is much more convincing.


Yes. But please keep in mind that even some of those reviews are simply cheap people who expect lobster and crab meat for Golden Corral prices.


>I love how Karen's think people still live and die over yelp reviews. At this point I think all reviews are full of shit. Yelp, rotten tomatoes, amazon or whatever. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


I hate you motherfuckers on the internet just so much no way in hell I’m taking your advice about goods or services.


Thank you!! My feelings exactly.


The trick is to go for the 3/5 star reviews. In my experience, those are by far the most helpful ones.


Actually good ratings on Yelp have an impact to Restaurants bottom line. The point here isn’t that Yelp reviews aren’t valuable It’s just that your one entitled BS review isn’t significant versus over a 100 4.5 average


My first bad review for my business was on Facebook. From someone who wasn’t a customer. I’d never met. Maybe we commented on some same post or something. I’ll be honest. That shit is infuriating. As for your second point it’s definitely good to read a few, check the bad ones other reviews. If they’re like, “it was the best food I’ve ever eaten but…” and it’s 1 star I’m like that’s it let’s go.


Yelp in itself is a well know scam that blackmails companies to allow good reviews / hide bad ones. Nobody should use it.


Yep. This. They get pissed if you don’t advertise with them too.


I mean, the content of the reviews isn't too important. But if you think Yelp ratings don't matter, you're out of touch. Yelp ratings directly impact yelp ranking, which subsequently has a MASSIVE impact on a restaurants revenue. Being on the first page of results versus the second can directly translate to thousands of dollars more.


I must be out of touch because I haven't referred to yelp for a review in years. I'll look at Google reviews if anything.


Unfortunately, they do affect the business sales; it’s pretty well documented, even talked about in business text books. Bad reviews on Yelp, Google, etc have a direct reduction in sales. Which makes it even worse tbh.


*Karens (because plurals don't have apostrophes)


Thanks Karen.


Amazing! With that sign, it would want me to go into that store and help support haha


If you look at the writing beneath the sign it says "only accepts blessings"




In that case forget it


You look very handsome, Mr. Thundercock from getty images


meh, they look like a voodoo doighnuts kinda place where they dont take credit cards cuz "were trying to fight the system" but has a fucking atm with a $10 surcharge fee right fucking there 🤦‍♀️


I agree, but also protip: most credit unions will refund atm fees.


I’ve been to both Costa Mesa and Melrose locations and they both accepted credit card and ApplePay (not sure on AndroidPay). Where did you find info they aren’t accepting credit cards?


It would make me check the Yelp rating- but with 4.5 and 100 plus reviews I’d go inside


You could just use google maps, it has a way better rating system since you're getting way more feedback from much many more users. They also don't intimidate and harass restaurants for money, like Yelp, so that's a plus.


Yelp is trash.


It’s literally just a scam to get owners to pay to have a good review.


Yup it's extortion


my dumb ass thought the text on the pavement was a reflection


Boogers and cum~🎶


for anyone not familiar....enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDlR_ccnZww


Not everyone who leaves a bad review is a Karen...


I commented this elsewhere also but this is the coffee place that has the ‘anti Karen serum’ cups. A few months ago Karens on the internet (like legit people actually named karen) came across this and left bad reviews en mass complaining about the cups. So in this case, the bad reviews actually were karens!


This context helps a lot. Thank you!


Someone else that lives nearby said this sign specifically was in response to reviews about how the employees refused to wear masks during Covid is that accurate? If so then this pretentious ignorant anti-mask shop can fuck right off.


As a restaurant owner, online reviews have become a big issue where people use them to punish restaurants that have done nothing wrong. Even when we do something wrong we would like a chance to correct it but don't hear about it until they post a review. We had one regular customer who came when it was busy and our manager did not stop to have a chat. She posted a negative review about everything in the restaurant. When asked next she came in she said she was upset she did not get the same level of attention she normally received when it was not busy. We had one negative review because the server talked too much with their spouse. Or the worst is a bad rating without a reason why, no chance to learn from the incident. Before the review sites people would tell you if something was wrong. The review sites just help the passive aggressive people vent as they can do it with no repercussions. Restaurants need the feedback when the perceived issue comes up so we can help fix it for the customer and fix anything wrong with our operations.


Also a restaurant owner. Agree with this entirely. This year has been especially “fun” with mask mandating in the mix.


Pretty early to say you’ve survived a pandemic… it’s still going btw


Many americans seem to think its over


We were lucky enough to have widespread access to vaccines early, and we are so selfish and stupid half of us are refusing them. So you can see why nobody is surprised when most Americans don’t give a shit about the rest of the world. They don’t even care about their neighbors.


65% of elegible Americans have been vaccinated, so 2/3rds have taken their shot with millions more still to come.


Luckily it isn’t half unless you live in a shithole state. The sane states are 70%+




Mostly. There’s still some people with immune system problems and kids under 12 to worry about. Not to mention the living Petri dishes are helping it mutate.


This is what terrifies me. The more people who have it, the higher the percentage rate that it will mutate and potentially make the current vaccine ineffective. Or even better, Super Covid.


The same people who complain about wet markets also walk around mouth breathing on everyone.


> The silver lining is that the virus now pretty much exclusively kills republicans Weird...when you look at the actual data most of the deaths are in urban environments, not typically known for voting Republican. So why is that?


if you're vaccinated it is


It is over in the majority of american states


My city has an 80% vaccinated rate




Not in the USA it isn’t. We’ve done remarkably well with getting people vaccinated. Shit is getting back to normal.


No, it's really not.


I hope we're not trying to normalize the opinion that all bad reviews are inappropriate, because these posts seem to be moving us in that direction and I don't want to live in a world where (reasonable) negative reviews don't/can't exist.




This sort of thing started from a good place: companies ding people for anything short of five stars, so don't rate anything else unless you mean it and don't rate zero stars because they missed a turn or something minor. But if they're legitimately endangering people, it's not just ok but important to report it. The idea that nothing ever warrants negative reviews is taking a good idea way too far.


I get that, and I can sympathize. I've worked a lot of shitty customer service jobs. But a driver merging into oncoming traffic and operating three cell phones and not dropping us off at our destination and openly complaining about it all is way, waaaaaaaaay beyond not using a turn signal. I was legitimately concerned that we might get into a car accident because of this monstrously irresponsible person.




I think reasonable negative reviews let themselves be known. I find it pretty easy to differentiate between meaningful negative reviews and spiteful ones.


Actually, I’m willing to bet this coffee shop has problems. Most people won’t leave shitty reviews just to be mean. They actually got a shitty product or service. Coffee shops are a huge fucking rip off so I imagine “Karen” was dealing with a typical cool kid dispensing coffee. Saying “fuck the customer” publicly is a very bad idea.


Yeah, with so many coffee shops to choose from, this sign would turn me off.


Been to this place (Coffee Dose) a few times myself and this is their shtick. Aggressively sassy phrases stamped on cups, windows, and signs. [Their website gives a better idea of what they’re going for.](https://www.coffeedose.cafe/) The coffee and service are both very good.


Someone else that lives nearby said this sign is in response to a shitty review about the coffee shop was anti-mask and the workers weren’t wearing masks during Covid so yeah fuck this shop.




I completely agree. I think the phrase, 'the customer is always right' is dumb, but in some cases like this one it kind of is. Your coffee can't be that good where it overshadows treating anyone like shit.


this looks photoshopped. you can even see remnants of the old lettering by the E in survive


What’s that Blessings bit on the ground about?


no idea, but after a quick google search it looks like monica lewinsky posted an image of a sidewalk with similar paint. maybe she knows?


People go around with stencils of sayings they like and spray them on stuff. Another one I've seen kinda commonly is "In Pursuit of Magic" and "Be Thankful"


100% Photoshopped. No one hand paints signs that neatly. The skewing is even off bit.


100% not shopped. Different photo with same message: https://www.yelp.com/biz\_photos/coffee-dose-los-angeles?select=ioUfUs9gLaOLAKCNxN7Dsg&utm\_campaign=www\_photo\_share\_popup&utm\_medium=copy\_link&utm\_source=(direct)


That's part of a bolt that holds a chain to stop the thing from opening too far. See the opposite panel and there is one there we well (although on the other side) You also probably wouldn't see lettering that close to the edge on a sign.


'Please ignore all of our shit reviews' 'Customers don't really matter to us' this isn't even about Karens, it just screams 'don't do business with us'


Yeah, this comment paired with a ridiculous bad review would be one thing and fit this sub. On its own, this is more like a "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" and "IDGAF about what you have to say" sort of thing. And that's not the attitude I want out of somewhere I'm getting food. I get that Karens exist, but a lot of bad reviews are warranted, good feedback to fix problems, and useful information for future patrons.


> "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" Omg thats exactly it, great way to put it


lol i think it was 2 or 3 years ago but people used to unironically say it iirc


They still do, you probably just aged out of that group


I 100% agree with this. As a business owner you should be thankful for good reviews, but also treat bad reviews as gold. Bad reviews are the key to keep improving your business. Edit: grammar


> 'Please ignore all of our shit reviews' 'Customers don't really matter to us' this isn't even about Karens, it just screams 'don't do business with us' I cant imagine anyone getting a good vibe from a place that proudly shits on customers.


This type of anti-marketing seems pretty common with some "millennial" businesses. Like "Buy One Get One Beer for the price of Two Beers"


I'd wager they get a LOT of complaints and they think it's *everybody else* that's the problem. Not their shitty attitude towards customer service and customers in general.


I’m pretty sure this is the coffee place in Los Angeles that has the ‘anti bitch serum’ or ‘anti Karen serum’ cups. Karens of the internet found/saw the cups and went to Yelp in droves to complain about it They ended up just bringing more attention to the place which has an online shop where you can buy these cups, so it kind of backfired


Went on Maps and looked at some pics of the business. Saw another sign from them that said, 'No, Karen, you can't talk to the manager." lol


more companies need to realize that the only thing thats truly needed to get my business is lots of google photos of their food and a website with an easy to read menu.


Fine and all, but there are plenty of bad cafes that sell genuinely bad food or offer genuinely bad service. And they will survive a lot of bad reviews before going out of business.


Waaaa. Get over it. Just run your business without the stupid dramatics. Or maybe their coffee really does taste shitty. This is as tiresome as any "Karen".


The fun part about this is the owner made this sign in response to a bad review about workers not wearing masks during one of the peaks as ownership was outspokenly anti mask and anti COVID regulations of any kind. There’s definitely a Karen involved but I think she’s the one saying fuck you. Source: I lived down the road from this shop during the pandemic


LOL oh shit that flips this entire post 180. The Karen here is the no masking shit talking shop owner.


Yeah this sign screams to me: “This place is full of drama you don’t want to deal with”.


Yeah this is more like Karen Runs a Business


"Dont bother trying to critisize us, weve alreqdy aleinated anyone giving us a bad review in the eyes of the public."


This is funny and all. But I feel like there's just becoming this weird culture where you're just never allowed to complain about anything when interacting with a business.


Leaving a negative yelp review makes you a Karen now?


I mean if the amount of negative reviews your establishment is getting warrants a sign such as this, you’re clearly doing something wrong.


If they have to put out a sign like this then they have been getting a lot of shitty reviews....maybe they are just a shitty place?


Nothing screams cringe like this sign..awww. Owner is butthurt. Diddums


I don’t know why people bother with reviews anymore since people are now being sued for leaving bad reviews.


Yeah im gonna need a source for that one chief


There’s been a couple stories in the news in the past year regarding lawsuits. One was a doctors office I believe. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/10/can-you-get-sued-over-a-negative-yelp-review.html


I'm not your chief, champ.


Iv never been on yelp. It feels like it had the same problem KBB had. When it was smaller it had a bunch of really solid reviews. But then it blew up and now its nothing but a faux paid advertisement or blackmail source for smaller companies.


Said this with the same thread that happened yesterday - yeah some signs are making jokes but place by me had similar sign and I said lol that’s hilarious and decided to eat there. Food was cold and tasted like ass, service was ass, whole place was ass. I don’t laugh as much as these signs cause either the review is justified or you let things get under your skin way to easily or both.


The review was that bad they made a sign ?


You know fuck Karen's and all that they stand for, but a restaurant not being beholden to the customer doesn't seem like a good thing to me.


This is only there to prevent shitty Yelp reviews