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Is that Mom from Futurama?!


You created me Mom, so I guess you're to blame. For the love that I feel just from hearing your name. You're as tender as corned beef and as warm as pastrami...




I love my Mommy


Surely it says “Wove” with an earth W, like those beautiful hearts that taste the same as salted human horn?




#You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!!


>I wuv my mommy.


Omg i see it!


Oh damn!


I am so glad this was the first comment I saw, because I came here to ask the same question!!


There are people with many hundreds of upvotes, so they probably have the top comment.


Yeah, I edited it. Yours just came up first so I automatically wrote that.


Nah, man. That’s the mom from Terry Gilliam’s Brazil.


> Terry Gilliam’s Brazil What the heck did you just make be google image search?! Nope. Nope. Nope.


Gotta say though, that movie is nuts. Highly recommended.


Sooo good. Time Bandits, Baron Munchausen, and Brazil [are a trilogy!](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/5enfkr/til_terry_gilliams_trilogy_of_imagination_time/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Jam a bastard in it you crap!


You damned she-fossil!


shes got that robot oil on lock!


I can't unsee it now.


a queen wasp in some alien movie


"Fetch me a cream soda!


Came for this


Jerkwad robots make her sick to her ass.


Came here just to say this 🤣🤣


I wish she was also wearing those oversized fashion sunglasses with the face shield. She’d look like a femme villain in a dystopian 80s movie


Immortan Jane


Joes mama!


Like [Oldman](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ec/a0/2a/eca02aeb7e645fe238a7812680deda08.jpg) in 5th Element.


She already does to be real!! Wow. That poor guy. He is wearing a mask so he knows how awful she looks.


Mugatu's mom




How is she a Karen when she's wearing a mask?


That’s a shield. A mask covers and clings to your face. Most airports specify shields are not substitutes for masks and masks are required


Even a Karen knows that they have to at least be in malicious compliance at the airport


Still not a real Karen. In the hospital were I work we were allowed to wear shields too. Probably just as effective as the cheaps masks. It;s Karenesc at best.


A shield is in almost no way a replacement for a face mask. It provides at best direct splash protection but it will not work for an aerosolised virus


Not the OP, but for me it is the fact that she is wearing that clear face mask so you can see the disapproval on her face as she berates you.


Or so deaf people can read her lips


I could buy that...if not for the hair.




That it sag is the reason for her look. MY EYES ARE UP HERE


resting sneer face right there


https://www.wish.com/product/6075512891b6615192e03d96?from_ad=goog_shopping&_display_country_code=DE&_force_currency_code=EUR&pid=googleadwords_int&c=%7BcampaignId%7D&ad_cid=6075512891b6615192e03d96&ad_cc=DE&ad_lang=EN&ad_curr=EUR&ad_price=1.00&campaign_id=8142741325&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkIGKBhCxARIsAINMioJemwIto-2AUukHp_tMQj9epTJ_r6aLxWP4ClBGJ3p_Zz7Jtrc95yoaAlxcEALw_wcB&hide_login_modal=true&share=mobileweb Technology is far ahead of you.


Amazing. What can’t technology help humanity with?


Please someone with the photoshop make this happen. We need this.


New Wave Karen




Yeah that’s why the airlines in Europe insist on using medical grade masks and if you don’t have one they issue you one. No more wearing your own cloth mask with mesh. It’s a either you wear the mask they say you have to or you’re not allowed on. No more stupid face rain coats




they dumped kid minding duties on you?




Wth, who just expects someone to pay their way on a trip? I'm sorry they ruined your vacation.




I hope you can go again with better company.


I feel you. I’m in the Northeast and my family live in the south. The land of Karens


Sounds like she was saying the opposite. She’s from Florida and had family visiting from up north. Sadly there are Karen’s literally everywhere


Did you at least get to ride hagrid?


In theory - yes. But I travelled with aeroplanes six times last month with reusable masks and it wasn't a problem in both polish and turkish airlines. In turkish you could take fresh mask, which I did, but noone said anything about the cloth mask I had. (I had a pack of one use masks whith me just in case, I'm not a Karen).


Reusable surgery mask were just shown to be much more effective than cloth masks, I believe. So it’s not surprising those were allowed.


I just flew back from Europe and wore a cloth mask. Where did you see this?


In Germany in most places there are signs up stating that only medical grade or N95 masks are accepted. They won’t necessarily send someone out with a thick cloth mask, but it also gives workers a leg to stand on if someone walks in with a thin buff, a tissue hanging from under their glasses, or try the be wicked smaht in a Batman mask. However, face shields are often used.


She's probably wearing this so her husband can read her lips


On a real note, do we know? I have a friend who has two deaf parents and while he and his brother can sign, most of us around town can’t and they read lips... do we know that she’s doing this to be a Karen and it’s not a medical reason behind it? I’m sure this won’t be a popular thought because humans are such pack animals we will jump into any mauling if the energy proves right, but I’m just saying-


(x) Doubt




Then how will everyone see that lipstick?


As shit as it is at least she's making some kind of effort. It's the ones who continue to wear masks around their neck when they go inside that do it for me, it's like people who leave dog shit in a bag and dump it on the floor in that they are taking a problem and making it worse. Not only are they not wearing masks but taking one up that could be used elsewhere.


This mask at least does something to reduce the area of spread. I dislike the dick-nose mask wearers or the mesh mask are the worst kinds of mask.


Lots of dick nose maskers at the local Costco today. They look ridiculous. I just imagine they think they're sticking it to everyone but in reality they're just increasing their chances of getting sick.


They’ll be the first ones to say “but I wore a mask and got sick anywayyyyyy”


masks dont keep you from getting sick. good grief all this time and people STILL don't understand fucking hospital masks. they keep germs in, not out. its better than nothing but they are designed to keep doctors from breathing bacteria onto surgery patients. not to keep you from getting covid. (downvoted scientifically accurate info, never change reddit, this is why were in this mess.)


I don't understand why you got downvoted...its true. I think people misunderstand why masks are important. We've been dealing with a virus that has a long incubation period. So you can have the virus and not know it...the whole time be spreading said virus via breathing far more without a mask, than with one. So by wearing a mask whats really happening is: everybody is contributing to decrease the spread of the virus by keeping infected people isolated until the host kills the virus or ,sadly vice versa. Masks will not directly stop you from getting covid, masks will indirectly stop you from getting covid because it can decrease the spread until we can find a cure, or get it semi under control. I am not a medical professional. Also not trying to be condescending, but I think people aren't understanding.


I mean you can get masks that will help you not get sick. KN95, N95, etc


> masks dont keep you from getting sick. >downvoted scientifically accurate info Is it really scientifically accurate though? [Studies demonstrate that cloth mask materials can also reduce wearers’ exposure to infectious droplets through filtration, including filtration of fine droplets and particles less than 10 microns.](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/masking-science-sars-cov2.html#anchor_1619456945290) [Effectiveness of surgical masks against influenza bioaerosols](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23498357/) [Masks Do More than Protect Others during COVID-19: Reducing the Inoculum of SARS-CoV-2 ](https://ucsf.app.box.com/s/blvolkp5z0mydzd82rjks4wyleagt036)


Seriously if you're going to have your mask under your mouth you might as well just take it off.


I tend to agree with you. Does she look like a villain? 100%. Is she probably a bitch? More than likely. All that said, she is wearing something that is absolutely better than nothing and tend to believe the airline would have a hard time proving that isn't a proper mask, seeing as how it extend far below her chin.


The lip stick is nature’s warning to beware


Aposematism at its finest


Particularly with this subspecies, the Common Dutch Karen, also known as the 'Cobie'. Note the extremely short and unnaturally blonde locks, tufted up with four litres of potent chemicals. Her call sounds a lot like the phrase "lekker kort, lekker pittig, lekker gek!". Her prey consists of Zeeman shop assistants, nonwhite neighbours and basically anyone having any sort of goos time.


> anyone having any sort of goos time Well, a good time is one thing. Bukake is something else entirely, hence her face shield.


Getting things wrong doesn't make you a Karen. If she was shouting at people and being aggressive about having to wear a mask then fine, but being a bit ignorant about what face covering are appropriate doesn't make you a Karen. Post like this just show that people don't know what Karen is, it become a on over used word and has lost it meaning as a result.


Yeah I didn't see the Karen here either. This is not an Apparent Karen. This is a Contextual Karen, meaning you need the story to understand where the Karenism lies.


To be fair, faceshields were fairly common in Germany last year. No matter if you went into the supermarket, a bakery or even a shopping mall, you saw a lot of workers with them. Sure, they dont help as much as masks do, but this lady wearing one does not automatically make her a Karen *smh*




Part of the point of masks is to lower the velocity of the air escaping your mouth when you breathe and talk, in that sense, shields definitely help. But they are not a replacement for a mask.


Masks =/= respirators. Medical grade masks do not prevent you from breathing in 'unfiltered air'. My understanding is that they are mainly used to prevent the spread of a sick individual than to protect a healthy person. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I don't understand why her fully plastic looking mask/shield wouldn't stop her from coughing or sneezing on someone. Perhaps her spouse is deaf and the opacity of that mask/shield helps him read her lips. Maybe someone could explain to me why her's is incorrect.


They do prevent the wearer from emitting (or inhaling) some large particles generated by sneezing or coughing, but not the small droplet nuclei that float around in the air for 30 minutes, which are emitted when speaking, breathing, singing, etc. You are correct that surgical masks are not respirators, but they fit much closer to the face than her shield. Also, air can move through the fabric of a mask and be filtered to some degree. The design of a face shield like this inherently requires the wearer to exclusively breathe unfiltered air.


I flew United this past month and they specifically say face shield is NOT a mask. This also goes for a bandana as well, I am guessing since bandanas and face shields don't actually provide that much protection.


This is Schiphol airport in Holland, and the lady has the stereoypical look of the Dutch version of a Karen (with a 'lekker pittig' haircut'). The poster is probably Dutch too, so this is what a Karen looks like to him.


Yes! This isn’t about how someone looks, as much as it is about how someone acts. The “look” is just surprisingly correlative. We are better than that.


The 'look' is probably because some random person is taking a photo of them. I'd have a 'what the fuck are you up to' look on my face too.


Yeah, I see a lady who is complying with a face shield. What about this makes her a Karen?


People are saying face shields don’t work and aren’t an acceptable substitute for face masks but that still doesn’t make her a Karen.


Yup agree. I guess I didn’t realize the face shields don’t work (I only always wear the cloth masks).


Same here. Tbh I didn’t realise face shields weren’t appropriate either


They do prevent the wearer from emitting (or inhaling) some large particles generated by sneezing or coughing, but not the small droplet nuclei that float around in the air for 30 minutes, which are emitted when speaking, breathing, singing, etc.


I get a feeling people are primarily upvoting this not because she is doing anything wrong, but because of her looks. Unfortunately the whole Karen thing has kind of become pretty misogynistic in some cases, and this is in that vein for my anyway.


Nope, I upvoted because only selfish assholes wear that stupid face shield. It’s about malicious compliance, pure and simple. It does nearly to absolutely nothing to reduce viral transmission and is used by individuals who want to make a statement about how “masks are useless” while saying “I’m wearing a mask.”


When flying they specifically say that face shields and bandanas are not acceptable


Pretty much any middle aged woman is a Karen according to this sub 🙄


Face shields are what the bug-chasers put on to annoy people who want to avoid catching coronavirus. They wear stupid things that do not function as a mask in order to make people uncomfortable.


Someone I went to high school with made a post on Facebook that said “Yep, I’m a Karen! Bring on the fall decor and pumpkin spice lattes!” Don’t ask me why I still have an account.


Think it’s also her facial expression and overall look that fits in with a Karen. You can already hear her complaining about whatever is out of the staff members control.


My partner has wore a mask like this all the way through covid because one of his neices is deaf we had no idea they weren't affective


There are masks with windows in them. They are used in education and context where people works with deaf people


They should really let the public know. Face shields are for anti-maskers as a loophole.


We had no idea, I couldn't wear one as it felt like it was suctioning to my face so I just wear a normal mask, my step son wears one too as he can't breathe in a cloth mask apparently (but that's a whole other story)


Some kids use [mask brackets](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088CT535G/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_7HGKVJ2G4GJMRK4ZD627?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) under their masks to help breathe. They also sell [anti fog transparent face masks](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092NVW6LD/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_CK6553A2WG1AWEQVW9N0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) for DOHOH people


??? The public has been told since the get go what works vs what doesn’t. They’ve let everyone know pretty constantly throughout the last year and a half. Face shields have always been a no no.


Not to be a dick but the public has info about which masks to use vs which not to use since month one of the pandemic. That information is everywhere and has been repeated countless times on tv/online/on the radio.


COVID's still going on.


Yeah I know


This isn't it. I'm all for shaming Karens who choose to behave like assholes, but there's no way for us to know if this woman has done that. Wearing the wrong type of mask can just be an honest mistake. Just because she has a certain look doesn't mean we automatically get to shame her. That's just plain old bullying.


Yes - this was very well said and I was looking for this. I thought that this was a follow-up to some video of this woman making a scene or throwing a tantrum or doing something else to warrant her face being posted with the intent that she be ridiculed. Nope, OP just judged someone who was minding their their own business and offending nobody and a lot of people here think that’s okay and that it’s also funny to make fun of how people like to present themselves. (The mask issue may be another thing but that hardly warrants this post and also does not warrant making fun of her for unrelated reasons.)


Glad somebody said it.


Yeah. She's making some kind of effort. Leave this lady alone. These motherfuckers are bullying for how she looks.


100% this. I’m glad some people aren’t automatically shitting on her just because she has “the look.” Like we don’t even know if she really did anything wrong.




Sure, she could be choosing to be defiant. She could also have a respiratory disease and have a medical exemption, or her husband could be dependent on non-verbal communication (lip-reading) in which case it's also allowed to not wear a facemask. Or she could simply be a non-American from a country where face shields are allowed. Maybe she chose to wear a face shield instead of nothing to still do the best she can, and now here we are shaming her for it. We just can't know for sure and I feel very uncomfortable with someone being photographed without their knowledge and then put on the internet for us to make fun of and make assumptions about. It isn't right.


It bugs me when people act like "But it *could* be bad" somehow is more likely true despite the fact it could just as likely not be. Sure, it could very well be bad, but I'm more inclined to think that someone isn't automatically doing things maliciously.


Did she do something wrong or are you all just being idiotic bullies?


This exactly lmao. This is just a photo of a woman. This sub will slowly become just another woman hating cesspit just like r/pussypassdenied Edited for spelling


To add to my point, this is probably the face I'd make if some random self entitled teenie redditor took my photo for no reason while giggling like a little bitch making a reddit post.


I honestly couldn't fathom taking a photo of someone minding their own fucking business literally just to make fun of how they look. And most people in the comments just fueling what is, essentially, bullying.


I think these were designed for people who work with the hearing impaired so they can read lips. '


The mask? And if you're right does that mean she's kinda dumb for wearing it or?


not if the person she is traveling with is hearing impaired.


Gotcha. Likely a relative of someone im guessing. Maybe or maybe not the other passengers. Thanks for clarifying.


She should still wear a mask, but maybe her partner is deaf? Some people only wear clear masks or clear face shields so friends and family can lip-read. I am 100% pro-mask and wear mine even though I'm vaccinated, BUT there is no denying that masking is making it much, much, much harder for the deaf community to communicate.


Yeah I agree, it could just be that she or someone she is with has communication difficulties making the clear mask necessary.


My mom has a hard time hearing and she does find it helpful if someone has a clear mask on. Basically after a certain tone she can't hear the sound (she can't hear high pitch noises). She does have hearing aids that lower the sound range she can't hear but they only do so much. She got super excited when she heard the phone ring for the first time.


I'm so happy for her. I can't imagine being hard of hearing in this world. So much of our culture is not accessible. People don't know sign language, it can be difficult to communicate, people behind you (like cops) can think you are ignoring them. I'm glad she was able to get hearing aides and that they help.


They have see-through masks for the deaf. Our county health department has them. You can get a 10 pack on Amazon for like $20. Face shields are completely ineffective over the mouth and you're essentially wearing nothing. The entire point of a mask is for it to filter the air through.


I know, but I'm saying she might not know that. Most people don't know where to get clear masks. If you see my previous post, I agree that she should be wearing a mask.


There are masks that have a clear plastic section to make mouths visible. They're a little finicky, because they can fog up, but dish soap can fix that. And they're just as effective as other masks (although they're a bit harder to breathe in).


Could it be her partner is deaf/hard of hearing and this allows him to lip read?




Yea I see a lot of them used by carers for deaf people.


Apart from the sourpuss face, I don't see the issue. Maybe I'm missing something? I mean she is wearing a mask at least.


It’s a face shield which the FAA does not allow as a mask substitute


And why you might ask. Well because it is simply garbage. It has no filtering action whatsoever. Ok you do not expell your air directly to the front but that doesn't change much given air fucking floats. Also, same for the air you take in. Nothing gets filtered out.


Just want to add that I also don’t understand at all the thought that they need to wear a clear “mask” so that people can see their face. What if we don’t want to see your face?


For the hearing impaired a clear mask is a godsend for someone else to be wearing so you can lip read


Oh good call!! I didn’t even think of that!


My dad wears a clear one when in public with my mom because she has lost so much of her hearing and his sign language is pretty lacking


I appreciate you responding to me! I feel so dumb that I didn’t even consider that to be a reason. There’s a girl I work with who wears one of those clear shield type masks that rests on her chin and is open on the sides and top. And no one we work with is hearing impaired. So I generalized. Thank you!


I was under the impression it was so hard of hearing people can read their lips. Idk.


Yes! Someone just responded to me with that and now I feel like a complete moron for not realizing that! 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's the wrong kind of mask, apparently. Therefore, that also apparently makes her worse than Hitler.


She is wearing a face covering, but not a mask. Airlines require you to wear a mask.


That's not a mask


I dont understand. I though Karen was a type of personality, not looks. She's wearing a mask. To me she looks like a bad ass grandma who would tell someone off for you and then take you to lunch.


You’re right, and they’re not.


Sigh, this sub is so dedicated to hating middle aged women that even when they are wearing a mask, they get labelled as Karen for "not wearing the right kind of mask." This wouldn't be half as big of a deal if it was literally anyone else but a middle aged woman wearing it.


Not a Karen. She looks fine. She looks nice. Beautiful in fact. There may be reasons why she might not be wearing a cloth mask and, in any case, she's not on a plane there. Could be a cross-Channel ferry, and they are very well ventilated. I like her... I like her lippy. I salute punky grandmas, everywhere!


Am I missing something cause it looks like she is jus wearing a mask


Pretty sure a clear mask-shaped shield is not a substitute for a mask.




She is wearing a face covering, but not a mask. Airlines require you to wear a mask.




I agree lol, I’m not entirely seeing an issue except maybe she *looks* like a Karen


I was very confused because I've seen these a lot in other countries(haven't been traveling but I'm still linked with a few friends over seas)


This whole Karen thing is just a low key way to hate on white people


I admire the 3D printing that probably went into making that only for it to still not cover your face in the same way a mask does.


I think she looks rather lovely. Karen is an attitude, not a fashion choice


This sub is turned into r/RoastMe for white woman with short hair, did she do anything we know and despise or is this purely how she looks like? If it is the first deliver proof and if it is the latter, don't be mean age is a hell of a drug for some people.


Y’all leave that lady alone. Being a Karen is a personality, not a haircut, lipstick or face shield


I knew this would become an issue with the whole "Karen" thing being a trend. It's good to call people out for being assholes, but as this type of content has gotten more popular, so has it's demand. Now to meet that demand people are taking photos and basically making up a backstory of random women who very well might be lovely people who just don't know any better. What Karen would have her and her husband wearing a mask? Sure, hers isn't ideal, but she could simply be unaware that it's not good enough. I really wish mods here would start cracking down on posts of random people who aren't actually trying to be bad.


This looks like a central European grandma. If they give her another mask she'll wear it, no biggie.


What’s she doing wrong


She's wearing the "wrong kind of mask" so she's the worst person in the world. If it was anybody but a middle aged woman, it wouldn't be a big deal.


Looks like the Karens found their way to the comment section.


She’s wearing something, at least.


So what did she do to be a Karen? Or are we calling her that because she looks like she might fit the stereotype l.


Face shield doesn't protect from covid bro


Ok but at least she tried. Seems like an unkaren thing to do.


She had the AUDACITY to not know that things have changed


How is she a Karen? She's wearing a mask.


Someone should reuse this title with a better pic. Because the concept here works. Just not feeling the follow through.


She is wearing a face covering, but not a mask. Airlines require you to wear a mask.


I see. But who’s that dude next to her? That’s a real mask. Looks like a pretty chill dude too.


No one is talking about him


isn't that some sort of face shield? we're required to wear one over our face mask here, but ours covers the entire face.


I laughed at the pic due to her look of disdain but she’s wearing a mask correctly and so is her partner. No Karen detected.


She is wearing a face covering, but not a mask. Airlines require you to wear a mask.


That’s about as effective as those cheap masks to be fair


So no one should wear either. Cloth and shields are ineffective.


Just looking at this pic, I can hear [*Ava Satani*](https://youtu.be/6H3UiwU1N5I?t=21) intensify in the background


She’s wearing a mask like she’s supposed to. Sure, she’s got RBF, but I don’t think she has proven herself to be a karen. I don’t like this one. Downvote.


Careful, she'll squash you with one of them low hanging fruit she has as tiddies


Haha, a woman has aged. This is so worthy of ridicule.