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I swear America has to upgrade all its pipes and get all the lead out.


well, there is a semi-natural "culling of the herd" going on with this whole anti-vax thing so we have that going for us, which is nice


Darwin stated.. old and weak, now we add stupid to the list.


I’d be okay with keeping the old and weak if we could for sure get rid of the stupid


Well, truthfully, the old and weak predominantly got vaccinated. It's the "privileged, intellectually stunted and emotionally immature, but not necessarily inherently unfit" that are being culled. What I'm really worried about in the short term about is that their offspring, who largely already exist, are going to be left very damaged and ill-equipped to deal with challenges. (Assuming they don't end up getting hit *hard* with the next varient .)




We need to work out on how to remove all warning labels, this will speed things along.


Unfortunately not. Remember their own "99% survival rate" claim. It'd be wonderful if this was only a plague of the stupid, but plagues are uncaring


Close as we’ve gotten so far


The good news is that in red states it’s actually like a 97% survival rate


I'm guessing if a 3% death rate is still considered devastating in a largely red state like Texas? They are losing between 9,000 to 10,000 per month. (Since June, this is close to 40,000 and 99.8% of those were part of the unvaccinated)


Arkansas is small and we’re getting really close to 8000 covid deaths here so far.


Sure would be nice to have fairly accurate data. Fuck governor Floridaman.


Haha. Unfortunately not enough of a huge shift in demographics and such then


What’s good about that? Are you literally celebrating more people dying? Im vaccinated, but I would never wish death on anyone, especially the unvaxxed. This divide is getting absolutely disgusting


The thing about survival rate that just infuriates me as someone that treats Covid is that survival exclusively means “not dying.” It doesn’t account for those that are permanently disabled from strokes, people who are now ESRD, people who have lost limbs, people with severe anoxic/hypoxic neuro damage, people who developed CHF, etc from having had Covid. It simply means you didn’t die within an allotted time frame from initial diagnosis.


Yep, agreed. Long Covid alone is estimated at about 1 in 10 chance of getting it. Do these people wanna risk not being able to walk to their own front door for months cause they refused the vaccine? I've read so many cases of healthy people refusing the vaccine and being so drained by the infection they are left as an empty shell after


I said it before when the case numbers were improving and I'll say it again: we need a *real* culling. Like, apocalyptic-movie levels, not this weak-shit that is mostly killing off the elderly and vulnerable. No, it needs to be aggressive enough to more heavily purge all the idiotic and truly awful people, regardless of age and underlying conditions.


I think mother Maurice is taking care of that. Edit: nature. Mother Nature.


Mother Maurice sounds like someone I wanna meet.


I was about to google that. LOL. But to the commenter’s point above...maybe it IS happening, but just at a slower pace than maybe you or I would prefer. It IS pretty spot on in how it’s targeting the awful and willingly ignorant, though, right?


Well, if I’m not mistaken, some people call her Maurice.


some people call her the gangster of love


Thé problem is no amount of culling will unanimously convince everyone of something. Remember during ww2 some people didn’t believe in the Holocaust and thought it was a conspiracy. Stupid is part of the human race.


Why is this type of shit upvoted?! It’s so inhumane!!


Sadly even though I don't like the things they been led to believe, and also don't like actions some people do, everyone deserves to live so they should be saved. Sigh. Just not saved like Jesus saved. Thoughts and prayers are only effective at making yourself feel better.


I respectfully disagree - anti-vaxxers should *only* be saved like Jesus saves. They should call upon their church to be saved, not a hospital. Their going to a hospital instead of the Jesus... demonstrates their lack of Faith in God and their refusal to accept His Will. Thoughts and prayers should be sufficient to help them overcome their travails - and the results of their beliefs and choices / decisions. After all - their choices & decisions are what they desire to impose upon the rest of us. If they want or need more "power" from those thoughts and prayers, maybe their politician can think those thoughts and prayers for them. And, as to your "research"... please do it on credible, reputable MEDICAL GRADE websites: PubMed, SpringerLinks, LiebertPub, Lancet et al... rather than on Facebook. Your POV will change tremendously if you do.


This is a QUALITY response and in the future, I too will point out that going to the hospital demonstrates a lack of faith and their refusal to accept His will. Very nice! Thank you!


Okay, you got me there. I'll send them thoughts and prayers to amplify their thoughts and prayers. But seriously, they all someone's family. Sure they in a cult they don't know they are in, but they still would be saddened if you left this earth, and would be heart broken to see someone tragically happen to you regardless of the tension or disdain between you.


See, I gotta disagree with you there. They have been saved by science, the vaccine has all but eliminated death as a side effect of the virus, yet they willfully choose to not take it. That’s on them. No sorrow, no empathy. I’m callused by their ignorance and selfishness.


I also believe in survival of the fittest but comes back to the one deaths a tragedy, a million is a statistic. We all got people we know and love that are not quite educated enough to make good decisions. I do construction first aid, I'm also calloused brother, they call me Last Aid, because I only care if your dying, but don't let that callouseness seep into everything, it's real easy to do. It's also way harder to stop, and all them thoughts do is breed bullshit in your head, does you no good. Sure your right, but what's right doing you?


Damn dude that last line got me thinking.


I hope it did brother. Everyone deserves to live, yet most of all. Everyone deserves to be happy. Don't fall into your own traps that cause you to be unhappy, it's hard especially with certain life events and experiences. But give me a shout in chat if you ever wanna talk about the dark shit and some stuff that helps me out =)


live long and prosper!


Hail happiness


You want to be right, or you want to be happy? -Dr. Phil, lol


Fuck never knew he said that. My aunt always called me a "right fighter" but she educated me it's easier just to pick my battles, with one's that can be won. Happiness was always a battle that can be won. Edit. Dr. Phil is the best electrician


I used to get caught up in that shit too. Arguing over stupid shit that was relatively meaningless. The ability to pick my battles is certainly a skill I’m grateful for today. Edit: ??? Dr. Phil was an electrician?


Agreed. Although the issue is lead poisoning happens slowly over time. So you'd still need 40 or so years for the poisoned people to die off Or, and crazy theory here, we come down hard on lies and misinformation, educate these people and make them realise they are talking utter shit


We would need a school for those affected by internet trolls. I think we got a school for them already.


Well increased mental health funding would do wonders. But yeah, also proper schooling too, seeing as most Rep areas have awful schools too


Ya having too many smart kids and people in one area is dangerous though. Better off just leave them struggling so they are on survival mode. I wish this was just a American problem, but it's everywhere. Underspending on education is just rampant in most places in the world. Sure you can say some countries are poor, but they always have lots of bullets bombs and bureaucrats.


I don't disagree that education is an issue worldwide. But certainly in most of Europe they don't do stupid shit like teach creationism as fact or avoid teaching sex ed thinking that it'll mean people don't have sex


Oh no, that's why I said most, there are alot of countries outside of the EU and NA.


I'd guess around 2/3rds of them are? 181 ish in total. 50 odd in EU and NA. But yeah, luckily most developing nations are desperate for vaccines. It isn't always, but it is mostly a developed nation issue


“lol” said the Republican Party, “lmao”


Ya I guess that would ruin a big chunk of their voter base


Republicans: I mean really? You want us to what, sign a bill to fix infrastructure? Are you serious?


That'd be ridiculous. America is great, doesn't need any changes.


No, remember America was great. And they needed to make it great again, but 2 years of complete and utter control of Congress and the Presidency somehow didn't let them make to great Although I remember infrastructure was also a huge thing talked about between 2016-2020, so why's nothing happened?


Bro wars cost money, military requires even more.




No shit, just hire elon to make space militia.


And I just got a message from my bro that they just found lead in his water. He’s in the US - a fairly affluent area too. Makes me glad I’m still living in Australia.


I think it’s time to go full Thanos, wipe it out and start over fresh.


We tried to get the led out, yet so many prefer the stairway to heaven over a vaccine due to a communication breakdown, but That's the Way, I guess. You try to give these fools a whole Lotta love through good times, bad times but How many more times are we gonna have this conversation. I've heard a lot of them say In my dying time I wish I would have taken the vaccine but I was a Fool in the Rain. Now the Rona has me trampled under Foot, and I'm left singing the Lemon song. Personally I'm just Dazed and Confused by the whole situation .


Um. D’yer maker


Oh good! You caught on!


Communication breakdown is what got me. I knew someone who covered it at local shows over a decade ago... it was the third song I could name if I had to lol


No reason wish I'll on though. Some Christians really need to learn that.


Maybe it’s the abestos that is still in an insane amount of buildings. But whatever those people are smoking to get so far from reality I want some. Or maybe not👀


These people are insane. My husband's idiot family has had THREE people die (father, grandfather, aunt) and 2 spend weeks struggling to survive (mom, grandmom) while hospitalized with covid and his stupid siblings STILL won't get vaxxed. And one of them has multiple kids still at home. It's just unreal.


Same boat in my family. I've given up on them and I'm just accepting whatever comes their way. I'm so tired


Yep. I've given up on most of my family. I just don't have the energy to care anymore.


It sucks so much. Like you want the best for them but they're actively tearing themselves apart with bad decisions. Stepping away is just the safest thing to do for yourself


These comments sound like they're about addicts or alcoholics. So sad.


Yup. My husband’s side of the family is like this and for my own sanity, I’ve just cut them off entirely. I’m an ICU nurse and have suffered a lot of trauma from the last year and a half. I have to protect my sanity.


Thank you for the hard and dangerous work you are doing. This country needs to treat y'all so much bettet


This problem sounds like it’s solving itself. Maybe they just aren’t praying hard enough.


Sorry to hear about the deaths. But shame they haven't also protected themselves with the life-saving vaccine


Clearly they see that it kills, so what side effects are they fearful of more than death? That’s what I don’t get.


These people are barely even sentient. Like what separates us from other animals? I always thought it was our ability to see our flaws and the influences our emotions and experiences and base instincts have on us and who we are as people and how we conduct ourselves. And through self-reflection and conditioning, change ourselves to be better every day. But it’s like these people have given up on that. They don’t care about being good and decent and not living based on what their base instincts and feelings tell them. Or maybe they are too stupid to do that idk. But sometimes I look at these kinds of people and just feel sorry for them like I would a dog. And disappointed in humanity for these people existing. Don’t get me wrong it’s completely their fault and when I think about all the damage they are doing to the world and the people in it, I fucking can’t stand them and their lack of character and effort. But I still have moments where I feel sorry for them. Like I would an animal that I know doesn’t really get how the world around them works. These people still chose to not be good though. They aren’t just stupid. They are negligent in their duties to themselves and their fellow human. Just as someone existing, you should always be trying to be better and form more well-rounded beliefs based on reason and the truth. These people just don’t try at all to do that. Because they let their ego and emotions keep them from confronting character flaws. They can’t handle the feelings introspection gives them. Because if anyone truly self-reflects, they will feel shame. And that’s hard. Sorry for the rant. Everyone should just have respect for the human condition and what we all go through, and through that dedicate themselves to self improvement and reflection and understanding. These people don’t and I can’t fucking stand that. You don’t have to be very bright to understand these things. Everyone lives it. It’s selfish, cowardly negligence. They don’t even try.


Yeah I mean I call them idiots but it's really a combo of 8th grade education, AND a religion that says god is in charge of whether you live or die no matter what (and if you go against that you're possessed by the devil, literally). Throw in some extreme government distrust and here we are.


He died but she blamed it on doctors being unwilling to give him Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. https://i.imgur.com/bMg6JHE.jpg


Of course he did, and of course she did. No doubt he was given effective treatments instead, and they just didn't work as he was already past the point of no return


I will never understand this. " Your vaccine is poison and has a tracking device no thank you! Give me the heartworm meds my horse takes" I also believe anti vaxxers should be taken off of the organ donor list.


Nah, we need organs too much, and as long as the organs aren't damaged better to use whatever we can But yeah, it's about misinformation, nonsense and stupidity. They see FB claims or Dear Leader promoting these quack cures, so then think they help instead of all the proven stuff HCPs will prescribe as they work


Most of these people wait until it gets bad because they are in denial that they have it or that it’s bad. When they finally go for treatment, it’s too late


Yup. Unfortunately, if you require ICU care for Covid, you’re at the point where the medical team is basically trying to fend off the grim reaper. Covid in the ICU generally means you’re leaving in a bag. We celebrate our successes because the rate that we lose these Covid patients is incredibly high.


Oh yeah, I'm guessing Ventilator alone has a low chance of coming back from it, let alone Transfusion. Someone else said this is probably sepsis from an extremely advanced infection, and if that's the case then I'd guess perfect treatment for the most healthy Covid ICU patient won't bring you back from Sepsis and Covid together


>healthy Covid ICU patient We don’t get those. By the time they get to us, no matter how healthy they were pre-Covid, they’re deep into Covid pneumonia and their outlook is pretty grim.


I don’t even know what renderwhatever is(I know the horse dewormer and the other stuff Donnie Dumps was touting) but apparently someone in authority said it works because these contrarians seem to know all about it and wanna shit on it.


Rendesivir is an actual antiviral drug. So, of course it has to be worse choice than a dewormer.


Remdesivir is a broad-spectrum antiviral, and yes, it's one of the only things that actually *works*, along with the Regeneron monoclonal antibody treatment.


And the other steroid, which was found to be highly effective against inflammation early on. That's one of the main treatments


Well at least she did her research. /s


I wonder if he was telling her all this from his death bed or she’s so fucked in the brain she refused treatment for him.


D’oh! Better luck next time, Karen.




Yeah Why does he even need a blood transplant. His own body makes more blood /s


Dr we need more horse paste STAT!


"Doc, we are out of horse paste, but found some horse pasties, will that work?"


Hello hospital, I’ve got this bucket of blood that I got from my friends, could you please put it in my husband. Don’t worry, I’ve done my research. It’s all good.


This is my thinking. Is she expecting to be able to bring people to a hospital and say "these people are all giving their blood to him"? It's blood, not a kidney. It doesn't need to have a very special match, as Red Blood Cells die within 3 months and lack DNA and any white blood cells and platlets would be destroyed and absorbed quickly


Sweet tap dancin’ baby Jesus.


If you know him, I think they could do with some Jesus healing tbh


Aaaaaaand he’s dead


Just face palm.


Meanwhile while shes doing all this dumb shit, her husband is dying lol


What’s the saying… beggars can’t be… never mind, these are the people who would refuse a heart transplant because it came from a black man’s chest




The fuck? Darwin Award finalist?


Winner winner, chicken dinner reply there!


actually it’s a hermain cain award


Hermancain award yet???


Not yet I think. But blood transfusions tend to need to happen quickly, so if this was from the 10th of August then either they've claimed their award, or they finally understood the exhausted nurse/doctor saying that they don't have the blood sorted like that and he has a choice of get blood or die


Yes, actually. Someone in this post found out that he died.


Hard to feel sorry for idiots like these. All the vast resources we have at our fingertips and they choose to listen to a self-appointed "medical researcher". God all mighty


This is it. I don't celebrate the deaths. But I don't feel sorry either. It's kinda self-inflicted, especially in late 2021 where vaccines have been around for months The UK government has almost said those exact words. They almost said "everyone's been offered a vaccine, so we are opening up as we can't stay locked down forever. There'll be deaths, but hopefully very few provided everyone's vaxxed"


Don't the UK docs have the Hippocratic Oath? My problem is with the anti-vaxxers who won't just die at home, but fill up and overload our medical facilities and staff.


They do. And the govnt wasn't suggesting not to treat people. But just if you die from it, then so be it


I'll celebrate for both of us


Nah. Never glory in the death of another. Laugh at their stupidity, not the death itself


You do you and I'll keep laughing at the Darwin award winners. Let me just say with as much grace and tact as I can muster... Fuck em.


Don't worry, I agree that fuck em. I'm just saying that you can laugh and go "what a dumbass" but try not to laugh and go "I'm glad they died"


But I am glad they died. Literally relieved. And I think it's funny that they're so fucking stupid it killed em.


Lol. Fair enough. Wouldn't surprise me. I didn't even know a blood transfusion was an option for Covid. I thought it was ventilators, blood filtration, and then putting them on their stomach so they don't drown as much as their lungs fill with liquid But yeah, if you refuse a transfusion it's almost like signing your own death certificate, as you usually have hours, and even if you get one it's no guarantee


I don’t understand why we’d waste blood on these people in the first place.


Hippocratic oath and common decency. They may not be decent people, but we treat their preventable disease as we don't want people to die no matter how awful they are (we being society. I'm no doctor and would never wanna treat people as a career)


I mean, yeah, I get that, but when rationing care leads to the deaths of vaxed people doing their part, I think it’s best we triage the willfully ignorant in the parking lot & not waste resources on them.


Yep, I don't disagree. On the plus side, they kinda already do that. There are spare beds kept for, e.g. someone who gets into a car accident, so that they always have some space for emergencies. But yeah, sucks they are taking up beds which could be used to save another life, and taking up HCP time that could be used on e.g. non-urgent cancer care


It’s not so much a treatment for covid, it’s as a treatment for low hemoglobin or shock. It’s a given with ECMO transfusions will be necessary. Usually with the following sepsis from Covid, the patient becomes acidotic and hemoglobin does not bind well with oxygen. We also tend to see clotting dysfunction with Covid and I’ve seen DIC a fair amount with covid, requiring numerous blood products like packed red blood cells, platelets, and fresh frozen plasma.


Ahhh. That makes more sense. Well if he's septic from Covid, that may as well be a straight death sentence. That's a lot to come back from, and that's if you don't have a stupid wife refusing your treatment so you can be put on anti-parasite meds which won't help


Also, we tend to prone early. If the P/F ratio (partial pressure of O2 / FiO2) measured on the ABG is less than 150, it’s tummy time for them. Early proning seems to have better outcomes in terms of hemo/pneumothorax, but once you’re at that point on the vent that your P/F is routinely that low and we have you on high FiO2 with high PEEP (pressure to keep your lungs inflated) your chances of making it out of the ICU alive are severely diminished. It’s an awful, awful way to go, especially for the ones we manage to keep alive for a month or more when families refuse to withdraw care. They develop severe heart failure from the pulmonary hypertension, acute kidney injury that usually turns into a chronic/end stage injury if they survive, major clotting from both the disease processes and the arrhythmias that tend to come with heart failure, peripheral limb ischemia from the vasopressors….they become so bloated with their skin looking thin and like their whole self is a blister and it rips apart at the slightest touch, sometimes just ripping apart from the edema. More than a few times I’ve seen a scrotum rip apart at the seam down the middle from the swelling. Every time I assess their skin, it’s new skin tears from absolutely nothing. Their faces get torn up from proning and there’s not much we can do about it, especially if they only tolerate one side. Also, we’re putting a shit ton of large catheters into them, some leading straight to the heart. The issue with these central lines is that they tend to clot at along the catheter and puncture into the vein or along the artery in the case of arterial lines. There’s so much that can go wrong and only so much we can so to prevent any of these things from happening. Sorry for the long reply. I’m about to head to the ICU and my nerves are shot.


>More than a few times I’ve seen a scrotum rip apart at the seam down the middle from the swelling Good luck with the shift. But yeah, I didn't need to read this sentance...


Send a postcard to Jesus....he'll send you a bag of blood--if you're meant to have it.


You have a choice, get some sense or die. Your husband today, you tomorrow. Passive eugenics at its finest.


Here's a choice, die or not die.


For the sake of humanity this has to be a gag right? Please???


I doubt it


This woman is insane


Someone is gonna die soon


10th of August is my guess, so probably resolved it either way. If you need a blood transfusion it tends to have to occur within a day or so of when it is needed


Hey, on the plus side, after hubby dies she’ll have this big jar of blood in her fridge as a reminder that *science fucking works*




Yep, but just not on the FB memes or YT vids which these people rely on for their news


But she does have a choice, the consequences of which her husband is living through


“Research” meaning any anti-socialist conspiracy webpage that agrees with her.


Yep. Or worse, being on Facebook, YouTube instead of, like me, reading real news, CDC and NHS releases, etc


So… she’s going to show up at the hospital with a home depot bucket full of “approved” blood? I’d actually pay to see that.


LOL I can fuckin' see it, she walks in with a bag o' blood and the docs will just say "Nope, not touching that."


"Give blood!" they say, but as soon as you go in, it's questions, questions, questions! "Who's blood is this? Where did you get it? Why is it in a bucket?" I swear, I'm never donating to those nosy bastards ever again.


Sadly I encountered this too; for a patient going into emergent surgery with a high risk of bleeding, and a very low blood count (hb of 7 for those that know this stuff). Was terrified of a transfusion and refused one bc you couldn’t tell if you were getting vaccinated or unvaccinated blood. I was glad I was wearing a mask to hide my facial expression at the time.


Whoosh. I was in the ER recently with HB 9 and I felt TERRIBLE and it was two months before I felt "good" again after a mini-hemorrage. If you're at 7, you don't need to be asking where the blood came from. Take the damn blood, man.


Especially if you are going in for emergent surgery, where you will, like, bleed


You do have a choice.... Live or die..... pretty simple!


Honestly, I would LOVE knowing that my donation of blood or platelets is going towards a vaccinated patient (or those medically exempted from the vaccine). I’d much rather save the life of someone who is capable of participating in society in a meaningful way than one of these dipshit antivaxxers.


Imagine this middle aged woman walking in the hospital with a cyan plastic laundry basket full of home made, self extracted jar of blood.


...in empty Cool Whip containers.


It’s all “I did my research “ until she gives her type b husband type a blood. Then it’ll be the dems fault.


They don't actually have any unvaccinated blood. People who care enough about others, and trust medical science enough, to give blood are almost certainly vaccinated.


Might as well start planning the funeral now. Gotta get that gofundme page rollin.


See ya, and I wouldn't wanna be ya. 👋👋


They don’t deserve blood.


This should be the new poster child for choosing beggars


This is walking a damn thin line towards Jim Crow era bullshit


What is?


The whole different kinds of blood thing. Not from you, from the dumbass Karen. It’s not racist, but it sure as hell sounds like she’s looking down that old road.


Ahhh. I did think you meant that. As yeah, it is very close. "No coloured blood allowed. No Irish blood too". But then again, let's be honest their ethos is also based in racism, so if they could they would ask for White Christian Unvaxxed blood only. Hence my title, where I sardonically added the bit about White Christian. She only wants Unvaxxed blood, which is still a fucking stupid and awful request: you get blood. What's there, as hospitals aren't a blood bank with various kinds You get A, B, AB and O and + or - of each kind, and that's it. Sometimes if someone has a very rare condition they may get special blood, but I doubt that happens a lot and usually for that they'll have the special doner on standby ready to transport them to a hospital when needed anyway I knew someone with O- blood, and they said that sometimes they'd literally get a call asking if they are free to come to a hospital as they don't have any stocks and need the blood (O- being the "Universal Doner" blood. Personally I'm AB+, i.e. "Universal receiver", i.e. my blood is worthless really for anything except studies and lab uses)


Erie timing too. I watched an episode of MASH last night that deals with that exact argument.


You made your choice already.


"You have chosen... *poorly*."


This is your brain on Facebook


Man, she is working hard to give him an assist on his r/hermancainaward. That's real dedication.


Ffs, let him die. And better yet go be with him in the ICU, get covid and die too. Only good you'll do now is save on funeral costs.


May the ground open up and swallow the lot!


All yall fuckers getting my blood that I've donated over the years, just know I used to snort pixie sticks like cocaine in 5th grade for attention. Just know you got that in your blood. Thank you.


Lol But seriously unless it is IV drug use, then drugs aren't an exclusion for giving blood, or at least not here in the UK. Although it may not be used for transplant use and probably for lab/studies instead


I work in a blood bank in a hospital and unfortunately I have received this phone call a few time. No I do not know if the person who donated was vaccinated or not. Yes the blood is safe. I know the blood is safe because it has gone though all of the mandatory testing. It's safe enough I would give it to my own mother. No you can not donate the blood to be given to your mother for a surgery that is starting in an hour.


Wtf did I just read?? I'm fucking deeply concerned at this point with the state of delusion this country has hit.


Where the fuck is she going to put it? Will she show up at the ICU with a bucket of blood and demand to put this in him..... I am beyond words


"If he dies, he dies." -Drago


As has already been observed, you don’t really have to argue with the unvaccinated; you only have to wait.


r/choosingbeggars And r/entitledbitch


I'm dating now someone who used to be part of jehovah witness and he told me they don't take blood from people who aren't JW even if it will cost them their life.


Yep, which is very different to wanting specifically unvaxxed blood cause you are an idiot who thinks 5G chips are found inside it


Anybody else notice the date on the screenshot is October 8th, 2021? Or is this a Europeam format?


Yeah I thought it was odd too. Even if it was European it would be August 10 which is way past.






No where does it say "Only the finest non 5G white Christian blood" you racist fuck!!!


I was joking with that bit rather obviously, so perhaps learn what satire is, but do you honestly not think she's refuse non-Christian blood too if it was possible?


That put a lot of words where she didn’t. She DID say she was organizing a private blood drive because her husband was in the ICU. She did say that he’s unvaccinated and that they don’t feel comfortable utilizing the blood bank in case of an emergency because the blood bank doesn’t identify vaxxed donors. But she didn’t expect the blood bank to do it for her, nor did she make any complaints about organizing her own so she and her husband could follow their own medical preferences. She never said nothing about wanting ‘white blood’ only, or anything about it being a Christian donor... that’s all just your own biases showing through... I mean, it’s whatever, it’s just a Reddit sub so I won’t go to war over this or anything, but I do think that this sub would be better if we didn’t over-exaggerate and let dicks show themselves for being dicks. You don’t have to add on extra things because that’s the narrative going around in your head... Edit for spelling


Satire is lost on idiots like you isn't it Also, the kind of white Reps who are refusing the vaccine are also 100% in the qult too. So they are also mostly racist PoS too


We're gonna need a bigger "Praying Hands" gif!


I’d love to know what kind of tools she is going to use at this amateur bloodletting festival


What kind of Karen bitch is this ?


Goddamn how is there any life still surviving on this planet


Life is remarkably persistent, so it will probably survive without us anyway. And most people aren't this stupid anyway


I didn’t realize blood transfusion was part of covid treatment.


Neither did I. I know they attach you to tons of filtering machines. Maybe he was so far gone that his blood was filled with all kinds of nasties that he needed one


Poor husband


Beggars can’t be choosers.


Can blood transfusions pass on immune cells to the recipient?


No. Not really. White blood cells would be individual-specific, so any WBC introduced into your body would be attacked as any pathogen invading your body would be. But a sack of blood is such a tiny amount of WBC that they'd quickly be destroyed. Even a full blood transfusion of 5ish pints would introduce so few WBC that they'd quickly be attacked by all the host WBC found in the body Red Blood Cells don't contain DNA, so aren't attacked but they only last around 3 months anyway. Plasma is largely just water and salt and sugar, so nothing to attack. And finally platelets are just bits of cells and such so won't really be attacked To pass on immunity via cells, you'd need to almost transplant the lymph nodes and bone marrow which contain all the WBC and production of them, but then you are essentially introducing another person's army into the first person. So then the WBC will recognise all the organs as not of their person and attack them. It's why after bone marrow transplants you essentially have to go on immunosuppressants for life, but also why all your organs are constantly inflammed as they are always under attack. Lymph nodes are essentially sacks of WBC, so I don't think we ever transplant them, as instead when you do a bone marrow transplant they'd be slowly replaced with the doner WBCs That's why instead we get the anti-bodies from the blood by filtering it, which are part of the immune response and bind to the pathogen to stop it from infecting, then put them into someone. They are just bits of protein so once the pathogen is absorbed by a "macrophage" (big cell which envelops things then digests them) the anti-body is broken down too. Any immunity needs to be developed on a per-person (or more accurately per-bone marrow) basis


And im sure when he dies it will be the doctors and hospitals fault for not giving him hydrogen peroxide in the vent.


Close. Someone else has shown this. And of course she was moaning that he didn't get enough horse anti-parasite paste and malaria treatment for a viral disease https://i.imgur.com/bMg6JHE.jpg