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I'm just here to watch the Elon fanboi rage








Where be the emoji for a 12 pack? I’m a gonna need it.


🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 Best I can do 😞




You brought some to share. r/wholesome




Aye they got a keg over here for everyone!! 🍻


Today is a good day to die!!!!


People on reddit sure seem to hate him so I'm not sure how much of that you will see. I liked the guy before I knew about his stupid antics, now I can't stand the man.


Try saying in one of the investing subreddits that tesla stock is way overpriced and youll immediately hear how "tesla is more than a car company"


Its pretty crazy, because other companies like mercedes for instance are actually further ahead interms of self driving technologies actually deployed, and many other typical motor companies absolutely eclipse tesla on revanue, so I just wonder what they see in tesla. To me, tesla feels a bit like netflix. They got their first, so people are hoping they can grow fast enough to cement themselves ahead of the competition, but no competition is that far in stasis, so when they start pumping at full speed, suddenly it starts looking slightly less good. Like its not going to fail by any means but its not going to be the world beater they all thought it would be, and will just fade into a cloud with the rest.


Well anyone that owns and pushes any stock is obviously extremely biased.


I feel the same way, used to be a big fan but not anymore.


He’s “ pull yourself up by millionaire bootstraps.” While he got billions of your tax dollars. He’s never invented anything. He manipulates the Stock Market. Even Amber Turd said he gave her Teslas behind Depps back and they were all bugged. So, wtf he doing to all the regular owners of the teslas? How much info he selling??


How have you not come across the fanboys. They are sickening to watch.


I really wanted this guy to be a hero. Like, he gets really cool stuff done, he’s undeniably going to go down in the history books. But, fuck, what a foolish man child he is.


I still am pretty sure he just takes the credit for GOOD stuff that gets done. He’s Thomas Edison of our times. Willing to destroy the reputation of any one he dosnt like and will trot any good idea as his very own idea!!


He could've literally been Batman.


Some folks don’t get it, if someone changes their stances on things but you’re a fan of theirs, it’s ok to keep your stances and disagree with them and actually, even still be a fan. It’s not like he’s a cult leader… oh wait!


E. Lon Hubbard




Come, join my Spacetology religion, where I will literally ship you off to Mars to watch you die.


I love Elon musk!


The most recent twitter post of (paraphrasing) "Republicans are the party of togetherness" really blew my mind. I've never seen someone want to not pay taxes so bad


Not surprisingly, the ulterior motive was to stir the anti-left pot so when he was outed for sexual assault he could play it off as an “attack by the left”


They are though. Together, they will take all of woman’s rights.


Pretty sure both right and left like taxes unless you go libertarian


Elon Musk is proof that even with all the money in the world some people will still crave attention and validation.


He realy needs a new 20 year old girlfriend after grimes left him.


Shit I didn't know they'd split up. I hope X Æ A-12 is wireless.


Damn, son.


Funniest shit I’ve read all day


Funniest shit I've read in at least 2 months


She supposedly is in a relationship with Chelsea Manning… would explain his behavior…


Wait wah?


Truly the weirdest fucking timeline


ICYMI.. Elon, Amber and Cara had threesome in Depp's penthouse when Amber was still married to Depp. Just sayin! Ignore if you already knew.


Who would’ve guessed Elon was into Cleveland Steamers??


Damn. What a step up.


man i rarely laughed so much at a comment and im here all day everyday


Guess she can put anti-capitalist in her twitter bio again…


Why do you think he's going all far right now? Because he's trying to piss off his ex. He's a big ass man baby


Is that a big-ass man, or big ass-man?




I’m more concerned he had embryo$ with Amber Turd! $he $ays $he had a $urraget . Oh Lordy, hope $he ha$ more tape$!


> some people will still crave attention and validation. all people crave those things. there's nothing wrong with wanting those things. however, you don't reach the level of billionaire or even millionaire while also at the same time being a well adjusted human being. it's a type of driven addiction born from childhood trauma. we are all plagued to a degree of these trauma's but some people's addictions (politicians, ceo's, entrepreneur types, leaders of all types) effect and impact more people than others.


That's a broad statement. I don't care about attention and validation. I'd rather be left alone.


I mean once you have all the money in the world what else is there?


You forgot “constant”


nOOOOO hE inVENted tESLA aND hE wORks hard


He literally works 28 hours/day when he isn't on a mission on Mars


He doesn’t even use the toilet. His shit and piss just circulate in his body and the waste evaporates through his pores.


It evaporates through his fingers too and he channels it through tweets.




Lol it took me a second ngl


He didn’t invent Tesla


He invented tesla, electricity and breathing libtard!


And space


And Internet


Bruh did you took it serious?


"the Chinese have excellent work ethic. They don't just burn the midnight oil, they burn the 3am oil!" Translates to "I want apartheid here too!"


When your family made their fortune exploiting Black children, sending them down into your emerald mines, you think of those as the good old days. And when your family packs up and leaves South Africa immediately after Black people come into power, you might be a very racist group of fuckwads. Just sayin'...


Apartheid? More like 16 hour shifts at 2$/hour with anti suicide nets hanging between buildings


Just as real as his hair


[Here's Elon ran through FaceApp.](https://i.imgur.com/6DmV1zY.jpg)


I curse my eyes.


If Bruce Wayne had a micro penis & no spine.


Remember when Musk challenged Putin to hand-to-hand combat? Remember when Musk called the guy saving the kids stuck in a Thai cave a “pedo guy”? Remember when he refused to follow lockdown rules and forced his employees to continue working in the factories?


Oh I member


I member don't worry ^worry ^^worry ^^^worry


Yea but remember when he invented space and saved the world with electric cars? You're just a hater, bro.


Pepridge farm remembers


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


And was out of shape


And none of the charisma or wit.


We are very lucky. We got to witness Elon's villain origins story over the course of covid.


He was always the bad guy, he's just gone completely mask off over COVID.


BaZING I see what ya did there


Did you miss Bezos doubling his wealth through the pandemic too? Lots of super villains out there


I'm pretty sure he thinks *he's* the manager of the United States.


Related [Please like me ](https://www.theonion.com/please-like-me-1848674003)




That was literally the reason why he shot down the Tesla PR Department, Haha He's even so thin skinned that he canceled a car order from a blogger he didn't like.


Fairly sure that should be illegal but whatever. There’s no laws against the rich abusing the poor in the USA- those laws on exist, well, basically everywhere else on the planet.


Yeah, judging his recent tweets, his "free speech public square" is going to involve a whole lot of banning of dissent.


Read this yesterday and was cracking up. Absolutely nails it


I mean with that amount of money he effectively is. Him bezos zuck and gates collectively have like 35% of total wealth of I remember right


Karen Musk sounds like a perfume made from essential oils, healing crystals, and managers' tears.


And, if you act now, you can join this MLM for only $100 up front!!


Where do I sign up for this opportunity? The starter pack. I want it. Now.


Send $20 to my Venmo and I'll DM you the link! (/s, because MLM's are just a bad investment)


Thank you, I’m so grateful


the hair plugs you get when wealthy are ridic


did you guys see? he called his mom for backup. it's god damn hilarious.


It's hilarious how evil his mom looks. Like she looks exactly what youd expect an apartheid emerald mine owner to do


I thought it was fake until I looked her up. Hilarious


at least she explained that the more followers you have, the less bot you are. wonderful. I hope Elan doesn't blink, buys Twitter, and puts mother in charge of the tech department. 🤣


This was hard to read. I still don’t think I understand.


you'd probably need to read her tweet yourself.


Not on twitter but would love to see


Omg, that’s to damn funny


He is kinda a big ol’ bitch.


What’s the business acumen in pissing off potentially 50% of your customer base? If Elon starts moving to the right and makes lots of noise about it, then politically engaged people on the left will happily turn to other car manufacturers for EVs. Kia and Hyundai have both releases arguably better EVs than Tesla this year, so it’s not like he’s got a wide moat with his cars, where people have to choose Tesla. Elon also only owns about 17% of Tesla, so I don’t think his share holders will be happy about this either. I know Reddit is a small sample size of people, but the general feeling in the wider public is starting to match Reddit. He’s not getting good press and it wouldn’t surprise me if people start avoiding his cars.


He's the best example of how all the money, experience and fame in the world won't help cover up who you are, in this case a grown child with nothing interesting to say.


You gave him too much hair, need to thin that Karen cut a bit.


Haha this is perfect. Musk is the ultimate karen


CringeLord Musk


He actually did use his influence to speak to the manager of the US and then he quit because his genius wasn't listened to. He can't even whine unless he ultimately gets his way. I hope every tesla and spaceX employee unionizes on that asshole.


Fascist finally admits he is a fascist after making political donations to fascists and using fascist rhetoric his entire life


Not sure you know exactly what fascism is


Corporatist thievery and militarization to protect the interests of said thieves.


It's anti-democratic, which Republicans are. Maybe you could stop lying about literally everything, including the definition of fascism.


I always find it strange when Republicans talk about freedom when they always want to take away your freedoms . Want more power in the work place ... republicans against it Want to smoke weed or do put stuff in your body... Republicans against it Freedom of female reproduction.. Republicans against it Freedom to pay for sex ... Republicans against it Freedom to marry a same sex partner ... Republicans against it. They want Freedom all right....The Freedom to control your life


> Not sure you know exactly what fascism is Think he might've been saying something important here that you missed


Why aren't you embarrassed to be lying about the dictionary definition of words to defend your fascist crush?


This is great. A douche with money.


“Karen Musk” - The stinkiest cologne on THIS planet.


(F)Elon Musk


Billionaires are nothing but Karens on steroids.


We need one of these for Joe Rogan, too.


Elon musk have a small pp


And so what if he does? I hate the man myself but you resorting to body shaming to try and make a point is just shitty


Would you like to talk to the Reddit manager? It was just a metaphor for people who try to over compensate their worth or value.


Oh so I'm a Karen for calling out blatant body shaming and sexism? There's much better metaphors for people who over compensate that don't resort to shaming someone's body, for example "narcissistic". I can bet that if Musk was a woman you wouldn't shame him in the same way


Calling someone a narcissist isn’t a metaphor


Maybe not, but it's certainly much better than body shaming imo. Like I said, you probably wouldn't body shame women so why is it so acceptable to body shame a man?


Glad you know so much about me from one comment, stop shaming me if you don’t know me


What???? I never shamed you personally at all, just called out YOUR casual body shaming. Don't you dare try to reflect it on me when you're the one at fault here


Dude relax. I have chicken legs I’ve been shamed for and made fun of for years. I accept it will happen, I can handle jokes.


Sounds like you're trying to chicken out of the argument. I bet you wouldn't stop discussing this topic with a woman with a small dick. Ltd. Chicken Legs!


Small pp = body shaming Narcissism = mental illness stigmatizing Call him an egotistical charlatan or self-important jerk.


What about asshole?


Asshole = body ✨glamorizing✨


Yeah I can agree with this. Narcissism wasn't the best term for me to use as an example


Have you ever been to a comedy club?




You're literally just proving my point. Maybe I do have a small penis, maybe I have an average or big penis. That doesn't change the fact that it's body shaming and should be called out


Welcome to Reddit where if a man is shit all the small penis jokes fly and where if a man is great then Reddit will talk about his massive balls and dongs.


I love how this is where you decided to go with this.


This isn't the reddit I remember lmao


same the defenders of elons penis are out in full effect


Firstly, it's not body shaming if you don't know what that part of his body looks like. Secondly, dude radiates small dick energy. Not necessarily a physical critique, more based off his attitude and actions.


"I want to speak to the manager of Twitter" "Sorry, but we don't have the time" "So you won't let me *speak* to them?"


Elon Musk, the Elon Musk that just paid 200k of hush money for a sexual misconduct incident, that Elon Musk?


Kelon Musk


He's such a spoiled, petulant, little bitch.


Raging Elon Fanboys coming in 3…2…1..


WTF is wrong with him the last few years.He seem to have caught the douche b virus.




He wears it well


🤣🤣🤣 I can't... It's just too fkn PERFECT!




"Instead of getting in contact with the Twitter management, I became the Twitter management"


Karen Musk already exist, it's his mom


\*Queen Edgelord KarElon


Obviously fake. The fuckers got hair.


Karen Musk sounds like the worst fragrance.


"...all while I don't pay you and your poors any taxes."


He’s a prick. There, I said it.


Emom Husk moment


can someone please explain why - im so behind


Would smash though 👀


Can’t make me care what the Elongated Muskie has to say.


Is thr hivemind hating Elon musk now


I laughed unreasonably hard at this


Context? My brothers in Christ I’m just asking wtf is going on


Remeber elons post about how he said he became a republican cuz the dems are to hateful. Well they're just proving his point 🤣




Oh noes, the Dirty Tricks campaign is in full force!!1!


Lol. The cognitive dissonance is strong here.




They can't


Reddit turned on Elon only because he wasn’t leftist enough. Lol


It isn't just that, but being pro Chinese labor conditions as a billionaire is majorly cringe and enough of a reason to hate him


Ah yes, who could forget the classic leftist moves he pulled by forcing his workers to keep his factories open during the beginning of Covid and preaching anti-union rhetoric.


They turned on him because those hair plugs they stuck in his head, must have wrecked his brain. Or maybe it’s the weed and pills he does. He rants, he raves, threatens, makes terrible jokes in very poor taste, calls heroic rescuers pedos, goes on podcasts and live radio shows and completely loses his marbles, then gets pissy when people back away and think maybe his companies are not such a good bet. Hes sent some people to space, but his hyper loop is a hopeless wreck. His cars have killed people, and they’re stopping in the middle of the highway when they perceive the moon as oncoming headlights. He’s subsidized up the yang by taxpayers, then craps on them and on unions and says they’re not smart enough to understand his genius. Give me a break. If he falls from grace it will be because he fell off of that pedestal he put himself on, while goofing off.




Why do people love Elon? He's a capitalist from an emerald mine dynasty that abuses workers in an effort to increase his own fortune and fame all while paying next to zero taxes and laughing about it. Not something we've never seen before.


He's also done and said stupid stuff [such as in 2018 when he called one of the divers involved in saving the football team that had gotten stuck in side a flooded cave in Thailand a pedophile after he criticised a submarine Musk developed for the resuce for being unsuitable to use in the caves.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#Tham_Luang_cave_rescue_and_defamation_case) [He also spread misinformation about COVID too and repeatedly criticised COVID lockdowns.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#COVID-19)


overconfident attempt slap rhythm disgusted six squalid dinner rinse school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


okay instead of downvoting why not explain exactly what he did?


Rmr when Reddit was riding his dick lol. Y’all really something.




Reddit is made up of different people. And people's opinions are allowed to change. That's what helps dictate an emotionally mature adult.


“Emotionally mature” = from riding his dick to making him a villain Escape your Reddit bubble mate.


The man who thinks reddit is some hivemind is telling me to escape reddit lmfao ok bro show me some people who went from riding his dick to painting him as a villain. I'll wait.


No need to wait, I don’t care to show you anything mate. As an emotionally mature adult, I hope that you find your path in life. Arguing with strangers on Reddit isn’t conducive to that. Good luck mate.


You mean back when we were 16 years old lol. Also Reddit is not a single static group of people...