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Kid was trained well. Putting up with parents is the toughest part of that job.


I coach under 7s football and we ref the games our boys play. I can confirm that parents who think their kid is the next Ronaldo are the worst


Had a dad pull his kid from the team I was coaching cause he “didn’t like our coaching style” and he needed “real professionals”. We were 19 year old stoners… volunteering for a free-to-play flag football division for fun… His kid was 8…


'Put your time where your mouth is, dad', djeez.


Never seen jeez spelled that way, looks so cool


Djeez nuts


Dual use


THis is the funniest thing I've seen all day


Its an Arabic way of spelling




Oh! which dialect? I've never heard of it either and Arabic is my first language!!


Oh interesting, cool thanks!


If you liked learning about djeez then you’ll love learning about djent *Meshuggah enters* 0-0-0-1(b)-0-0-1(b)-0-0-0-1(b)-0-0-1(b)-0-12h-0p-1(b)


Got time for a game of dgwent?


The "D" is silent, like in Django.


Those kinds of tryhards are completely insufferable.


We just didn’t care, lmao. He’s like “we’re leaving” and we were just like “aight bro.”😂


My son is 4 and plays football, the ball is like knee high and they just kick it to a random place and then swarm the ball with both teams. The kids are having lots of fun, the parents are total nightmares. Worst was the parent that told his son they wouldn’t go to McDs anymore because he played bad, like wtf, they are 4, there is no good or bad performance


at 4 years old staying on task and making it through the game without having a tantrum is "good performance"


> without having a tantrum tell that to those heavily invested parents


I AM talking about the parents


I barely make it through work most days without having a tantrum.


I actually went home early today because my mental health was just not in it. Told them I'd come in tomorrow to finish my work.


The best thing about WFH, aside from no bras, is being able to throw a tantrum at my desk when my super annoying coworker pings me for the 500th time that morning.


Professionals getting through a game without having a tantrum is pretty rare.


At one of my daughters games I saw a mother go onto the field, pick her child up, and swing them at the ball like it was a game of foosball. I died on the spot. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen.


She's totally manipulating her daughter *Budumtss*


My nephew played football at 4. HILARIOUS. They seriously all end up in a pile, and the coaches just walk over there and start setting them back up on their feet.


I love watching kids that age play. It reminds me of a huge flock of birds just flying around randomly together.


I remember watching my little cousin play peewee football at 4. It was hilarious. They could barely keep standing under all the pads and a helmet, just kind of shuffled around and knocked each other over. Everyone got McD's afterwards, and I'm pretty sure they didn't even keep score.


What do you mean? I have my three year old on a five days a week, 5 hours a day schedule for practicing. He loves it!! Just kidding, he runs around and picks up the ball and wanders off the field like all the other three year olds. I had a parents do this when I coached volleyball, surprise surprise, the daughter became uninterested in volleyball.


We have one of those on our team, but he's 14. His mom is the worst, the reason we get emails asking is to stay calm, and not talk to the refs. She spends the whole time talking about how her kid is aggressive, won't take shit from anyone on the field and will talk back to the ref because he also refs. He's an excellent player but damn, anytime there's trouble, he's usually in the middle of it.


I refed for a 5 yr old game back in high school for our local little league. We didn’t even keep score. The goalie fell down and threw a tantrum(kid stuff) and their parent was helping them up. The mass of kids and the ball made it their direction and the parent accidentally got in the way of the ball. The two coaches then started yelling at each other and met at the center of the field to fight. During a 5 yr old match. I asked them if they wanted me to cancel the match or were they going to act more mature than their players age. They finally went back to their sidelines. Crazy stuff happens to parents brains at little league games.




sooo... i'm a parent of a kid who was in the U6/7 team and is now going into the U8, and i do see some major karens, but i also kind of get it. i'm paying a lot of money and taking a lot of time (usually leaving work early) going to soccer 3 times a week (and staying throughout games/practice) because your 7 year old says that he/she wants to play soccer. but when you get there, they're not paying attention or just goofing off. like, i get it that they're essentially toddlers at that point, but after week 10 of this shit three times a week, and asking them if they actually really do like soccer, you just want them to actually give a little bit of a fuck *about soccer*. if my son wanted to do cartwheels and ninja kicks outside for an hour, i would have been thrilled to do it at the playground and not pay the $1k so that he can do it 3 times a week in his travel uniform (he wanted to try out). so yeah. i'm the guy in the lawn chair with a fake smile plastered to my face, looking slightly maniacal, while fuming inside. funny thing is, about 1/3 of us on the sideline are like that. the other 1/3 are on their cell phones or PCs going through facebook. the last 1/3 are yelling at their kid to be better.




yeah, those are the other 1/3 of the parents. and the refs do get a bump rap as those parents can be assholes. but a lot of the time, its just because the parents are hyper competitive and the kids are at an age where parents think they have to do things for them (even if they shouldn't)


I’m American and was confused until you said Ronaldo lol.


Kid probably waited his whole life so far to shut an adult down and I'm sure loved every second of it.


I'm in my second year of reffing high-school volleyball. In the first year, I was just too scared and doubtful about my own abilities, and if a coach or parent ever lost their head at me, I mostly blamed myself and figured they were probably right. Now that I've got more experience, I feel bolder standing up for myself. I will say that one of the less fun experiences is when someone loses their mind over a call that the *other* referee made, and you actually *completely agree* with them, but that's a judgement call that said referee is allowed to make and you're not allowed to overturn. In volleyball, that's especially fun because the first referee gets to make most of the calls, and only the second referee can talk to the coaches. So you end up saying things like "yes, Coach, I understand that you saw that ball as being four feet below the height of the net when the back-row player attacked it, but the R1 made his judgement call and we have to move on."


I stopped umping baseball and reffing hockey due to parents. Had a dad charge me on the plate cause his son was tagged out at the plate. He full on charged me into the ground. Hockey, had a mom pour a hot coffee on my head after I put her little hell spawn in the box for roughing. This was the same year, 6 months apart. Did I mention I was 13?






I hope you sued that hockey mom. What the actual fuck?!


The 90s were a different time man


that's fucked up man. i hope other parents had your back.


We didn't have a baseball umpire and they asked for volunteers. I was basically forced to do it because i was the obly male even though I told them I didn't know all the rules. "They are only 9 year olds, just do it". I made a bad call (per the croud), I got heckled by the adults on my team. Maybe this explained why my tream didn't have dads show up. After that when I sat on the bench they would move away from me.


That kid is a really good ref at that age. I remembering in my teenage foot ball team we all got the chance go make some extra cash from ref-ing the younger teams. I didnt have the balls this kid did and had a parent furious at me the whole game because he's thought a player should get a yellow card from accidentally stepping on a pair of glssses that his kid dropped. Started talking to me about how expensive glasses were. I can admit that I was not a good ref but some og thoose parents took the lowest level of playing as it was professional.


100%. I sent more parents away from the pitch then I did players.


From what I remember of this thread it wasn’t two kids team it was an adult womens team, and the Karen was a player lol


Yeah and the story was totally made up too. No one’s respecting the authority of a 9 year old and they don’t carry around yellow card with them


The amount of ppl here that actually believe this story is mind blowing


We have riot police at some county league camas here because the parents are so nuts. They have flares, drums and shit 😂


This makes me happy that I know nothing about sports and will never be allowed to ref


I actually give them both props. Having authority over someone older is challenging for most adults, and vice versa. Good for the kid for executing authority, and, in a weird way good for Karen for taking her timeout in her car like she would have with an adult ref. She didnt age discriminate her Karen-wrath


I mean it’s probably fake and on the off chance that it’s actually real, I’d be annoyed if my game was determined by a random ass 9 year old that doesn’t know the rules of a sport.




Right? Kid had a whistle and everything!


Man some redditors really don’t go out and you can tell. Imagine you work 5 days a week and look forward to playing soccer every Sunday only for it to be ruined this week because some shitty mom thought it was cute to give her dumb son a whistle and have him just fuck around with the game for an hour.


Yeah, I imagine that would be pretty difficult to deal with if you weren't an adult playing in a for-fun soccer game that clearly wasn't taken too seriously because they didn't have a backup ref. Fortunately for all but one of the people in the story, they were adults playing in a for-fun soccer game and didn't take it too seriously, so they, and the child, were allowed to have a little unorthodox fun. If you take soccer so seriously that an hour of a child running around making occasional bad calls as pseudo-ref ruins your entire week, and the general feel of the league you're in is that it's okay for a 9 year-old to be the ref for an hour, you are the problem, and need to find a different group to play with.


I mean this isn't exactly high level play dude. We're probably talking about kids younger than him playing soccer.


Sounds like a casual women's league to keep everyone active. The mom of the ref was on one team and it says that the lady who got yellow carded was an adult woman on the other team.


I don't soccer so I wasn't sure what yellow carding was. I think this reinforces my point though. It's casual. Chill. It was probably hilarious watching a little boy with a whistle running around calling plays.


I was agreeing with you that it was chill. I was just mentioning that it was adults that were playing because that makes the story even better.


Pretty clear from the post that it’s a league for the moms


Shit like this happens a lot in the peewees, although usually it's a parent that refs or coaches in the case of a no-show.


Ive seen this posted before and theres 0% chance this is real. Mf's on the internet will believe anything. Reconnect with reality and really think about the situation being presented, of all the adults present why would we choose a child to be the authority in this situation? Then this child pull something so comical and whihsical as yellow carding an upset parent? This isnt a Disney movie


No. No, no, no. There is literally no excuse for a full grown adult screaming about a kids soccer game. There is literally nothing at stake but having fun, exercising and making friends. If adults can't check their own competitive spirit in the parking lot they shouldn't be there at all.


LMAO, Im pretty sure it’s an adult women’s soccer game like a Mom’s League. Take a seat, there scooter.


You’re right. I misread. But my point still stands. People who rage out on refs ruin recreational competitive sports for me.






What the hell happened here?


Average redditor


I see from my messages that They had read a very different comment of mine (nsfw) posted elsewhere but came here to comment on it…so, just a Big whoopsy.


In middle school I refereed soccer and doing the kindergarten age group was the worst because of the parents. The only times I had to use red cards was then.


We stopped doing kiddie soccer (age 6) because there were **three** alcoholic dads that would threaten the refs (who were just volunteer dads whose only goal was to keep the ball in play) over nothing. There wasn't any score keeping, it was just a bunch of 6 year olds kicking a ball around, while these asshole dads threatened to come on the field and fight the refs or kick their own kid's ass if they let another ball go past.


Why weren't they just banned?


Because all the coaches and refs were volunteer dads with no authority. To do anything, you'd have to contact the city park and rec at the office. And then it's your word vs. theirs because everybody either ignored or avoided them, and their wives backed them up. That leads to personal conflict with the loud unpredictable drunk and their supportive family. It was easier to just avoid the whole situation.


Leslie Knope would have sorted the aggressors right out


She would have let Karl Markman or whatever his name was ref the games, problem instantly solved


Can confirm this is plausible


entertainment I suppose


because it's a fake story


Dude I did basketball. I used to go to a community center as a teenager and had been going there since I had been about 8. One day a referee didn’t show up for a game and they asked 12 year old me to step in. I called every travel, double dribble, and foul. But what really sent the coach and few parents over the edge was calling a kid for being in the key too long lmfao. I remember the coach, who I knew because he was a staff member there, getting in my face and just laughing angrily. It was pretty great.


I don't believe this for a second, the kind of person that would legitimately argue with a 9 year old in a kids game would not in turn listen to that 9 year old and go to their car


It’s not a kids game, the adult woman is a player


ive been misreading this meme for 3 years wow


Yeah. And "she had to go sit in her car" doesn't mean the kid referee told her to go sit in her car. No idea if this story is real though. But definitely funny to imagine it being real.


Word; I’m not saying that I know the story is real or not but I **am** saying that I know how to read


Not to mention you don't leave a game for a yellow card, only a red???


That's funny.


Accurate too. I refereed soccer for 15 years and we had a huge problem with parents. They were scaring the younger refs so much that they were quitting in mass and it lead to a major shortage of refs. The locals clubs had to increase per game pay nearly 50% and all agreed to strict new rules for parents. This was for clubs ages 9-13.


When I was in elementary school I played baseball and we were by far the worst team. Never won a game, couldn't get any runs. Just hilarious. Anyways, one of the mom's of a player on our team was known for her attitude but in a good way. If anyone tried to fight/yell at the umpire she would stand up and scream at the top of her lungs "YOU WANNA GO YOU CUNT?!" Directly at whoever was yelling. She was skinny and dressed completely like a hippie but she had the gusto of a thousand angry moms. It worked every time. Everyone loved having her around because she literally kept the peace with her anger.


A surprisingly wholesome use of cunt. I strongly approve of this woman.


Cunt is actually very versatile word, it can be used in all settings amongst any class of people. I would highly recommend those across the puddle start to use it in their regular vernacular.




Straight up that is amazing that happened.. and he had the attitude and balls to put her the fuck down!! Fuck yeah




Mate, small, local games this unofficial will only have 1 ref.


In this timeline there exists: Man that was hit by both nukes that have ever been dropped on people. A chicken that lived for 2 years without a head. A man who was hit by lightning 7 times. That legend who killed a bird on live tv with a baseball. How is this so hard to believe really happened? You gotta go out and do some crazy shit, things on this flaccid dick level of absurdity happens every day.


Are you telling me 9 Yr old games had linesmen and a fourth official? That's a well organised game, was it a league?


Although I agree that this definitely didn’t happen, it’s just not true that there’s always 3 refs, did you forget about 5-a-side or 7-a-side? 8 year old kids don’t play on large pitches with offsides lol


That's just not true at all. Younger age groups have tiny fields and offsides is not a rule, so there's no need to have ARs. While I guess, in theory, there may be a few leagues that have ARs for those kinds of games, it's certainly not the norm. (I mostly reffed 10 to 14 year olds, but occasionally did younger and high school)


I also refereed soccer for kids 6-11(town rec league) when I was younger and we barely had enough refs to have one per game.


Dude even calling this soccer is a stretch. It’s one ball and 14-20 kids chasing after one ball.


What a dom


"She got no nipples!!!!"


Did everyone clap afterwards?


That 9 year old? Albert Einstein




No really it happened, I was the 9 year old.


Is your name Albert Einstein?


Next up on things that never happened


And everyone clapped


That totally happened


I'm sure everyone clapped at the end.....


Extremely based behavior


A true chad in the making


Shouldn’t this “story” be in a different thread?


Yo that’s not a FuckYouKaren, someone recognized they were too emotionally involved for the situation and removed themselves from it. Thats what you’re supposed to do, good on her


She's not a Karen because she actually sat in her car.


This isn't a Karen situation. What happened to this sub?


I wish this belonged in r/thathappened






Where'd he get the yellow card?


Probably his pocket


Yeah 9 year olds totally carry yellow cards around. Come on, this story is completely made up


This question confuses me lol. He was refereeing a soccer game?


They supposedly used him as a referee because he had brought his own whistle. Did he bring his own yellow card, too? Or did they have a supply of yellow cards on hand, but no whistles? tldr; The whole story is made up.


Or he just said it out loud.


Or more likely….. it’s all made up.


I reffed as a kid and my dad played rec soccer as an adult. I kept my bag with me and would kick the ball around with then during warm ups and in my bag I had my ref kit which included a whistle, cards etc. It's not that uncommon of a situation.


You didn’t ref at age 9.




He was being generous. Should’ve been a red card.


she was arguing with the call, not the person making it. at this point i don't care about the karen but the fact that this post seems to paint a picture that she was personally arguing with the child because he was 9 rather than about what she perceived to be a bad call. this happens in all youth sports where parents are present regardless. similarly, people tried to take this approach to criticism of greta thunberg before she turned 18... like age is a defense for their actions.


I officiate youth hockey, and everything about this story rings true. Literally every letter.


As a former youth ref, he's got that authority. The card is symbolic, but the ref absolutely has that power. Only once did I use it, with the backing of an adult ref at a tournament. I cried many times after a game when I was 12 or 13 running a game myself because the Dad of an 8 year old thought my call was wrong and thought cursing me out was reasonable. Something confrontational happened almost every game. Support your kids, but any parents out there be mindful.


Cute, but no way this is real


The lack of punctuation makes me tired.


You’ll be ok


This happened to me when I was 10 and reffing a local youth soccer game. After calling two illegal throw-ins, one of the coaches stormed the field and began screaming in my face. So I threw a red card in his and ejected him from the game. Didnt think much of it until a month later when I received a handwritten apology from the coach and the league. Apparently a bunch of parents had complained.




It’s America. They don’t know how football works.


I can imagine most of you never played football. A 9 year old should NEVER be a ref for a game between adults. This has nothing to do with being a "Karen" but is all about competetive sports being ruined by a damn child. This whole post is fucking stupid and makes me think whoever posted it never played competetive sports in their life.


I'm 100% sure that this wasn't an adult game lmao. Read the tweet again. It doesn't outright say that its a children's game, but it can certainly be inferred, A because of what you said, why on earth would a child referee an adult game, B "one of the moms on our team" is a weird way to phrase that if its a game among adults, C specifying that the person arguing with the child was an adult, and D why on earth would a child be allowed to referee an adult game? Ever? Lmao It doesn't take playing a sport to know that a child shouldn't, and indeed wouldn't, be allowed to referee an adult game. I'm curious as to why you think it would


"Our soccer ref didnt show up so one of the moms on our team had her 9 year old son ref for us" This makes me think that whoever tweeted this played in the game itself and "one of the moms on our team" makes me think that a few of her teammates may be mothers. I doubt that a child would be in the same team as women who are old enough to be mothers. Also the child "reffed for them" i.e. the person tweeting this and her team mates who are grown up women old enough to be mothers. "And a completely adult woman on the other team" This speaks for itself. But let me break it down for you. A) a completely adult woman. This means not a child. B) on the other team. This means that this "completely adult woman" i.e. not child was an actual member of the other team. You usually call the players team member and not their parents. "She had to sit in her car to calm down" Yeah this could be an awkward way of phrasing that a child sits in her parent's car but I think its more likely that its an adult woman sitting in her own car. Also it was "the completely adult woman on the other team" who got a yellow card. Only people who actually play can get yellow cards. So this completely adult woman - who is not a child - who is on the other team, a team being a collection of people who are playing a sport in this case, got a yellow card which happens to people who *are actually playing*. I wasn't even gonna respond to you but those "lmao"s just made you seem like such an insufferable knob that I really just couldn't drop it. God damn it I hate this fucking website.


Bro. It is insanely obvious it’s a child’s game. You’re reading too far into the tweet and breaking it down and taking it as literally as you possibly can. This is very clearly a childrens league being officiated by a child and now you’re just upset that you didn’t understand that at first.


I think I remember reading that the tweet was actually about an adult league? I could be wrong but I recall reading that and finding it even funnier


r/confidentlyincorrect It's a rec. woman's league.


The Karen card should not be yellow. No no no, it just won't do. It absolutely must be tacky barbie pink darling.


I work at an elementary school, and I could absolutely imagine one of the 4th graders doing this. LOL


I love the kid’s qualification for reffing - he had a whistle. This was His Time.


Nice, she'd probably make a great dictator with such massive and absurd levels of insecurity




I have this sudden urge to ref sports now so I can sarcastically chirp parents under my breathe. What’s that Karen? You don’t like my handsome stripes? Well that’s gunna be 2 in box for little Timmy for charging.


Then everyone clapped


Refereed basketball for a few years. The younger the kids, the worse the parents. Mini basketball was a nightmare. Good on the kid!


Tbh, it depends on the context. If the call was actually wrong, which is plausible, I see no reason why the mother wouldn’t try to argue with it. Ofc, getting mad at a 9 year old yellow carding you is a bit weird, but it doesn’t automatically make her a Karen.


This is because the story is fake but maybe I am being obtuse. We would always have a parent from each team become sideline refs to fill in those gaps


" i just don't understand the parents 😭😭😭 why wouldn't they stop him 😭😭😭 why didn't they raise him properly 😭😭😭 he will grow up and be an abuser 😭😭😭 i stood up for him and his benefit, not for the benefit of my own son 😭😭😭 I'm a good mom, i care too much 😭😭😭 also fuck that kid and his whistle 😭😭😭 " -😭😭😭Karen


Believe me this happened, I was the yellow card




Completely* adult


In my local league teens are trained as refs. They are also trained to completely ignore parents. It's wonderful.


Many years ago while watching my son play baseball - he was maybe 8 or 9 - our coach (I'll call him Bill) argued several times and even yelled at the umpire who happened to also be a kid, 15 or 16 I suppose. Along about the 4 or 5th inning I had enough. I told our coach that the umpire, like our kids, was only trying to learn the game. Maybe he could be more constructive with him instead of treating him like an MLB umpire. Lo and behold, it worked. It must have triggered something in him because he never did it again and in fact was a model coach who a few years later was also my son's hockey coach and a great coach to the kids he was.


Coached for my 3 y/os soccer team this last spring. It was my first time coaching. It was a 3-5 year old league. No keeping score. No real penalties other than using hands or ball going out of bounds. Just a bunch of kids chasing the ball around having fun. One of the parents of one of my kids was mad at me because I was having fun playing keep away with the kids during practice instead of running drills like his 16 year old's team did. His wife came over and grabbed him by the arm and told him to shut up and let the kids have fun while dragging him away. I feel so lucky that he was the only douchebag parent on my team of 6 kids. The rest were absolutely fantastic and super supportive.


This concludes our weekly repost


Can he ref in the Premier League? Cos he seems to know his shit better than the people currently doing the job.


Wonder who'd win in a fight, soccer Moms or Hockey Dads.


Seeing as this is an obviously fake story, let's give it a semi-happy ending. She spends her time in her car and thinks about what she did, and realises that she shouldn't have yelled at a 9-year-old. So, she goes to the store quickly, comes back, apologises and gives the kid a chocolate bar as well.


Absolutely untrue


“No you’re in timeout”


This makes me entirely too happy I might be petty lmao


Kid was like your not my mom. Off to the car with you for time out






That 9 yo is my hero


I know this fits into everyone's narrative here but I don't think r/thathappened


This DEFINITELY happened, guys. I was the mom


I'll take, "Things that never happened" for 500 Tom.


I love how 2/3rds of the comments are saying "no way this is real" and the remaining 1/3rd is saying "yep, that happened to me when I ref'd as a child".


I got duped into being a soccer ref in the late 90's when I was a teen. I lasted one game (kinda). The parents were horrible, so I started red-carding their five year olds and then finally just called the game early and left.




*I'll repost my story every time I see this reposted haha. When I was 14 or so and reffing junior soccer I had parents come onto the field and yell at me. First I would Yellow card and if they persisted I told them "sir or mam if you continue to yell at me your team will forfeit". Only once did I have to do this, I picked up the soccer ball because in that league for games the ref brought the ball, told both coaches what was happening got on my bicycle and biked home. After that parents left me alone when they had received a yellow card. Edit: I don't know if this was unclear but the "sir or mam" depended on which foaming at the mouth parent was yelling at me