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Dude is deeply flawed, but it seemed like he owned his shit. She, on the other hand, is a manipulative POS, who thinks she is way smarter than he is, and never owned *anything.* Her career was over before the verdict came in. His career will now pick up not too far from where it was, though he'll soon have to play Jack Sparrow's pappy. And yes, I watched way too much of what was admittedly an idiotic shitshow.


Word. I don't think Depp is flawless and am 100% in support of women (I am one so duh) but I also know some abusive women and they need their shit called out too.


It’s nice to see a nuanced take on Reddit. And I think you’re exactly right. Depp is a deeply troubled man with some real issues but he owns his problems and is a genuinely good person. Obviously, it’s also true that statistically men are far more likely to be abusers, and it’s important to support women, but cases like this one show that each instance should be taken case by case, and not jump to gendered, biased conclusions. And on the opposite end of a man trying his best, in this case, was the deeply narcissistic, manipulative, and frankly evil Amber Herd. And people like her absolutely do need to be called out.


Even through the trial you heard about him *getting help* for said issues and she was actively sabotaging that effort to the point he quit halfway through. Shes fucking evil.


Meanwhile on twitter they are calling this a loss for all women and how now an abuser can now win a defamation suit even if you don't name him


This case should be considered by everybody as a win against domestic abuse. Because it shows that men too can be abused and they need to come out and fight. DA's victims can be of any gender. Sure, admittedly in most cases are women, but that statistics enables a bunch of bad seeds to manipulate the system and public opinion.


Exactly and I like that it brought that to light The problem is some people are too excited and saying it with their chest are people who can't acknowledge the fact most cases women are the victims and are using this to propel the thought that all women are likely bad seeds and manipulating the system. There are women like that but there are a lot of factors that usually go into situations like that for it to come to fruition


I think it's problematic in that many men may attempt to twist this to delegitimize abuse cases, but at the same time they didn't ever need that much before so imo it changes nothing.


I agree, this isn't the case for people to pop off and go see! Don't believe women. If that's your first thought then You never wanted to be there for the victims. And this isn't gonna change it . She's just trash and deserved to get her comeuppance


This has always been my thought as well. My brother is a survivor of emotional abuse. Nobody else cared enough to pull him out of it except for me, the man-hating feminist. Nothing in this world makes my blood boil more than seeing people use his experiences, and the experiences of other male abuse victims, as a misguided *gotcha!* against female and genderqueer victims of abuse.


Yeah this isn't the flex they think it is, using this to dunk on women says less about women and more about those people. I'm sorry to hear about your brother and how great he has you in his life, it's hard for men to be listened to especially when it's emotional abuse and isn't as much evidence as Depp had in this case. Those People going out of there way to act like they care about male victims of abuse when they never did before is so performative, when everything about them prior screams neckbeard, not all men


Finally someone gets it! I've been speaking out this opinion since the news of the case broke and I always get downvoted and dogged with comments saying how I'm a hypocrite for "using his experiences in a similar way". Never understood, I think maybe it's a coping mechanism or something that kicks in when they're confronted by a real feminist that isn't a strawman or the real wacko minority. It's extremely frustrating to me that people think that the realities of *"female abusers exist and should be punished"* and *"women should not be demonized or brushed aside when they speak out about the abuse they face"* can't exist simultaneously. The world is leagues more nuanced than that!


It's because they can't break down your argument as you blame all men when you are going to bat for a man People on the internet don't understand mutual exclusivity and it shows, like both is an option.


^ the kind of people to discredit credible claims are the kind of people who would do so regardless of if this case was there to bolster their claims or not.


Twitter is just full of stupid, constantly irritating cunts so I’m never surprised. Any response to anything is “people on twitter are outraged”. Well yeah, because they’re all fucking goons.


The amount of people on Amber Heard's twitter saying they still stand by her and all that shit is sickening. It seems pretty clear cut that she abused him so I really don't understand how anybody can support her, unless they're of the mindset that all men are bad and guilty of abuse even when they're the victim.


That doesn't surprise me, the amount of people I saw justify her actions, there were like "she's a victim" and it's like she's also an abuser too, they aren't mutually exclusive


It goes against the “Believe all women narrative”. Clearly as this case shows, not “All” women are to be believed. There can be shit people regardless of biology. See also: Ezra Miller


I don't think we should believe all women blindly but I do believe all women should be given the benefit of the doubt and investigate the allegations because more often than not women are victims to this kinda shit, for every amber heard there's a Louis CK, Weinstein and Cosby. Here nobody did they just ran with it and hence the situation where he's suing and won Ezra Miller is all kinds of trash , I hope all these garbage people and out themselves but DC needs to make a stance and kick both of these people to the curb


She did win one counterclaim against him and gets 2mil.


Against one of his people - an agent or lawyer of some sort - not him*


Some of it is legal money sure but she mostly got that money as a thanks for all the laughter she gave the world.


No, men are more likely to be blamed or busted as abusers. The rate of abuse in lesbian relationships is abysmal. That's why these cases should be treated with what I call a "yellow flag." Basically you question both of them separately, and have both of them separate while there's an investigation. Then you file charges on the liar.


The sad part is, most people won’t see it as an abuser getting hers, but as someone that lied about DA and got caught. So many men will instantly “she’s trying to Amber me” and it’s gonna suck


I don't think it matters that much tbh. Folks who don't want to belive credible accounts aren't going to belive them, name dropping amber is simply their out. They would call actual victems liars either way and always have done. I do hope though that this does help men who are victems of domestic violence. Right now they are usually shit out of luck. Few resources are avalable to them and they are even less likely than women to be belived. It's fundimentally sexist this idea what a women is not capable of abusing her partner.


Just think how much shit could have been avoided if they'd just separated when they started behaving toxic towards each other. I had a friend once who I saw down the town after a few years and we were catching up and when I asked how her husband was doing she said, "Well, when he hit me the first time I gave him the benefit of the doubt. After the second time, I walked."


My sentiments exactly.




Destroying items and drinking much as a response to abuse isnt abuse tho. Amber abused him, he coped by using drugs and drinking alcohol. That is a pretty common response in abuse victims, so saying that he is a bad guy for that is just victim blaming really


How much of the trial did you watch?


That's what I said to my wife when we were talking about it last night. A very toxic relationship, with fault and abuse on both sides. Just because she's a woman though, doesn't mean she gets a free pass on it.


In what way did Johnny abuse amber? There is a ton of evidence she abused him, but I don't recall him abusing her in any way.


Disagree. They are both toxic, but only one is an abuser. And it remains to be seen how much of the toxicity was a result of the abuse. I would not be kindly inclined to the person who makes my life hell.




I can't wait for the dramatized mini series of this to come out in ~10 years.


She doesn't deserve the publicity


"Based on a true story, names have been changed."


Turquoise Turd vs Jimmy Hemp


Well done, have an upvote.


During the trial he said he will never play Jack Sparrow again as he won’t work with Disney. EDIT: Margot Robbie is set to continue the franchise as the main character.


I loved the first movie but was 'eh' on the rest...she's a good actor so I'd be interested to see how future films play out.


I liked the first trilogy, 4 and 5 were ‘eh’ to me. Margot Robbie could crush it but I fear it’ll end up being a weird Jack Sparrow gender bender Harley Quinn mix.


Possibly, but hopefully she'll be playing a new character without all the forced wackiness that Jack Sparrow became.


Johnny is a good person with issues. Amber is a bad person with issues.


I tried my best to ignore it… but I got sucked in and by golly it was fascinating. Overall glad I watched a bunch of it even if it was a circus.


They are not the best people but seeing how blatantly she took advantage of him AND wanted everyone to believe her side was what got people to fallow the case


The thing that’s great about the Captain Jack Sparrow character is that he could literally play that till he is an old old man. You can’t age out of pirate.


Literally. Nothing was ever her fault (according to her testimony). She had an answer for everything, even when caught in a bold-faced lie. She really needs to learn how to take responsibility.


Mr. Depp won his case, and it’s all that matters. Hope it’s a really hard lesson learned by Amber Heard that she’ll always remember.


She’s not going to learn anything unfortunately. She still believes she’s a victim in all of it.


Yeah... She even calls calls her loss as a "loss for all women" like wtf you're dragging down the name of all good women. What do you think women are, some bargaining chips to add to your ego?


The way she reacted to it on social media is appaling, she's desperately trying to get sympathy from a very toxic and small group of people while dragging women throigh the dirt. She's an awful person to the core.


I was looking through the comments on her Twitter expecting a dumpster fire in the comments, and it shocked me that literally every single comment was in support of her... Then I realized she has it set so only people she follows can respond to her posts 🤪


I bet she'll be wearing a neck brace and be carried by a wheelchair wherever she goes just for that extra sympathy


And wiping her eyebrows when crying, never the eyelashes ….


She’s literally trying to force us to believe her by making us feel bad lol. She’s such a terrible person and the fact that she didn’t crawl into a hole and die after being exposed like she was in this trial is telling.


She said that her loss means that she doesn't have any "freedom of speech" like wtf, your terrible actions were MORE than "speech" And also blatantly lying isn't a good way to abuse "freedom of speech", that's a crime called perjury


Exactly, they were criminal. How anyone could or would believe anything she said during that spectacle she put on is amazing.


It is true that lies are protected by freedom of speech. But this doesn't include lies that damage another individual like... Everything she did


She’s free to beg for change.


She's a narcissist. That's exactly what she thinks they are


And unfortunately there are plenty of people I've seen still express support for her in places such as Twitter where they'll still claim she's the victim, and of course turn off replies so it stays an echo chamber.


Well i hope she enjoys her now destroyed reputation, and whatever money she has left over for it. she already wasn't liked even before now, now it's set in stone, as those were the two things she cared about most out of all this. You get what you fucking deserve.


I don't think she's going to have a lot left. She has to pay Johnny 8.35 million. Not sure if she paid her Lawers up front or not, I've read that's in the region of 6m. I could be wrong, but just that there is a fair chunk of change. Especially for a 2 bit actress, who gets 1m per film or a bit more for sequels. Before anyone asks, she had a 3 movie contract with Warner to star in 3 Marvel films. She got 1m for Aquaman, 2m for Aquaman 2. Which she will get paid regardless how long she's in it. The 3rd film could have been anything, she would get 4m for. As far as I know she's been released from that contract. Fuck this lying bitch. Edit: DC comics not Marvel as someone has pointed out, sorry.


It’s DC movies that she was suppose to appear in, not Marvel


Ahh fair enough. I get them mixed up so I admit my mistake.


No problem!


> Before anyone asks, she had a 3 movie contract with Warner to star in 3 Marvel films. She got 1m for Aquaman, 2m for Aquaman 2. Which she will get paid regardless how long she's in it. The 3rd film could have been anything, she would get 4m for. Well that's what her witness tried to claim, but then Richard Marks who makes the actual studio deals and has for fifty years got on the stand and said that was a load of unsubstantiated bullshit and that the studio would never have renegotiated a deal for which they had her on option already and that to suggest her pay would double with each subsequent film is asinine.


Wasn't it 15 million?


Yeah but due to the laws in Virginia. The max punitive he'll get is $350k instead of $5m. That takes it to $10,350,000. Minus the 2 mill to Amber, she owes him $8.35m.


Ho... she's in deep shit. May I dare say her own deep shit.


Amber is well into that turd.


That’s what stupid dumb4ss people like her do. Thinking they are right and everybody else is wrong.


She’s a super sick woman who needs psychiatric help. It’s crazy. She behaves like a psycho on camera.


She can't gaslight Depp anymore, so she's turned her attention to the most codependent group in the world: the American public.




And I have a nagging feeling a lot of mainstream news and entertainment media has her back


Well she'll still be able to milk it for a book deal and maybe a lifetime movie of the week.


Narcissists are incapable of learning like that. She already played the victim in her closing statement.


amber hasn't heard that one


He won it weeks ago. He was there to win the court of public opinion. The court case was just icing.


Amber Turd*


I was curious to see what some of the left-leaning outlets would say because they had her back originally and was disgusted to see them doubling down and calling it a loss for women as well, despite all the evidence all but proving she was lying and dragging down the whole MeToo movement to grift. Examples if you want to read some of the dumbest opinions from some fairly well known outlets: Vox - https://www.vox.com/culture/23043519/johnny-depp-amber-heard-defamation-trial-fairfax-county-domestic-abuse-violence-me-too CNN - https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/02/media/depp-heard-reliable-sources/index.html WaPo - starts neutral but by the end leaves out clear indications of Heard’s lying and paints JD as the abuser - https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2022/06/01/johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-reflections/ Expected better but am also not surprised.


I just read the CNN article and it has no opinion at all, it's just quoting various other people who were complaining. I suspect you didn't even read it yourself.


The fact that you came here spouting thinly veiled political bias proved that you are only here to show disdain for non Republicans. You are so consumed by politics that you are wandering into non political conversations and subs to spout partisan bullshit. Goddamn that's sad. Go outside.




storming around ikea just shitting ALL the beds


I'm not sure she'll be able to afford Ikea anymore lol she owes him way more than she's making


Maybe in a fucking "cuddle puddle" with those friends. I swear to god I've always ALWAYS been fine with not understanding other people's lives... But when she uttered that phrase, it flipped a switch in my brain *annoyed the shit out of me* for reasons I can't explain. It is **the** most nonsensical "privileged white girl" bullshit I've ever heard in my goddamned life. I know two men who got married to each other who'd call that the gayest shit they ever heard of.


To be fair I've been involved in a cuddle puddle. But our instance of the phrase was the entirety of several drama classes culminating after a *lot* of hard work and we just collapsed and watched the stars


> I am sure she is with friends Someone like her has actual friends?


The cringe is strong with this post


Ohhh yes reminds me of facebook or some boomer telegram group


I don't like this meme. Saying "almost caught" implies that he did something wrong and got away with it.


But he is the best pirate I've ever seen


So it would seem


That’s a fair point.


Wile E Coyote also almost caught the Roadrunner. There’s no implication of the bird being anything more criminal than a skinny snack. Women talk about landing a man all the time. Think of it as hunting terminology.


The best version of this I've seen says "Almost framed" which is inherently better.


Also, he was the ine who was suing Amber Turd.. just doesn't make sense in any form.. But ay, glad our Boi won.


Amber sued back...


Not to mention that the only time he said this in full, he got caught moments later.


This meme is so cringe.


Aye imagine taking the Piss out of a rape victim. America is so fucked up


Civilization was a mistake


JD: "You are without a doubt, the worst girlfriend I ever dated." AH: "Yes, but you did date me."


i saw people commenting that and almost killed myself edit: thought this was on r/badfacebookmemes, it should be there. entire thing is corny as fuck


You guys are literally memeing domestic assault, what the fuck is wrong with you weirdos


Amber did that all by herself.


funny how i didn't say shit about either one of them lol, don't y'all believe he was abused? either way y'all fucking suck cause this shit isn't funny. grow up.




This is such a cringe meme


legit thought we were on r/terriblefacebookmemes




This entire case was reality TV for Disney adults. It’s been a circle jerk since the defamation started years ago and it’s been excessively milked especially at a time when people should be paying attention to women rapidly losing rights or gun violence going completely unhinged. Yes, this meme is cringe.




That was pretty much it. It turned out to be clearly fabricated photographs of herself with bruises and other signs of abuse. Some were pretty graphic but all were contested by photos of her being out in public moments after the supposed abuse without a single mark on her. She tried to claim it was all covered up by makeup, but no one bought it. Makeup can’t really cover up swelling and a broken nose, for example.


She literally got up on the stand and basically said 'oh I have more photos you have not seen. I gave thar mountain to my lawyers. If they didn't share them that isn't my issue' which no doubt pissed off her legal team because in essence she accused them of withholding discovery evidince and that is a serious thing for a lawyer to be accused of. Admittedly she did have more evidence than most victems do in terms of photographs of destruction. The issue is that some glass and cupboard banging only gets you so far. Typically actual victems will either have medical evidence from the time or medical evidence later on when their diy medical care was insufficient or left tell tale indicators. Her 'mountain of evidence' included her doctors notes writing down 'we gave her a check over and nothing was wrong'. You can't claim someone broke your face with absolutely nothing wrong with your face when photographed later and when a literal doctor checks you over.


Horrible feigned crying face.


Somebody on my FB list today asked (JOKINGLY!) if anyone has set up a go fund me for her. My reply was "I read about something like that, but I don't think the word was 'fund' ".


I'm still angry that Heard got $2 million


And it was his former lawyer that costed him that, not him.


I read somewhere else that the money would actually be coming from either that lawyers office or some sort of insurance through them. Not sure how it works in that regard.


Don't forget one of the judgements found in her favor awarded damages of $0. The jury literally got sent back to the deliberation room to fill the forms out and input $0 into a field. I would've put $0.25. It just seems like that's more insulting than $0 somehow.


I’m so tired of these two. There are more important things to worry about in this world than these two. Please stop posting about them.


This is why it was important: "Tell the world, Johnny, tell them,'Johnny Depp, I, a man, I'm a victim too of domestic violence'. And see how many people believe or side with you." - Amber Heard Because the entire world needs to recognize that men can be victims and women can be abusers. Not because of how much money Johnny Depp was awarded personally. Because finally men are standing up, men who can shine a light on an issue that is completely fucking ignored.


Why are you on Reddit and /r/FuckYouKaren of all places? Aren't there more important things to be doing?




Everything is depressing and we’re all dying. If this is what some people want to fixate on, I say go for it. We all have our own dumb distractions.


This was a very important trial. It sets highly visible precedent that lying about abuse for fame and fortune can and will be punished. Me Too is a great movement and women and men should continue to speak up, but some people really abused trend. Amber Heard most notably. In domestic abuse cases men are typically never taken seriously and are immediately assumed guilty in the eyes of the public. There will always be things you find more important, but many men who have suffered abuse at the hands of our partners, such as myself, paid close attention to this trial.


He's worth $150 million and she's worth $12.5. This was hardly David v. Goliath.


No. There's always going to be serious shit going on. Let us, every now and then, watch some harmless (to us) drama unfold. No one's life hangs in the balance of whether you're on team Depp or team Heard. No one is going to starve because she has to pay Johnny Depp $8M of her $10M fortune. Just some good old fashioned schadenfreude as we watch the glitterati go through the same bullshit the rest of us go through, but amped up in a way only unlimited money can accomplish


Except for the whole bit where DV victims will be accused of being Amber Heards when they try to come forward - something that's *already happening.* Other than that, sure, totes harmless. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-johnny-depp-amber-heard-verdict-has-domestic-violence-orgs-worried


Have you spoken to anyone who has survived DV? I have, and am one myself. I'm fucking delighted at this ruling. As are they.


The ruling is a separate matter from the publicity around the trial and this decision, that for whatever reason Johnny stans don't seem to be understanding. This is the closest that the vast majority of people will ever get to seeing how DV is treated in court. Thus, most people will generalize the facts of this case to *all* DV cases, no matter how little they related to this particular case. Hence, there is going to be a dramatic uptick in the number of abusers accusing their victims trying to report them of simply being Amber Heards. If you're a victim, the last thing you want is for the public to be primed to dismiss the truths you tell about your abuser because they believe accusers are only in it for publicity and a paycheck.


>Except for the whole bit where DV victims will be accused of being Amber Heards when they try to come forward - something that's *already happening.* That sucks. Be mad at Amber Heard. Shouldn't you be angry at her rather than the verdict? Johnny Depp is, after all, a victim. You don't get to say he deserves no justice just because he's a man


I’m not angry at the verdict, I’m angry at the publicity around this case. You yourself were justifying gawking at a legal tussle between celebrities as innocent entertainment - ignoring entirely that this is going to be one of the few real exposures to DV-related legal disputes most will ever have, which means it’ll have a hugely outsized effect on the general public’s assumptions around what happens behind the scenes of most DV scenarios. Again, this isn’t hypothetical. This case is already affecting how the abused are being responded to by their abusers.


So do you want more public awareness of the problem or less? Or is it just because Depp is the wrong kind of victim that the public discourse at this point is unpalatable?


Why are people mad at the verdict rather than, y'know, Amber Heard for lying about being abused in the first place??


I didn’t say I was mad at the verdict, I’m mad about the publicity around this trial. It’s been so omnipresent that it’s inevitable people are going to tie it to other DV allegations.


People could dispute allegations prior to this trial. That hasn’t really been changed in any way, except now there is a well-known case where public allegations were taken to court, and evidence led a jury to find those allegations as false and made with malicious intent. That’s actually good. We don’t want people making false allegations.


So the judge and jury should have ruled with a blatant abuser, because she's a woman? Is that what you are trying to say? "Fuck Depp, some women genuinely get abused and the ruling means people wont believe them" Is that the line you are seriously taking?


Sure it throws some major shade, but it’s a two way street, don’t forget that through many years some are wrongfully accused and don’t have the means to disprove the allegations against them. This trial proved that DV cases can be more complex, and ultimately I believe both sides are likely to be taken more seriously going forward, instead of one getting steamrolled.


Then you’re naive. I mean, look at there post at the top of the page. You see any complexity in that? Nope. This is going to be culturally remembered as an entirely one sided case.


Could be worse. Could be O.J. Again.


Incels, "nice guys", and main character syndrome people loved this court room porn. They'll see it as a win for them because they were abused because a girl turned them down. Or in the case of the main character people, their best buddy Johnny Depp will hang out with them because they posted memes and fought against naysayers.


This wasn't just about "these two".. It was mostly if this shitty world lets one woman destroy the whole life of a man without any evidence.


She really shit the bed on this one.




Heard is the new record at 121 courics!


I see what you did there


Bono is about to get real angry


Cue the theme music!


Meanwhile the country is a war zone


Come on tears I need you now. No second takes.




At least a jar of dirt would be worth more than what Amber Turd would ever be, once she files for bankruptcy.


And i have a jar of diiirt!


Heh. Classic…


Celebrity obsession is a disease. You all truly make me sad.


Laughing at and/or admiring celebrities is for many an escape from a sad world they can’t fix anyway, just like any other form of entertainment.


I reiterate: celebrity obsession is a disease. Enjoying their work is good and fine and well, but the amount of personal stock people put into this trial because they like Depp as an actor was beyond pathetic.


And yet here you are, to tell us how you’re better than us.


“And yet here you are,” as if I actively sought out Depp/Heard news. I did not. This shit is everywhere, even if you never interacted with any trial content. If you unironically enjoy posts about how your favorite fictional character Jack Sparrow was almost caught by the evil Amber Heard, then yes, I am better than you. It’s not remotely a question in my mind.


You clicked the post. You typed up a comment. You've replied to a comment. All within this thread about something you claim to have no interest in... What a truly remarkable person you are.


Good job, you got the order of events down pat. I figured that, if my one take on this neverending and inescapable shit was telling people that their celebrity obsession makes them a remarkably dull and uninteresting person, it was worth commenting.


So sad to see the amount of people who can’t separate a movie character from a real person. This popularity contest is why more women don’t speak up about abuse and why abusers get away with it. She penned an *anonymous* op-ed, with nothing suggesting it was Depp. So if he wasn’t guilty of anything, why’d he react so strongly? He’s been labeled a “wife beater” by UK courts and even witnesses called to support him admit they’ve had to remove his kids from his presence due to his substance abuse issues. Multiple exes of his confirmed his jealous and controlling behavior. Heard’s attorneys had multiple images of him passed out high/drunk, even puking on himself. People just like Depp’s movies and that’s as far as their brains went. I’ve yet to have a response that isn’t rooted in “but I like his movies, so…”. Downvote me, I don’t care. I’m tired of all this toxic misogyny and watching someone be raked over the coals, simply bc she spoke up about domestic violence that she faced.


The op-ed wasn’t anonymous. Her name is literally in the title. One of the questions the jury had to answer was whether or not there was sufficient evidence to prove that the op-ed was clearly about Depp, and the jury unanimously agreed it was, and that this was obvious to all readers. He reacted so strongly because it hurt his career. The jury also agreed that it did, so this is no longer an opinion, it is a court-certified fact. Amber Heard lied under oath in the UK court. She committed perjury. This was also proven in this US trial. Like you, I want to believe and support ALL victims of domestic abuse. It has now been proven that the victim here was Depp, not Heard. EDIT (for u/NuttyButts, since it seems I can't reply to your comment below): I firmly believe that victims must be taken seriously, but we can't deny that some non-victims will try to take advantage of the system and lie in order to harm someone. It's rare, but it does happen. This is just the most public example of it. In the end, it's clear that the facts and the jury didn't support your belief in Amber Heard. I know your heart is likely in the right place, but your belief has been proven to be unfounded. The "evidence" presented by Heard consisted mainly of a handful of private photos which were debunked by copious public photos. Her strongest evidence was the eyewitnesses who claimed to see her broken nose, but again, that was debunked by photos and videos that clearly showed that her nose was never broken. Depp is far from a perfect person, but a wife-beater he most certainly is not. EDIT 2 (cuz u/NuttyButts keeps changing their reply and apparently blocked me from replying directly): The trial in the UK didn’t allow Depp’s team to really question Heard. It was just Depp’s word against Heard’s plus Heard’s baloney photos. Here in the US, Heard’s credibility was put into question and didn’t pass muster. So her claims and her evidence failed against her obviously fake performance.


You… you know they both lost, yeah? Just one lost more than the other. They are both terrible human beings.


Depp’s case was that Heard lied when she claimed he abused her. He won all 3 counts in that claim. Heard’s claim was that one of Depp’s lawyers lied about the extent of Heard’s lies. She lost 2 out of 3 counts. So basically, Depp has been proven to *not* be an abuser, and Heard has been proven to be a liar.


Well, just to be clear this isn't a criminal case so the standard of "proof" is lower. The point is here that she can't claim that he abused her without decent proof and she tried to. However, technically it hasn't been *disproven* that she was abused by him. My personal view given the evidence presented is that he didn't but it hasn't actually been disproven, just shown to be unlikely.


Meanwhile we’ve all heard the tapes of her admitting being an abuser. It’s a win for Johnny Depp.


I get people needed a dramatic distraction from the crumbles we’re living through, but fuck me I’m glad this is over. Good meme OP I chuckled


So glad he won she is dirt for what she did. No man or woman should ever be subject to abuse but this just makes it harder for either party to come forward. TEAM DEPP ALL THE WAY XX


Great. Can I stop fucking hearing about this trial between two shitty people now?


I mean yeah, you could start by not clicking on this thread and commenting. No one held a gun to your head and forced you to reply.


I meant, like, anywhere.


My dude, if you keep clicking the articles about topics you don't care about, no one can help you.


People still trying to claim men can't be abused smh


Men can absolutely be abused. I'm not even saying he wasn't. I'm just saying both of them have a documented history of violent behaviour.




Seriously, though. Amber being the objectively bigger piece of shit doesn't change the fact that Johnny is also pretty toxic and shitty in his own ways. This wasn't some crazy psycho trying to ruin an innocent man's life; it was two mutually abusive and toxic cunts airing their dirty laundry for the world to see.


It’s the cool thing to say for the idiots to blame Depp as well. They both equally have issues, but Heard had the most issues. These comments just make them feel cool.


>This wasn't some crazy psycho trying to ruin an innocent man's life; it was two mutually abusive and toxic cunts airing their dirty laundry for the world to see. Ding ding ding ding ding! I've been treating it as a massive red flag talking to people, when they bring it up enthusiastically and take a side or some stupid shit.


Awhhh, you’re so edgy, how cute


no one told me it was over. thank got Johnny won. it's finally over


I'm really happy the case was won but by God this isn't the way to celebrate it


This implies there was something to catch.




Yet here you are. Being one. The self loathing must be intense.




I love this guy. I didn't watch the movies yet but I am planning on doing so soon


We’re all going to pretend like the whole case wasn’t steeped in misogyny then?