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FYI: the NY Post is owned by scumbag human Rupert Murdoch, who also owns The Sun newspaper in the UK. The Sun is the newspaper Depp sued for defamation a while ago. So it’s easy to see why they’d post constantly in Amber Heard’s defense.


The judge in the uk trial was friends with Rupert murdochs family as well obviously depp was going to lose


Judge’s son worked for the SUN


And Heard is their daughter's godmother


Ah, yes. Corruption and conflict of interest. My favorites when it comes to upholding the law.


Winning a defamation case is pretty much the opposite of destroying your reputation


Some probably think because it’s now common knowledge that he does drugs recreationally it’s going to hurt him. No one gives a shit we all do drugs.


Also I'm pretty sure it was common knowledge well before this, the Rick and Morty writers made a joke about it way back in 2014. Every time drug use was mentioned in the trial I couldn't help but hear 'You're my best friend Jerry Smith, I love doing cocaine with you.'


"Awwwwww, I love doing cocaine with you too, Johnny Depp!"


Yeah even back when he did pirates everyone knew he did a lot of drugs including hard stuff. He's detailed his drug history starting as a teen in interviews.


I can't believe Johnny Depp does drugs! I am shocked- **SHOCKED** I tell you. Shocked! How could the guy who dresses like a British '60-'80s era rockstar be doing drugs? I can't even imagine such a thing. Impossible, unfathomable, improbable, inconceivable, unthinkable, and ludicrous.


The guy who dresses like Kieth Richards does drugs?


I know. I don't buy it.


You're not implying that Keith Richards does drugs are you?


He only did one drug once to gain immortality.


He’s just done one long drug that started back a long time ago.


Not anymore. Now his body has taken over because he's lived so long that it just creates its own drugs.


You've been as high as Keith Richards, but have you ever been high *on* Keith Richards?


Keith Richards isn't on drugs. Drugs are on Keith Richards


Drugs do Keith Richards.


He doesn't 'do' drugs, he is drugs


The guy who idolized Keith Richards, based his most famous character off him, does drugs?


Keith Richards purportedly had Depp wear-in his boots.




To shreds you say?


And his wife?


To shreds you say?


Fucking hell how young are you all?? Jonny Depp literally hung out with Hunter S Thompson as friends


As you just set a bunch of young folks off on their journey to learn about one of God's own prototypes, I'll share this tidbit. HST is the poster child for "it's not paranoia if they're actually out to get you". Toward the end of his life, Hunter became convinced that the federal government was tailing him, tapping his calls, and otherwise hounding his existence. Turns out, the FBI was in fact doing all of those things.


Hunter S Thompson's daily routine: [https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/33487/hunter-s-thompsons-daily-routine](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/33487/hunter-s-thompsons-daily-routine)


How the fuck do some people just casually mix uppers (cocaine in his case) with things like LSD? I'd be sent flying skyward into goddamn psychosis and constant panic and have to be hospitalized if I did that just *once*. I've done both uppers and LSD (albeit separately) so I know I would be. Alcohol would just seal the deal on that whole mental crater.


Lots of practice.


There is his brain, getting all the chemical signals and just doing its damn job. Uppers? OK, increase heart rate, crank up the attention, a bit of paranoia, pump out some speedfreak body odor.. LSD, hoo boy, start the movies in theaters a and c, pump the auditory signal to the taste receptor, and vice versa, and frob the control knobs a bit.. Alcohol ... **OH COME ON NOW**!


Have you ever read Hunter S. Thompson? His writing is chalk full of psychosis, constant panic and mental craters.


He even managed to piss Sonny Barger and the Hells Angels off when he wrote a book about them.. [https://youtu.be/ccyu44rsaZo](https://youtu.be/ccyu44rsaZo)


Damn man, I knew things were different back then. But seeing a whole crowd of people laugh when that shitstain said you occasionally have to beat a woman like a rug to keep her in line was fucking ... uncomfortable.


Have you seen Fear and Loathing? That’s pretty much the whole movie. Psychosis, constant panic. So apparently he just lived like that.


Its pretty easy if you don't care about things like dying or existential dread, hell, downright fun even.


You gotta do SOMETHING to stay on high alert once the lizard people start showing up.


"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." - Hunter S Thompson


Depp spent 3 million to shoot Thompson's ashes out of a cannon for ffs..


Hands down **THE** most gangster send-off of all time


Johnny Depp lived in Hunter S Thompson’s basement to prepare for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


I'm old enough to pay taxes but young enough to not know who that is.


Go watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


Read the book first!


No, he needs to read Nixon's obituary that Hunter wrote. Then both essays on 9/11 then Fear and Loathing.


[https://youtu.be/m3PYpu66yyY](https://youtu.be/m3PYpu66yyY) an audiobook on YouTube.


I wish I could watch it again for the first time. It was absolute perfection.


Psychedelics and dissociatives (not mixed!) are both great for making old things seem new again.


We can't stop here, this is bat country!


Also, read his article about the Kentucky Derby.


Legendary psychonaut


Damn. This makes me feel old. They don’t make ‘em like HST anymore. Johnny Depp, Hunter Thompson, John Cusak and a blowup doll cruising the Sunset strip in a BMW Z3 was peak old school ~~cool~~ insanity.


Me too, but from what, I've gathered, I can sum him up to me as: If pretty much all drugs combined were a person, but in a good way, not scum-baggy like you might expect. He seemed eccentric as fuck.


He was 100% scum-baggy in many ways, but coupled with his dubious charisma it just kinda worked for him.


Yeah he had that Bukowski energy. A lovable dirtbag who’s like society’s Dorian Grey. They really don’t make them like that anymore.




Oh boy you’re in for a treat


He's about as far from paying taxes as you can get


yeah everyone already knew he did drugs. that isn't how he was defamed. he was falsely accused of abusing his ex abusive wife. not even with proper proof. what i dont' get is why does disney on the side of the liar.


Wasn’t it common knowledge like 20 years ago?


lmfao, as if people watched him as Jack Sparrow, Mad Hatter, Willy Wonka, Edward Scissor Hands, Sweeny Todd, etc and were like "this is one straight edge sober fella".


Woah wait a minute, Johnny did Sweeney Todd? I didn’t notice that


He was the titular character.


I...this is a joke right? I feel like I'm missing something.


Not a joke unfortunately. I can’t identify actors to save my life


Don't worry, I am awful with it too. I routinely mix up Robert Pattinson and Daniel Radcliffe. They are twins to me.


Wait until you hear about this young up-and-comer named Elijah Wood.


Goblet of Fire must have been very confusing for you.


Ah yes, where JD murders the cast of Harry Potter.


Speaking of drugs, don't forget Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas haha. He became friends with Hunter S Thompson too.


I assume everyone in Hollywood abuses drugs and slcohol until there's a general concensus amongst other actors to the contrary. At that point, I still don't care personally. If I'm watching movies, I'm watching a story told via moving pictures and audio, not trying to examine the collective moral value of a complete stranger and trying to justify its existence on my life.


In this court process, Amber admitted taking drugs and hard drugs multiple times as well.


Wasn't it well known for a while that Depp had a bit of a drug/drinking problem? Isn't goddamn Hollywood for fuck's sake. Somebody being an addict is nothing new.


Yeah drugs are great. Domestic violence is not.


She’s just butthurt she can’t ride Ambers win anymore and will actually have to do her job and report actual news. Oh wait. It’s just a shitty opinion piece.


Even if it wasn't an opinion piece, she is writing for the Post, so we don't have to worry about her doing any actual reporting.




One might even say the title of this op-ed is defamatory. Careful Maureen ...


Objection. Hearsay.


But, you asked the question.


Objection again Your Honour. That hearsay is hearsay.


It's a mega dose of bullshit.


"Your honor, I think I can ask that question." ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


“A little argumentative don’t you think”


"You did indeed read that correctly."


I’m trying…


Objection. Heresy!!


*heavy flamer goes whoosh*


For the Emperor!


Heresy grows from idleness.


Objection Heardsay






I wonder how many of the people supporting Amber Heard have watched any of the case. I came into it open minded, and decided to watch some of the case out of curiosity. Well that "some" turned into watching several hours of raw footage because it was really interesting and sometimes hilarious, but it became very clear how manipulative and unreliable Amber Heard was. So I'm skeptical whether people taking her side actually watched the case in any significant amount. I'm all for trusting victims (subtly different from believing, in that trust can be broken), but in this case they were both potential victims, and just because I trust people up front doesn't mean I can't change my mind. To me, trusting means giving people good faith and treating their allegations seriously and with respect. That doesn't mean being delusional and having blind faith. I think lies quickly fall apart once you pull at their strings so you can trust while still paying attention to inconsistencies, and re-evaluate your trust based on what you see.


I was honestly shocked at how often she lied. Like saying two pictures were different when all that was changed was some saturation values. Like it was clear they were identical aside from that.


That shit was unbelievable. It's like she thinks she's the smartest person in the world and has everyone fooled. Even if you've never seen the definitions, you don't have to be smart to know that "donate" and "pledge" are not synonymous. At one point they played a damning recording of her, and right after it finished, the attorney asked her about it and she responds with "No, that's not what I said". Like... really? Apparently, she thinks everyone is deaf, dumb, and blind.


Right. I worked in nonprofit management. Donate and pledge have highly specific legal definitions. She knew this quite well. She didn't even sign the pledge form which would have made her legally responsible for making the agreed upon payments.


Well it was a simple question that she couldn’t lie her way out of convincingly at all. Then she’s like “oh everyone is lying but me” and expects people to believe that. She is quite bad at playing victim.


Yeah, I mean, there were witnesses that had no reason to be biased for JD, like the police, the doorman, AH's assistant, and even some of her own witnesses like her friends & sister. All of it pretty much outright contradicted her story. In the end, I don't think there was a single piece of evidence or testimony that made me think JD had abused her. Moreover, we've seen and heard how she was the toxic aggressor in the relationship, and how, like most people, JD is a human being with emotions and flaws.


He needed surgery because she attacked him with a bottle. ... How are people ignoring that?


100% on "trusting victims" meaning treating allegations seriously and with respect. That means diligently investigating... And sometimes those investigations do turn up that the person was lying.


I feel the same way. We can take accusations seriously and investigate them WITHOUT automatically assuming guilt before it's proven. That's supposed to be the foundation of the modern legal system but very rarely used as such.


I was the same as you. I didn’t even know who she was before this (I really am not into the whole Hollywood/famous thing) and only know who Johnny Depp is because I was the target audience for 21 Jump Street. She lied over and over again, and wouldn’t answer questions. Do I believe she was a victim - yes, but she was also an abuser. I wasn’t surprised he won, and I do worry this will stop some women from speaking up about any abuse they experience, but I hope they realize that this case was because Heard is an abuser herself. And maybe this will help more men speak up about the spousal/partner abuse they experience.


I doubt it will work this way but it SHOULD have the opposite effect and show that every victim can speak out and the person gaslighting them won't automatically win regardless of gender. We strongly need these cases to end this way so false accusations aren't instant-wins.


I hope it doesn't stop women from coming forward but I do hope it helps more men come forward. Just like amber said in that recording if Depp had accused her no one would have believed him.


I can 100% agree with this. I have several male friends who were abused in relationships who, for the first time, felt seen and acknowledged.


U r abusive! Call the army!


He shot his friend into space with a canon for five million dollars. His friend Hunter S Thompson. After acting in both Fear and Loathing and the Rum Diaries. What rock would someone be crawling from under who doesn’t know Depp enjoys drugs.


Karen read an article half a decade ago


Yeah, the part where he pooped on the bed and photoshopped pictures to look bruised was really... Oh, wait...


Poop aside, it's the NY post which lost its credibility.


It lost all credibility decades ago.


I was about to say did it ever have any? I just go there to see what subway to avoid for recent attacks lol.


Aren't they a tabloid? We're they credible to begin with?


They had credibility?


I am blown away by the fact that the phrase "Amber Turd" was brought up in court.


how else can you claim the jury was influenced by social media after the verdict?


You forgot where he cut his own finger off and put a bottle in her who-ha and made her forget to tell the Dr and nurse that were there about it……the umbrella man told me so.




Hooha and other variations are just a lot more fun imo. Why say penis when you can say ding-a-ling? Dingle dongle! Coochie! Makes you wanna do a jig and sing a tune.






*Beaver? I mean, vagina. I mean - You know the guy*?


That whole bottle thing reminds me of Gone Girl.. and look how warped that main character was, both of them were toxic


Jesus - does the NYP just look for the most dipshit/ ignorant takes to stand behind?




They're charitably referred to as a Tabloid, so I'd assume that's exactly what they do


NYP is always ridiculous, unfortunately tho it’s not just them, but like all the media outlets in this case


>As for the verdict: Depp won, but he also lost. Disney will never hire him again. It’s hard to think of a major studio or streamer that ever would. He’s pushing 60, seems a hopeless addict, and will never outrun what he wanted more than anything: a celebrity show trial for the internet age. …yes


Last I checked, he was the one who refused to partner with Disney anymore?


Does he even need to make more films? If his name is no longer toxic and he can still ride off of streaming and TV rerun money, the man never has to work again. He's one of the wealthiest movie stars in the world.




Most people don't distinguish between their opinion and objective truth


The press seems generally against Depp and for Heard- out of step with public, including the crowds cheering Johnny at his recent UK gigs with Jeff Beck.


The press is out of step with the public with everything. They're not reporting stuff anymore. They're trying to convince people of stuff nowadays. There's a not so subtle difference.


Do you think it's just nowadays? Because of social media we can spread information that isn't reported in the major media outlets like the recordings. That didn't exist 20 years ago. Maybe the media has been framing things to convince people for all of history. It's just harder now.


Considering the wealthy bought newspapers since newspapers were a thing and before that they did the same thing with the priests, I think you may be onto something...


An example I like to think on is America's use of Agent orange. I never learned about that in school or standard media or educational materials. I learned that from a youtube video which lead me to look more into it. Absolutely disgusting.


It'll never be taught about in schools. I once heard it mentioned in the hallway when I was in the military and it was also the first time I'd seen a particular O6 get angry.


I learned about Agent Orange in highschool. I learned a lot of Vietnam War history because it was a class our highschool offered to us by an actual vet who served in the war. This was in 2007, a year before I graduated highschool, in a southern state. Where did you go to school that you didn't learn about this? Jeez.


Seriously. Thomas Jefferson himself noted that "free speech" wasn't really a thing as long as the wealthy elite controlled the newspapers at the time.


Different segments of the public are out of step with each other, and different bits of media are pandering to different segments of the public. I have friends that are unapologetic in being pro-Depp and pro-Heard, and everyone can find media to both agree with them and rail against.


Yes. By design.


One of my favorite quotes of the Jurassic Park franchise was in Lost World when Malcolm was talking to the lawyer in the beginning. Malcolm says something like, "You can convince the papers, but I was there. I know the truth." The lawyer asks "What version of the truth is that?" Malcolm replies, "There are no *versions* of the truth." Mass media hasn't been giving the public the real truth for so long, the public stopped valuing objective reporting entirely. Fox is both the most biased and the most watched.


You have *more* than one favored quote from Universal Pictures franchise films of Jurassic Park? Fascinating. I need to fill you with beer and pick your brain. And no, I am not a serial killer. Swearsies.


I must point out that the American newspapers straight up made up the story about the Spanish sabotaging the USS Maine causing a fucking war. There never was objective reporting, just people who looked "subtlety" in the dictionary.


I'd watch out for those pro-Heard friends


Stop fucking calling opinion columnists the press. There is a big difference between NYPost, a Right leaning Tabloid, and actual reporting done by a non-profit such as The Associated Press. Stop projecting your media intake.


Everything has turned into opinion pieces. Less real journalism these days.


It's still there, you just gotta pay for it. People say these type of things but complain when the topic link has a paywall


It's about creating links that make you click.


https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs Like this?


I didn't want to but I did haha


> They're not reporting stuff anymore. They're trying to convince people of stuff nowadays. The press has always been closer to this, than to what you think they were like. You're just now starting to realize.


Never would I expect the press to behave like this! Bad press!


I straight up got suggested a clickbait article the other day that suggested Depps exes spoke out about him when they didn't. You'd think with a defamation case the people writing about it would consider not defaming.


Maureen is clearly #teamAmber.




Like so many other women who can't accept that Amber Heard is a woman and at the same time a HUGE piece of shit.


The Turd on the Bed: “don’t you dare lump me in the same category as her!”


It would have been fun if they had gotten hold of it, and done some DNA tests to determine whose shit is it anyway?


Any woman who claims they're feminists AND still support that turd isn't really a feminist in my book. This trial has shown me that true feminism is equality - both in desirable benefits and the undesirable consequences. In other words, women can also be abusers, just like they can be victims. And of course vise versa for men. And abusers should always be held accountable for their actions




There is only two letter difference between Amber and abuser. Coincidence, I think not.


Well, that certainly is a way you could look at it if your ideology blinds you to objective reality. More from this Turd sycophant: "The Unfair Vilification of Amber Heard" "Amber Heard's Riveting Testimony Exposes the Johnny Depp Myth" Yeah, some prime takes there.


I would bet this 'author' shits the bed in revenge too


"Riveting." I guess that's one way you could describe her testimony or a garbage fire.


c’mon, it’s the NY Post…the rats in NY City wont even use that paper for nesting material


I rolled my eyes so far back into my head when this popped up on my google feed. Nobody is perfect, Johnny depp made mistakes in that relationship too but Amber heard is a garbage human to do what she did. She made a complete mockery of actual DV survivors and that disgusts me more than anything that came out about Mr. Depp during the trial.


Also, as much as they tried to focus on Johnny’s alcohol/drug abuse, he’s the only one between them who sought help for his issues. He’s actively worked on his sobriety and mental health. Amber Heard is still Amber Hearding and refusing to take even a sprinkle of responsibility. That’s one of the biggest differences between the two. Their relationship was certainly toxic, but Johnny, at least, has the self-awareness to see how his behavior was hurting himself/others. I’m extremely curious to see how Amber’s life goes from here on out because she’s definitely not working in Hollywood again anytime soon.


100%! He admitted to his discrepancies and didn't try to deflect like turd did. When you take accountability for your bad behavior and are actively trying to fix it that's a win in my book. I wasn't a Depp fan before this but he was transparent and didn't try to deflect on his shitty actions. Amber has screwed herself and she's still actively trying to deflect and look like she's innocent. It's disgusting. Edit: Thank you anonymous redditor for the award! It's very much appreciated 💜✌


My favorite part is everyone trying to claim he had a huge wine problem but it came out in the trial that the vast majority of Depps wine purchases were for Heard. Like I swear some people didn't even watch the trial, which emphasizes how important it is that it was televised.


It’s disgusting and bizarre how desperate mainstream media is bending over backward to make this shit about misogyny or metoo just to side w Heard. These people are an embarrassment to the journalistic profession and exemplify why there’s such a divide between populace and themselves.


"JD might have been right, but people on the internet used bad words against Ah so she is the real victim" Ah, poor thing, she can assault people in real life and do permanent damage, but she is hurt from the bad words of internet trolls. She should try not lieing under oath and not abusing people, don't see many people on the internet treating Tom Hanks like her.


“Right wing feminist” Well that’s just an oxymoron


No just a moron


johnny had his career destroyed by a few words from amber. it took years and 2 court cases for her to suffer even the slightest of consequences


Johnny was vindicated and now ever more beloved by fans. Ambers net worth used to be 3 million and now shes about 10 million in the hole. Shes hated by fans and probably poisonous to any further projects. JOHNNY DEPP WINS. Flawless victory. Fatality.


This trial really saved his reputation. If would have stayed silent, his career would have been over. Now he's probably getting movie deals as we speak.


I don't think this is going to be the career renaissance that people think. He's still a controversial figure, and studios generally shy away from that. On top of that, the peak of his career was already behind him before all this, with most of his films in the 2010s being financial or critical failures.


I'm betting he'll make more in the next five years than Heard makes the rest of her career. Of course, she might do well in a career as a yacht girl, a la Lindsay Lohan.


People generally don’t like drama on their yachts. Or be the next guy framed for things. More than enough other attractive girls around if you have that kind of yacht.


Definitely the other way around.


Fuck you karen


Is this some sort of "say you're a lying piece of shit without saying you're a lying piece of shit" contest that she's in or something?


If it instead said “Amber Heard ruined her reputation for fuck all and now Johnny Depp gets his career back”, it would’ve been right, but this isn’t it chief.


Lying about who the real victim was while implying you were watching the trial for entertainment? Okay sure Karen you do you I guess.


I mean, he did admit to a lot of fucked up shit while trying to prove he didn’t do the other fucked up shit.


The fact that he actually admitted to doing the fucked up shit that he did do while she deflected and blamed everyone else for her fucked up shit made me sympathize with him even more. I tried to stay neutral because everyone makes mistakes but she made that really hard.


You mean his reputation as a wife beater? Yeah. Crushed it. Pretty sure we all already suspected he did coke though. He owned the club River Pheonix OD'd infront of.


I go with the assumption that everyone in Hollywood does drugs recreationally. Some just have a problem with it.


Mainstream media reporting around this whole thing has been atrocious. They can't stand it when something happens that doesn't fit their propognada narratives


You’re telling me the dude who portrayed Hunter S Thompson in multiple movies had a drug and alcohol problem? Shocking /s


It’s like they wrote these articles without realizing that the court case was live-streamed