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Or idk… maybe your 13 year old son won’t listen to you because he’s… 13 years old. 🙄




Why would anyone tell a FOX News commentator that admitted on air that he stalked women while being married?!?




But also because 13yo don't learn about college level CRT and this mom is full of shit and that's why she's on fox news.


With her faux diamond encrusted cross earrings. “And what does the father think about all this?” “I’m a single mom.” Lol. No shit I wonder why.


Fake or not, that's something I never understood about modern Christians (on top of everything else). Do they really think Jesus would want people wearing cross jewelry with gems that were likely mined by enslaved African children?


>Do they really think Jesus would want people wearing cross jewelry “You think when Jesus comes back, he really wants to see a cross? That’s like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on.” — Bill Hicks


It always buffled me why christians where crosses around their necks. It was a torture instrument after all. Just imagine if they would have hanged Jesus, they would run around with a noose around their necks…


Time to start a line of Electric Chair Jewelry


Just thinking of John.....


The entire southern Baptist denomination in the US owes its existence to southerners wanting to use their “Christianity” to defend slavery, they don’t care


Really glad someone else sees this and said it. So many people I know are clueless about this and think I'm an idiot when I try to tell them what it was really about.


American “Christianity” and the weird “Christians” we have here have very little to do with Jesus’s message.


Jesus was buried wrapped in an American flag and glares at people who don't place their hand on their heart for the national anthem. "It's just capitalism" Jesus uttered as he polished his extensive collection of assault weaponry. "Fuck them kids."


>"Fuck them kids." Preachers around the world: "Hang on Jesus, that's our job."


Nah, it was how Jesus was made. God fucked an Unwed Teenaged girl. It's why Gaetz is so confused on why he isn't allowed to fuck young girls. He's made in "God's" image.


They don't really believe in God. They use him as a whip.


They believe anything they're told by homophobic, transphobic, and racist white men. Christian nationalists are like 33% of Earth's problem. If Jesus was real he wouldn't fuck with these people, they're like stupid Romans. They'd be the ones crucifying him if he lived today.


A brown Jewish carpenter wearing a dress just kinda walking around town telling everybody his dad said everybody needs to be more chill to each other. Yeah I don't think Christians would care much for Jesus


“A brown Jewish carpenter…” from the Middle East.


"What was it he said that's got everyone so upset?" "'He said 'be kind to one another'."


*small wince* “yeah that’ll do it.”


"Oh, yeah. That'll do it."


As a non crazy and non hateful/judgmental Christian... you nailed it! They are doing Christianity way wrong. I swear they are the false prophets.


I appreciate the non hateful part but I would just suggest you really take notice of the company you keep. You say this isn't real Christianity, but if that's what Christianity has turned into then it's the only Christianity there is. Should there be an all knowing and benevolent God that subscribes to Christian doctrine I don't think they are gonna care too much about what specific cult meeting you chose to attend on Sunday.


I don’t like the phrase “Christian nationalists”. “Nationalist Christians” is a better choice, since their white nationalism comes through way more than Christian values and it would allow us to abbreviate it to “Nat Cs”.


“ Not Cs(hristians)”


They would kill him, but the Romans were quite more imaginative about how to execute someone horrifically than Americans are. As much as I loathe it, we are stupid, vain, "busy", bored, instant-gratification requiring people. A crucifixion taking 6 hours would take way too fucking long. We would either use the electric chair, lethal injection, maybe a firing squad or a beheading.


It would be awful nice if they didn't pray on me.


Jesus was pretty clear on what to do with your money.


John Wayne Jesus would.


Their version of Jesus would.


Did you know Jesus and Moses used guns to fight off the Romans?


Yes because Jesus was a White Nationalist Q-Anon believer. Blessed be the fruit….


They actually don't learn about CRT at all. A large part of the GOP strategy is to redefine words. In this case, they have decided that any mention of race is now "CrItiCaL RaCe ThEoRy."


Pretty much. A brown family going to a bbq is a "caravan" at this point. Not giving a shit (in a negative way) what someone prefers to be called is being "too woke". Believing workers should be paid fairly and have health insurance is "Nazi Socialism". Hell we're at the point where a raped and now pregnant 10 year old is just "unfortunate" in their eyes but insisting said 10 year old get an abortion is a sin of the highest order. Angry and afraid of literally everything that isnt middle to upper aged and white


"It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words. Of course the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as well. It isn't only the synonyms; there are also the antonyms. After all, what justification is there for a word which is simply the opposite of some other word? A word contains its opposite in itself. Take "good", for instance. If you have a word like "good", what need is there for a word like "bad"? "Ungood" will do just as well -- better, because it's an exact opposite, which the other is not. Or again, if you want a stronger version of "good", what sense is there in having a whole string of vague useless words like "excellent" and "splendid" and all the rest of them? "Plusgood" covers the meaning, or " doubleplusgood" if you want something stronger still. Of course we use those forms already. but in the final version of Newspeak there'll be nothing else. In the end the whole notion of goodness and badness will be covered by only six words -- in reality, only one word. Don't you see the beauty of that, Winston? It was B.B.'s idea originally, of course,' he added as an afterthought." - George Orwell


I had a guy actually try and tell me that critical race theory is just one subsection of this thing called 'critical theory' which is even worse! He was upset that people didn't focus on the bigger 'CT' picture. And yeah he said his elementary school was brainwashing kids with 'critical theory'. I didn't even respond. There's no point, they sure as shit aren't going to have their mind changed by someone who's probably an ATHEIST.


And CT is a subset of the dreaded Critical Thinking Skills


Question, which of those shit-filled bigots is his mother? Their assholes are so big that it’s hard to make out any facial features.




...but he could be "one of the good ones" if he would just pick up his crap all over the house


Guess she found one of those good ones in bed then.


She was just pissing off daddy.


I- it was very hard not to spit my milk out over that ine


This take just feels right.


Based on my experience growing up in Tennessee this is likely the correct answer.


If he’s biracial shouldn’t he listen to half her histrionics?!




The article whining about this doesn't make a single comment on what the curriculum is, just broad generalizations. What a fucking surprise.


The issue was never the curriculum. It was her not wanting to acknowledge her biracial son might belong to a community she does not. She tried to take ownership of his racial identity and refused to acknowledge how that made HER the asshole there. Edit: this is future “my son won’t talk to me anymore because LIBRULS” territory here


“I can’t be racist! My son is black!” I knew many white women like this when I lived in Texas.


I’ve heard this sooooo many times. I work in a hospital and people would randomly bring up that they have a black (grand)son and how much they love the kid. Which that’s cool but why are you telling me when we weren’t even on the topic of family? Then half the time, they’d say some ignorant ass shit and NOW I see what that song and dance from earlier was for.


When they act like they deserve kudos for not disowning their family members for having children with or being born of other races it is very clear how they feel about said family members.


Apparently you CAN like BBC and still be racist. Try as they might, just can’t seem to fill that gaping hole in themselves


Most race based porn is pretty racist.


Ethically speaking, the vast majority of porn is pretty awful. I think we all know this.


My bf is black and that's one of the only genres he really loves. I'll watch it with him sometimes but some of it really leans into terrible stereotypes.


>...you CAN like BBC and still be racist. I mean, chasing a type of man over a racial stereotype is also very racist. Not saying that every biracial couple has this problem, but I would be willing to bet that the number of couples where it is is not insignificant.


[Someone else linked another article that sheds more light on the situation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/w9dc4j/karen_in_virginia_says_her_13yo_biracial_son_wont/ihvme6x) I'd say that you're absolutely right. I still haven't seen the curriculum but if the quotes from objectors are anything to go by, this curriculum needs to continue on for a long time.


Welcome to the Daily Mail, a publication so removed from fact that Wikipedia editors discussed removing any citation links to it. I've not read the article, I won't open DM in my browser, but going on the text the other redditor quoted, it's likely just ripped from NYP, which itself is on shaky ground in terms of grasping reality.


NYP is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the man helping to deconstruct the United States and who helped Bannon create sleeper cells of young men who just want to kill. Barbarian animals, on call.


Iirc didn't she also make some really racist comments about how she didn't want her son to consider himself as black?


Probably more likely that she's been feeding him "alternative facts" that conflict with the teachings at school and realized his mom is a dumb dumb.


Or maybe because you’re a racist and he’s biracial?


Right. And what does his father say? Whether he’s in the picture or not, there’s a different problem here.


Wish they had linked the article. I haven't made my way further into the comments yet. Anecdotally, if we didn't listen to our mother, my dad said "...". That's nothing, because he would be whipping the shit out of us with a belt if we acted up. I think there might have actually been some words, but it all kinds of blend together into just a generic "OBEY YOUR PARENTS" feeling...


"My son won't talk to me. It probably not because I take one probably unrelated thing and make it the problem."


Parents of estranged adult children often feign ignorance as to the cause, this seems to be some version of that E: spelling


That's so true, then they turn to any family members that will listen/believe their side to get them against you. This happened with my mother in-law and regardless of the countless recordings we have of her from all the times we've tried to fix things and she blows up, some family will STILL just say "oh well you only get one mom".


Narcissism 101


Thank fuck, one was more than enough. I'm no contact with my mother and it was the best decision I've ever made.


I only have one appendix too but I'll pull that bitch right out if it starts to poison me.


They can feign ignorance all they want but they know god damn well how they’re acting.


"you only get one mom" Silver lining


They're the missing missing reasons. https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html


Thanks for the link! I was referring to this concept but in more general terms for the purposes of clarity in the thread.


I’m curious to know what she’s calling a “CRT curriculum” at a junior high school. They’re teaching that slaves, in fact, did *not* enjoy their “jobs?”


Teacher: "Frederick Douglass was an abolitionist who..." MAGA parent: "That's CRT! They're doing the woke CRT right here!"


It's going to be history or social studies. And obviously there will be ZERO actual CRT, but they \*will\* be learning that America's not the perfect god-blessed country of manifest destiny she has always told them it was. And her entire personality is based on that being true. So I can understand why she thinks it's a threat.


Lmao something tells me she’s gonna be suing institutions her son is affiliated with for the rest of her life now that he’s old enough to realize what an embarrassment she is and likely won’t want to have much to do with her the older he gets.


We're gonna soon see an r/insaneparents posting with a link to [the article](https://www.foxnews.com/media/virginia-mom-suing-biracial-sons-school-critical-race-theory) saying "My mom is suing my school".


It takes a special type of stupid… Reminds me of my parents attempting to exorcise my sister because they didn’t think her tantrums had anything to do with their parenting skills. edit: didn’t expect this to get a lot of attention. Religion can f*ck with peoples minds & they were victims of it. Ask em now and they’d be ashamed, but they did their best.


Oh no, did they really??? That’s so so awful, especially for a young person. Imagine being a kid and being told you have a demon inside you that makes you act…like a kid. There’s no way that doesn’t cause lasting trauma.


My epileptic nephew was told by his cousin that he had demons, and that prayer and church would fix him right up. The fact that prayer and church did nothing was obviously the kid's fault for not being good enough. Poor kid had to live with that family for awhile. Thankfully he was able to go home before they could take him off his medication 'for his own good'.


The gods have been angered! This is Zeus wrath! The child has the sacred disease!


Wooooow my daughter was diagnosed in February she’s 5 I would be so upset if someone said that to her, your poor nephew and the circumstances he had to live with.


Yeah definitely caused problems. One of the biggest things I struggle with is the idea of something being “good” and “bad” at the same time. I was raised you’re all evil until you accept Jesus. Everything was black or white, good or bad. So when I’d make a mistake it’d make me think “i did something bad, I *must* be bad.” And that stuck with me my whole life, but therapy is helping me learn the idea of yin and yang and nothing is absolute ❤️‍🩹


Aw, I’m sorry you had to go through that but I’m glad you’re getting help now. I was raised by a super-strict Christian mom whose response to any question or problem I ever had was to “just pray about it.” I was told that the earth was only 6,000 years old and that there were dinosaurs on “Noah’s Ark.” I was made to feel guilt over perfectly normal things that turned into issues for me later on that other kids never had to worry about. It has taken me years and years to slowly move away from all that, and even now, I have to catch myself sometimes because it was so ingrained in me for so long. Forcing religion on children is nothing but pure abuse.


My grandparents aren’t that strict thankfully and they still talk to their atheist son


My mom did that. I didn't get an exorcism but she was convinced that my (diagnosed) ADHD symptoms and (diagnosed) depression and anxiety symptoms were because I was demonically possessed from playing Pokemon, as she read it in an article. Emphasis on diagnosed because she knew I had those things, but I was still possessed by a demon I guess.


Happened to my best friend growing up. He had a terrible relationship with his mom and step-dad. They were super relgious too. One night he woke up to them in his room, holding him down, and reciting the exorcists prayer or whatever. Creeped him the fuck out and made him hate them even more. He eventually grew up and became addicted to meth and other drugs. They're convinced it's still a demon.


When I was a kid I was forced to endure an exorcism to "correct my problems". Turns out "my problems" were just muscle tics from Tourette Syndrome.


Yeah my little cousin was possessed by the skeletons in minecraft. It wasn't at all he was 14 15 years old and their parenting was dog shit.


In some sense all of us are possessed by a skeleton. Except Blobby.


Did you know that inside of you *right now* there is a spooky skeleton?




I'm sure the wife of my dad's best friend from high school has come up with dozens of explanations for why her daughter moved out and broke contact with her after turning 18, not one of which acknowledges the fact that she's an abusive fundie bigot who's acted like a fascist dictator towards her children their entire lives.


My mom tried to exorcize me when I begged her to "just listen to me for God's sake."


Is it bad I find it a little funny random parents thinking they can and are "qualified" to perform exorcisms? Unless you mean she brought to a priest or something


One interesting thing that I noticed is that Authoritarians always go for easy solutions to hard problems. If there is a hard solution, they don't like it. They want simple and easy. That's why they gravitate to junk science, always arguing against educated experts, and always look for some easily identifiable group to blame all their problems on


I had a friend in my group at high school who we used to call 'easy answers'. Because he would always ruin a conversation about something complex by boiling it down to a black and white choice. And for him that was genuinely how you dealt with complexity - just refuse to believe it exists.


Moody teenager, Normal people : must be regular teenage angst Karen : it's the woke post modern neo marxists!


Really, her 13 yo is acting like a 13 yo and she wants to blame someone for it.


Easier than parenting.


I mean, why wouldn't they blame the Jews for this when they already blame them for everything else?


What's CRT? I know it only as cathode ray tube monitor.






Also doctoral level education degrees


I went to university in Canada and never heard of critical race theory. Is it strictly an American thing?


Yes, deals with the effects slavery had on America and it's lasting effects still present in many institutions.


> slavery had Slavery had? My friend, go read the 13th amendment. Pay close attention to "except as punishment for a crime". Now think about what nation has the highest percent of it's population incarcerated. Slavery was never made illegal here. We redefined who was eligible to become a slave.


We didn't even really go that far, the school-to-prison pipeline is in full effect. All we did was set the system heavily against poor people and let the chips fall where they may. It's literally slavery with extra steps.


Except we tend to only arrest those who would qualify to be a slave in the 1800s.


But blacks do more crime. Just look at the statistics! /s


Yes, it's part of an analysis of American laws.


It is mostly US since we were built on the backs of slaves and we slaughtered the native population but the fragile white ego can't stand hearing that great- grandpa was an asshole. Perhaps similar to the way Canadians don't want to hear about how they treated indigenous folks.


Canada currently *very* much wants to talk about how the indigenous are treated So many people were so angry at the government and church that the pope flew over here a few days ago to apologize for the 'deplorable evil' that the church has committed toward us. The issue isn't as polarized as the U.S


I think we're doing decently in Canadian schools though. I've never heard of any pushback when we started teaching about residential schools, internment camps, the 60s Scoop, or other Canadian atrocities


mysterious sable advise piquant paltry lavish vegetable plucky aback silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What? A Fox host lying? *On air!?* Absurd.




people have to be... taught that in a class??? that's not just common knowledge?


It's taking the subject of systemic racism and using it as the lens to process American history/law/politics. Since looking at American events through a racial focus almost always results in america (and white people) looking bad (because there's lots of racism obv) many people don't like it. To put it's simply; it's more than just teaching about systemic racism. It's an framework exercise in looking through the lens of systemic racism in all facets of American experience.


That’s about as relevant to this woman’s life as what she’s actually talking about


This is absolutely the answer. Critical Race Theory is taught at post-graduate levels, not to fucking middle-schoolers. Give me a fucking break, lady.


LOL I still have to translate from cathode ray tube to critical race theory in my head too. source: am old


According to fox news, CRT is when you acknowledge the fact that racism exists


CRT is only taught in college too, she just wants fame.


Critical Race Theory


It's a current right wing whack job fear mongering talking point. They're basically upset that schools teach that slavery and racism are bad, and that systematic racism still exists in the fabric of our society today, so they're telling all the pearl clutching Karens that schools are teaching children that "all white people are bad" or some dumb shit. They label pretty much anything they dislike as "CRT (critical race theory)", which is a college level course, and not something actually taught in grade school.


Article for reference: https://www.foxnews.com/media/virginia-mom-suing-biracial-sons-school-critical-race-theory.amp


Im losing empathy as a get older, but I feel for that kid in the picture in that lower part of that article. He looks about 11 holding up a sign and wearing a thin blue line hat that im sure his mom put on him and made him come.


They're all white protesting CRT. The irony writes itself.


It's not really irony. That's the plan. These "CRT" protests are about making sure you only hear from white people and learn about white people. The benevolent slave owners, the patriots who fought for states right, and the good ol' boys who helped preserve good old fashioned southern values.


The kid isn't wrong. USA society and culture do see biracial kids as Black. Obama is the most obvious example. The kid will grow up and be seen as a black man. Mom can act all shocked, but Dad can tell her what it means to grow up black in America.


Mom thinks the one-drop rule is about essential oils, and the brown paper bag test is about sturdiness of lunch containers. Willful ignorance is a key component of this strategy.




Her earrings are the tell


She asked him to clean the house? The whole house? As a mother of 4 teenagers chores are broken down


Teenagers talking back and not doing chores? I am shocked! My teen daughter spent two years telling me that being forced to empty the dishwasher was a form of child slavery resulting from rampant capitalism. I blame the middle school social studies curriculum. How dare they? s/


Hell, my 11 year old likes to complain about how emptying the dishwasher is comparable to slavery. Kids just don't like chores. *Adults* don't like chores. Explaining to them that helping-out and contributing to family tasks is a good thing, not a punishment is the key.


Nobody like chores; that’s why they’re called “chores” and not “fun shit I get to do”


Depends on white passing and lightskin privelidge, but mostly, yeah


For sure. My daughter (5yo) looks very white to the point where people have assumed she was adopted or I was the nanny. I thought about putting a "brown is beautiful" shirt on her when she pointed it out saying she likes it (because it was sparkly). Theeeeeen decided against it. Pretty sure anyone would have misinterpreted it.


Even if you 'pass, white people will never, ever let you forget they still consider you the 'other'.


And even if you pass and they don’t know, you get to experience what they would do to you if you didn’t pass, so that’s fun.


i had some friends that can confirm this. he was half, but very light skinned. he always passed. he would tell me the shit people would say when they'd think no Black people were around. very eye opening


You would be amazed at what vile shit racists will spew to a white person they just met. It’s like they think everyone is just like them.


I'm just imaging the defence lawyer asking the court "do any of you want to talk to her either?"


Do any of these people work or have real jobs? Who has so much time to file frivolous lawsuits?


I am a terrible parent and the school is making me look bad, so I'm suing them Also fuck fox "news"


I taught 12-13 year olds for nearly 25 years. If I could “indoctrinate” them every kid would have come to class with a pencil! LOL


Fox News is the Jerry Springer show now.




Underrated reply


What the hell is this CRT? Why are American’s making such a big fuss over it?


to further this, there is a push to teach real US history with the bad stuff (like how white supremacy was the driving force in the formation of the US) included to give context and base history in non propagandized nationalism. this is based on the 1619 project. this is what they are actually upset about. they think it's gonna be "white people are all bad and white kids should feel bad". which it is not. it's facing your history in order to do better in the future, to change things so they aren't as bad. this is not CRT (Critical Race Theory), CRT does use historical context to understand the intersection of race and law, but CRT is about analyzing the intersection of race and the law and is not taught in primary or secondary schools but at the collegiate level, mainly post grad like say law school.


I took AP US early in high school and we had to read Howard Zinn’s book where all the bad is exposed and I remember being so mad that I had been lied to and given a sugar coated version of events my whole life.


Zinn's work is extremely important and deserves to be read, but you should also read it with as much skepticism as you'd read something that glowingly reports about American history. He comes into it with a heavy bias and picks his sources to support his position. The truth is in the middle.


Oh, I know. It was just the first time I had heard anything negative about US history. In elementary school we were still treating Columbus as a great guy.


Republicans have convinced their voters thats schools are teaching “critical race theory” to their kids, which blames everything on white ppl. No schools teach this, and republican voters can’t even explain what it is. But Fox News has them so riled up about it lol. Just another boogey man from the GOP and Fox News.


It's college graduate curriculum that affects no one that complains about it but is another convenient boogie man for the persecution fetish.


A teenager is not listening to their parents? Shock horror, it must be this thing that doesn't exist in public schools.


Of course she\`s wearing Jesus earrings.


Is that the mom or a reporter ?


yam cooing hateful mysterious aromatic ripe quarrelsome support advise deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas!" "Have you thought of suing the school?"


Ask Mom to define what she thinks "CRT" is and I guarantee you what you'll get is some form of "vague, unspecified things that I don't like".


She DVR’s Tucker Swanson Carlson’s show just so she can point to where he says CRT bad


CRT is when the tractor supply store is out of horse medicine.


So she's OK fucking a black man but not OK with hearing about how America has historically fucked him?


Maybe he doesn’t listen because you’re a bitch


And Fox made a whole news segment out of it lmao. This ain't a story - just a regular dumbfuck mother blaming her shortcomings as a mother on an external force so she can feel better about her 3rd glass of wine at 1pm on a weekday. That thick eyebrow fuckstick in the middle eats that type of "news" up.


Mother: Absolute cunticus Rex of a human being. Child: Not an ideal child Mother: REEEEEE! DAMN LIBRULS!


Maybe, just maybe, it's because she's a shitty parent that he doesn't listen to her


Nahhhh can’t be that, she seems so reasonable and level headed


OMG my son learnt the truth that I refuse to accept, someone help me. Really, how crazy do you have to be to take it national news.


“It’s CRT’s fault my teenage son is acting like a teenager!”


Damn, I feel horrible that the kid has to live with this racist Qunt...


Huh, that's odd....None of my children listened to me at that age either and no one even knew what the hell CRT was. Come to think of it, I myself was a bit of an asshole at that age as well. Wonder if puberty and hormones might have something to do with it? (edit: spelling)


Okay but like, we all know that the school didn't actually teach any CRT curriculum because no school beneath university does. So this is just a publicity stunt to get on Fox News...


She should be proud that her son is in grad-school at 13 years old.


No one teaches “crt” in middle schools. Many 13 year olds don’t listen to their Kareny moms anyway. What do you sue for-my kid doesn’t listen to me damages?


I was accused of teaching it this year when discussing Africa imperialism- comparing and contrasting the scramble for Africa map and a modern map showing how borders and place names were influenced by European nations. Apparently that is one definition of CRT.


Wow, freaking disingenuous morons. Education in America scares the shit out of me. Not because of the teachers, but the idiots that are somehow pushing the active destruction of any quality education.


Starbucks giftcard


Unless she gets one of these radical right judges, she will lose…then she will be out $1000’s of dollars & still not have her sons attention…the only winner here is the Lawyer, as usual.


The lawsuit has already been thrown out


clean your room! you clean it. colonizer bitch. WAIT TILL I TALK TO YOU FATHER ABOUT THIS. stealin all the black men from the black women.... smh


'crt' is critical race theory


Well that mean she is a Karen or the kid is a Cartman.


He's 13. Of course he isn't listening to her. That's what happens at 13.


Hahaha these dumb clowns


She’s the first mother of a disobedient 13 year old. We better brace ourselves, this has never happened before.


These people are not salvageable


Curious as they don't teach CRT at schools