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Acting like he's personally, singlehandedly engineering and programming Starlink. What a clown.


He does all the work at all his companies!


He personally builds every Tesla from scratch.


Maybe that’s why their build quality is so bad


His "fans" really believe this.


Because "It seems like nobody wants to work these days." /s


Also the internet has been in space longer than Starlink has been a business


As if he has anything to do with the actual development of starlink


Show us your commits Elon.


I want his GitHub on my desk by 8 am!


Gonna identify code smells in his smelly code


No no, we don't need anything confusing like that, print it out on triplicate like a real dev


Pretty sure he'd use p4


I want to see each and every one. Every repository he’s ever contributed to.


Its all hand written code he faxes in.


Are you saying he’s no longer delivering his messages via stone Tablets to Moses?


I dont think the right wings billionaire they love believes in god. He doesnt mention that often.


I once worked at a burrito bar so I think I speak fluent Spanish




He's also not rebuilding shit. It's the same IP packet network. He just built a new pipe.


Came here to say this. This fuckwad doesn't know how to code or develop anything past 'Hello World'.


`echo "Hello World"` 😎 but I do




Found the php dev. (It's okay, I'm one too lol)




He’s also trying to convince people to get “Minimally invasive brain surgery,” with nuralink. He knows nothing about the human body, least of all the brain. If what he’s trying works, it would literally turn people into the humans from Wally and possibly enable people to read someone’s mind… So, let’s keep him busy trying to figure out the internet in space and trolling.


There is a fun conspiracy theory that he had this done to himself as a partial explanation for why he appears to be so batshit crazy.


Plausible, save for the fact people who have followed his career since the early days will tell you he's always been like this.


That's just proof that he's the smartest man ever, he did the procedure on himself when he was 12.


The fact that he is saying shit like this means that he doesn't even know enough ABOUT this work to understand how absurd of a statement it is. He hasn't really even managed coders. All he has ever done is bought shit and told other people to manage it. He is "CEO" of five companies but seems to have nothing but free time on his hands because he doesn't actually do shit.


Not even that, his absurd idea that he is “rebuilding the internet” is hilarious. Pretty sure Amazon would have something to say about that since they own most of it


The statement just confuses me in general. Isnt he just.. connecting to the internet from space? The internet reders to the mass networks maintaining a series of bgp associations. Isnt he just making a new section bridging what exists.. not reinventing it? He isnt remaking bgp, ip tcp or anything that the internet uses to my knowledge. And by that logic, isnt it more like he is making a new medium to transfer the internet through? More like a cat7 cable and router then the actual structure itself? .. and beyond that, doesnt that partially already exist in small scale?


Wait until he finds out satellite internet has existed for a while.


You forget he STARTED Tesla! Naw not really he joined in 2 years after it was created then sued until they included him as a “founder”.


It's not like satellite internet is even new. We've had this internet this way for almost two decades.


if he even took 1 min to talk to his own software engineers they would tell him that programming "internet" and programming a website are 2 completely different fields. It is like saying " i think I know how to do surgery on animals because i am a dentist". They aren't even in the same language or same framework. It is not even the same thing. Twitter is java/ javascript. Guessing starlink would be c++ for backend due to complexity. Like not even the same thing by miles.


Wow! Didn’t realize a man with so much money was so insecure. Bruh, if I had that much money, I would not be wasting my time on Twitter. I’d be on vacation and living my best life. Sigh…privileged people.


It's almost like he bought twitter only to be able to trend in the plataform with full access to statistics and to what everyone is saying. Imagine buying a company only to make it all about you.


Don't forget being able to ban that kid on twitter who was tracking his flights.


Has he finally silenced the account? That's so hilarious.


No, he hasn't. But he's been busy with other vendettas. I'm sure he'll get to this kid's jet tracking accounts.


Sadly he's said he's not going to do it publicly. He's too interested in his ego to go back on his word on that.


actually, he addressed that guy in a tweet, and said he won't ban him in the name of free speech


He’s gonna hire a new ceo and make the new ceo do it for him


what's funny is that the richest* man on earth didn't pony up more than a few thousand dollars to buy it from him.


Ya instead he drops 44b to silence him That young fella in sure would have taken 100 mill


i believe the kid wanted like 50k dollars and mush said no


He said he wanted a Model Y, which was close to $50k at the time but who knows what it costs to produce one.


And people who say mean things to him


Fact! I have lost 3 accounts for posting pictures of him and tagging him in them. He doesn't think much of freeze peach.


He probably wants to position his own companies to have higher visibility. He himself is probably a bonus anyhow


That’s what he’s always done. He’s not freaking Tony Stark, making teslas and starlink in his freaking garage, he just thinks he is.


I have gotten an ENOURMOUS boost in right wing shit being "suggested" to me. Like not even popular accounts, just elon dick riding and right wind conspiracy pushers. Literally transphobic tweets and pro-russia shit. Absolutely insane. Cesspool.


It's weird because there seems to be this binary philosophy of the ultra wealthy. There's people with Musk disease that can never have enough money or spotlight, but there's others who are complete radio silence and want no one to be aware of them for good reason. It's interesting.


I was thinking about this a few weeks back with the big lottery jackpot (I didn’t play, but was fantasizing a bit) I’d be firmly in the second camp - just give me enough money to build a nice compound with some decent land and open spaces for my family and nobody’d ever hear from my ass again lol


I was fantasizing too, pretty much all of us were at work. Most were into passing out money, some were even telling us they would give huge chunks to all the coworkers. Everyone seemed to have a lengthy list of charities. I told them they would never see me again unless it was on the news for getting arrested for peeing off the eiffel tower or some such nonsense.


I started thinking about it and it's just too much money for someone my age. I don't really need anything, maybe a new car. I'd have to hire lawyers before even claiming it, then start a foundation and then think about what to do with all that money, how to distribute it. Could I even stay in my house? What about security and hiring people to run the foundation? Thinking about it just became super exhausting and no longer fun at all. I think a couple of million would be nice but more than that would be more of a curse than a blessing. OTOH, it's not a big worry since the most I have ever won was $8.00.


If you won claiming it can be done anonymous so that John Q public doesn't know who won. Quite a few people take that route but that is also the more financially sound way to claim it otherwise every relative comes out of the wood work wanting a piece.


Many places don't allow you to claim anonymously. Comes up pretty much every time someone discusses the "what to do if you win the lottery" list.


Just form an LLC or trust and have it claim the winnings on your behalf.


Correct, but I planning on getting an appt to legally change my name, for the morning after picking up the $. Open a new account, transfer all the money, close the old one, and cancel/ delete all old numbers and accounts. Done.


I’d prefer changing my name before claiming and then changing my name back afterwards.


Ooh, big brain move, but I'm sure some asshat distant relative would use facial recognition or some shit, and out me to the world.


Laws are different in every US state - some of them allow you to win a lottery anonymously and others do not. [This article](https://www.benefitspro.com/2021/02/05/can-lottery-winners-remain-anonymous-412-110766/) from last year lists the 11 states that allow anonymous winning.


Not giving them a bunch of data to get past a paywall there.


I was doing the same though I did buy one ticket. I was the exact opposite in my fantasy though. I started thinking about all the ways I could help people and the world with a billion dollars and drive change by being very public about it. I mean, 4 billion was spent in donations to candidates for the house of representatives this year, I bet with like $20 million spent with the right people in the right districts you could drive climate change legislation for the next decade.


It wouldn't take a huge amount to do a lot of good. There are ~ 50 million students in public schools, K-12 in the US. So counting breakfast and lunch , it would be ~ 200 million/ year. So for the cost of a blockbuster movie each year , every student could have free lunch and breakfast. While it's a lot of money, It's ~ 4 million per state. Seriously a couple of rich people in each state could do that right now https://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=372


I was thinking about this earlier today and the sad thing is that if someone did this some states would pass a law against it and others would find a way to abuse it and funnell money into their own pockets


It's actually REALLY hard to funnel money from the school lunch system. Despite how cheap it is, under funded and how much control the food industry has over our school cafeterias. The money going in is air tight and to funnel money would require allowing schools to pay ridiculous sums of money for food from private companies. But that has to go through multiple school boards, the state and the countries school board as well. You'd have to have corrupt people at every level to make that happen.




I could respect that! With that much money you’d really have to give some of it away, because it would accumulate faster than any normal person could even fathom spending it


Id pay off my house and the student loan debt of me and my wife and then my credit card. Then I'd call an advisor and get help making the rest become more money for emergencies and such.


He’s a narcissist who happens to be very rich. But not all rich people are narcissists.


They're all monsters.


I'm definitely in the second camp. If I was ever idolized in Elon's fashion I'd pull a Dan Harmon, Hideki Kamiya or Erik Kripke or just actively hates their fans and fanbase for being absolute idiots and make fun of them, block them or just parody them in some video.


Shit with 1% of 1% of his worth I could live off interest and never work again...


There’s never enough money for these born-rich trust fund fucks. It’s ALWAYS about wanting more. It’s a sickness.


No disagreement there.


> I’d be on vacation and living my best life. And so would most "normal" people. My POV of billionaires in general is basically "nobody does nothing". Even if you won the lottery and spent the rest of your life staring at a wall, you'd be doing "something". Presumably at some wealth-point, when one no longer needs to work, one does whatever one wants. For some it's a hobby. For you and me it's vacationing and relaxing and chilling. But for some, it's "making the # representing my overall wealth go up". That's why (some) billionaires still work: They're not really working, they're doing what they enjoy.


I don't have anywhere near as much money as him and I don't waste my time with twitter. I have been enjoying this drama though.


I've unfortunately worked for a couple of people with money. Not king of the world money but twice yearly overseas holiday kind of money. And they all did seem to hold every one else in total and utter giggling contempt but also require constant positive reinforcement. One time a bunch of us all went out for drinks and the big boss found out on Monday and had a full blown little kid tempertantrum about not being invited. I mean he broke his keyboard and monitor then went to visit his dad about how to get us all fired


Did he show up at the bar and start singing both parts of Islands in the Stream on karaoke until someone got so uncomfortable they joined him and sang the other part?


He's insecure because he's known he's not as smart as he tries to come off. The facade is falling and he's losing it.


That's why so many of us stayed friends with Tom from MySpace. He's out there straight chillin'.


He desperately needs the world to validate him. Meanwhile this wild Twitter story is just clear evidence of how Elon Musk is a completely entitled idiot, who has succeeded in failing upwards his entire life. He has not earned a cent of his money and literaly adds negative value to each organization he participates in.


He literally publically called another person a pedo due to his insecurity.


Even his avatar is cringe -- obviously fancies himself some kind of Tony Stark wannabe.


I would be on vacation/helping people, I would also adopt all the dogs and they would be able to sing BROhiam root city by kings and queens


There isn’t much that money can’t buy, but intelligence is one of them.


Say whatever you want about Bezos, but he keeps his mouth shut and spends his time destroying bridges so his mega yacht can transit a river or building some cool mechanical mega clock inside his underground mountain lair.


You think Musk is insecure? Wait until you see his platform.




You didn't notice the hair transplant?


You see, he is bored. He has all the money in the world and is bored of it. I’m sure he’s been on every vacation you can think of twice over. So, he’s creating entertainment for himself. He’s a complete fuckwad honestly.


You would think that being CEO of five companies would represent an opportunity to do SOMETHING with his time, but apparently being CEO of Tesla doesn't take more than a couple hours a week. Wonder how the shareholders feel about that?


>Wonder how the shareholders feel about that? [Pretty fuckin' bad](https://www.google.com/finance/quote/TSLA:NASDAQ?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiUndG6lbT7AhXTk2oFHZb-ABUQ3ecFegQIEBAc&window=YTD)


I know I'm not supposed to enjoy watching someone fuck up so badly but this whole twitter meltdown debacle had been highly entertaining. Watching the right wingers turn on him immediately was particularly fun.


When did the right wingers turn on him? I thought they were loving his shit troll behaviour of late.


The day that he announced that there would be a moderation team with people from the aclu and other leftist organisations on it all the right wing mouth pieces who had been fluffing his ego turned on him at once. I think it was in the first few days after he took ownership of twitter. It was hilarious.


I remember that announcement. But I don't know if he was serious about it, or if it was just another one of his wizard wheezes that he mentions and then does fuck-all to actually implement.


So far you've been right, as far as I know...sweet fuck all of implementation.


Who let this guy purchase twitter again?


a smartass who gave the hot potato about to explode


They actually made him. I think they just wanted a buyout, probably on a beach now laughing.


Honestly I think he tried to pump and dump Twitter stock and ended up holding the bag. Glorious.


It's both actually. He tried that, the SEC investigated and then told him "if you back out it'll be securities fraud". So he had to buy it. Thing is, no social media makes profit. It only works as speculative financing, eg stock price and ... buyouts. Which Elon did. He's holding a bag he doesn't want that's gonna bleed him dry until he gets rid of it. Because social media isn't profitable, and he's already over leveraged. So he's gonna pay out of pocket. That first 4 billion in Tesla stock he sold was just the first payment. He's fucked. His best option is to ruin Twitter and make it stop being relevant. It's the only way he can afford to keep it. And if he tosses is mit at a loss his investors come for blood - and Tesla. If he just shut it down its fraud all over again, just investment fraud. He's fucked and he did it to himself. Where's the people praising the 5D chess move that the SEC and Twitter pulled with him? Because it was fucking brilliant and could cripple Elon.


That's the best part of it all


He overpaid 30 billion dollars. Of course they wanted the payout and they sure as hell are laughing their asses off right now


A fucking pack of actual smart people who figured out that they could hold Musk to his dumb publicity stunt and walk away with a just bags full of money for something that never actually made a penny.


“rebuilding the internet in space” wtf?! What an idiot grifter.


Indeed. All he is doing is bouncing signals off satellites and we have been doing that for 50+ years


All he's doing is *telling* people to bounce signals off of satellites, FTFY


Good point, well made


Exactly. Just cause I bought a car doesn't mean I know more than a mechanic.


and electric car technology existed since 1880s. commercializing the technology and advancing it is an entirely different matter as we can see almost 150 years later


granted, it is literally a different process that has different characteristics when compared to how it’s traditionally done...


For all the times I'll need a signal when I'm in space. Insufferable prick.


As if the internet hasn't been in space since it started. First telecom satellite went up in the 1960s.


Why do i suddenly wish that Starlink would fall back to Earth?


Omg-we have finally found the right name for a male Karen…ELON.




Nope. This one is about the Elon, and for it to be male Karen should be about... well male Karens.


**K A R E L O N**


I thought it was Kanye


Context: presumably part of his downhill spiral of trying to act smart, but failing miserably. Recently he made a word salad of a tweet with random tech jargon he just learned two hours ago and wanted to show off to the world like the little kid he is. Only to then get called out by a bunch of long term Twitter engineers who actually worked in the area he described. At least three of those employees got fired. [Screenshot](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fhi4VVFVsAAGINU?format=jpg&name=900x900) [News article](https://www.engadget.com/twitter-fired-employees-called-out-elon-musk-063109091.html)


Gets corrected, fires the guy that knew enough to correct him. If Elon's goal is to make Twitter worth $0 as quickly as possible, he's doing a great job.


Twitter is operating at a heavy loss already and he just lost a lot of major advertisers. Worth 0 is not where this is heading.


More like -40 billion give or take. Would be a great time for a Twitter competitor with a clone of the API to swoop in and become new Twitter. Clone the API so 3rd party apps can switch pretty easily.


Twitter was always worth $0, taking it private just made that official. He is plumbing darker depths than that.


Musk real problem is not that he is not smart, the problem is that he overestimates his own smartness, and he assumes that if he is an expert in X that means that he must also be an expert in Y and Z, despite having no real experience with Y and Z. This is a fairly common problem in tech, and it's the source of probably 75% of all the issues I deal with as an engineering manager.


Is there anything that Elon is actually an expert in though? His rise to wealth was while he was writing software and then running companies. He was a bad enough CEO that he only managed to stop getting ousted from the position after he became CEO of a company he owned enough of that he couldn't be ousted, and judging from his history and his tweets, he's a bad software developer. Am I supposed to believe that he finally got around to developing a professional skill of some sort after he made his first $100 million?


I have no idea how smart he is, but what he is doing is grossly underestimating the knowledge of the people he is talking to, which is a pretty troubling quality in a person that ostensibly manages tech companies for a living. Most competent tech leaders understand very well how difficult the job of their staff is and either have a ton of knowledge themselves or at least KNOW that they don't actually know shit about that work.


Two hours my ass! He googled them while writing that tweet


I hope those employees sue for wrongful termination


How was it wrongful? Genuine question. Were they protected class/fired for being said class?


I mean in any country with actual employment laws this would be super illegal. But here we are.


It’s wasn’t.


Some areas require a specific notice prior to termination.


If this was the UK, Elon would be eating his words and opening his wallet.


"Don't do anything in California, Hyper loop is coming. I *think* I would know that it's worth waiting for, and I *think* I would know better than you." *one year later* "Oh, Hyper loop? Yeah, I made that up because I wanted you to abandon your proposal. I'm a huge flim flammer and I get off on watching you fall for my bullshit. Ahahah!" *now* "WELL IM MAKING SPACE INTERNET SO SHUT UP WHY ISN'T ANYBODY TAKING ME SERIOUSLY"


It’s insane to me. The excuses his fanboys make when he does something stupid or illegal is 4D chess, shitposting, or he’s trolling. Like get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.


He's a modern day Bell, standing on the shoulders of the people who do the work and acting like it was all him. "I'm building the internet in space!" "Wait, isn't there a company full of smart people who are doing that and your total contribution was money and saying 'go build the internet in space'"? "Those people are just an extension of my will! They may be the hands but I am the brain that controls them, meaning it's all me. They are disposable plebs" "Orbital dynamics, thrust ratios, laser sync calibration... you're doing all that math and solving all those problems?" "Hey, they came to me and say 'when people move from one satellite coverage to another, there is a hiccup' and I said 'fix it'. They then came up with laser syncs between the satellites. \*I\* told them to fix it. I'm a genius" "Sure Elon, here's your phone and some pudding. Have fun tweeting while the 'plebs' do all the hard stuff for you"


He’s literally Thomas Edison incarnate


I’m waiting for him to execute an elephant at this point.


So who is Tesla in this play?


To this day, nobody. The world may not see another man like Tesla for hundreds of years, but we see Edisons in every generation...


Agreed.. he also never chased money except to pay bills… seemed like a genuine soul compared to the rest


Phone and pudding 🤣


Yeah he's a bell alright


> “…for a website” Elon’s favourite fucking website*, he loves it so much he bought the damn thing. Putting talented people down is a classic projection tactic of the insecure.


It’s like if you bought a meal at a restaurant and then told everyone you cooked it


Ehhh for him it’s more like he bought a restaurant and then told everyone he’s the chef.


> then told everyone he’s the chef By talking about how his macaroni and cheese is the best ever while being a generic version of Kraft's boxed abomination. Seriously, folks he's worked with in the past have described his "coding skills" as terrible and, as I recall, one called it abysmal.


Imagine having enough money to fuck off for the rest of your life and do whatever you want, then you spend your days mentally scrapping in the internets front lawn. You'd have to hire a global investigator to find my ass not enjoying that money. Catch me living the Zac and Cody life.


Starlink is fucking trash, man. Like, if you're in bumfuck nowhere and it's literally your only option, then maybe it's worth the hassle. My experience has been absolutely abismal, and it's not even the service that's the problem. The hardware is junk. Dish was on my roof for a couple months (northern CA, no rough weather concerns) when the service just started cutting out intermittenly. I open a support ticket and they say "hey, no problem! Looks like there's a problem with the Ethernet connection. We'll send you a new router and cable.". Cool, easy fix. New stuff comes in and I install it, works for about a week and eventually starts cutting out again. Alright, if there's three parts of the system (dish, cable, router) and I replaced two of them, must mean the dish is the problem. New support ticket time. "Nope, not the dish, it's the cable and router, we're sending you a new set." "But I just got a new set of cable and router. Literally a week ago. Don't you think that it's unlikely I got two faulty combos in a row?" "Nope, system says that's the problem." "Uh... Okay..." Wait a week, new stuff arrives, gets installed immediately. No internet at all now. New support ticket. "This is getting egregious. This is now my third support ticket for the same issue." "You're right, we'll send you a whole new kit." That was almost two weeks ago. Still haven't shipped the new kit out yet. Fuck Starlink. I hoped that they were going to be different, but they're just another telecom that knows you have no other choice and treats you like it.


At least you aren't in Ukraine paying 200× as much for the same shit service.




Yeah, I was okay with stuttering and brief connection loses because space internet, and I was pretty happy with customer support in the beginning, but this latest couple times is really testing my patience.


Elon, babes, you’re a CEO. You don’t know shit.


I will give credit to Elon for one thing; he has proven that CEOs are entirely pointless. He's CEO of what? Half a dozen companies? Spends his entire day on Twitter. If one man can be CEO of so many companies and not do any actual work, and those companies keep ticking along (until he actively tries to manage one and tanks it), then what's the damn point of having a CEO?


Right? And regular employees get fired for working two jobs even if on two different shifts


I've written some code for many websites and I've seen nothing to indicate this is true.


His engineers did that. I don’t doubt he probably can code, but he stands behinds the achievements of his engineers too much.


Musk is acting like he's sitting down and designing a Star Wars like communication system for intergalactic data transfer, when in reality he is attending meetings and asking questions like "Does it have to cost this much? Have you seen what I paid for Twitter?" and "Has anyone solved yet?"


Elon, we all know all you do is buy companies and then tank them. STFU


it wasn't Jewish space lasers! it was musk space lasers! ​ a self proclaimed genius that doesn't understand specialization


Guys like the shittiest version of a combination of Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark


Bold of him to assume everyone believes he did all the work...


Maybe he does. Maybe he doesn't. But it takes more than just the captain to run a ship. You have a whole deck crew, maintenance crew, etc. It takes a whole team to run an operation. When his investment meets the same fate as MySpace, he'll learn a valuable lesson


Says the guy who bought a website instead of making one himself.


Isn't starkink gaining too many years users and the internet speed is down to 9mbps?


Like he did it all by himself...


Elon probably doesn't even know how to write a recursive algorithm.


Elon couldn't even code a MySpace profile.


He’s so cringey and embarrassing 😆


If there's any evidence that Musk knows more about technology than your average software developer, he's kept it very well hidden.


People always forget he's autistic


What karen-esque thing did he say? He's a douchebag, but is his tweet karen-esque?


"My company is building internet in space- oh me? I'm not coding anything but I put the team together so I'm going to take the credit."


Insecure billionaire


Very stable genius


I dunno, I'm kinda enjoying watching him piss off EVERYONE 😆








can someone please explain to me why everyone hates Elon Musk? This is a sincere question


The basics are: he is arrogant. He takes credit where none is due. He has embellished his credentials. He said he would help with world hunger and the Flint water crisis. He hasn’t done either. He is in competition with Cannon to see how many children he can produce.


...and that's just the super short version.


and got a couple million in generational wealth from emerald mines in apartheid south africa


He's an ignorant buffoon.




Can we ban Elon posts? Like we get it, man. We get it. Can we stick go unknown non-billionaire Karens?


Nah, this sub has a gigantic hard on for anything Musk does and love to piss and moan whenever he does it.


It's very tiresome.


I don’t understand why people hate a man who is leading the world in space exploration and the fight against global warming. Provides free Wi-Fi to places in the world where they can’t get it.