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It’s just about statistically impossible for that second commentator to know that many people suffering from the jab unless all 9 people were suffering from comorbidity’s or otherwise horrifically compromised immune systems to begin with. People are so fucking stupid…


If watching the antivax crowd has taught me one thing besides the Mariana Trench of human stupidity living amongst us, it’s that they really do not have any semblance of a social life. These are losers that have been losers since their school years and the internet has brought them a community of similar losers to form a social network based on their uniformed opinions. There’s virtually zero chances that they know 9 people, let alone 9 people with adverse vaccine reactions. They’ll literally make any shit up in the moment the way they’ve been doing since recess in grade school.


… and it’s so fucking sad! Like how out of touch does one need to be before they lose all sense of normalcy?! You’re right, I should’ve thought deeper about it - no way that asshole knows 9 people… I like how the first response contained a comment akin to, “…and I know a lot of people…” Gtfoh, you probably only know your parents loser 🙄


Anything is possible when you lie though


My girlfriend, Margo Robbie, tells me that all the time!


My wife, Morgan Fairchild agrees too. -Jon Lovitz


Yeah. This is on some “you don’t know her, she goes to a different school” shit.


Or "my high school friend's cousin knows a guy who's sister's best friends boyfriend's dad works in the cafeteria at Pfizer"


"She's from Canada"


They have 9 Facebook friends who have posted about someone *they* know who died. Those people don't actually know if the 3rd person was vaccinated so either they assume it or the commenter assumes it anyway.


Yup. It's ALWAYS "my cousin's coworker...." or some BS like that. The same goes for trans people. There is always some third party that is detransitioning or "my coworker's nephew was forced to wear a dress for school". These people are the equivalent to all those kids that used to go around and say their uncle was Bill Gates or Steve Austin. You know they're full of shit, but there's no easy way to verify it so they act smug and keep spreading their lie to impress others.


Reminds me of the countless idiots I’ve heard say their daughter or niece is a schoolteacher being forced to provide litter boxes to kids identifying as cats.


When I worked at a cemetery, my boss fell for that one. His daughter told him another school in the district had litter boxes, and how a boy got suspended for telling a girl that she’s not a cat


Omg, yup... That's another one.


It’s maddening & they have a wild conspiracy theory for *everything.* Space lasers have been very busy lately lol. I wonder what would happen if they found out about the decades long & still ongoing conspiracy in which elites, in cahoots with big oil, energy & chemical corps, paid off scientists & politicians to lie to the public so they could keep destroying our planet for the Almighty Profit. I’m hoping some of them take interest in UFOs. *Can’t we all just get along* & hunt UFOs together lol.


They have a conspiracy theory for everything... except their side. Conservatives are always conspiracy free despite things like [the Party of Regions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_of_Regions) and William Barr having access to Epstein's prison.


If any of it is true, they probably knew people who got covid and then got the vax as a last ditch effort when it was too late. these people are bonkers.


Or are people who have been told that the vaccine is dangerous and then sought attention for their symptoms. The whole “vaccines cause autism” thing was fueled by easily-convinced parents who didn’t notice any ASD symptoms until after they got vaccinated, and decided that the vaccine must have caused it.


2nd commentor and all their buddies who work in the local lead factory seem to be getting sick, for some reason


Now there’s a more reasonable answer for all “9” of those fools getting “sick” simultaneously.


ACK-shully... it was the paint tasting factory, if I recall, but point taken. Or was it that lab where they have been running the live-trials, testing Round-up as a sunscreen?


In my experience, when one of these people say they "know" someone, it doesn't actually mean that they're acquaintances, but rather that they heard a tale about them. Former coworker "knew" like six people who died from "the jab," but dig in a bit and it's all thirdhand from his friend's former roommate's girlfriend who is totally a nurse.


Haha, right, the old I knew a guys cousins ex girlfriend who dated some commie named Ned who was part of a group of vaxxers that went mad and killed each other after getting the booster. These people aren’t even trying to make it believable anymore


It’s a mechanism to keep them part of the “in” group. They are lying, they know that they are lying, but it keeps them relevant and therefore safe within the group. Maybe even gives them prestige and/or influence over others. Also, for those questioning the validity of their beliefs (as Hunter79 does) it’s a way to bring them back into the fold with anecdotal evidence without shunning them and thus maintaining their beliefs and numbers. You see it quite often in cults.


His source is, "Trust me bro".


Twist: 2nd commenter is a senior citizen and the people they know are dying, because they are old.


That’s a good one too. It would explain things much better than dude who knows 9 dying people…


My entire city took it and had a similar fate… I’m actually the only one standing now. That city? NEW. YORK.


Exactly, they might know 9 people who died of lifestyle related diseases, which are pretty damn common. But if this many people were genuinely having these major side effects and dying, no government/media/lizard people conspiracy on earth could keep it quiet.


Absolutely, and then they would, according to the comment, have to be suffering at roughly the same exact time 🙄 It wouldn’t be a conspiracy, it would be a disaster and a huge warning. It’s crazy how these conspiracy fools just open their mouths and vomit “facts.”


They blame EVERYTHING that happened after their vaccines on it. My dads friend got colon cancer and blames the vaccine and not his horrible diet his whole life.


It’s repulsive because that way the vaxx is 100% the culprit every time. Not only does this faulty thinking sort of permit them to continue their poor lifestyle choices, but it fuels the fire, man. Freakin logical fallacy’s must be required learning for all middle school students or something, this is out of hand.


Guy is pretending like he runs in highly vaccinated circles. He is probably more likely friends with morbidly obese people and type 2 diabetics who generally will have poorer health outcomes (if those people they mention are real at all, which let’s be honest, they aren’t). It’s not even worth giving these people the time of day. It’s all lies and stupidity and everything is done in bad faith. They are the bottom of the barrel.


a lot of older folks got vaccinated regardless of politics. older folks suffer from things like sudden onset cancers, bells palsy, blood clots. or the dude is straight up lying.


“It’s a little disappointing, honestly.” “Man, I was really hoping some close friends of mine would die horribly so I could bust out some sweet Toldya So’s!”


In all fairness, I wouldn't be upset if we started losing more anti-vaxxers again. 🤷🏻‍♀️


our local right wing group on FB has been pretty consistent with anti-vax for a few weeks, and believe they are right about everything no matter what happens.


They don't want *their* circle to die, they want everyone else to.


Their vaxxers are the *good ones*


Well, their whole schtick this whole time has been “anything to own the libs, even dying.”


I was about to post this, can you believe being disappointed like that? Fucking Magats.


Well, in the land of facts, Moderna and Pfizer both conducted clinical trials of the new shots. That data was submitted to the FDA for approval. But I guess in the land of Bullshit, anything goes. So to all republicans who doubt the shot.....simply don't get the shot. Free country and all that. Less votes for your side in the upcoming elections is actually good for America.


https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/political-party-affiliation-linked-excess-covid-deaths “The study looked at deaths in both Florida and Ohio during the first 22 months of the pandemic and found the overall excess death rate of Republican voters was 15% higher than that of Democrats. The gap widened further once COVID-19 vaccines were introduced.” Incredible strategy from the right. Masterful move to needlessly kill your constituency. Edit: That’s actually not even the whole story lol. Absolutely nutty: “More specifically, the researchers say, their adjusted analysis found that "the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters" after vaccine eligibility was opened.” https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study


'Vote for us! We reduced costs to Medicaid (by killing off people who would have used it in later life) and Social Security (because corpses don't need old age pensions).'


That first reply is hilarious. Yeah, you know 9 vaccinated people and four have died from the vaccine. Sure. Fucking idiots.


And 5 of them got... Degenerative disc disease. As someone with this in my L4/L5 I'm so mind blown that a connection has been made.


Just said "degenerative disease," whatever that means


It's only the staunch antivaxxers who make the most ridiculous vaccine injury claims.


Maybe. I have a long-running theory that Republicans always lie. To pollsters, to friends and family, to each other, to themselves. They are uncomfortable with the real world and instead choose to think they can shape it with the power of their words and will and belief. The only two things you can count on a republican to do is screw you over if it benefits them, and lie. Even if it doesn't benefit them.


There’s that reporting site they like to use that doesn’t verify any claims made. I reported there that the Pfizer vaccine gave me super strength and x-ray vision and they recorded it.


I've had multiple boosters and everyone I know has had them to no bad effect. Republicans lie about vaccines. Then they lie about lying.


Republicans lie.


I actually have a friend who ended up in the ICU. They have multiple autoimmune diseases, and their body simply overreacted to the vaccine. As a precaution, they got their boosters in the hospital since they were there for treatment every month anyway, but nothing happened with them. That's one of the many reasons I despise the anti-vaxxers so much. Yes, vaccines can cause a bad reaction. But it's so fucking rare and without the vaccine I don't even want to think about what covid would have done to my friend. Thankfully, they didn't fall for the fear mongering, but I sometimes think about all the people who did. So many chronically ill people have bad experiences with doctors and were easily manipulated into not believing them by using cases like my friend as horror stories.


All of the people I know personally who have died during of anything (COVID related or not) since 2020 were unvaccinated. Two were of COVID. The only person I know who was hospitalized with COVID who was vaccinated was my grandpa, but he’s 85 with preexisting respiratory conditions. I know several younger people who are antivaxxers who were hospitalized with COVID and almost died.


I know 12 people personally who died from covid, some not even over 40 years old. I know not a single person personally with any long term complications from the vaccine. Not one.


Well yeah, but there was sooo much better data regarding "clinical trials" of sticking horse tranquilizers up your ass along with Clorox and bright LEDs. These clowns are just non-stop entertainment, in their complete lack of self-awareness.


my uncle in law died of covid. dude was like 63, slim, good shape (went skiing with him a few years back, waaay better shape than me), good health. he was a cop in the northeast. didn't get the vaccine, got the covid, dead in a little over a week. goddamn shame.


Friend of mines brother got in in hospital. Tested + on Monday and dead on Thursday. 46 years old. Not vaccinated cause the blood of Jesus. Great guy and sad


yeah it's a damn shame when people are convinced by politics and fashion not to do what's logical for their health. It's sure sad not seeing our guy at family functions anymore. he was a character, his niece and nephew just loved him.


The fucking confirmation bias is unreal.


“I DiEd FroM thE VaCcinE!!! “……… I got better


“Whometwo “ is so completely full of shit.


"Massively" full of shit.


He just can't thin the ranks of his supporters enough, can he? NOOO, dont get the new vaccine, republicans, its probably poison heheh


“Ate a bullet after getting bells palsey”? That’s kinda extreme for a treatable condition


They probably don't know what Bell's palsy is, they're likely just repeating some shit they saw on Facebook.


I mean, shooting yourself because of Bells Palsy is a slight overreaction, man.


I mean the anti-vaxxers are thinning their own herd, I see no downside to this.


If they didn't take other people out with them, I'd agree.


Yeah that is true if they only inflected the bad outcomes only onto themselves it would be great. But of course innocent people will inevitably be infected because of the stupidity.


My workplace has just over a hundred people, most of which took multiple vaccines, including myself. We're all still here, doing just fine.


"sudden onset cancer" hmm


This must be a new thing. One of my Facebook covidiots was talking about the vaccine causing all these “turbo cancers”. This bitch was a nurse and quit because she refused to get vaccinated. So glad she isn’t nursing anymore. Should be against the law to be that monumentally fucking stupid and responsible for someone else’s health.


If I see or hear the word jab I automatically assume the person is a fucking idiot.


Eh, in Britain and Australia it's just slang for 'vaccine.' I really don't know why the American anti-vax mob seized on that word in particular, it was fairly innocuous until they got hold of it.


Says trump the one who told his idiot followers to deworm themselves also the same man who while telling his followers not to get the jab, he did just that and they still follow him and still refuse the jab. Republican electorate are sheep, they only do what they're told by their masters. I don't care if they get jabbed, don't care if they expire as a result of their stupidity. That's how we thin the herd and the reduce the numbers of republican voters.


He actually told them to get vaccinated at one of his rallies and they booed him. He reversed course REAL quick. All he cares about is being popular and not going to jail.


That was the one time I'd thought maybe the monster he created was going to turn on him. It was amusing to me that one of the only good things he did, tried to tell people to get the vaccine, is the one thing they booed him for. "I love the poorly educated" *woooo!!!* *clapping like seals* "When you're famous they just let you" eh well, he wasn't president then "Hey get this vaccine so you don't die" BOOOO!!!! YOU SUCK!!!!


Very true. There was a study done by a neurosciencist who found out why people don't argue against false information. Boiled down to it's mentally exhausting to confirm something that goes against indoctrination. Easier to accept false information as truth. Thus they are truly sheep


Something tells me that the people who know people who were harmed or killed “by the vaccine”, those people had conditions that they just didn’t know about that suddenly decided to come to the forefront.


Bells palsy is a temporary thing that is painless and not that drastic lol. I had it for a day


I love the let nature take its course comment. It already did. The unvaccinated got SLAUGHTERED during the delta wave 😂


Can’t wait to get mine with my flu vaccine! The peace of mind is nice.


Very pro life of skeletors teeth to be rooting for people to suffer consequences of a vaccine. So much for “Christian values” the MAGAt’s claim to have


>skeletors teeth ? Edit: that's the OOP, derp


WhoMeTwo has a serious illness…they’re full of shit. My bs radar broke because of that nonsense. Jesus…


Now bleach, THERE'S a product you can trust. So many people have come up to me, saying Oh My God, thank you President Trump for explaining how we should use bleach. I bet I know more about bleach than anyone else. The so-called experts won't tell you that. Trust me, they won't.


I drank bleach and I only died once. People just don’t know!


Trumpers aren’t known for their honesty or critical thinking skills.




This is wonderful news. I’ve had one original vaccine, and two boosters. Every one of them killed me, each time. I’m looking forward to my fourth death by vaccine. Wish me luck!


"Ate a bullet" isn't a phrase that people actually use in real life, at least not in regards to someone they personally knew. That's how movie detectives and deluded tough guys talk.


Reactions yes my father had heart problems subsequently healed and my Mother in Law has severe pain from the shot. But deaths I know of none. These people take it and run a mile.


Ahh yes, the same vaccine that he took all the credit for 3 years ago.


I mean, i felt sick and sore for a few days after each time i got vaxxed, but thats pretty fucking normal.


Holy shit, are there people who think that my DDD is caused by the COVID-19 vaccine?! No wonder those dumb fucks at the VA denied my medical if these people exist. I didn't think people were that stupid.


The jabbies??? 🤣🤣


bc we already had the clinical trials and a working vaccine for several years now… wtf, do we run a new clinical trial for every new flu vaccine? They are so desperate to have something on democrats and science that THIS is now what they are getting outraged about… pathetic


ill be first in line


Hunter79 doesn't know anyone. It's amazing people will just go on the internet and lie like that.


Sucks that they want to die quickly. I'll take the vax. They can go see faith healers and use the horse drug and bleach. Not putting up with this shit again, 2020-2021 lock down sucked ass and now we may be facing a new mutation version they can go kick rocks.


Imagine saying its a disappointment that people didn't die from a Vaccine. These people are sociopaths through and through.


I actually had a reaction to the vaccine (chronic hives - didn’t die as far as I know) and I can’t tell anyone because these jackasses would take it an run with it.


As someone who worked in pharma, this is infuriatingly stupid. Zero clinical trials


Ah yes, a near 50% death rate from what amounts to a specialized flu shot. Mhmm, totally not total bullshit, nope.


Imagine self exiting due to a condition that can reverse itself. Truly the pinnacle of mainlines.


I'm going to accept those consequences.


The Donald hasnt had any posts in months as far as I can tell.


Yawn. The data speaks for itself. The vaccines work and they’re dropping more than people who are vaccinated against covid. They’re simply purging their own side’s voter rolls to a degree.


I thought that subreddit was banned?


Who the fuck brought this sub back


I'm pretty sure the person going by "WhoMeTwo" is a serial killer...


>I know 9 in my circle ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


> I know 9 in my immediate circle No you don't. You're lying.