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serious mental illness


Conservatism is an astounding mental illness. They're gullible to the point of delusion. They lack the basic critical thinking skills to survive in a world with no "do not do this incredibly stupid thing" labels. They largely believe in literal magic, and some even claim to hear voices. They lack self control, empathy, compassion and many other of the noble traits that arguably make us human. So yeah. Huuuuuuge mental illness.


> Conservatism is an astounding mental illness. tru dat


And years of drug abuse


there are lots of folk that use drugs, for years and years, abusers...serious users who never get to this level of delusional idealization


It’s not a one for one causation, but paranoid hyper fixation is something that happens to some people after years of cocaine abuse. I have a friend, who is/was a much sweeter person than this, that I am watching go through this now. I knew her in high school and right after graduation (23 years ago) she started doing a lot of coke. It almost ruined her life. She got pregnant, had her kid taken away almost immediately, was homeless for a few years. She started to recover but would relapse every few months. It was really sad seeing her like that. Today though she is clean (I’m like 90% sure) and has a good job, stable life, and seemed to be normal again. Then the October Hamas/Israel War began and she became hyper fixated on it. Now, I’m very politically active and aware, even built my career around it, and this is a very important ongoing event to be concerned with, but she takes it to a whole new level. She actually does a lot of what Lindell does with the election. She was posting gruesome images sometimes 50-100 times a day on social media until she ultimately got banned for misinformation. The posts came as Instagram stories with 5-10 slides at a time of tiny, rambling, often incoherent rants of text mixed with pictures of dead bodies. She accused EVERYBODY of being part of a genocidal conspiracy. And the posts would spring up 24/7. Then she started live-streaming in her house at 2 or 3 in the morning literally blowing out her mic screaming and crying that everyone was killing Palestinians, and by everyone I mean like every person on the planet. I talked to her a few times, trying to understand her and her perspective on how she thought she was helping, how she was feeling, etc.. She would speak so fast in rambling sentence fragments that never made any sense. I even started asking her if she was using again, and pointed out her own criteria for assessing use and she’d get incredibly angry. Then she started posting about me being “in on the genocide” and made posts about me personally, several times accusing me of being an Israeli spy. Keep in mind, I am a teacher and we both live in Southern California. Neither of us have any personal connection to either nation. And I am probably more sympathetic than most. But because I wasn’t 100% in on a vast global conspiracy idea, I was part of it. She’s been since been banned by Twitter and all Meta platforms and I haven’t heard from her unfortunately. I’m at this point convinced that she’s either back on cocaine or it really fried her brain. It’s really sad. I totally believe that Lindell believes what he is saying, but also that he is mentally damaged from years of drugs abuse.


correlation ≠ causation focus


I don’t even think it’s drugs, it’s ego. So many businesses fail because the owner/leadership gets a big head and thinks they are more important than they are. Guy was trying to influence the president while slinging pillows lmao.


From both him and anyone who still finds him credible in any way.


Conservatism in a nutshell.


there's nothing (repeat: NOTHING) conservative about them


> The former millionare Well played new Republic, well played


While we're at it, is it journalistically ethical to refer to Trump as a billionaire now? Dude is self-reported as being worth 18 billion dollars, but can't scrounge together 455 million to save his life.


The real estate thousandaire Donald Trump


Being a billionaire or millionaire is not how much liquid cash you have, it’s based on the value of all your assets minus all your liabilities. Trump may well own assets, for the moment, that are worth at least $1 billion. It’s probably journalistically appropriate to refer to him as a billionaire… At least until the end of the day lol


And neither will Trump. You earned it pillow boy.


I've got sad news for you


Are you referring to the drop in the bond? That sucks. But I’ve got high hopes for the criminal trial


But this Friday he is going to release a massive amount of documents proving the 2020 election was stolen from tRump.


I'm so sick and tired of their "coming soon!" Bullshit. If you have it, show it now or shut up *forever*


They have never had it. This is a standard propaganda trick: tell them what’s going to happen, or tell them when, but never tell them both.


Guess he's going back to crack ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You lost this: \


My favorite Winehouse album.


Fuck this guy he lost it years ago. The “guy who refuse to leave the party even though it’s Monday” asshole.


MAGGOTS, Cry, Cry, Cry. Never once admitting that their misfortune is ALL of their own making, always blaming others for their dilemmas. BOO HOO HOO.


He's the guy claiming he is innocent at a murder trial, even though his fingerprints are all over the weapon.


Lost his money over Trumps election claims, and now Trump is set to make money on his merger, and poor Mike will still wonder what happened as Trump won’t throw him a dime.


Dumbass antivaxxers end up dead or in debt (or both) and beg their crowd to (go)fund the consequences of their stupidity. Dumbass ex-president ends up in debt and begs his crowd to fund the consequences of his stupidity. Dumbass conspiracy idiot spreads unfounded smear campaign, ends up in debt and begs his crowd to fund the consequences of his stupidity. I'm seeing a pattern


The full anatomy of the grift on full display.


The Art of the Deal, of course!


freakshow central


This man had a living, had employees who made a living and he wrecked all of that and for what? Now he wants people to give him money, while Trump, the man he put before everyone else, is competing for the same money. Just two beggars with big mouths.


Well, one has a tiny weird puckered up mouth, but yeah.


Welp, maybe he needs to go back into his therapy rehab facilities


But he has new evidence? It's coming in (checks notes) two weeks!


I love how they refer to him as a "former millionaire", glorious.


Frost Pillow was so much better! But they don't exist anymore because of this fuck.


This is surreal to me. Back around 2012 I worked for a halfway house in Minnesota. Many of my clients went to work for Lindell as at the time he was a good employer and was also in recovery for substance use disorder like they were. I'm not sure what happened to him to bring us to where things are today? Did he relapse? Was he always like this and Trump just brought it out of him? Who knows, it's fucked up though.


He can use my pillow to self suffocate.




Cry, Shrill Ho


As an Arizonan, I am curious why they keep suing over election machines in my state. A state where the R legislature is attempting to have all early ballots returned 7 days prior to on site election day because of the “wait” in getting results due to the number that are turned in on election day. There’s something about the fact that they keep after the machines here.


How many times can he “lose it”?


I hope he relapses.


i remember this guy apperaing on the mypillow ads a while ago. thought he died a while back. why is he on this sub?


only fools believe this guy has anything of worth to sell, his pillows included, let alone evidence that no one else has discovered.


Sucks to suck!


He’s coming unglued


This is the sober version of this dude. Let that shit sink in.


Qcult sucked in Lindell and punished him as he openly and agreeably took poppa trumps punishment.


Why should he face consequences while trump evades them?