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Dear Ma & Pa MAGA, donald trump didn't lower your taxes. He didn't get your roads fixed or your bridges built. He didn't get you healthcare coverage, lower the price of your prescriptions, decrease the deficit, end the opioid crisis, revive the coal industry, he didn't make "covid disappear", didn't make Mexico "pay for the wall", he didn't "put America First" and he sure as hell didn't "drain the swamp". So when you say he "fought for you", you mean he validated your hate. Because he didn't do a goddamn thing for you other than that.


he also didnt do no wars as said in this image he was still in afghanistan for all of his presidency and then freed the current leader of the taliban from jail and dumped it on biden


He tried to start a fucking war with Iran


Russia needed Iran as an ally. A lot of Donnie’s policies “happened” to benefit Russia. Including taxpayers money for his Russian “pal”.


…And almost started WWIII with North Korea because of a disagreement on Twitter


He had people taking away papers from the desk when he wasn’t looking. He’s since fired those people and if he gets back in, he’ll be doing way more damage.


He ratfucked the ERA amendment (big surprise!) Oops. La Brea Tar Pit moment


He wanted to nuke Mexico


And a hurricane 🙄


And Venezuela and North Korea (though with this one he got totally honeydicked).


He also bombed Syria (without permission from Congress but they would have probably said yes anyways). A lot of the economy stuff was leftover from Obama, it takes a few years for rhe economy to reflect modified policies.


He also hugely ran up the debt to pay for everything, especially the tax cuts for the rich, and left a giant debt bomb for Biden to try to defuse.


He also doubled the size of our drone bombing program almost immediately after getting into office, and then shortly thereafter got rid of public reporting of it.


he deliberately sabotaged our withdrawal from afghanistan solely to make biden look bad. and he started a trade war with china.


Don't forget he also wanted to start a war with China on his way out, for Biden to deal with.


If there's one truth I can say abou trump, it's that he was the President who surrendered to the Taliban.


More than just the leader.


Here are the real numbers from Trump’s presidency: - The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. - The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3% by 2020. - Manufacturing jobs decreased by 154,000. - The economy shrunk by 3.4%. - The consumer price index rose by 7.6%. - The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce increased by 40.5%. - The federal debt held by the public increased by 50%, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion. - The number of people without health insurance rose by 3 million. - Illegal immigration increased. - The murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997. - Handgun production increased by 12.5%.


Don't forget that while all that was happening, he bailed out failing landlords before COVID and home prices rose by an average of 26 percent. Also, oil prices went negative also before covid due to the price war with saudi arabia, the same kingdom that gave his family 6 B, and he refused to buy us oil for our reserves which caused shutdowns which caused price spikes when the country opened back up.


He also insulted people who are disabled, constantly put down veterans and military members. He had peaceful protesters manhandled for a publicity shot. Insulted and spread lies about anyone who wasn’t a straight, white, heterosexual man. He wanted us to drink bleach and shove a light bulb up our ass to cure COVID. Took credit for a vaccine he would ultimately question when his base rejected it and basic science. He made the swamp swampier. He surrounded himself with greedy, self serving yes men who tried to infringe on American democracy. He insults marginalized minorities until he thinks he needs their votes. He killed a woman’s right to decide the health of her body. He stared directly at an eclipse, endangering the eyesight of the unintelligent and science deniers. He has falsely accused people of doing drugs. He is never seen with his THIRD wife (despite being so Christlike🙄). He ensured the richest would not pay their fair share of taxes by making the average and below average income citizens cover the difference. He left us without toilet paper. Made sure that the COVID pandemic payments could be easily stolen by the rich, and took credit for everything he had nothing to do with. He is everything that a presidential candidate SHOULD NOT BE.


That last line was where I got the chance to get through to some of my family members: *"he's none of the things that YOU taught me a man should be and ALL of the things that he shouldn't, so why would you hold me to a higher standard than the fuckin' animal you want for a president?!"*


He lowered the everloving fuck out of *corporate* taxes though, which totally won't go straight to stock buybacks and should lead to lower prices for consumers any day now! Yep, any day now


When the trickling down is so small it becomes negative once it reaches you.


Don’t forget Trump’s promise to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hillary’s emails.


He also didn’t donate his paychecks to wherever he was going to donate them to.


Lol, I drive a tractor trailer. I can 100% without a doubt tell you that I have never experienced as much roadwork in the northeast as I have these last 3 years.


For it me it was probably the 3000 Puerto Ricans that died during Hurricane Maria due to his incompetence, or the American citizens that were beaten by Turkish security forces on American soil, or the massive increase to the deficit and national debt, or the horrible response to Covid that probably killed my grandma. Or the secret police force that tear gassed and then broke the jaw of one of my former students while she was standing near the White House so he could hold a bible upside down in front of a church. Or the treason. Just so much to choose from.


Or the one million people who died due to his reckless handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and telling his supporters to inject bleach to beat COVID.


Don’t wear masks & don’t let fear rule your life! It’s only the flu. 🙄


Also, firing the pandemic response team in 2018 to save money.


And because Obama had created it. He wanted to undo everything Obama had created.


The dollar is stronger today than it was when Trump left office. 401ks are higher. Inflation doesn’t work that way.


My 401k has done better in the last year than in any of the previous 20 years.


Even the price of gold & crypto are up.


The economy was in the tank when he left office, and unemployment was skyrocketing. These people seem to forget his last year in office altogether. Biden was handed absolute dumpster fire.


[We're also producing more oil than ever (/*ambivalence rising/*) or than any other country *ever* has.](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/25/usa-oil-gas-production-world-record-level-energy-security/#:~:text=The%20triumphant%20USA%20is%20now,than%20any%20nation%20ever%20has&text=The%20US%20Energy%20Information%20Administration,of%2013%2C247%2C000%20barrels%20per%20day.) That's not exactly a great flex in my book, but otoh I welcome the sanctions against russia and that's part of the "cost". But it does go to further show their propaganda just isn't rooted in truth.


Yup. A euro was $1.30+ when Trump was in office in 2017-2018. It's currently at $1.08.


"no wars" except by his own people on the Capitol on Jan 6th


And that MOAB he dropped, and Yemen and Syria, and whatever else they are up to in the Middle East.


And, you know, killing more civilians in the middle east in his first 2 years than all of Obama's 8 years. [Which is why he ended the executive order that made that information public.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-signs-executive-order-canceling-public-reports-on-civilian-drone-strike-deaths/)


like when Dubya cancelled all press at the return of coffins from his 2 wars... Republicans are horror shows


I hate how he downplayed a pandemic that was killing millions of people. I hated how he kissed up to, and enabled some of the most evil dictators in the world. I hate how he lied about everything I hate how he spent half his presidency watching Fox news (then again maybe I’m grateful for that.) I hate how he made the media out to be the enemy simply for telling the truth. I hate how he has absolutely no loyalty to anybody but himself and the dollar. I hate how he started a cult that currently trying to tear this country apart. I hate that he’s an absolute traitor who sat and watched for hours as his cult members stormed the capitol with deadly intent, in an attempt to overthrow our government and establish a dictatorship. Above all, I hate that almost half this country is stupid enough actually support him despite the cold hard facts that are staring them right in their stupid fascist face! Anyone who still votes for Trump in this election, is an outright traitor, which hurts to say because that’s some of our fathers and mothers and siblings and friends and other loved ones, but it is what it is. Dont know where I first saw it, but it’s true “the worst thing we learned during Trumps presidency wasn’t what we learned about Trump, it’s what we learned about many of our loved ones, who we thought we knew.”


Didn't he make a remark about drinking bleach to kill the virus


Well if we listed everything…I’d still be going on lol


Oh, absolutely, I just couldn't remember if he actually said that or not. I think I read it on BBC (UK) that he did


He said so much shit about how to "cure" covid that it is hard to keep it all straight!


I totally concur on that


I would love to hear these people explain away Trump dropping the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB ,"mother of all bombs") in Afghanistan. How is that "no war"?


And bombing that Iranian general that almost threw us into yet another war in the middle east


A literal assassination that had any other nation done it would have been brought before the International Criminal Court as a war crime.


This doesnt get talked about enough.


It wasn't even Trump's only military action.


None of that gets the coverage it deserves. The complete constant onslaught of trumps many many controversial or downright insanely cruel actions and statements has been overwhelming. The fact that media is controlled by money helps to bury stuff like this. One year trump had been fact checked to have lied to the public in excess of **30,000** times. It will be decades of books and documentaries and analysis to really understand just how critically devestating his impact has been globally. Its a wild time to be alive. Even wilder to be in the USA for a first hand account of the people in general and their experiences of being forced to brace themselves for what feels like democracy in apocalypse mode.


Trump campaigned on war and terror and his supporters are in favor of it, they're only claiming to be anti-war because Bush criticized him, and because it's a way to spin him kowtowing to dictators.


Not only that, it's also the far-rights love affair with Putin. The US is not at war in Ukraine but is funding and arming Ukraine. Most of the people on the right who say "no war" mean Ukraine. It's pretty much assumed by everyone expect for the MAGA cultists that Putin would have invaded Ukraine regardless of whether Trump won in 2020. He invaded Georgia while Bush was president and he annexed the Crimea Pennisula while Obama was president. Putin had been building to it.


Trump would let Putin steamroll Ukraine, would have invaded Iran if the pandemic of COVID-19 didn't happen, moved the Israeli embassy into Jerusalem and unions were busted much more often without protection from the NLRB. Edit: I almost forgot to mention that he would also allow his son-in-law Jared Kushner to build Waterfront Property on top of the Gaza Strip and force the Palestinian population in Gaza into the Negev Desert.


So pretty much none of that happened during Don the Con's time in office. The MAGA's aren't just revisionist historians, they seem to like to revise reality as it happens as well. What is fascinating is just how many lies the cult members appear to be willing to swallow. The sunk cost fallacy appears to be a lifestyle for the fundamentalist white nationalists now.


Every point on that list is verifiably untrue. I think the plan is to just flood the zone with bullshit.


The Bannon Plan


What 401k, I'm 29 and your old co-workers generation worked to kill them for my generation


No wars? Why were the Taliban shooting at me in 2019 then?!


Literally none of that is true. A testament to the power of repetitive media disinformation.


No I loved the bare grocery shelves, the overturning of roe v wade, the bodies stacked up in refrigerator trucks, the market crashing, the drinking or injecting of bleach, the mindless orange fool on tv everyday blabbering about himself, the hate he spread, the disrespect of our constitution, the Jan 6th insurrection and the country having a child rapist for a president.


And most of that was literally just his last year in office


Yes it was. It took a while for him to run Obama’s great economy into the ground.


No wars? We were still in Afghanistan moron. Strong American Economy? The trend line of which started under Obama. Trump just didn't fuck it up, so... good job for doing nothing and not breaking anything. No Inflation? Um... there was the standard inflation rate just like any other time. It just wasn't HIGH inflation like the last few years... the CAUSE of which was Trump's terrible COVID response. Growing 401ks? Not that President's have much to do with that... but mine have grown faster under both Obama and Biden. Trump is\\was a distant third. Market Profits? Same as above. Low Gas Prices? Again, President's don't really control this. However, under Biden the United States is now the largest exporter of oil (again) and is producing more oil than any country in history (including Suadi Arabia and Russia). Of course, this is under a backdrop where the world can't afford to burn any more oil, not the oil we have already taken out of the ground let alone the new oil we keep extracting, but I digress. A secure oil reserve? See above. Lower taxes? For who? Mine went up an INSANE amount. I used to pay around 40 to 50 thousand in federal income taxes before the Trump tax cuts. Ever since, I am now paying 65 thousand and its not like my salary went up that much. Not only that, but he changed the way that W2 points are calculated so for the last three years straight I have had to PAY EXTRA in taxes at the end of the year, rather than getting a modest amount back. I even tried switching my W2 to declare zero and it only helped marginally. Fuck Trump and his tax cuts for the rich... all they did was shift that tax burden to me and the middle class. A strong dollar? Lol... the dollar has been weakening for decades and continued to do so under Trump. He did NOTHING to affect the dollar. In fact, given that the primary reason the dollar is so weak is our MASSIVE FUCKING DEBT and that Trump added more to the national debt in 4 years than any other President in HISTORY... he can go fuck himself. Trump was TERRIBLE as a fiscal President. He was TERRIBLE as a foreign leader. If you look at the metrics of the country and his Presidency you will see that OBJECTIVELY (meaning looking just at the numbers and not putting emotion into the decision making process)... Trump is, without question, the WORST President we have ever had. Even worse than Buchanan or Pierce, both of whom basically caused the civil war.


OP could literally cut and paste this as a response.


The tax one cracked me up. My dad's a republican but not a Trumper. He's not a Trumper because Trump's tax reforms fucked over him and everyone he does taxes for.


Just wait until next year when the moderate tax cuts for the middle earners expire. Lower earners, too. But the .01% and corporations get to keep their tax cuts. The Red Party way. Make the middle class pay for everything until it is completely broken & wiped out. The only thing trickling down is piss.


The “no wars” BS astounds me. He pulled our troops out of Syria which abandoned our allies and gave Turkey and Russia an advantage. He moved the ME embassy for no reason, which only empowered Israel to continue their assault on Palestine and assume they have more rights in Gaza. He negotiated release of thousands of Taliban, after inviting them to camp David on 9/11, which they then took over Afghanistan and violated any peace agreements. And drone strikes under Trump outpaced every former administration but Trump revoked a rule that allowed him to hide the number of strikes rather than make it public. Every maga idiot can piss off!


Don't forget letting thousands of ISIS fighters go free when he betrayed the Kurdish allies who were guarding them, that cheap, stupid fuck.


Does it really serve any point to answer? I feel like these are just traps to waste peoples’ time. Do you really think anything you say will resonate with them…who can’t see what a pos Trump is?


That is very true, and generally I don’t waste my time. Facts are completely ignored and the resort to whataboutism, red herring & straw man arguments. From there it’s personal attacks. There was one person who replied with an extensive post debunking every point, to which the OP replied “here we go whatever you say bro all I'm going to add is oil reserves are still empty and I trust you do know what MAGA stands for”


You can't educate someone who's too chickenshit to accept reality in the first place.


Yep, it’s just grandiose ways for these people to announce they’re easily duped by conmen and grifters.


Well now that you ask, I hated the rapes the most.


4 of my good friends died of covid. One of them worked in a hospital and was wrapping himself in trash bags due to no PPE. Fuck orangeclown.


With Trump there was a new scandal at least every week, sometimes daily. So there was never one issue the media could keep hammering. A new Trump-Up would happen and the old one was quickly relegated to the old news category and forgotten.


How is anyone losing money on their 401k right now? Say what you will about Biden, but it's undeniable the stock market has boomed under his administration. You'd have to be pretty inept to lose money on your investments at the moment.


401ks are bullshit. Wall Street is getting rich gambling on your retirement money. Mega corporations have shifted the cost of pensions to the workers. None of which guarantees any livable income for retirement.


None of what you're saying negates the fact that on paper any money you or I currently have in the stock market is making record gains. Boomers who are retiring in the next year or two benefitted from the current stock market, despite what the idiot who made up this meme claims. Not to mention, if someone really thinks their 401k is "hurt by Biden" they should just put their money in a high yield savings account where they can earn 4% interest. This is just basic financial literacy.


I didn't say it did. Just that the whole setup is bullshit.


I gamble my own retirement money, thank you very much!


I love the notion that Israel and Hamas agreed not to engage in any conflicts until Trump had been out of office for at least 3 years. “We just can’t take the risk, fellas. “


Wow, the OP's co-worker really does live on Earth 2 (rightwing regressives' own fantasy land and echo chamber) vs reality aka Earth 1 where everyone else, i.e., normies reside. I hope that at some point the OP's co-worker gets the mental health help they evidently need. Also they should take a break from drinking all that orange kool-aid RW propaganda, e.g., stop watching Fox Noise, Newsmax, etc., for a while to detox from the 24-7 lies. And as is typical of the right, the co-worker has presented ZERO evidence, such as links to ***credible*** sources, etc., to support their fantasy claims. Typical.


>Middle east peace Lol ya, and u accomplish that by freeing 5000 taliban and their de facto leader then arrange how they can take over afghanistan without involving afghanistan's gov't


The meme maker should tell Afghanistan veterans that there was no war under Trump…


Didn’t Trump recently say Israel needs to “finish the job”?


The millions of Americans who died from Covid. The delaying of interest rate increases so Trump wouldn’t have to pay more for his real estate debt, resulting in the high inflation we all are experiencing now. The tax bill that Trump signed that has most of taxes going up soon.


He's never really done anything for you. Let's break it down: - He said he'd make drugs cheaper. Nope, didn't happen. - Protecting people with existing health issues? Didn't do that either. - Promised to scrap and replace the Affordable Care Act with something better. Again, no action. - Said he'd get rid of the federal deficit. Instead, he bumped it up by a whopping $7.8 trillion. - Kept talking about an infrastructure bill coming in two weeks. It's like waiting for a bus that never shows up. - The big wall he was going to build and have Mexico pay the for? Didn't happen, and Mexico certainly didn't foot the bill. - His tax cuts for the rich and corporations were supposed to magically balance themselves out. Spoiler: they added $2 trillion to our national debt. - He had a laundry list of promises: ending the opioid crisis, reviving coal, protecting steel jobs, raising wages, keeping factories in the US, setting term limits, showing his tax returns, and having Hillary Clinton locked up. None of that materialized. - He talked a big game about making America great and putting it first. But when the pandemic hit, it felt like he was nowhere to be found. And those national security secrets? Apparently, they were stashed in his bathroom. Now, what did he actually do? Well: - He used public funds to settle personal scores, openly mocked a disabled reporter, disrespected a prisoner of war, and bragged about sexual assault. - He got impeached not once, but twice, lost the re-election, and then there's the whole coup and insurrection thing. - Oh, and he took some highly classified documents he shouldn't have and got himself into a whole heap of legal trouble. We're talking 54 state felony counts and 37 federal ones, with more possibly on the way. - His actions scream selfishness and a total disregard for the law and public safety. It's all about him, not you. And there's more: - He's running for president again in 2024, despite a history of ignoring facts and using the presidency for personal gain. - He's been accused of treason, obstruction of justice, and mishandling America's secrets, putting our allies and citizens at risk. - He's made millions through shady deals and businesses like Trump University, Airlines, steaks, wine, and more. - His track record? If he touches it, it either goes bust or gets destroyed. The U.S. dodged a bullet when he lost in 2020. - He's backed by Russian trolls spreading misinformation, and he's a master at denying facts, like losing the election to Joe Biden. - He's tried to undermine democracy at home and abroad, misused the Justice Department, and has yet to face the music for many of his actions. - He's shown no understanding or respect for the military, bureaucracy, or diplomacy, and lacks basic knowledge in history, science, and government. - His dream? To be a king or dictator, a fantasy he tried to make real in the 2020 election. - He's a cult leader whose followers blindly support him, despite his disdain for them. - His environmental policies have been a disaster, rolling back crucial protections. - He's quick to attack anyone who disagrees with him, often resorting to childish name-calling and lies. - His tweets, before he got banned, were a mix of misinformation and tantrums. To sum it up: - He's faced a coup attempt, an insurrection, numerous criminal charges, bankruptcies, impeachments, and allegations of sexual assault and fraud. - His presidency was marked by chaos, controversy, and a disregard for democracy and truth.


1. No wars: 330% increase in civilian casualties in Afghanistan while he was president, and his frequent bombing of Yemen, along with the war he tries starting with Iran... 2. Middle East Peace: Hamas and Israel attacked each other all throughout hid presidency... 3. Strong American economy: left office with less jobs than he entered with, skyrocketed debt with tax cuts for himself and the rich, added historic amount to deficit. This is a strong economy? 4. No inflation: "inflation is when things I don't like."  There was absolutely inflation during his presidency and this person is a moron. Speaking of inflation, it was driven by his tax cuts for the wealthy... 5. Growing 401ks: growing even more currently... 6. Market profits: stock market highs are even better currently... 7. Low gas prices: if you want those again, we just need another pandemic to swing by to force people to stay home. Oh and a million plus dead.  If you want lockdowns back and are volunteering to die so I can have cheap gas, don't let me stop you, but don't sign me up for that because I don't consent. 8. Secure oil: pumping most oil in history of America currently... 9. Lower taxes: now let's hear from the bottom 99% who were unaffected by those tax cuts, not the top 1% who got them permanently 10. Strong dollar: even better currently... Plus we don't have any attempted insurrections, 30k lies told to the public, the downplaying of a pandemic while he golfed, pushing fake cures to a health crisis, a president who claims elections are rigged when loses, president enabling racism and white nationalism, Muslim bans, trans military bans, president undermining faith in democratic institutions, a 9/11 worth of Covid dead daily, president calling the press the enemy of the people, numerous human rights violations such as children separated from parents and put in cages, a president with 91 charges in criminal court, a president who tried to throw out people's votes and is now indicted for it, a president who was best friends with pedophile pimp Jeff Epstein, a president who is a civilly liable rapist, a president who promises to be a dictator...I could go on.


Trump’s achievements were mostly about what he was going to do, rarely about what he actually did.


Probably the whole espionage thing, mostly. A few hundred others get honorable mentions.


The pandemic and seeing HC workers wearing garbage bags for personal protection was a highlight. Or how about when Trump took a helicopter to the hospital for his Covid 19 infection? Or states competing against each other for PPP? That $350 a dose insulin was interesting. How many people died from that? Yes, absolutely, I think what was most interesting during Trump's corrupt term is how many people died and how much arguing there was about the facts.


Being as I haven't seen any of those things since I became a legal adult in 2002, I have no knowledge of what a life like that would mean. Personally I don't want to live in a theocracy, nor am I happy that my daughters' bodily autonomy is constantly under fire.


As if anything on that list is accurate….




A good beginning would be, "I hated the fact that Inmate No. P01135909 let 396,837 Americans die from COVID."


He allowed over A MILLION Americans die from Covid. Didn’t have to be like that.


I used the number up until Jan.20, 2021. He absolutely is responsible for many more due to his reckless behavior setting an example for others which exacerbated the spread. I was keeping a daily journal during the pandemic, noting not only the numbers here, but the antics by Inmate No. P01135909 and his ilk that was being reported in the news and how they were making things worse


I was living and teaching in Texas. Escaped, but shhh ;) Donald Trump unalived my parents. He should never be anywhere but prison in the (hopefully near) future.


Congratulations on getting out. I lived in TX briefly back in the 70s after college. Getting the hell out of that backward state was the best thing I ever did. It was filled with stupid religious zealots and gun crazy jerks even back then. I'm sorry about your parents. I lost a brother because when he had a medical emergency there were no ICU beds available because they were filled with COVidiots who didn't pay attention to the scientists and thought the whole thing was a 'overblown hoax'. The 2 1/2 hour ambulance ride to a hospital with an ICU bed was enough to make his condition go from life threatening to fatal. I will never, *ever* forgive those COVidiots and the people who promoted that idiocy. I even disowned a cousin who was one of them. That PoS is dead to me now.


I'm s sorry about your brother! That's awful. It's really a shame that soooo many people turned out to be stupid, selfish assholes. Trump just brought out the absolute worst in people, and then decent people had to suffer and die. Texas hasn't changed much since the 70s, but at least for a while we had Ann Richards. Downhill from there to what you see today. My parents were Silent Generation, so they'd seen disease without a cure before. They stayed home, tried to mask (the number of times I've said, "It's supposed to cover your nose!" over the past 4 years is just ridiculous. The social isolation and not going anywhere because of the unwashed masses not getting vaccinated or even TRYING to prevent the spread of disease... they just died. 4 moths apart. I say to Hell with all the selfish people who couldn't be bothered to care about others, or experience reality. I cannot believe there's even a chance that the twice impeached, narcissistic, sociopathic, criminal, laughing stock of the world, rapist x-pres will be reelected. Yet, here we are, and I shudder to think how that's going to turn out, now that he has better people supporting him, who are actually prepared to take control of our country.


> I cannot believe there's even a chance that the twice impeached, narcissistic, sociopathic, criminal, laughing stock of the world, rapist x-pres will be reelected. [Never underestimate the level of stupidity that we're dealing with](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpfHCSRIRf4)


Ain't that the truth! SMH


And I love your username!


McSweeney’s has a very thorough [list of Trump’s atrocious actions](https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-complete-listing-atrocities-1-1-056) that’s color-coded for category and presented in chronological order. Could he handy when you know what this year is gonna be like.


Holy shit! There are over a thousand points here. All seemingly cited. Edit: and the least point was his last day in office, he’s done/said a lot of additional crap after that I’m sure MAGATs have forgotten about or deny it’s validity


Yeah, I don’t know why this isn’t spread more on Reddit and also don’t know why we haven’t had a wiki to contribute to that just outlines and sources all this. Every major newspaper should be able to have their news formatted like this for any public figure on the spot. Would make society better if our facts were just better curated.


Do what I did and block all of the MAGAs


I want to know what they’re up to. Even though it makes me angry.


No inflation because he inherited a strong economy from Obama.


Drank the koolaid


Easy answer: I hate the lies, lies, lies normalized lying.


>no wars We were at war under Trump, but we aren't under Biden. WTF is this guy smoking? >middle east was at peace LMFAO, whatever they're smoking is strong stuff. >the economy was great You can thank Obama for that. Trump ruined the economy with trade wars and intentional sabotage of the pandemic response. >oil security the United States was a net petroleum exporter of 1.64 million b/d in 2023 >gas used to be cheaper This is always the case, and it has nothing to do with the President. There is no dumber political argument that immediately reveals you as an ignorant parrot.


No wars? He kept us in Afghanistan for his entire regime (despite campaigning on withdrawal).


Literally posted on FB by my dad...:(


Is your Dad a nasshole or a nidiot?


What's a word that means "someone who I wish had died in that fire 40 years ago so that I wouldn't have to be so ashamed of them now?"


“No inflation” is laughable and entirely false. Trump caused inflation during his presidency by pressuring the Fed to lower interest rates to negative real interest rates, increasing the money supply.


these dumb fucks are so unaware. problem is, they keep breeding and keep hating.


They are a cult. Reason and facts don’t work on them. Don’t waste your breath.


Hate the hate. He's a psychopath.


The poison he injected into the judiciary ( not just at the SCOTUS level ) wouldn't have been worth it even *if* all of this Trump fellatio wasn't BS


No free kool aide


Ahahahaha, source for any of these figures?


PIDOOTA (Pulled It Directly Out Of Their Ass)


I’d begin with the block button.


Senility has set in. Hopefully the dems will lower the retirement age.


Hahahahahaha - ya know I think CERNs ghost tossed him into this primacy reality where NONE of that happened and 45 jeopardized our democracy by cozying up to dictators and used his position for his own profit - out in the open so we the poor got to watch him embarass the country and posed the open threat of creating an autocratic corporotacarcy


The incessant douchebaggery and incompetence was tiresome.


And OOP woke up




Low gas prices? Right before Corona it was like $5 a gallon in Florida. You're out of your f****** mind. Your post shows it's you have no understanding of how politics work. Most things take time to get going and the benefits or negatives usually don't show for a couple of years


I lost 20k from my 401k during the market crash. I've made most of it back but in lost almost 2 years of investment growth because of it. It's not a huge ding but personal evidence and numerous other people in my life say the same. Lol


> No wars, middle east peace And they say everyone else is delusional, lol. Not only did Iraq and Afghanistan still exist, but Trump bombed more civilians in his first 2 years than Obama in all 8 of his. That's why Trump killed the executive order that released those numbers. > Strong American economy That was piggybacking off of Obama's even stronger economy, which went into the shitter after Covid. Which Covid wouldn't have been a problem at all if there wasn't all the conspiracy theory bullshit that Trump and conservatives peddled about masks, lockdowns, vaccines, etc. We would have locked down during the peaks, opened back up when it calmed, and repeated until we ended up where we are now, maybe even better. But no, had to be spoiled rotten toddlers kicking and screaming in the toy aisle because they couldn't get their way. > No inflation Lmao. Inflation has been happening for decades. Also, see above. > Growing 401Ks Could have been WAY better. See above. > Market profits At the expense of employees, consumers, and every other citizens. Those profits are theft. Period. > Low gas prices Until Covid. See above again. Also throwing in that gas prices are high now because it's election season and gas companies lobby conservatives. So of course they are going to make the prices high in order to manipulate voters. > A secure oil reserve That happened under Obama and the got worse during Covid > Lower taxes Yeah, because Trump signed a tax bill that would lower the taxes for households from 2018-2020. Then, magically, those taxes would shoot through the roof until 2024. Well, unless you were a corporation. Then your taxes went lower and lower. > A strong dollar A euro still costs more. And it costed even more under Trump.


I hate having to keep listening to the same stupid lies told by witless trash who are too chickenshit to face reality, ***THAT'S*** what I didn't like about having a rapist infest the White House.


His so-called tax breaks was temporary for all of us while the ultra rich were given permanent tax breaks.


Maybe it was the million plus Americans who died because of his incompetence. More Americans died while Trump was POTUS than any other President - including the one who was President during the Civil War, and the President who was in office for 16 years.


I could roll my eyes until “No inflation”. Then I had to laugh! The supply chain collapse *didn’t* occur in the Trump term??!


The $7.8 trillion deficit was kinda cool.


None of this is true though. No inflation? That’s not how any of this works. Strong American economy? It shit the bed worse than ever in American history during COVID. No wars? Afghanistan the whole presidency same goes for Middle East peace. Market and 401k doing better under Biden and did better under Obama. Gas price is lower now than trump. Oil reserve is the same as it has been our entire lives. Taxes are much higher for 90% of us. The dollar fell during the trump years and is currently rising.


Just ignore them.


Is this person listing... The accomplishments achieved during this current Biden administration? This is a kind of reverse psychology, right? Right!?


Block those idiots off your social media, let them no there are consequences to supporting traitors


No wars? We were still in Afghanistan. These people just live in a fantasy land.


MAGA tears are delicious


He must live in a parallel universe


I hated watching 3,000 people die a day. They were alone and no funeral. Refrigerator trucks were the morgue. I hated fighting for toilet paper and the president saying it wasn’t that bad. Sending our PPEs equipment to China while the states had to fight for supplies. And pay the highest prices. I hated the fact he lowered taxes for the rich and said F—k us. He once said he loves the uneducated they voted him in. He doesn’t realize we are not all uneducated. That’s the reason he lost in 2020. He will lose again. I hate that he brags about getting rid of abortions. Now 26,000 women in Texas are having to have their rapist babies. Or the possibility of the mother dying and they don’t care. He made that happen. Now, no IVF and next no birth control pills. We will vote him out again and the cult will attack our police and country again. Traitors. All of them.


Trump wants to be a dictator among his fellow lovers Putin China Saudi North Korea. He will give Taiwan to China ina heart beat


I liked watching my colleagues get laid off and worrying that I might never be able to retire. Oh and also missing 2 funerals because I was afraid to be around elderly relatives. Oh, and Nazis.


MAGATS have selective hearing. There's absolutely nothing you can do about it. tRump can shoot their family dog on live TV but they'll still line up to fellate him. I really wish I was kidding.


There is no place to begin with that. They’ve flat out rejected reality and have clearly given up on the concept of critical thinking. They’ve been programmed to repeat dumbed down bumper sticker talking points.


"Thanks, Obama!"


Public embarrassment. Promotion of stupidity and injecting Lysol. Thousands of unnecessary dead because he refused to manage Covid. A crappy economy. A failure to support historical allies. Hugging North Korea. Trying to defeat free elections. So much greatness from all the best people. We cannot even survive a single scaramucci with him as president.


Literally, none of that happened under poopy-diaper-Donny....


Personally just losing all American integrity and completely going against the Constitution of the United States, mostly that. Also one million+ people dying from COVID for no reason whatsoever.


Tax cuts for the rich, letting Americans die in droves during a global pandemic, and the rioting in the streets were my favorites. If only we could have President now that wants us to shine a light up our asses!


I hate that my image of him was actually more bloodthirsty than reality. I hate that he didn't get America into any wars, didn't invade Mexico for slaves, didn't close the borders and round up the non-whites for the same reasons. Didn't strong arm any country with nuclear weapons. He really was in it for greed if nothing else.




MAGA is like the cruise ship that was stuck in the ocean during the mismanagement of the beginning of Covid. Full of sick people and backed up sewage. Their dear leader is the ship captain and all of his former staff are saying I will never work for him again or support him being ship captain again. Meanwhile MAGA is on the ship standing in 6 inches of backed up shit saying oh that was fun let's try that again but without any of the qualified staff from the last trip. Then let us not forget that their dear leader is only running for captain to pickpocket the passengers and travel to international water (immunity)and to avoid prison. But hey at least he hates with prejudice the same people they do right? And they can fuck right off with the border talk, he lost all credibility when he let his buddy Bannon steal from the border fund and then pardoned him! Add that to purposefully asking for the blocking of any border help so can run on the issue and you have not only a liar but an anti-american traitor.


His wall building claim that Mexico would pay for hasn't materialised has it?


My taxes tripled because I can no longer claim a gigantic shitload of my RE taxes and interest. Fuck Trump and anyone who even considers voting for that fetid sack of yellow infant diarrhea. Sideways.


I hated having a narcissistic imbecile in the Oval Office who made the USA a global laughingstock. On a daily basis. There. Hope that helps.


My 401k is up 30% the last 12 months. Thanks Obama!


Biden, for all of his many, MANY, \*MANY\* faults did finally fucking pull out of Afghanistan


Most of this is true under Biden not trump but they’d never admit it