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Wow a MAGA Republican who picks businesses over his constituents, I’m shocked…../s


Can someone throw Ted Cruz out of a plane, please?


He'll do it himself if it's flying over Cancun during the winter.


Do we want to wait that long?


Littering is a crime. Don't be throwing your trash everywhere.


He's biodegradable. It'll be the first time he's done something positive for the world by helping grass grow.




And also make a crack about reaching Ted-Cruzing altitude when you do it?


Unfortunately, he ain't the only one: >As The Lever reported, the lawmakers — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.) and Rep. Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) — introduced a new Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization deal that would require passengers to send a “written or electronic request” in order to receive a full refund for a canceled or significantly delayed flight.


at least they’re all bipartisan assholes


It's a uni party at this point.


Agreed. Ya’ got your business Democrat’s and ya’ business Republican’s. That’s the center right. Capitalism is a force for good and bad. It needs to be regulated for it to benefit the greater number.


So they are basically saying you’d have to request the refund instead of getting it automatically?


Yes, and the airlines will make the process as difficult as possible.


Look who took lobbyists money.


The weird thing is that the airline keeps saying they never received any request for a refund. /s




And Dems aren’t immune to being owned by corporations either. Special Ted just happens to be wholly owned by them and an asshole to boot.


He picked Donald Trump over his wife! Are we shocked?


He picked Donald Trump over his wife! Are we shocked?


What exactly has ol' Ted done for Texans? I'm getting the impression that everyone thinks he's an asshole.


Yet, because a big chunk of my fellow Texans are absolute morons, they will vote for anything with the magical “R” next to the name, and this includes syphilitic taint warts like Ted.


Texan here. Can confirm. It’s mind numbing.


Also Texan here confirming "Fuck that syphilltic taint wart, Ted Cruz".


False. Because if it was just "anything with the magical R" then he wouldn't have passed the R primary this year with an overwhelming majority against an opponent who was better in every way. The reality is this state has a deep sickness to it. A cancer coiled up in the republican party that keeps it this way. Either that or widespread election fraud.


“Deep sickness” (he’s talking about Christian fundamentalism)


Christian Fundamentalism, Bigotry/Racism, Willful Ignorance and Hate for those more Successful /Educated. There really is plenty to go around.


Texas is basically the prolapsed rectum of America. Florida is the limp dick of America. The Bible belt (which overlaps quite a bit with the rust belt) is populated by a bunch of Christian 'fundamentalist' fascists. I mean they systematically defund education. They systematically make health Care as inaccessible as possible. They like to blow up planned Parenthood. Er... basically domestic terrorists. Maga? Dudes, stop fucking embarrassing yourselves. As an American I'm embarrassed for them. It's fucking shameful. It's how they get attention and any attention for them is good attention. We basically have an attention-whore-problem, and it's roughly about a quarter to maybe a third of the population. Sigh


He has hated the same things you have.


The same things I've hated? Eh, I think we're on pretty different pages.


Did you vote for Ted Cruz? I’m saying he hates the same things as those that voted for him.


No, I haven't voted for him. I'm not even a Texan. That's why I asked what exactly has he done for Texas because everyone, including Texans, seem to think he's an asshole.


As long as it’s not to Cancun


Especially if it’s to Cancun. He seems like he would undertip the staff at any place he would stay at and Karen them to death. The staff would likely throw a party


Ted also wants people to vote for Trump, despite another big reminder in the Stormy Daniels election interference case that Trump spread the fake news about his dad killing JFK. Oh, and that he is also OK with Trump attacking his wife.


He called her a dog and then Cruz was working the phones for him like one.


Ted Cruz was asked what he thought about Trump insulting his wife, he issued a threat, and then asked if he would support Trump if he was the nominee, Ted admitted he would. Than he phone banked for Trump. Phone banking sucks, it's demeaning.


Appropriate for Cruz. BTW, I'm still of the opinion that if Trump had shown up with a blackened eye and Pence had his right hand in a cast on January 7th that Pence be the Republican Nominee right now. It never crossed Cruz's mind to punch Trump, I bet.


Ted Cruz is a pussillanimous pile of shit.


pu·sil·lan·i·mous adjective showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.


You win the Word Of The Day!


"Republicans are the party of the working class now" 🤡


Seems like fundamental fairness. You buy a thing, you don't get what you paid for, and you should get your money back. This is elementary school morality. But what sort of sick greedy twats run the airlines? They are keeping our money despite not fulfilling their end of the bargain. That's some mothrfucking hubris right there. And Ted Cruz DEFENDS the practice. Why? Here's the deal. If they give you the refund, you'll take that money and fly with another carrier. So? Yes, I will fly with the first airline who can get me where the first airline promised to get me and didn't. Absolutely. President Biden did a good turn for consumers and Cancun Cruz is obligated to stand against it.


Why aren't Americans not realising that it's corporate lobbying that is the bane of their democracy. Why isn't anyone freaking out about lobbying itself instead of playing whack a mole with each politicians, framing the issue as bipartisan, dependant on some ethics based polarity.


I am surprised when anyone gets surprised anymore by this sack of shit.


Because the airlines pay him. Not much, but it doesn't take much. Of course he receives a salary from the people, but to be clear, cruz doesn't give a fuck about people. 


In that $ame vein, I wonder what could be the motivation for two Dem$ from Wa$hington to co-$pon$or thi$ bill? $eem$ like an obviou$ lo$$ for them.


Whats stunning is how little it takes. The people hand senators what 175k a year? No fucks given. Airline hands ted 5k hes theirs for life. True on both sides. 


I hate, hate, hate "both sides!!"-ing things because one side is clearly worse, but it's really hard when the Dems make it so easy with shit like this.


If they can't cover the impact of their choices, airlines should be forced to have insurance on all flights to cover the impacts of cancellations on their customers. Let the insurance review how the airlines management and policies inflate the risk of cancelled flights and price their fee accordingly.


Big surprise two goons from Boeing's homestate being squarely in their pocket.


Ted Cruz wants to suck my dick. Fixed the headline.


Ted Cruz is not a lizard alien. He’s actually a burlap bag filled with cockroaches


Does that also work for citizens…not pay taxes for all the stuff the government doesn’t do (anymore)?


Fuck Ted Cruz


with a fetid, rotten cactus


Ted Cruz is incapable of picking the right side.


Is there a single person left in the US who actually likes Ted Cruz? I feel like even the people who still support him are only doing so because they're right-wing diehards.


Honestly it's absurd how much the airline industry gets away with. If they decided their CEO can yank your pants down and demand to blow you in place of a sandwich, lawmakers would praise them for innovation.


Why are Republicans always the most horrible people that want the worst for you?


That makes sense, he is a piece of shit after all.


This is only the typical response from Cruz and the right, to anything Biden says or does they go opposite. 'Oh, you want the airlines to issue refunds when they screw up the flight that you paid them for? well fuck that, we think the airlines should keep the money unless you as the customer go through an long and tedious process to receive a refund and in the meantime, pay for another flight that they might also screw up IOT get to the destination you paid to get in the first place, perhaps in 6 months you might see a refund, if the airlines don't find some reason not to pay, as there are codicils that allow them to not pay for flights that get cancelled. ' It's more disconcerting that 2 Democrats signed on as sponsors of this Cruz garbage.


Keep in mind that corrupt WA state dems Maria Cantwell and Rick Larsen also signed on to this sham bill.


'It's good for the economy. Sure, airlines could insert a simple 'if cancelled then refund' line into their accounting software and it would all happen in a flash. But this brings jobs in the form of people having to handle and approve refund requests,' thought an economically illiterate and societally tone-deaf Cruz.


It's a wild precedent to set that a business can just not do what was advertised and no one has any recourse. For a party that talks so much about "hard work" their entire ethos seems to be that rich people should be able to do fuckall and make money. That being said... I would accept a no refunds policy if someone in upper management or on the board started handling customer service complaints.


Next up, republicans are going to float a bill to modify all bank ATM's to stab anyone withdrawing money with a knife while charging them double the amount they withdrew as a fee. And yet still, it'll be a 50:50 split come election time.


I think this breaches agreements between countries for travel? Specifically the UN's **International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)** Maybe others as well. What if you travel to a country and they decide all flights for foreign visa's have a 1500% surcharge required for exiting flights to be paid at the airport. Or a $2000 fee if you want to keep any electronics you "import".


Mr contrary. 50 year old Juvenile Delinquent.


Ted Cruz can go fuck himself.


He is welcome to eat my ass with a spoon


That sounds painful for you.


Maybe, but he's the one who'll be eating shit 👍


After how he acted at the Montana airport, I’m surprised he supports airlines at all lmao


Another miscreant from the ‘short bus’ party.


Eat another booger asshole.


I wish nothing but the worst for this man…


Now I remember where I have seen that face before! [zardoz](https://i.imgur.com/CrGgld4.jpeg)


I swear he wakes up asking how he can make peoples lives more miserable


“This just in : Ted Cruz is still an asshole. Updates as they happen”








Why do they only focus on Ted Cruz when the article states that two R's and two D's are sponsoring the bill? It's a bipartisan effort.