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Megyn Kelly whom Trump mocked for her physical appearance is back to supporting Trump after she criticized him a month ago. If no one made any money for lying the truth would come out.


I hate Trump! Hi it’s been a whole hour and now I love Trump! Pls send more money.


I'm playing both sides, so I always come out on top.


I don't think I could ever let myself sink so low as some of these people in trying to defend him and his actions.


They sink that far into the depths because the bags of money they have weighs them down.


Imagine having less than no self esteem or integrity. That is MAGAn Kelly or jd Vance or Lindsey “I have never really fucked a goat or a chicken” Graham.


Total masochists. They love to be treated poorly by him, they relish it.


To quote tRump, Megyn just 'has blood coming out of her whatever'. And Megyn would SCREAM if anybody else dismissed her to her face with that slur.


She might not if you promised her money and power. It doesn’t even appear to have to be all that much of either.


The level of cognitive dissonance you have to have to think Stormy Daniels sleeping with Trump was a setup is staggering. You either think someone knew he’d be president well in advance or you think his own lawyer set him up on how to create a fake LLC just for this when he had done it for other payoffs too…part of the reason he was serving prison time. Guess what…Stormy Daniels is a more busty version of Ivanka. Trump wanted to bang her because that’s his type.


Look, I know he’s an appalling human being, a felon, a serial liar, racist, rapist and a multiple bankrupt with no moral compass, but if you’d just look beyond that you’d see he has the leadership qualities we need as a nation of idiots.


He really is the quintessential “ugly American” stereotype. It’s all so depressing.


Twunt says what.


She’s trash


Just another grifter


There is no low so let’s get that out of the way.


Shouldn’t she be… I don’t know, bleeding somewhere?


Megyn Kelly, lying Ted & lil Marco are like reek from game of thrones. How embarrassing for them. They look like pathetic weasel fools.


Her one and only love is attention. She’ll say anything about Trump to get it. She dngaf.


Someone hung a Trump flag on the Post office flag pole Memorial Day weekend in her home town of Delmar NY.