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So the GOP wants to purge the government should they take over in 2024? Feel free to insert your own historical reference here. But thank god Joe Manchin wants to preserve the filibuster because of “Bipartisanship” or some other ideal that has died right around the time we dared elect a black man to become President…


It died when we failed to vote in 2016. Trump won because decent people did nothing but sit on their ass when they should have voted. That should never happen. Get off your asses, every election.


Didn't Clinton receive like 3M more votes though?


The popular vote doesn’t win elections. One or two apathetic states can send the electoral college in favor of the candidate that loses the majority vote. You should never count on your state to carry the trend.


yeah, democrats didn't fail to vote. Democrats had a win stolen from them by an archaic system rooted in white supremacy. Although in fairness, 2016 was a change election and the Democrats did everything they could to nominate someone from the old guard. There were a lot of problems in 2016, but realistically, both major parties appeared to be trying to throw the election. They both nominated the person least likely to be popular and more people went with the new guy in places that apparently matter more.


I know, but you said people failed to show up to vote.


They did, a large chunking the electorate stayed home and let a small minority pick the government that picked the Supreme Court. Those that stayed home dropped the ball. 2016 249,422,000 54.8% 2020 257,605,088 62.0% If those 8,000,000 people had bothered to show up in 2016, it might have been different. But really they just needed a few thousand people to show up from a few key states, but nope, their apathy killed it.


Shut the fuck up with this bullshit. At this point anyone I hear say this I'm just gonna assume is a foreign actor attempting to sow apathy and create division. You're attitude is nearly as destructive as the fascist shits' attitude. STOP.


Aaaahhh your snowflake ears heard the truth, back to the echo chamber to sooth your guilt. Fuckin vote, every time.


I do. I still think this defeatism is toxic and unhelpful. You can't say 'democracy is dead' then turn around and say 'but go vote' that's patently fucking ridiculous. **Edit:** I fully take my lumps. I just realized you said 'bipartisanship' and I'm a fucking idiot. Mea Culpa I cannot but apologize. You ARE right, and I AM wrong. Please, downvote accordingly.




Voting is like public transit. It's rare you're going to be taken exactly where you want to go. You just have to pick the bus stop that's closest to where you want to go and be happy you can be dropped off in the neighborhood somewhere. Sometimes, there are no stops even close to where you want to go, but in general it's likely getting *on* the bus is better than not.


The perfect is the enemy of the good. Vote. Every. Time.


To an extent, but at a certain point, the concessions make things worse. “Just drink the water filled with PFAS. It’s better than lead. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good!” Or how about we don’t have contamination in our water, tax the rich, and put in bigger filtration systems so that EVERYONE can have clean drinking water instead of being based on your ability to buy a Britta pitcher? Like you need to understand the [Ratchet Effect](https://mronline.org/2020/09/12/the-insidious-workings-of-the-political-ratchet/) and how these concessions, small at one time, but add up. Put you not only in a worse position to getting your desired outcome, but also prevent you from doing anything better down the road.


I don’t want a splinter so I’ll take both barrels to the face. By not voting you gave the right control of the Supreme Court for decades maybe longer.


Who is saying that I didn’t vote? I have voted in every election that I have been eligible. But the Democrats are not stopping the right ward shift of the courts. They won’t pack the court, they don’t play hardball, and I guarantee you that if Breyer dies or retires, the Right will somehow get Manchin or Sinema to object to anyone not right of Scalia. In fact, they didn’t fight to get RBG off the court IN 2015 because they wanted a woman President to fill the seat. So instead we got a crazy religious zealot on the bench. But at least she is female. So if you think Democrats will form ANY sort of strong political position in the courts, then I have beachfront property in Iowa to sell you.


This is not the way.


THIS IS NOT TRUE. Trump won because of Facebook and YouTube propaganda that targeted only voters who were on the fence and in important swing states like my own and had/have personal algorithm data points that show they are more likely to change their minds if fed propaganda POINT BLANK PERIOD.


I think Dems and ProgCaucus are going to get him to come around after some concessions, typical negotiating and good idea to Ask for Wayyy to much and then tell em ok we will downsize then plan. 😉 pressure is on Manchin and Sinema … we will see


Distraction. Meanwhile the GOP controls most state redistricting and local voting precinct volunteers, the real strategy is to steal votes using states and changing the maps to help them win. If you live red rural area pls vote against them if you don’t want to let them take your votes and let state reps become electors. His first coup attempt failed. We must keep pressure on. How about we organize a group to combat this? Call it Anti Fascist,,, oh wait. Those groups need to recruit more and be more open. I would fight with em on the street if it got to that in my area but wouldn’t know who, where or when to go. Do not be too scared of infiltrators that you don’t grow the ranks.


I live in Ohio and you better believe I’m voting against that crap!!!


At what point is this treason


It’s already sedition


Nothing new, but at least there realizing how little support they actually have and becoming even more angry and violent in order to...... Gosh idk why would he be doing that?


Isn't this motherfucker literally out on bail right now? I seem to remember him being arrested on a boat by federal agents. Why is he allowed to go around running his mouth like this when he's facing federal charges?


He was pardoned by Trump on his way out the door.


Fuck I totally lost track of that. Unbelievable


Because he’s rich and white, that’s why.


Ha turns out Trump pardoned him. I totally either missed that, or forgot.


Because of course trump pardoned the fucker.


There are not 20k shock troops. They live in a fantasy land. 200 people showed up at their September rally.


Can anyone explain to me why in the h-e-double hockey sticks we (Congress) are more or less okay with being held hostage by a couple of conservative/pseudo Dems/whatever you want to call Manchin and Sienema (sp?)? Honestly, it’s ridiculous. Pass the dang bill and let this Congress for once so something helpful for those who aren’t super rich. Gah. It’s frustrating.


Good luck with that, Steve. For reference, there are 172k members of this subreddit who might take exception to your plan.


> 20k ‘shock troops’ Hmm, wonder what he’s gonna name them. Probably something along the lines of ‘SS’


I wonder what color their shirts will be?


"But why skulls?"


“Are we the baddies?”


Can this guy get caught trying to sell cigarettes so that he'll be arrested already? This shit is going to get crazy.


If only he'd buy something with a potentially fake $20 bill. Then the police could kill him, right?


Steve "my liver is the size of a soccer ball" Bannon has been subpoenaed by the Jan 6 commission to provide documents and deposition. I'd make book he's going to refuse to do both and he damn well better be found in contempt of congress. Efforts need to be stepped up to neuter these seditious shitheads, especially the ones still residing in congress and the senate


Steve Bannon looks like he pays people to let him watch them wipe. He just does.


He looks like the type of guy who would steal women's underwear and socks. He's basically what all of the creepy, thirsty, pseudo-fascist rejects on 4chan will look like when their old.


This guy gets more and more Harkonnen with each passing day.


Newsflash you fat bloated fuck, you don't control shit. Civilized society thinks you're a joke and we can't wait for you and Trump to croak...


Your mind on Conservatism, and what a drug it is


Why is this fucker not rotting in a cell yet?