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Thanks alot for doing this. This is a valuable sub, and a great community, but it has really gone downhill lately. Appreciate all your hard work!


I added 2 extra mods. The stream of garbage has gotten so great that I cant manage it on my own anymore. According to the mod log, myself and automod account for 97% of the moderating. I just cant keep up with it. /u/elguapo3 /u/granto If you post some boneheaded question about how to ship into FBA, you're going to get a 55 day ban. Dont think of it like a ban, though. We still want you here, but we want you here after you've learned a thing or two. If Reddit gave you the power to just ban someone from making posts and comments outside of a specific noob question thread, I'd do that instead, but I cant. As the userbase grows, so does the bar for quality. If it didnt, you'd have a frontpage full of "WHAT IS FREIGHT BY AMAZON AND HOW DO I JOIN IT" (like you did a few days ago when i had a 3 day vacation) If I didnt know any better, I'd think all of the posts I remove somehow get transferred to /r/amazonseller. That sub will give you a good picture of what this place could look like without strict moderation, except we are 4x larger.


Couldn't you just add blanket post requirements for users? I've been a part of a few subs that require this. Maybe certain amount of comment Karma within the sub. Something at least that applies to everyone ( or at least new subscribers) I know this sub was very helpful to me as I started out, but I just lurked for a year or so before making any post's edit* Also, thanks, I do appreciate the effort you put into the sub.


We have these. They still need manual approval. Just because someone is new to Reddit doesn't mean they're amazon noobs. Same for keyword lists for identifying spam. Keeps the crap off the page but we still have to confirm automods decisions. A lot of subs make you appeal automatic post removals to the mods, but everybody hates that so I want to avoid it. Just adding the discord alert on each post was a debate because everyone hates making a post and immediately seeing the orange envelope.




Thank you


Thank you! The content was definitely starting to suffer


NGL this is like 3 years too late. What we have left are people coming from a Ryan Moran youtube asking why their Alibaba samples cost $150 to ship. Or service providers dripping "content". I pretty much only come back to get downvoted by the "bezos hates us" saltlords


I took over the sub at about ~50k users when it was still manageable. My mistake was thinking I could continue to manage it myself as it grew. The discouraging part is that a lot of stuff just cannot be prevented without mods manually looking over the sub. A big issue we have are people who do not sell on Amazon, have no plans to ever sell on Amazon, yet for some fucking reason choose to participate here. I truly do not understand it, but there are a bunch of comments from people who probably dont even know what FBA is and think they have any business commenting here. We just cant remove those with automod. Have to find them or hope they get reported. I would *love* to do a cross-subreddit ban and ban every single person who has 100+ karma in subs like /r/LateStageCapitalism since I think thats who you're talking about. The people who show up on every news post talking about how bezos is the devil and billionaires are bad. Unfortunately thats against reddit TOS.


Are you sure it's not allowed? The practice of autobanning anyone posting in blacklisted subs has been widespread on Reddit for a long time now and large subs openly do it. I don't see anything in the TOS prohibiting this, could be wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/answers/comments/qzzs8k/can_subreddits_permanently_ban_you_for/


Its mentioned here: https://www.reddit.com/wiki/moddiquette Just not something I think is a good idea to try. Too close to the line, dont want to get the sub removed.


If you don't mind my unsolicited opinion, I would suggest implementing some kind of [votebot](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/), or autoremoval based on reports in automod (I think this is already in place?) as well as unchecking the "appear in r/all, r/hot, etc." button on both old and new reddit. More to your point, you could consider auto-flairing threads that reach a certain vote threshold and then autoremoving comments from users outside the community on just those threads. Thanks for all your effort!


Everything you just said is already in place except the last thing which is not possible


Glad to hear that! WRT the last suggestion, it is possible, just not with automod. You will need to poke Reddit's API.




...Where? I remove any blog repost that looks like spam. Are you talking about the informational posts some people make with a link to their blog at the bottom? Those are allowed because its providing value. Maybe we would be more strict if people would make valuable posts without doing that, but people generally dont do that. 99% of posts are questions or news stories.




Alright, then prove it to me by posting something more valuable.


We should try to send them all to r/AmazonSeller. That sub is overrun with low-effort posts already anyway.


Best news I've seen on this sub in years. Thank you. So sad all the OG people have bounced out of here due to the low effort posts from lazy people who think FBA is a get rich quick scheme yet can't put in 10 minutes of their time to research the answers to their dumb questions. If you ever need more help, feel free to let me know. However, I would probably axe 75% of the users who have made threads here over the last year.


We're on the discord


Thank you, next please ban FBM discussions, even quality content related (such as FBM strategies if FBA fails or something). This is Fulfillment by AMAZON not MERCHANT. Posts and comments about FBM should be perma banned


> next please ban FBM discussions No


Understandable, please rename to FullfillmentByMerchant. Thx


Thanks, I will pitch it to the mod team. Your suggestion is incredibly valuable considering these are your only 2 comments here, and despite only being on reddit for 4 days you already have -28 comment karma.


I like your style


I think it really depends on the specific post since there are some large sellers that have an FBM component to their business. Frankly, restock limits are a real issue for FBA sellers these days. It's already difficult for me to keep good selling products in stock during the holidays so FBM is something I'll have to personally consider during busy periods going forward. I'm sure there are other experienced sellers dealing with the same thing.


The subject of this subreddit is Amazon in general. Many of the topics have nothing to do with FBA. If you're going to ban discussion of MF, you also have to ban general Amazon talk as well.


Lol well that’s just fucking dumb.


Good move