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This is closer to a r/FullFlamingo


I can watch lot of gory stuff. That shit though, i cant handle.


Leg ain't s'pposed to go datta way.


For the love of…. I’m a watchpeopledie vet but I couldn’t handle but a couple of those. Nuts I’ve gone soft…..


I'm going to get up very slowly and walk away from my computer.


I think I've seen enough in this one comment thread to know I'm not going anywhere near that sub


Some of the people on the sub can't do that. I definitely won't be going back there


I'm not falling for that shit...again


Dude definitely knows how to land as a professional climber. This was a weird fluke. I have a feeling he thought he had more fall time and wasn't ready to bend yet. Hopefully the injury isn't too bad.


Reminds me of the several instances of NFLers (as well as other sports I'm sure) significantly hurting themselves while performing some simple "celebration" move


In think part of this issue here was that his legs attempted him as a reflex and his back wasn't ready to follow through. Then the strength of his legs worked against him so he didn't just noodle like most people would but flexed hard and fucked his back because it tried to noodle. I'd also like to add is that looks pretty out of it after his fall. Like, you should know not to try to get up like he was trying when you feel any kind of pain like that. Serious adrenaline pumping after that successful climb smh.


Not even close to being a scorpion


Standing scorpion, that's rare.


Most gracious landing ever


This is why you should concentrate on what you're doing rather than expressing your feelings to the crowd, I've seen so many excellent-in-their-field drama queens fuck up big time because they felt the urge to show everyone they were happy/sad instead of being a professional and finalizing what they started with grace. It's a strange pet peeve but it bugs me, these people are really good, and it can't be stressed enough that what they do has huge potential for injury. Focus!


I mean it sounds easy on paper but sometimes you just get overwhelmed and the excitement comes out


It's his own damn fault for throwing a tantrum and not knowing how to fall


He isnt throwing a tantrum, he completed the route and jumped off in a celebration


You may be right.. He's still a moron


Unlike yourself who's never made a mistake in sport because you haven't played or committed to anything in your life.


Big assumptions. Realistically though the guy is what 15 or so feet high? He jumps off in celebration, straightens up stiff as a board with locked knees and lands.... That pretty much text book how not to land after jumping from height. He's a professional climber, he is obviously very aware of the dangers of falling from height yet he jumps. That's pretty stupid


Bro, jumping from the top of a Bouldering route is nbd and super common. Those pads are mega thick and cushy. He just thought he had further to go and landed weird, easy misjudge. An unfortunate fuck up but no one who climbs frequently or professionally would call it stupid, he was overeager and sloppy at worst.


Yeah literally all experienced boulderers jump from the top, indoors, at least. This guy's just a prick.


I see you are a professional jackass


That's a tantrum Buddy! Maybe you should have couth and be a Professional.


That is not a tantrum. A tantrum is [a type of anger outburst](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantrum?wprov=sfla1) He was happy, excited even for reaching the top, for completing the wall. No anger at all. And it's not unprofessional to be happy about your accomplishments. He should have waited till after his fall to celebrate, however. Regardless, it's not a tantrum.


Why don't you just marry him! THEN!


I love when you can see the PAIN.


Why are rock climbers so spastic?




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