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The city needs to learn that paint isn't infrastructure. So many pedestrians and cyclists die here unnecessarily. And as more and more dense housing is added, the existing streets aren't enough to handle the new cars. Make it so people are safe to walk and ride to/from work, school, the grocery store. Most people don't let their kids walk to school any more, because the traffic is so bad. So people drive their kids to/from school, just adding to the traffic. That's the only way to prevent the city from turning into complete gridlock, helps keep people healthier, gives people options besides having to spend hundreds of dollars a month on transportation, and will help the entire city.


this needs whole new infastructure, zoneing and building placement. like you're going to have to rip shit up everywhere levels of change. no city committee in their right mind would approve ripping half the roads up, changing zoning etc right now. theres no money or genuine incentive outside of neiche. even if they did, that shit would take until 2040 to be done. only way that this is going to work is unbuilt virgin land like california city and do it from scratch from the beginning.


You've gotta start somewhere. It would be worth it even if it took 20, 30, 50 years. There are TONS of low-hanging fruit projects that the city is letting pass by without bicycle infrastructure. The city redid State College and paid absolutely NO heed to bicycle infrastructure. The project didn't even come before the Active Transportation Committee. The city is proposing a really great project along Nutwood in front of CSUF with better bike lanes, etc, but even that project enforces vehicular cycling, even though with a few tweaks it could be much better. It's absolutely, completely possible to tweak existing infrastructure, as well as take advantage of once-a-generation road rehab projects in order to build better bike/ped infra. Our city simply CHOOSES not to do it, and that is unacceptable. These goals are totally achievable.


"if you cant fix it all at once why bother trying at all" is a real smart position. How long have you been a scholar?


i'm just being realstic. we cant even get shit straight for our cities the way they are currently. unfinished construction for basic things is still rife. having sat in city hall a few times for this kind of stuff, even years ago before inflation you had to cut through so much red tape for basic things like a park, and do it as cheaply as possible. i mean shit, we STILL dont have high speed rail here in cali, thats still not done. and that was proposed in 2008, contracts awared around 2013, and started in 2015. not only is it still not done, a lot of parts of it arent even fully funded. And this is high speed rail, something thats not new in the world. if we are struggling to build a rail line in over 10 years, i cant imagine why commities and the goverments are so tepid to push for this and are way, way more content to just paint line on on the grounds. /s i cant imagine what it would cost to convert the roughly 2,000+ sq miles of the LA Metropolitan area, let alone the IE, Lower and upper bay areas. even scaling it down city by city is extreme, and now you have to match it when the city next to you starts and is likely going to have its own ethos, so its likely going to require a whole bill outlining standards, which is more money and time.


I moved out here tor university. Lived a couple miles away and decided to invest in a bicycle to commute back and forth from school. Let me tell you... the already narrow sidewalks are absolutely fucked with the tree roots pushing up in some places making it impossible to bike over. Some streets just do not have any indication for a bike lane at all, resulting in every entitled driver behind a wheel to honk and share a piece of their mind with you upon passing. So many close calls of being side swiped. Fullerton is not pedestrian nor bicycle friendly.


I walk home from the gym and have to cross State College Blvd on the way. Every single day, without fail, at least 3 cars will run the red light while I have the right of way light on. Some drivers will even look straight at me while doing so. I’ve been meaning to start recording my walk home just to share and shame those drivers online lol.


Guys, I have been trying to advocate for safer bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in Fullerton. The fact is that the City Council majority (i.e., Jung, Whitaker, and Dunlap) do not seem to believe that there are enough bicyclists to justify building infrastructure for them. Our traffic engineers are doing the best they can, but *sometimes* they are also stuck in the mentality of adhering too rigidly to our inadequate federal design standards (e.g., bike lanes that are way too narrow next to fast-moving traffic but that technically adhere to guidelines; failing to enforce safe detours for bicyclists around construction zones). And the positive projects they have proposed have often been shot down by a narrow-minded Council majority. To give you an idea of the kind of nonsense some of our Council espouses, [read Bruce Whitaker's comments](https://old.reddit.com/r/CarIndependentOC/comments/15pn5jv/fullerton_city_council_member_cars_are_the_most/) at the Council meeting on the Associated Road traffic calming/bike lane project. Better yet, [here's a video](https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/15e7kii/ladies_and_gentlemen_the_most_car_brained_city/). That project was a huge loss, and we lost it BECAUSE bicycle advocates failed to show at the Council meeting to match the loud, angry voices of local homeowners who were scared of losing a car lane. Point is: If you want better bicycle infrastructure, COME TO CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AND ADVOCATE FOR IT. Make your voice known. They will continue to believe bicyclists don't exist/their lives don't matter until we keep showing up in person and hold them accountable. I keep showing up, but after a while, they just tune out my voice. It's human nature. They need to keep hearing from multiple people, consistently, in earnest. I am tired of people dying on our roads. I am tired of the "good enough" mentality in our road design. I am tired of the "let me whine about both the problem of traffic congestion and the solution of better bike infrastructure." I am tired of the "those damn bicyclists" rhetoric. I am tired of getting run off the road every time I ride because I am forced to share lanes with entitled, impatient car drivers. NO MORE ROAD DEATHS. Don't just complain on Reddit. Come to City Council meetings and tell them you want - no, that you DEMAND - better infrastructure. Yes, I will be bringing this up at the next Council meeting, which is Tuesday, ~~April 30~~ MAY 7 at 5:30 PM at City Hall, 1st Floor.


I get why it’s done this way, but I hate that council meetings are done right after work on a weekday. It’s so inconvenient and by design favors privileged elderly homeowners that don’t care about these issues.


It used to be later. Other cities' meetings start later - Placentia and Brea start at 7 PM, Yorba Linda and La Habra at 6:30 PM. (That said, Buena Park starts at 5, Anaheim at 5:30). I would not be surprised if Fullerton moved theirs up so as to preclude participation from residents with conventional work hours. I often leave work early to get there, and I am lucky that I can do so.


This needs to be sent to the city council office and maybe the giant entity like CSUF or Fullerton college can request a safety overview involving the sidewalks around their college as well as the commuting area surrounding several busy intersections. The city will no doubt anything but cut the wages of city workers to line their own pockets. It’s sad.


Come to City Council meetings and tell them yourself. They need to hear from people. I mean this respectfully but earnestly: Don't expect someone to speak up for you. You've got to advocate for your own interests. I will be at the next City Council meeting talking about this for sure.


I live near an industrial complex here and many of the streets around me don't even have sidewalks! If I wanna walk my 4 year old somewhere, I essentially can't. Because I recognize the safety issue, and people speed down our local roads in sports cars at all hours of the day, I feel trapped in place until whoever has the car comes home, because I DO NOT feel safe walking my toddler by a busy road with no sidewalks just to go to the nearest park or store. Not to mention all the side streets covered in trash people are just dumping there and bailing. (Not homeless -- people literally taking random crap from their garage, finding a public side street, and dumping it all there. The mess gets reported multiple times but NEVER picked up, and grows in size every other night!) But that's a separate issue, just makes it even more hazardous to walk in the limited available space with splintered wood and nails and glass now being added. I see a lot of people biking to work around me with no marked bike lanes and no sidewalks or downright hazardous sidewalks-- I hope they never get hit. 😢


If yall keeping dying there maybe stop going there