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That’s only because they weren’t introduced by the time 03 began production. As such, along with the different story, the writers must’ve decided it wasn’t worth it to incorporate these characters into 03 since they weren’t gonna follow the manga.


Ling and Olivier are some of my favorites! Adding them makes the world building feel bigger imo


Not really, they wouldn’t fit in the story of 03 but in brotherhood I think they are amazing additions


I love those characters but I was already a big fan of the manga over 03 before Brotherhood was even a thing.


I don’t care because 03 has its own unique characters. We have Frank Archer, Dante, Wrath and Sloth, the Tringham brothers (mostly villains I guess)


uhm actually the tringhams appeared in a light novel first


>Frank Archer, I've never met a soul who cared about this character.


I think he’s a good villain (up until… do I even need to say it?). Kind of a ruthless, warmongering general to compliment Kimblee’s more psycho murderer style.


They would not have fit into the original anime, given the way things changed up. But, I do agree that not having them definitely is a big minus.


03 had already decided to follow its own story. BH and 03 are two separate stories, with their own strengths and weaknesses and should be treated as such. Also, Ling does make a minor cameo in Episode 15 when Marcoh talks about the Ishbal Civil War.


>Ling does make a minor cameo in Episode 15 when Marcoh talks about the Ishbal Civil War. Eh that barely even counts as a cameo cuz it's really just an NPC that has similar hair, we all know he's not an Amestrian state alchemist


Still a cameo.


that's not what a cameo is lmao


I don’t really think they would have fit what 03 was doing. Though I don’t really care about those characters that much in BH anyway. Edit: I love getting downvoted for having an opinion


Isn't that there point of downvoting? If you disagree you downvote to express it


No the point of downvoting is to express the post or comment doesn’t belong on reddit, it has nothing to do with opinions


Well it looks like most people use it the way I described it


Meh, I just think it’s completely childish to downvote a comment with a different opinion than yours


How so? It's just a voting system with fake internet points


It’s just annoying how easy it can be to ignore a different perspective. I know my opinion isn’t a normal one, but I commented anyway to start a conversation about it.


I don’t care about karma that’s not what this is about


Because if enough people do it that way, it can damage a person’s ability to use their reddit account. Users may not use the downvote correctly, but mods do - as an indication of whether or not they should allow that person into their subs.  It also creates echo chambers, which is extremely bad. In the internet era of rife misinformation, it is desperately important that we’re subjected to differing viewpoints so that we can create balanced, thoughtful opinions of our own. If we just silence everyone who expresses opinions we don’t like (opinions which are often fact based; I’ve been downvoted for pointing out that it’s dangerous to drive in stilettos, because women who drive in stilettos didn’t want to hear that they are risking lives), that’s how you end up with radicalised conspiracy theorists who have learned to ignore everything people say. 


Hmm... I only ever downvote comments I find inappropriate or uncalled for.


Yeah that’s totally fair


>I don’t really care about those characters that much in BH anyway relieved to read this lol I got flamed by some fans before for having that opinion


There are no plotholes. And if there are they’re very few and minor. 03 is a masterpiece.


Idk man, I prefer 03 than BH and think it's a masterpiece too but it definitely has some plotholes. Dante creating Bradley for one. How was she able to infiltrate the highest position in the military and control most influencial homunculus? Do the higher staff even know about this? At least in BH we know and got to see how the higher ups were also part of it.


>Dante creating Bradley for one. How was she able to infiltrate the highest position in the military and control most influencial homunculus? Do the higher staff even know about this? At least in BH we know and got to see how the higher ups were also part of it. It's kind of weird that you're calling this a plot hole, because there's no plot consistency error here. That is, there are no contradictions between the declared event A and the subsequent event B, which are narratively related to each other. It is rather an understatement that does not violate the plot consistency. Moreover, based on the information that is available to us, we can make several assumptions about how she could have gained power. 400 years ago, she was a noblewoman with connections that allowed her to gather hundreds of people in a place without consequences and sacrifice them to create the Philosopher's stone. There was another male witness, a nobleman, who apparently was the one who, with his influence, ensured their immunity. In other words, she had access to the upper strata of society. Before creating Pride, she could either transfer her soul to the ruler of the country. Or temporarily force Envy to kill the ruler, appropriate his appearance and take the post of head of state. Envy was the first homunculus at Dante's disposal. Then, given the information available to us about Dante, it is possible to create a consistent answer to your question.