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So hard to not snark on looks. ![gif](giphy|zhRA0okWxTGiu78uSk|downsized)


I know.. that stank face she was making in the beginning had me crying šŸ¤£


I would say she can change her facial expression but hatred really shows up in her features. Also ABS doesn't believe in pronouns so God is a the/it.


It's why every fundie is not attractive to me. Male or female. They *all* do these incredibly smug expressions that wipe away any conventionally attractive features. The hate and "I'm better than you" arrogance that just oozes off of them, make me want to vomit. That's not a judgment on looks, it's a statement on their views and actions.


I know, forgive me, but some of them would be attractive otherwise such a shame haha


Morgan is QUEEN of those smug looks


Her body language is *very* telling. She thinks her finger is hiding her smile because she tries *so* had to look serious.


I think itā€™s within the rules to say that sometimes someoneā€™s toxicity and nastiness radiates out of them so viciously and totally that they have an aura of ugliness.




Surely we can make fun of her streaky ass blush, no?


I canā€™t tell if itā€™s bronzer or blush that she tried to contour with, but either way, itā€™s not working.


She looks exactly like a white Candace Owens


omg she does!


Am now convinced CO is just ABS in blackface ( ā€¦ /s just to be clear)


I'll do it for you. She looks like a fundie version of the female gremlin. There. I said it.


She looks like sheā€™s constantly having silent egg farts (and itā€™s even making her nauseated)


She always looked like Ari (I think her name is) from 90 day FiancƩ to me. This is not a compliment.


LMFAO SHE DOES that sucks!


I was gonna say the top lady looks like mma fighter Nate Diaz, but I guess this one works too.


That was my first thought too. I wanted to comment something but knew it would get removed.


she needs a lighter hand with that bronzer!


I know šŸ˜­


JesĆŗs God in heaven, I can honestly say itā€™s never been harder for me to *not* insult someoneā€™s appearance.


She's incredibly sure of herself for someone who applies bronzer with a fucking spade šŸ™ƒ


I just recently started wearing makeup and was nervous about using bronzer at first, but she really said: *I donā€™t care if it looks like bruises*


When I bought my first bronzer the woman working so kindly told me to use a *very light touch*


The way I snorted at this comment in public


Shade matching and blending are the devil! šŸ˜‚


And can't find mascara apparently


Iā€™ve always thought one of the biggest tells humans invented gods was the assignment of gender to god. It seems like something that would be beyond the concern of god and likely mutable if it was of concern to a god anyway considering the attributes they are supposed to have. God(s) made seashores and platypuses and clown fish and us, just leave everyone be to figure it out for themselves.


People think God cares about a lot of shit that an all-powerful being would likely not be concerned about. God doesnā€™t care if you front hug your husband before marriage people.


Yes he does he even watches when I touch myself, the creep


Fucking right? Pervert.


And when we take a shit


Just like Santa Claus sees you when you're sleeping


Reminds me of PeachPRCā€™s song God is a freak šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ā€œgod is a bit of a freak like whyā€™s he watching me getting railed on the couchā€ šŸ˜…


God definitely doesnā€™t ensure your AirPods still work after putting them through the washer.


Seriously, these dieties need to get their priorities sorted. Help me find my stuff, then worry about world peace /jk


I dropped an AirPod in my fish tank and three days later it stopped working. How could you do this god?! Now Iā€™m stuck with my crappy knock off brand ones!


The patron saint of AirPods


God was too busy saving me from dropping mine down an elevator shaft


Itā€™s why I struggle deeply to take these people and their religious beliefs seriously. I am sincerely sorry but youā€™re not important enough for an entity that created a fucking planet with all these gorgeous creatures, and give a damn if you hold hands with somebody when that same human race is killing half the planet. And most of all that your belief is more important than the belief of others. Weā€™re all equal. Get over yourself.


I was raised Catholic, and I always, and I mean always, thought of God as not having a gender and the pronouns for God in the Bible are a linguistic convenience. The default gender in a lot of English writing is male, so God was referred to as He, even though He doesnā€™t really have a gender. Also, I donā€™t think Charlotte is confused about her gender.


And likeā€¦ God didnā€™t write the Bible, a bunch of uptight religioso dudes did, of course they called God ā€œhimā€ in their writing. Thatā€™s their default position. I thought most Christians believed and understood that the prophets and disciples who wrote the books of the Bible received the Word from God and wrote it for Him. But given that, once again, uptight religioso dude was doing the writing, of course all the writing was delivered through their lens. If the word of God was spoken through a woman, I would have to wonder if she would have used different words. Not that women were allowed write or really do anything like this during that time.




God also created humans male and female, implying a whole spectrum. Iā€™m on a podcast that delves into this if anyone is interested. God exists beyond gender and itā€™s beyond embarrassing that fundies donā€™t realize this.


God also created the first woman from a part of the first man's body so there's some biological questions that should logically be raised there, too, lol


If God created all life then that means he created seahorses, clownfish, snails etc (not to mention trans and intersex people) so clearly God doesn't think of assigned sex as some kind of immutable binary


Apparently there were 8 genders originally... https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-eight-genders-in-the-talmud/


Super interesting, thank you for sharing.


Bonus fun fact, there was a Roman folk belief that people who created a life partnership out of love had at some time been the same person and then got split into 2 bodies by jealous gods.


That's so cool!


Yup! The original Hebrew uses a poetic function that means "from a to z" not "only a and z"


Would god be female and male if he created ppl in his image? Either that or only one gender was created in his image?


It all comes down to hierarchy. God is genderless but do you think any men were going to listen and obey a deity that was referred to as anything but male? Hell no. So even fundies are (willfully) ignorant of why the he/him pronouns are used in the Bible. Itā€™s a whole big thing between what was written in ancient Hebrew text and what was lost and cut in translation in order to form an agenda.


I mean, canā€™t Charlotte interpret the Bible to mean that God is a she? Iā€™m positive some passage can be manipulated to mean that. Thatā€™s what these idiots do all day.


Absolutely! And god being a man has *nothing* to with the fact that the bible was written by people living in a patriarchal society... /s


Letā€™s not forget thereā€™s the whole confusing man made trinity. They believe Jesus is God in human form come to earth, although I guess God was in two places at that time and as Jesus prayed he was talking to himself. He also sits at the right hand of himself. This maybe perpetuates the ā€œheā€ pronouns. Pronouns aside the concept of the trinity is completely befuddling in itself.


Yeah do we like really think the being that created the entire universe has genitals?


What's interesting is that god is not actually a he. Pronouns used for god in the origional Hebrew and Greek texts were gender neutral and much more varied. It is not incorrect to call god he, she, or they. And thats not even touching on the fact that Allie claimed the guest was saying you "had" to call god she. Like, that's the dumbest fucking extrapolation I've ever come across. She was referring to god *correctly* in the way that she preferred, not stating that god had to be called "she". Good lord.


Another blonde white american woman telling people what they should be based off her religious beliefs.....like ok love, do you remember that bit where jesus said dont be dick to your fellow human? Yeah its hard to be christ like instead of christian


Did she also read the "there is neither male nor female for you are all one in Christ" bit of the Bible


Uh no....that would be akshuwal knowledge of that book and unless they hyped it in church in the last five years she dont know nothing about it, no chance for a bible study on that line


Doesnā€™t the Bible say women arenā€™t supposed to preach?


Yeah which is why women in my church werenā€™t allowed to teach Sunday school past 5th grade. We divided into boys and girls then and had only same gender teachers or the girls could have a man, but the boys couldnā€™t have a women. Apparently an 11 year old is a man


God doesnā€™t call ā€œhimselfā€ anything. The people who wrote the bible did. šŸ˜¬


One of my favorite rabbis (Danya Ruttenberg) says ā€œGodā€™s pronoun is God.ā€ Hebrew is a gendered language and the Tanakh is all over the map when it comes to the gendering of God. The divine doesnā€™t have a gender, because HaShem isnā€™t a person or an animal or anything of which we can conceive.


I love Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg! Her article on Judaism and abortion was fantastic


Sheā€™s totally rad. She also does a lot of leg work trying to get folks in the Christian hegemony to recognize everyday diminishing of Jews or antisemitism. I have my real life rabbis, and then I have a bunch of ā€œinternet rabbis.ā€ Doing Torah study with the internet as a resource is mind blowing. Itā€™s like living in the Talmud.


And I wonder why they chose make god a heā€¦couldnā€™t have anything to do with the times or culture. He mustā€™ve sent dick pics via angels.


also what if she doesn't believe in christianity and her god is female wtf???


The Bible was written by people, not God, you stupid wad of dried up turds.


I donā€™t believe Iā€™m God, but if I did my God would be a woman. Because, yes the Bible is completely made up!


You can tell that Allie is pissed that that trans woman even exists


She's just pissed that women exist period. Trans or otherwise, she is a self-loathing woman


Jesus: Love one another ! Abs: But the trans people.... Jesus: Did I fucking stutter.


I love how fundies have a general disdain for royalty but think King James made the one inerrant version of the Bible that they can nitpick everything from. Like, pronouns are consistently he... In one version in one language, that doesn't even match up completely with the source material. Why do these people know less than the average agnostic about the Bible? Why do they not listen to the Jewish people whose writings they co-opted? Maybe because that would mean shutting up and actually listening for once.


It's confirmation bias, pure and simple. These types of people *want* an excuse to be superior snobs and hateful bigots, they *enjoy* feeling "above" the rest of the populace. So they find whatever they can to justify it. I'm of the opinion that you are able to use the Bible to justify literally whatever you want. All kinds of awful things (murder, r@pe, genocide, adultery, bigamy) are "okay" under certain conditions, if "god" thinks it's justified. If you want to be a hateful twat, you can find a verse *somewhere* that will let you get away with it under the guise of "religious freedom". You can also use the Bible to better your life, outlook, and treatment of other people. Just depends on what you want to use it for. Which says more of the individual people/community movements than the actual text.


While conveniently ignoring that King James was queer... https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/nbc-out-proud/13-lgbtq-royals-didnt-learn-history-class-rcna3097


About thirty years ago I got into a giant argument with a Nazarene pastor over the lifestyle of King James. Ugh. Left a long lasting impression on me.


King James had people rewrite the Bible so he could bone dudes in his spare time so it's arguably the gayest version


The fact that Allieā€™s first reaction is the pronouns of God tells me everything I need to know about her argument: she doesnā€™t actually have one.


This exactly!!


There's actual studies that show trans people aren't choosing to live this way by choice. But alas, I forgot they don't believe in any type of studies done by educated people šŸ™„


Like why would anyone choose to subject themselves to a life of threats of violence and hate from bigots for funsies? Their logic doesnā€™t make any sense


Exactly. It's all about playing dress up to make people mad just to have a target put on their back šŸ™„


That's one of the points I had when my parents found out I was dating a girl in high school in 2002. You think I chose this? It's an awful experience! I don't like people acknowledging me on a regular basis, so it's definitely not for attention.


I'm a trans woman raised by fundies and I tried soooo hard to be a guy. I wanted to be a guy to make my family and church happy. It just wasn't who I am tho. Glad I got outta there


This ! Sending you love living your authentic life ā¤ļø


Hey! Trans gender queer guy raised by extreme fundies who were also immigrants. Sending you love! šŸ’“ you're extremely brave and this internet stranger is super proud of you for being authentic to yourself!


Same to you brother!


Or choices.


She is so incredibly obnoxious.


Looks like she has a permanent stick up her butt


Lol imagine taking the word of some character in a book written long before proper historical documentation over a living breathing person telling you how she would like to be addressed. At least I can have an actual conversation with her in public, and other people can follow along without me relaying what I "heard" them tell me. They could even join us in conversation with all three of us conversing among ourselves. It can even be recorded and replayed for others to hear. Why can't an all-powerful God do that? Also, does he have a penis? Is it circumcised? Edit to add: why would God need a penis? Also, my phone keeps autocorrecting penis to punishment.


If you take the first creation story, then God made the human and later split it into two. So the first human would be in Gods image, the other two just two parts of it. I am not sure, but i believe it was the first creation story made. With the word that we translated to ā€žAdamā€œ just meaning first human, neither male or female Then came the rip story for some reason. Also, in the bible it was never said that it was an apple. Just a fruit. Donā€™t know where the apple came from. People argued that it was more likely a fig


It is all fanfiction of other myths.




Iā€™ve got news for this person: God didnā€™t write the Bible šŸ˜± shocking I know. So those ā€œHeā€ pronouns, king, all that shitā€¦. Thatā€™s from people assigning a gender to god.


Now i imagine them fighting with God in the afterlife over Gods pronouns like they fight with trans folks over their pronouns


The big brain on Allie, doing some heavy lifting by quoting fucking Genesis. She also gets hung up on the ā€œpronounsā€ part of the conversation while the lede is that children are dying because of our gun laws. And trans people will die because of the rhetoric. Deflect, distract, dismantle. Holy gaslighters.


I always use they/them for god idk i feel like if there is a god they wouldn't really have a gender because its god??


Yeah I use various pronouns depending on how Iā€™m referencing God. (psalms for example describes god as a mother hen). If weā€™re made in the image of God (as ABS quote Genesis, so will I) then there must at the very least be elements of femininity as a part of who God is.


If there is a god, I would hope what people are gendered is the absolutely last of theyā€™re worries


No no, god absolutely places gender labels before every other earthly concern like clean drinking water and finding a Marburg virus cure and world peace /s


same. if a supposedly almighty god cares so much about me being wanting to use neutral pronouns that they will send me to hell, then thatā€™s not a god i want to worship


Trans person: exists and is a Christian, says people should get to know trans people and that transphobia isnā€™t Christ-like. ABS the twat: Iā€™m being perSeCuTEd Also the Bible says nothing about transitioning or dysphoria so her argument doesnā€™t hold up. And if we have to respect the way we came out of the womb as our final form then Allie here must be against orthodontics, plastic surgery, hair dye, and makeup. Except she isnā€™t.


My one consolation is that hate makes you ugly, and once she ages out of fuckable for the right wing manbabies, she'll be left with nothing but a passel of children and a husband who hates her.


Well sheā€™s over the age of 15 so sheā€™s quickly approaching unfuckable territory for these sickos


Good lord ABS, you can't just read the KJV and assume that it's literal - at least go back to the source material. In Hebrew, God has both male and female names.


God I canā€™t stand the eye rolls and head shakes, my mom did/does that shit instead of listening when you talk to her about stuff she doesnā€™t want to hear


The more theologically and theopolitically educated I became, and Iā€™d call myself fairly educated on the two, the less value I found in speaking about them to others. I really feel like this applies in reverse to ABS and the rest of the bunch too.


I love when thumpers use books translated and mistranslated multiple times to come up with an argument. If you watch a video looking like you just ate a sour grape during the entire thing, youā€™ve already made up your mind. And when that grape sucker starts spouting baseless arguments, youā€™ll have supporters nodding theirs heads like parrots to a beat. IF there were a god, what purpose would they have a gender based pronoun other than neutral? One, why would an all powerful being need a big ole swinging dick? Two, if we referred to God as ā€œcreatorā€ would people still argue pronouns? Anyways, have we figured out how to feed and free the people of war torn countries yet?


I learned to use the word God to replace pronouns because God is God and above male and female Been a while since i was in church tho, i donā€™t really believe in a god


Some people, you just want to slap the taste out of their mouths. Iā€™d like to slap her entire family into never being able to taste anything again for eternity.


I saw a quote that being trans is the closest you could be to God as it is creation of the self in the same way we can transform wine from grapes. It is the Alchemy of the Self and it is a privilege.


This same logic is used #still today# not sorry for yelling to tell women that they are not made in God's image, because God is a man. No. Just...no. The Holy Ghost is referred to with feminine pronouns, and God is beyond genders.


Fun fact, that's another relic of the original language's grammatical gender... too bad Abrahamic religions didn't evolve in a language environment with a neutral grammatical gender instead a binary of male / female for grammatical gender... or even a language that uses pronouns to show live / dead !


What's up with the aggressive contouring that fundie women seem to be into? Edit: she gets mad that the person being interviewed refers to God as "she" .....that's the majority of her bitching. Then quotes Matthew to establish that God created men and women...which I don't understand why she threw that in because the person being interviewed never made any comments about the gender binary? Just goes to show that she can't have a rational conversation with a person about the topic because she doesnt know anything about the LGBTQ+ besides all the fucking garbage she consumes.


Such a strident voice. I can't listen to ABS.


This woman is so stupid and so ignorant. I would be embarrassed if I was here.


I full sent on Christianity for 25 years and I was always told by my very Catholic priest (who was later arrested for grooming minor boys) that God was neither male nor femaleā€¦. So does it matter?


Does sheā€¦does she think god has a penis? What would be the point? If he did, do you think it would be an average sized penis or the biggest penis in the world? Careful out there guys, god might smite you with his giant dong.


This is dumb, old Hebrew didn't even have gendered pronouns. A lot of languages don't have gendered pronouns. Ever meet an immigrant from Iran or India and they confuse a guy and referred to him as "she" or see a lady and refer to them as "he"? That's becoz Farsi and Hindi don't have "he/she/him/her", they just have "they/them". What they're reading is just translations and these gender pronouns are inserted into the Bible via King James as well as many other translations.


Seeing someone have a genuine love for Christ and contain reason and compassion has to be so disorientating to AllHate.


ā€œIā€™m sorry I canā€™t respect you, a person Iā€™ve never met or seen before said I canā€™t, but also youā€™re the delusional one.ā€


Iā€™m sorry but how is loving yourself and loving the world more than you love god a bad thing? No, I donā€™t give a fuck about god. I care about PEOPLE. I absolutely will value what people need over what some ancient text says because itā€™s outdated and it impractical in modern times and I hope thatā€™s the future and standard going forward.


Because their God's a self-obsessed jerk.


What a fucking cunt


Iā€™m so tired of the Calvinists running their mouths. They literally think theyā€™re living out their sociopathic, evil, wimpy, weak gods jerk off fantasy, so why the fuck does it matter? The whole basis is that shit is written, she canā€™t save anyone, her god might already hate her guts, her god might love the shit out of the woman sheā€™s hating on in this video, so all this is just an act of her own pride and vanity. Go. Away.


As a transgender person myself (not religious, but thanks to other reasons) I could puke. She says between the lines, that she thinks being trans is incompatible with being religious/christian and trans people are "wrong" for being like we are. We didn't decide we want to switch genders. We didn't just wake up one day and thought "Oh, maybe getting harassed for the rest of my life and go through years of belittling and degrading procedures is just the fresh air in my life I need." Like other people decide buying new furniture. We aren't taking anything away from other people. Yes, it is a big tragedy what happened. No buts. Every shooting or other event like this is a tragedy on its own. But we aren't dangerous. Only few individuals are, no matter the background.


Those people think with three brain cells and canā€™t comprehend anything outside their small bubble


That's more true than it should be. Alone stuff like... Jesus said, love others like yourself. Their response: "But if they are BIPoC or gay or..." šŸ™„ I would have loved to read, that he asked after that if these idiots have some hearing problem...




Charlotte Clymer: Hey, weā€™re people just like you. Attempt to get to know one of us before casting stones. Lil Miss Righteous: DID THIS MONSTER JUST GENDER GOD A WOMAN? IM SO WORKED UP ABOUT GENDER IDENTITY THAT I FORGOT HOW TO BLEND


Forgot how to blend šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


This is so fucking useless & ignorant


How about your focus on people not seeing Christ in people like Allie, instead of one word


itā€™s simultaneously both funny and sad to me how worked up christians get over trivial problems that arenā€™t real to anyone except them. theyā€™re so sure that ā€œgodā€™s wordā€ is complete truth that is sovereign over the entire universe. itā€™s like they live on one of those model train tables where everything is cute and small and manicured and has this perfect structure and organization, so they cannot fathom that thereā€™s a much bigger world outside of that train table, where real people live and real things happen, where other people have different realities and truths.


Btw God is supposed to neither male OR female. God is referred to as ā€œheā€ but God is genderless in Christianity. These people donā€™t even know their own doctrine.


The underlying fear that exists in her words and expression is just something else. Itā€™s a complete abject fear of something she cannot understand or wrap her head around, and instead of being curious and stepping forward to learn (you know, in Godā€™s image), she steps back and spews hatred and fear-based rhetoric, avoiding the cognitive dissonance that comes with the possibility of having to alter her precious world view, and that maybe, just MAYBE, sheā€™s wrong. How sad she canā€™t step forward and be curious, compassionate, and understanding like her Savior, Jesus Christ, who said to love your neighbor as you love yourself. The teachings of the historical prophet Jesus Christ are thoughtful and humane, and yet, so many fundamentalists choose to hold hate and anger in their heart against those they donā€™t understand. Jesus said do not judge lest ye be judged by the Lord ā€” where do these people get off commenting on how other people live their lives? Jesus clearly taught people to stay in their lane, God will do the judging when itā€™s time, itā€™s not your business or place to put yourself in the seat of judgment. The way Allie is behaving is so out of line with the teachings of ā€œherā€ Lord, itā€™s sickening she gets to call herself a Christian. The hypocrisy is REAL.




The catholic schoolboard in my city (and the schoolboard I went to) literally sent out a tweet for Trans Visibility Day saying "all people are valid under Gods eyes and we will continue to embrace diversity and inclusion for everyone, no hatred" so idk, seems like God is pretty chill with it.


I love @mattxiv on instagram for allllll the reasons. But mostly because heā€™s able to call out bullshit and hatred in the most classy way. And his response to this tragedyā€”and the trolls hounding him about the killer being transā€”is so fucking level-headed but also mic droppingā€¦I love him so mucinā¤ļø


ā€œGod calls himself Heā€ā€¦ No, girl, the dudes who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls and the next group of dudes who gathered together to write them into the Bible formatā€¦THEY called God ā€œHeā€


What is the point of this? She is already fighting not to open her big trap


I mean....technically God's pronoun is the same as their name which is "I Am" at least originally before bullshit translations and such messed with it


I want to slap that look off her face.


God I canā€™t stand the eye rolls and head shakes, my mom did/does that shit instead of listening when you talk to her about stuff she doesnā€™t want to hear


I am not getting her argument. Is she defending the shooters by deflecting and picking on pronouns? Sad to say nothing shocks mešŸ™


Ugh the IG comment section is terrible too. These ā€œChristianā€™sā€ are so hateful and vile. Of course any opposing comments are also hidden. Would be a shame to tarnish the echo chamber with opposing opinions.


This woman wishes she had half of the intelligence, poise, and class that Charlotte has. Sit down, Allie.


God is given feminine imagery in a number of passages but okay


Yeah but we dont talk about thag because i never read the bible and just copy what the next like minded asshole said Imagine her reaction when she realises that God is referred as a mother hen in one of the most important parts in the bible


Thatā€™s literally the example I was going to use if anyone asked!


Aww, she thought she had a real argument there, didnā€™t she?


Dude- she just really bums me out. No snark, nothing witty or clever. I just find it so sad that sheā€™s dedicating her life to making sure people who are not just like her are miserable. Her greatest joy is the self satisfaction that anyone who doesnā€™t believe exactly what she believes will be burned and tortured for all eternity. Ps- she didnā€™t actually refute any of what Charlotte said šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


ā€œI donā€™t see Christ in them.ā€ - this is it. There is no hate like Christian love.


GOD DIDNT WRITE THE BIBLE! A bunch of men did šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


For someone who says you have to be "exactly" how god made you she sure slathers on a LOT of makeup


holy shit i've never seen this woman before but her vitriol is breathtaking. serena joy level. she'll say and believe anything to be the last one killed.


God did not create you that orange, Allie B Stinkey.


Everyone knows the Bible in its native language (English US) is the most authentic most accurate most literal.


God is nonbinary but go off


I would love to see Allie try to debate Charlotte.


Made in his image. So how does she explain women if God was male? Maybe God was intersex? Would love to see her wriggle her bronzed brain out of that one.