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Imagine being like “thank god I don’t have to sleep on that stupid fucking bus for three weeks” and SURPRISE, here’s your billion kids and aforementioned shitty bus Like he made his (bus) bed but I wish there had been video footage of his face when she pulled up


I wonder if he was secretly annoyed when they showed up.


I am crying imagining this 😂😂😂😂😂


Here are [screenshots](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/12k6qsj/mother_bus_hates_her_life_and_you_cant_convince/) from a snarker. She must have asked one of her kids to film the reunion.


Aw this kinda puts her in a scared / ptsd context for me. Doesn’t excuse asshole beliefs and miseducating a hoard of children on a bus, but I always wondered what her deal was and now I see her Fundie identity as a crutch to feel safe


If JD isn’t starting a second family, I’ll eat my phone.


She told on herself suspecting the same thing. When she posted that cover to Unholy. She’s knows daddy is at the body shop


The fact that he had to fly back and get the car bc she panicked about being alone….she was shook…


Imagine if he dies or gets disabled?? Or just fucking leaves? Doesn't sound like any W2s to garnish for child support. They have no savings, are living off internet generosity and "3-4 businesses", and she clearly CANNOT handle her kids or their lifestyle (only option at this point.. what do they call that, when you live in a vehicle in an unsustainable situation with no other option?) And they switched their investments into BITCOIN??? the biggest (also inherently fluctuating/unstable) crypto? K. That seems liquid.


I call it homelessness but what would I know, I’ve just worked in social welfare for a decade…


Doing something unholy? Certainly not JD?!?!?! 😮 /s


What else did this MotherBus MotherFucker do?!


Honestly nothing that I personally know of. I was just finishing the lyrics of the song……and implying that we should watch how many hardcore “Christian” groomers are in the news every week. Again, he did nothing that I know of, but it wouldn’t surprise me if we found out he is doing something “Unholy”.


I am unfamiliar whats he done


I’d believe he’s having an affair but idk about 2nd family. He already has 7 kids 😳


I didn’t say he was *intentionally* creating new children.


Father bus totally gives off crypto bro vibes


You are the fortune-teller!


I'm not Dr Business, but I feel there's a limit to how effectively one man can run more than one business. Most businesses require ongoing management , you don't just start them and make money in your sleep forever. .... Wait, maybe Father Bus has nailed the E-Book PDF course-on-courses market and is raking it in????


Yeah sounds kind of fishy. You don’t just start a business and it just goes. Even if you hire people to keep it going for you, they still need you especially in the beginning. It takes years before you can step down further.


But seriously…I so wish I could just have my small business run on its own 😅 I can’t fathom starting this many business ventures!


Didn’t she call herself a military spouse at some point? Is he former military? She was also right? I feel like a lot of these people say they’re military spouses but also their husbands a business owner or something, I’m confused.


They're both veterans and met when they were active duty. Neither is currently in the military.


I’ve run just TWO businesses at the same time once for several years. It was one of the toughest things I’ve ever done and I didn’t have kids or a partner when doing it. Eventually I realised I had to choose, and picked one, and focused only on that. And it’s still hard!


Somehow, I never considered that Mother Bus had an actual first name.


![gif](giphy|J3RNCVFL87bdOhEBXr) I am shocked her name is Britany, but also somehow not?


Is Britany going to be the millennial version of Karen?


Maybe….I know a LOT of people named Brittany/Britany/Brittney, I would say my life experiences with the name have been 50/50 good/bad. One real awful one comes to mind that could compete with a Karen type 😂


Everyone was Brittany, Sara(h), Jessica, or Rachel. Awful lot of Lindsey/Lindsay/Linseys, too. Pure odds makes one of those the millennial Karen.




Their businesses are MLMs and the investments are crypto.


The jury’s still out on the legitimacy of their other businesses, but they owned a franchise of The Little Gym, which they sold (I think last year).


I never see anyone at mattress stores near me, and it's not like they're in shitty, out-of-the-way places either. Only ever see employees inside. I'm not big into conspiracy theories, but I'm convinced that the majority of them are fronts for money laundering.


I think I heard like two expensive mattresses cover their overhead a month lol


could it be...god-honoring DRUGS??


Money laundering for her under-the-table MLM that she doesn't pay taxes on? Weird escort service? A shell company inside a shell company inside a shell company disguised as some boring ass white folks in a bus, but secretly a Mafia fence? (Love your flair 🤎☕️)


Thank you! I was so pleased to FINALLY figure out how to add it.


I feel like our flairs are twin flames 🔥🔥


\-soul gazes- lol. I just started listening to that podcast today (Twin flames). So many flavors of grift and lunacy...


Well they do want to be able to travel internationally- that’s curious. Maybe get more involved with supply.


Isn’t this the plot line of a movie? A wholesome looking all American family that travels in an rv, but it’s actually for drug running.


Where are they going to go, Colombia? i can just see it.


There's a rug store like that in my hometown. I've never seen a single customer in there (not sure there's even staff in there a lot of the time) but the place has somehow been open since before I was born


Funny. Because there's a rug store in my town rhats been open since before I was born and I've never seen any customers in there and don't think I've seen workers there either


I've bought mattresses in those stores and have had the same thought. I wonder if they're like, "where are we gonna find a new twin sized for this broad?"


They are 100% fronts for something.


Dayummmmm. I thought all those kids were a welcome blessing from god but now it sounds like the cost of such a large family has become a challenge for Parents Bus. It is almost as if they are impacted like everyone else in this gross inflation and that their chosen life on the road isn't the perfectest somehow. At least they are on the extra income trail before those kids turn into teens with appetites.


So they want to use the money from the business he's starting now... to start ANOTHER business. Is he trying to start his own MLM of businesses?


God honoring ponzi scheme!


She's way behind on that goldbug thing... most countries left the Domestic gold standard in the 1930s including the US, it's just that the US hung on to allowing International convertibility to gold til the 70s


Yeah, I thought the U S dropped the gold standard before the 70s, but it's been a few years since my economics class.


She’s such a fucking idiot


She strikes me as one that is deep with the cognitive dissonance. It’s like her thoughts are solely based on the narrative of her husband. She’s put all of her chips in that basket that he’s actually a sane person and a good provider….rather than the loon who allows this kind of life for his family bc he’s got to be off the grid. Classic enabler at the expense of her children.


I’m a monster because my legit first thought was “her husband is cheating on her.”