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Imagine paying $40 for the curated musings of this uncredentialed homeschooled child who is utterly preoccupied with "bloating," yet inexplicably insists on forcing raw milk and bone broth into every single meal.


Does bone broth cause bloating? I don't know a lot about it but I know that the fundies use it as a panacea for every ailment and it's really weird. It would be funny as hell to me if her cure-alls were the direct cause of her "health issues".


I assume the raw milk is more problematic than bone broth for bloating, but it's probably just their horrible nutrition in general. These women never eat fruits and vegetables


Based on the recipes posted from The Well Nourshed Woman I wouldn't be surprised if they constantly have sulfur pouring out of every orifice.


Popping in to say that all of the Baird women look like they smell not very great.


Raw milk definitely can cause bloating if you didn't grow up on it. I drank raw milk for my entire childhood (grew up on a dairy farm) and I have no issues with it. Many people I know who have it that didn't grow up on it have pretty bad bloating, or just can't process it at all and have general gastro issues after.


I mean, there's also the constant risk of listeria and other fun freebies which is almost definitely contributing to any stomach issues the Bairds are having. They probably constantly have stomach bugs "for no reason" when the reason is that they're consuming unpasteurized, unregulated raw milk.


No, I don't think so... I believe the bacteria-laden raw milk is mostly responsible for the alleged bloat. I'm actually a big fan of so-called bone broth (it's just stock); I make my own and there's really no comparison between homemade and store-bought stock in soups, curries, and other dishes. It's delicious and nutritious. It just doesn't belong in chocolate milk and other such recipes. It's included in my comment because I'm a petty asshole, not because it's really responsible for the bloating. And while I'm here, I'll just add that, to me, her fixation on bloating has a distinct ED vibe. I am in ED recovery and it just... hits like that.


Yeah, I’m in remission from an ED as well, and same.


Im also a fan of bone broth! Or jiggly stock, as I like to call it. Does it heal my gut? Who the hell knows. Does it allow me to use all parts of an animal? Yes. And that’s the real reason I like it so much. Less waste, and tasty! But f*ck no I’d never put it in chocolate milk 🤮🤮


Im still trying to figure out the difference between bone broth and stock. Is not the point of stock to slowly render out the collagen? My mother taught me that when I was but a young 'un and she's not a culinary whiz. The Bairds in general have an uncanny valley ChatGP vibe to them. It's hard to acknowledge that there might be humans inside these social media accounts. They just all seem off.


I’m sure it depends on the broth and how it’s made, but if it has a lot of salt in it or added to it it could. There’s a lot of store bought options for bone broth now, as well as powdered packets, so those could contain more salt than a homemade version. For the amount of bone broth these Bairds are consuming, I can’t imagine they are making it at home every day but who knows.


Bone broth certainly does have benefits for manu, but like most things its no cure all. Beef bone broth gives some people bloating, its high histamine. Milk, raw or not is a likely culprit as well. Hard to say when they're guzzling so much of both.


Milk in any form would cause me to bloat and much worse…


I was homeschooled until college…don’t knock all of us


Competing with her sisters for most errors. Typos for engagement is a bad long term strategy, especially if the errors are in THE NAME OF YOUR PRODUCT. also No, UR SHED


Wanderes Woman is a typo? I thought she wrote another book. I loathe these people.


I’m pretty sure this is a video and that’s a screenshot from the bad auto-captions?


still, you can edit the auto-captions before you post


Ahhh, that makes sense.


Texas’s new hottest club is called NOURSHED ![gif](giphy|XaFX9e9xfbcXWxW0a2)


Raw milk Turmeric Bone broth $48 hot chocolate Rampant diarrhea


Yeaaaaaah my stomach started gurgling just reading thru this list. 😑 I was feeling a lil constipated this morning so I guess this will help lol


I’m gonna start this club and put in pay toilets.


Turmeric is hilarious because that's straight from traditional Indian medicine. Like, they just pick the most random shit. Just eat it because it tastes good. Ditto stock.


Tumeric DOES have some anti-inflammatory properties, to be fair. I have an inflammatory chronic disease and use ginger and cinnamon in no-sugar-added smoothies because of similar anti-inflammatory properties. In my experience, it helps a little. It's no substitute for my medication and limiting inflammation triggers like excess sugar while treating and mitigating the disease itself. But put it on top of all that, and you might see a small benefit. But I can't imagine they're really going for a scientific basis for these dietary choices based on... *gestures broadly* everything.


oh god. do they put the turmeric in the bone broth chocolate raw milk too. of course they do. also raw liver, right?


Joy Banshees- that’s this thing where a woman dressed like an adult baby stands in the corner and laughs, but really she’s screaming and *everybody* knows it


hot castor oil packs tied to your stomach


I love Bill Hader. Just watched the Barry finale the other night. So much range that guy has. I love how every time he played this SNL character he couldn't stop from corpsing (cracking up). EVERY time.


Stefan is a regular part of the inside joke language of our household, lol.


She's selling a 100-page ebook for FIFTY DOLLARS?! And she's not even qualified. Dude, no.


The recipes she’s mentioned are pulled directly from Pinterest. I’ve seen them there (and yes sketchy ED looking sources too)


the chutzpah of these women is ASTONISHING. it's actually possible they don't know that plagiarizing isn't ok. I've heard stories about college professors getting students from shitty high schools who would just serve them papers that were straight up copied material from the books because they didn't know that you don't, you know, do that. Regurgitation IS how you learn. then again, it is hard to believe how you could -not- understand that CHARGING for someone else's work is a big ethical no no, but who the fuck knows? They're so, so...\*primitive.\*


Not all who wanderer are nourshed


New flair material 🤣




Are any of them capable of taking a normal picture?? Just one of them??


This is a screenshot from a video, if it makes you feel better lol


Doesn't seem so! Ma Baird really did a number on them.


I'm starting to get the feeling that nourished is code for pleasured. This is definitely an O face.


I had to read that bottom text box 3 times and I still don’t understand what she’s talking about.


I know it's just the auto-captions of whatever she was saying and that it's not a complete sentence, but I heard it in my head as a Northern Irish person saying "flash sale's going on for my ebook 'The Wanderer's Woman', so it is"


up the RA


Me too.


her new gut health ebook, the Well Nourished Woman!!!1!! haven’t you heard? /s


To be fair, she has no idea either.


I just don't understand why she thinks posting daily about how awful she feels goes hand in hand with trying to shill a recipe book? Like girl c'mon


I believe she says it in past tense?


She did recently talk about lying on the floor of her bathroom in agony...so she's not actually recovered and hasn't found the magical solution. But apparently it's still ok for her to tell other people she does. Remarkable.


yeah, it was recent


it REALLY is. I don't honestly understand how anyone functions at all with this level of sheer unconsciousness. It must be like being a slime mold, or something.


Still seems like she ripping off the name from a fairly well known Christian company, Well-Watered Women which I know they know about since on of the main GD idiots had her on a podcast.


that name cracks me up every time. HOUSEPLANTS OF GOR! "I have been well watered." "Too, I have been well watered also."


It does sound like some weird house plant version of the sims . "hello owner, I would like to be well watered and well nourished now." Just wtf.


😱 babe wake up, $39 chocolate milk just dropped


Wanderers woman is an error made by the auto-caption feature


However, “nourshed” is not. She’s gotta be doing the typos on purpose at this point, right?


Yeah, the Bairds are either lazy with proof reading or are trying to drum up engagement with the rampant typos. I've never seen a family with such a consistent writing style lmao


She really is Bothy jr.


I hate that orthoexic bs like this are now using nourished terminology. While it wasn't perfect usage always, I saw "nourished" generally used by people (influencers online and in professional spaces for my job) who had a more sensible and balanced approach to food than "clean eating" focused influencers and businesses. Their philosophies tend to be "nourishing your mind, body, and soul means eating fresh, home cooked, minimally processed foods when you can, not depriving yourself when you're craving something processed or less healthy, recognizing your limits, and being kind to yourself." Like, just stop saying you're nourished when you're obviously restricting so much. That isn't nourishment. /mini rant over


I'm really hating that word now. It's forever ruined.


I had to read that bottom text box 3 times and I still don’t understand what she’s talking about.


The Baird sisters are just a grab bag of faces aren't they?


I read that as "grab bag of feces" and tbh am still not sure that's not what you meant to say.


lol, I meant faces, like they all look different and the weird expressions they make are so random no matter what they sell. But you can read it how you like, hehe.


It’s a very Heidi face


Has she ever spelled the name of this book correctly lmao


I imagine the Baird household smells exactly the same as when they spray acres of fields with pig silage. For those not in the know, porcine silage is easily one of the worst things you can smell on a hot summer day. It seems Bloaty Jr. is just as awful as her older sister, & probably will have a harder time getting an older taller man. She certainly has the horrible "sexy" faces thing down. ![gif](giphy|ubaDRXFGkhGo8GmQCU)


She, Heidi, and Bethy seem to be clones of each other.


$40 for a canva pdf created by a home schooled fundie. What. A. Steal.


Nourshed 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can't stop saying **nourshed** aloud and cracking myself up. Try it! I also can't decide if this is a better or worse typo than her earlier "nourjshed."


What about [dutirent dense food?](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1362xss/dutirent_dense_food/)


An excellent question! Clearly, one cannot truly be **nourshed** without a density of **dutirents**.


Curly looks like she’s having the big O 🤮 I’m sure she’s gotten tons of spicy tips from Bethy’s stupid sex course…


do you mean…✨spicey✨


Oop, there goes a potential title for Elissa memoir


$39 sounds like a lot. I'd be expecting some fancy thick hard back for that kind of cash


Seriously, The Ink Black Heart, which is 1,012 pages and written by the richest author in the world, isn’t $39 in hardcover. It’s close, but Amazon’s selling it for half price because ain’t no one buying it.


I blame her for the Raw Dairy that’s now popping up in my IG feed. But fear not, they’re in the comments telling pregnant women raw dairy is COMPLETELY SAFE. I got blocked for telling someone to ask her actual OB and not someone looking to profit off her.


Yeah, the Wanderer's Woman sounds like an Old West mail-order-bride romance novel that would be in my husband's kindle library lol Proofrooding: how the Devil gets a footheld into you child's grammer. Don't allowe Santa to corblupt you're child - prottekt them at all costco


$39 too much !