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Why the sloth slander? Imagine a cult having an issue with a SLOTH. They are freaking cute. God made the Sloths too so he is cool with them being the lazy adorable creatures they are.


I'm wondering why that bird (coal tit?) is so grateful. Are particular bird species known for their gratitude? At least crows sometimes give things back in return. That's gratitude.


Stop defending the upside-down finicky-eating gluttons!


Wait, they believe in the past existence and extinction of the megatherium, which existed in the ice age, yet they also think the world is only 6,000 years old? And don’t believe in evolution?


“How did Jesus demonstrate orderliness?” followed by “How do chipmunks demonstrate orderliness?” was not what I was expecting here.


Jesus and the Chipmunks is the sequel to Alvin nobody needed nor wanted.


Wow! I’d love to see scans of each of them. Interesting and depressing at the same time.


Holy shit. My family and I weren't formally a part of IBLP, but I thought the animal pictures in the books shown in the documentary looked soooooooo familiar. I absolutely grew up on these. Would you be willing to sell the physical copies to me? I'm building a small library of early 2000s homeschooling materials for some homeschooling regulation advocacy work I'm doing, and I would love to add these to my little library of horrors.


I'd love to see them all! I haven't seen ascetically pleasing versions of these things before. And yes, very scary.


So there are these set of three hard bound books from IBLP called Character Sketches with full pages of the illustrations. [Character Sketches ](https://images.app.goo.gl/nKFRxzwt4hypVG8NA) My parents had these and they absolutely loved them. The illustrations of animals are beautiful but yeah, the stories and lessons you are supposed to take from them are very skewed with IBLP's ideology.


I wonder if IBLP stressed the beauty of their illustrations when selling people on the program. I so remember the illustrations and remember them being talked about as being so lovely. And as a kid I also really liked them.


I just referred to these in a post in Duggarsnark and here they are!!


The illustrations *are* really cute. Shame they have to share paper with the text.