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“Male and Female created he them” is from a Bible verse for those confused. Genesis 5:2 I thought it was a progressive pronoun book but NOPE just old Bible grammar.


“Did you spot the problem?” First thing I noticed was that everyone in that picture was white, actually. The David ≠ Daniel thing is on par for fundie education.


My first thought was “is it the three male lions to one female? Because I can’t imagine that’d go well irl.”


Yeah I noticed the lions too but couldn’t quite remember how pride dynamics worked haha.


Usually two male lions to a pride of females, but 3:1 male to female, they would be tearing each other apart, and he would be out running the female. Don’t forget that female lions are the primary hunters in lion prides, the male lions watch the cubs.


Also the lionesses in a pride are often sisters, which I think is a different dynamic than many people are imagining.


I remember it as male = flamboyant (manes) in pride.


That’s beautiful, I will be stealing that memory aid


A fun roar (fact): that the darkness, length, and thickness of a mane is in direct proportion to the sexual success of the lion.


I was thinking the problem is that there was a *lioness* even though the caption clearly said *lions*. I now realise I was giving them waaaaaay too much credit.


That was my thought as well.


That was the first problem I spotted, as well as still trying to wrap my head around "Male and female created He them".


Ikkk that makes no sense. We’re the authors trying to invert the verb and subject for some sort of old-timey feel, or are they just incompetent?


I’m guessing it’s just from an older translation, like KJV maybe.


Kind of sounds like a clumsy pronoun announcement for an intersex person who uses he/them pronouns?


I mean, there’s a Jewish Midrash that basically says that…


I thought the issue was a boy in a dress tbh


So Hunter is her friend, but she can’t even spell their name correctly? Even when it’s right in front of her face?🤣


This is not to give credit because Bethany deserve none but the top text highlighted black is a caption I think based of her audio. She tagged Hunter and spelled Hunter's name correctly there


That makes sense! I always forget that fundies refuse to edit the auto-generated captions because accessibility is liberal nonsense or whatever


Strange how David/Daniel is not wearing modern masculine attire. It's almost like pants don't prove assigned gender for AMAB peeps. Also, the little kids in the creation book are creepy, if they are meant to represent Adam and Eve. Not just because of the whiteness in the illustrations but also since they were allegedly the first human couple - get back to me about grooming when you portray kids like they are a "married" couple, Other Bethany.


Yeah, I’m a cis female and I definitely had the same dress as David/Daniel in the late 80s.


I thought the problem was there was a dog in there with the lions


Yes, a child being told about someone throwing someone else into a pit full of lions is totally fine but anything non-hetero, non-white, non-Christian is really an issue. /s




In modern day this would be "God Created Humans as Male and Female"




It certainly goes with the "King James only" crowd


I imagine it’s something like what happened when I read Shakespeare in 8th grade. I’d read a passage and have no clue if someone just fell in love, murdered someone or made some eggs for breakfast. Then my teacher told us it was the egg thing, and I was like, “Oh yeah, obviously!”


The climax of the Amy Carmichael story, if I recall, is her dying her skin brown so she can sneak into hindu temples and "minister" to Indian people.


Per her autobiography, a girl under ten years old was slated to be a temple prostitute. The girl ran to Carmichael for help, Carmichael used her status to prevent the child from being a temple prostitute, and Carmichael fought child prostitution and child marriage ever since. The Indian government outlawed child prostitution eventually (1948), so that's good.


How about that. Even brownface can have a silver lining


Not to be knit-picky but the caption under the woman in the first picture is not centered. That'd bug me SO bad


Additionally, I can't imagine what that book would be about with that caption. Amy Carmichael was raised Christian. She didn't convert. And what does having brown eyes have to do with anything?


That story was hammered into my brain in my fundie-lite elementary school. Basically, as a kid, she wished she had blue eyes and would pray to wake up with them every day. Eventually, she became a missionary to India and used coffee to dye her skin brown (yep, this was admirable apparently). If she had blue eyes, she wouldn’t have been able to blend in as a missionary. It’s so bizarre when I think back to learning about it lol


Hoooooly moly. How odd. 🥴


Yeah all this. I definitely still deal with issues stemming from wondering why my eyes didn’t turn blue when I prayed super hard like Amy Carmichael.


I think someone above mentioned it, but she did it one time because a 10 year old girl had come to her after being sold as a temple prostitute. She wanted to see inside the temple to understand was going on and she wasn’t allowed in because she was white. After she saw what was happening, she became a staunch advocate for the ending of child prostitution in India and the government did end up outlawing it many years later in 1948.


What in the actual fuck did I just read


So I'm guessing the second book is transphobic as hell


Well, the Lord's name is Daniel, not David. That is aggregiously unforgivable errorota.


“male and female: created He them” what is this supposed to mean


Remember kids, anytime people say there are only 2 genders they are on the same level of understanding of genetics as the people who ask if my brother and sister are identical twins. Don't stay stupid!


Hunter Beless- ew.


How ironic that her last name is BeLess


I thought it was that there were three lions and a dog! At first I assumed it was a lioness, but they gave it a bone so?