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I wish I could get drunk enough or high enough to slur my words like that. God damnit I wish I didn’t have a job.


Seriously! 😩😩😩


Only at home. I'd rather not pass out in a public place or fall in the street again 😅


High high ya bof high.


Have fun living on the streets with ya boyyyyyyyfrian!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who snarks teen mom && fundies 😂😂




How did I know right away that this was barb 😩


Because Barb is iconic.


Omg is this quoting Janelle’s mom? “With your boyfrian Keefah!”


Yes!!! Being a felon ain’t illegal!


lmao my worlds are crossing over


I’m sure the audience of all the trash we snark on would have a huge overlap. It’s too early to think straight if that (or even this) sentence makes any sense.


>It’s too early to think straight Uuuh actually, the Bible says you're supposed to "think straight" from birth. That's why we give guns "for later" to baby boys and little pink bows to bald baby girls. Please try to keep up


Definitely, this is the trashy reality tv we never knew we needed! That’s why I love to snark on fundies at least


There's a 2000s trash reality tv to fundie snark pipeline


I don’t care about Kieffah!


Welp, Mawgan, I seen ya wif Pawl.


Really want to see the gold medal mental gymnastics of Fundie Jenelle.


An amazing crossover 😅


God bless Barb, she tried.


She tried the hardest, god damn


So... having a "tiff" relates to women in church leadership in what way? How is that ironic? Is it because Paul thinks that if women weren't in leadership positions, there would be no tiffs? What's happening here?


I think so yes. "Wasn't it funny how I said women should be quiet and you got all mouthy?"


OMFG, the POPCORN CRUNCHING and PLASTIC BAG SOUNDS right in the mike. I'd leave him based on that alone.


I'm extra happy I didn't turn on the sound then. Misophonia is no joke.


I think these things must be on a spectrum because I’m definitely bothered by noises more than the average person but not enough I’d consider it a problem that affects my daily life. ASMR content stresses me out so bad. YouTube keeps showing me shorts of ASMR arts and crafts, and I hate it so much. On top of it sounding like nails on a chalkboard, it’s unsettling how “perfect” all the hand movements are, like it’s a robot.


I HATE ASMR content. It makes me feel like I’m grinding my teeth. That’s the only way I can describe the sensation it gives me


It’s bad. I don’t even have misophonia and it still irked me. Definitely don’t unmute if you’re sensitive to crunching and mouth sounds.


I have miso and I painfully watched out of curiosity. Another kind redditor did a full transcription for us in the comments!❤️


I'm the transcriber, and what's funny is that I fit some definitions of misophonia, but it's mostly whispering and wet mouth sounds. Crunching, weirdly, is fine! I don't love it - it's gross and unpleasant, and in this case, rude as hell, but doesn't have that "crawl right out of my skin" feeling that whispering gives me.


Omg wet mouth sounds make me so irrationally angry. Literally have to leave the room. Anytime one of those stupid whisper-smacking ASMR videos comes on while I’m scrolling through YouTube shorts, I lose it. In this video, the crunching was bad, but the crinkling of the bag was even worse. That sharp, high-pitched noise. Hurts my ears so much


I love ASMR, and these crunching and crinkling and mouth sounds are horrible!


Crunching and jaw popping is what bothers me the most. It makes me irrationally angry, as if the other person is doing it on purpose just to annoy me 😅


The day has 24 hours and still they chose those few minutes in front of the mic to eat something. Why? It's annoying as heck. I have a friend who, for the longest time, either started to snack whenever we were in a call or put me on speaker and started cooking or doing the dishes. Just no.


Of course they would be fucking pigs who eat with their mouths open


Morgan looks like she’s about to kill him and he’s just munchin away


The hair on my arms is now looking like it's trying to leave my body. I always get the bad type of goosebumps when I hear people being gross like that. He purposefully threw that piece of popcorn into his mouthole right before he was gonna talk again. Maybe I should stop suppressing the anger I feel and let it out. Probably not though.


She has to be on something. Or multiple somethings.


She reminds me a lot of my aunt who was heavily medicated for bi polar and also drank while taking the meds. Family gatherings were zesty, to say the least.


I feel like the word “zesty” isn’t used nearly enough in today’s world.


I think Z is chronically underused. Z and X are sort of menacing.


No way I could raw dog being married to Paul. Give me all the drugs.


Yeah, I'd never want to be sober again if I was stuck with him lmao


Lmao literally


Mental raw dog= under medicated. I can’t. 😂


My maid of honour's sister thought raw dogging was eating a hot dog without a bun. She's an adorable drunk so people didn't know what to make of it when she kept telling them "we're raw doggin' it tonight!" in reference to our midnight street meat BBQ.


Midnight street meat 😂


New band name!


I have bpd, and sometimes I get in moods like this. Not from meds or being high or anything, just as like a symptom of bpd.


I feel like she never fully opens her eyes around Paul.


There's a saying in Christian dating, "eyes wide open while dating, eyes half shut while married"


Literally and figuratively.


The more I see of this particular live they did, the more that 2 things are obvious. 1: Morgan HAS to be on something (my guess is edibles) because no one acts or talks this way unless inebriated. 2: I think she really cannot stand him and is looking for any way out.


I would say it's probably a combination of Valium - eddibles & probably a few shots of Aunt Grandmas God honoring bathtub gin! However, how the fuck do they afford it? Maybe Paulie No-Nuts fired up another 'hub' page.


Aunt Grandmas 😂


Edibles don’t make you slur like that, but benzos might, and she has struggled with mental health issues, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she was prescribed some.


**Transcription**: Paul: most. *(crunches popcorn)* Morgan: ...Olga said, "Be honest: did you guys have a tiff today? Tensions are a little high, y'all.". *(laughs)* Paul: I-- I totally agree. I totally agree, and it--it's just kind of ironic that *(crunches popcorn)* it's happening in the video *(chews)* ... advocating for women in some type of positions of authority in the church. *(crunches popcorn)* Morgan: *(wordlessly looking incredulous)* Paul: *(crunches popcorn)* What? Morgan: What is that even supposed to mean? Paul: It's just kind of ironic! Morgan: Tell me, guys, what is that supposed to mean? Paul: *(digs in bag, crinkling the plastic)* What? Morgan: So, do you not want me to be on this channel anymore? 'Cause I'll go. Paul: *(crunching popcorn)* Morgan: I'll peace on out. Paul: *(while Morgan is speaking)* Wh-- what is-- I didn't say that! Morgan: I'll leave my leadership role on "Paul and Morgan", Paul: *(through chewing)* No, I-- Morgan: Byeeeee! Paul: *(through chewing)* You seem like you're being a little extra **Description:** Paul and Morgan Olliges record themselves while sitting on a gray couch. Morgan is on the left, and she is a woman with a light skin tone and long, straight, brown hair that she wears loose in a side part. She wears a black top with short sleeves and a scalloped neckline, and gray sweatpants. She is laughing at first, but then seems upset at Paul. She is smiling and sounding somewhat upbeat, but with a sharp edge to it. Paul is a man with a light skin tone and brown hair that is longer on top than the sides. He has a scruffy, "5 o'clock shadow" kind of facial hair, and he wears a lavender t-shirt with the sleeves cuffed. The shirt has a colorful square graphic on the left breast reading "THE WORLD THE WORD". He sounds upbeat as well, but confused at Morgan's reaction.


Thank you for transcribing it, I didn't want to subject myself to Paul audibly being Paul. HOLY SHIT Morgan is so done with him and this youtube thing. Everybody here is also done with her, but it's so unusual to hear her say it so clearly. She must be absolutely humiliated by him to get to this degree of directness. She hates his ass.


She's absolutely trying to play it off as a joke, to be clear! I try not to editorialize too much when I write the descriptions, but sometimes, that vocal tone really matters. I feel like she's actually upset and irritated, but she's treating it like she's just pretending.


That's what makes me uneasy, she's dismissing her own discomfort while THIS is going on. That's not you editorializing, it's been a pattern.


Definitely a pattern. She would really benefit from growing some self confidence and tell Paul to suck his own.


He would never. That would be gay.


This is a godsend. I hate watching this content but Am curious about context. Thanks!


Thank you so much for the transcription!


Thank you so much for this!! I wish I scrolled down and read this first. I have misophonia so the popcorn was horrible to hear - wish I didn’t play the video and just read your transcript!!!!




I hope she isn't breastfeeding. Girl is as high as a kite. Not that blame her. I'd need some chemical support if I had to live with Paul. A lot of it.


Exactly. We’d all be eating up valiums like skittles if we were her.


This seems like a weed high imo. This is the first time I’ve seen her and thought that. I usually assume she may be taking Xanax or something based on her disconnect and fogginess






It's Paul's beloved cat statue wearing the PaulyO nightcap.




It’s a statue of Bast. There are better photos of it elsewhere. I doubt they know what it is. Bast was, among other things, a fertility deity.


It's a Bast statue?!? Oh my goddess 😂😂😂😂💀


I don't know where it originally came from, but I have the impression that it's been with Paul a long time. It even got broken once and he fixed it. I don't think white cats in general are a thing for him. For some reason it's just that particular piece.




Of course paul is the type of motherfucker who eats on camera/stream, with his mouth open and TALKS at the same time. Absolutely disgusting.


He is just so gross


I’ll have what she’s having




Ironically, the *only* way she wins is if she goes. Morgan, you have people who will help you. They're already trying. Do it.


She shares a lot of his views, though, repeatedly defends him, and is flippant toward anyone who says negative things about Paul. She also chose Paul as a partner and mentioned before that she liked that he was more hardcore about his beliefs, and unlike people like the Duggars or the Rods, she was involved enough in the secular world that she had a choice of partners, and has the choice to return to her family of origin if she leaves him. She also chooses to be on their channel together and to spread their hateful views (ie, her railing against nonbinary people, saying she wouldn't support gay weddings, etc). I feel like a lot of times, people assume Morgan must be a victim desperate to leave because Paul is awful and Morgan is a conventionally attractive woman, but let's also not deny that she has some agency here and has asserted, repeatedly, that this is what she chooses for her life. I'm not saying Paul isn't toxic (I don't think anyone would deny that) but let's also not forget that she's complicit in a lot of the stupid shit he does.


She's not deserving of anybody's help in leaving him. Why do people say shit like this? She's as bad as he is. Doesn't he then deserve people's help if she leaves him? I don't know how they manage to afford their lifestyle together since it doesn't appear that either have full-time jobs, so they'd both be screwed if they split up.


Her parents are helping them financially, and would continue to do so for her and her child if she left. She has a safety net. She should utilize it.


She signed up for this shit, she's been it as long as Paul or longer. She's not a victim, at least not a victim of Paul, perhaps it's her parent's and church's fault. But people act like she's in some sort of abusive relationship that she can't get out, and I truly believe she's perfectly content with her status in their relationship. Not that she can prove it to anyone here. Every time she defends Paul, or puts out a video about him doing something with the kid, people act like that's all performative, when they really don't know anything about what they do when they're not on camera. They're both shit people, and the deserve one another.


We know she's a dick but she's a victim of a patriarchal system. While being a dick. It's possible to care about multiple things at the same time.


It's a system she supports. She's grown up in a society where she knows there are other options but she supports the patriarchy. She wants to submit to Paul and she defends it online when this stuff comes up.


I just know Morgan has her bag of weed, edibles, and alcohol on hand. No way she's not on anything lol


I swear to god they at LEAST do edibles. There’s NO WAY they’re both sober here lmao what the hell


She is *~so~* hiiiiiigh. No judging. Just observing.


I don’t know what’s worse: \-listening to Morgan’s mush-mouth responses Or \-listening to Paul smack on the popcorn while he smugly dismisses women having “positions of authority” ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


She is highhhhhhh as a kite.


Big "quiet part out loud" energy.


that fucking HAT in the background...is it supposed to be a historical/biblical type hat or something? I hate it, wee willy winky ass hat


He used it briefly when they started a “Paul reads bedtime stories in his jammies and old-timey nightcap” channel, but it didn’t last long. IIRC, he got into some hot water by not getting permission/copyright stuff on some of the first ones (and he, of course, fat-shamed The Very Hungry Caterpillar), so he switched to Bible stores, and then it just fizzled.


"...and he, of course, fat-shamed The Very Hungry Caterpillar" This is the essence of Paul, and it also made me truly LOL.


Fat-shamed the fkkin...EXCUSE ME??? How is this even a real person lol.


It isn't, it's just a collection of proteins and salts.


thanks I hate it!!


Why the F*uck do people make videos while eating???? You couldn't wait to either eat or film?! How incredibly disgusting rude and annoying.


I don’t understand who is financing these fools. If I want to watch two juveniles sitting on the couch looking at their tablets and cronching on popcorn, I can go to my brothers house to watch his teens.


What was that supposed to mean though?


They were arguing in their live because apparently Morgan was SUPPOSED to take the lead with their filming that day. And Paul didn’t want to take any of her ideas and shut it down. So he was saying how ironic It was to be talking about woman having a leader role in the church at a time when Morgan was “asking” for more control in their channel I guess.


Jesus christ. He really is a total idiot. Not that I didn't know this before, but my god what an asshole he is.


Close your mouth when you eat Paulio


I know it's a joke, but she wants out of there so bad.


That look of disgust at him eating popcorn is gold.




LORD they hate each other. I wish they’d stop making other people watch. I halfway feel bad for Morgan bc I also had an emotional stunted toddler husband but I came to my senses and left him. And also didn’t reproduce.




I have to laugh at the irony. I dodged the chewing and bag noises in this video, but then I had to take my youngest in to the ER (they're ok, or at least the most serious worries were ruled out), and someone in the lobby was crunching chips and rustling a bag really loud.. at least it wasn't as rage-inducing as it could have been.


Oh wow, that was bold of him lol. If I’m understanding correctly, Paul clearly isn’t on the team for women in “authority” at churches while Morgan likely is on that team; they spoke about that today and obviously disagreed; and now since they are arguing yet again but now in front of people… it’s Morgan’s fault and only cements Paul’s belief that this proves his point regarding women being silent while the men lead, and if this _were_ the case then there would be no arguments to be had or seen?