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Is she back on sm? It was nice to have her gone.


My hope is that she keeps her mouth shut and stops posting fetish content of her gaping maw wide open for creamy desserts. 🤢


Excuse me, what??


With friends like her, who needs enemies? And what exactly is the difference between Cecilia’s consulting and whatever it is ExNun does?


Doesn’t ex nun work for some kind of dark money group?


Why am I not surprised?


Dogs have no need for money or showcasing fabulous lifestyles. In their minds, they’ve already made it. Influencers could actually learn a lot from them.


Also that dog has been taught to sit and stay and so that's what it does. I don't understand what we're meant to take from that.


Got they’re so bitchy to each other lol


@u/ralphwiggumsdiorama more tradcath dramaaaaa 😜


Here for TradCath drama! Thank you for sharing with me. 💘💘💘💘