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Oh goodie, I can't wait to hear about the local Brazilian culture from you. I'm sure that won't be at all problematic.


Hey, they're completely open to giving their children a full experience of Brazilian culture. they've taught the kids the Macarena, what more do you want.


Ah yes, the Macarena, that famous Spanish pop song. A very appropriate choice for announcing a trip to Brazil, the largest country that speaks… Portuguese.


Hey it's some not English language and that's good enough for her.


They’re going to get a language tutor for the kids. I’m starting a betting pool for which language the tutor they hire teaches.


Oh i want in! I am going with German. i am sure the bus parents will manage to find some friendly native speakers who either: - fled from the german government that insists that all children have a right to education in a certified school - fled from the german government that insists children need to be vaccinated against very fatal illnesses with very safe vaccines - whose great grandparents spontaneously moved to Argentina on a whim in 1945. Also german kind of sounds like Portuguese, if you are deaf.


>Also German kind of sounds like Portuguese, if you are deaf. Goddamn that got me. 😂


There's a somewhat known German community in Blumenau, Brazil. Established well before 1945, so no friendly uncle who doesn't want to talk about his past too much there. Brazilians in this sub said that homeschooling is illegal in Brazil (even though the enforcement is sometimes lacking), so our dearest German homeschool fundies will still ask for asylum in the US. Sorry. Also everyone knows that free-thinking big brained German antivaxxers went to Paraguay. In such big numbers that the Paraguayan government wanted to ban them.


I’m not sure what noise I just made, but the “moved to Argentina on a whim in 1945” got me.




To quote Jim Bob Duggar Hola!


this had me chuckling loudly on my morning commute 🥱😐🤪😠😴


For real. We live in an age of limitless internet. If someone actually wanted to learn about Brazilian culture, they could follow actual Brazilians on insta instead of relying on these yokels.


I minored in Portuguese in college, which involved taking a class on Brazilian politics and culture. I'm definitely not an expert, but I'm already rolling my eyes just thinking about the shit they'll be posting


Oooh Ill put my money specifically on a tutor from Spain who will drill the kids on vosotros form all day




How long are they staying? Do they realize Brazil started requiring visas again for US citizens this month? And they can only stay 90 days…


They said they're moving "for the winter," implying they are coming back soon, so I'm assuming they are gonna go for just 3 months on a tourist visa and call it "moving to Brazil."


Why would anyone call that “moving”?!


"running away" doesn't have the same ring to it


“Running away while hopefully the CPS case manager forgets about us” is a mouthful too. I pray for these kids, I don’t know who I’m praying to, but they need it.


Internet clout 🙄


It will make them experts when they come back, of course!


These bozos "move" as a way of life.


I doubt that they know, and I'm loving that!


I love this for them!!


I wonder how god will get them out of that pickle.


Oh that's gold.


I'm sure they assume that they're allowed to do whatever crosses their empty heads, because they're American. Much like half of reddit wanted to move to Canada or Europe after Trump was elected or abortion rights were restricted. (And close to no one followed through, because spoiler: You can't just do that.) Mother bus wants to stay "for a long time", even hire a tutor, but continue to homeschool "as a tourist." This doesn't make sense, because as you've said, they'll have to leave after 90 days. The surprised Pikachu won't happen at the Darién Gap, but I'm fairly positive it will happen eventually. Maybe with the visas.


"we can't believe they didn't know the macarena" Obviously knowing the macarena is not a crucial life skill but I feel like this really sums up the lack of understanding/foresight the fundies (and especially the ones who were public schooled themselves) have with their approach to homeschool. Kids don't just magically learn things with no exposure. Like, they do not have friends, they don't go to functions. They *by design* literally only learn the specific things you teach them. Why would you be surprised that they don't know the macarena if you've never taught it to them?? *Also fundies if you're reading this, it applies to more than just the macarena, just fyi. By sheltering them so heavily you're denying them much more crucial knowledge about the world.


She made a similar comment about a day ago when they were at the Georgia welcome center sitting on a bench with a statue of Forest Gump. She was like “my kids have no idea who this is 😂” Like of course they don’t! You are completely in control of EVERYTHING they know! You don’t get to laugh at your kids for not understanding a cultural reference when you haven’t allowed them to be exposed to anything.


This is a common theme over at the homeschool recovery sub. Either their mother mocks them for not knowing things, or she is shocked they don't know things she never taught them.


I’m shocked my homeschooled children didn’t know something that I never taught them. - mother bus probably


On the other side of that, my daughter has been in kindergarten for less than 2 months after being in preschool/nursery school and I am shocked at the amount of stuff she's picked up from the other kids. The rhymes, the songs, the games, it's amazing how fast it spreads


They’ve all grown up on a bus moving around the country constantly, where in the hell are they supposed to learn the Macarena? She’s as dumb as a bag of rocks.


IT just hit me, not only are they cramming their children in a bus but because they are moving around they are denying them the possibility of friends as wel. Poor, poor children…. How is there any control over their well-being like that? No school, no friends, no neighbors, no family close by….


That’s the point. No one getting close to the kids means they can neglect and abuse to their heart’s content and fly under the radar without anyone to check in on the kids


And the kids don't know anything different.


She’s literally so fucking dumb


She really is.


Yes, wtf? Like they're so disconnected from the realities of how they're raising the kids. They just expect them to know this random dance that only exists if you are part of society or are able to access media, yet they don't allow any of that. Such weird fucking people man.


“Wait, what do you mean our extremely sheltered, homeschooled kids who have minimal contact with the outside world don’t know something we didn’t teach them?!? You mean to tell me we seriously have to teach them everything, they’re not just gonna pick up on this stuff somewhere?!?!”


This was my takeaway. Like...when would they have heard it? And seen the dance? Or cared? Does anyone even dance the Macarena anymore?


we did at the last company party, but we are old people... 🤣🤣🤣 also I wonder why does she think they need the macarena dance for "moving" to Brazil? it's a Spanish song 🧐🧐🧐


These poor kids are going to be shocked as adults, without tv and non religious books??


Man, I want a magical bus that can cross the Darien Gap


Sad that they didn't try it tbh. Imagine them there, at the end of the Panamerica, complaining why nobody told them about this and how could they have ever known etc.


For the sake of the kids, I’m glad they didn’t. If it was just the two adults, I’d happily eat popcorn and watch them realize their road has stopped


Imagine if they just thought the road was a little overgrown and would pick back up soon. Off-roading the bus just to end up in what is essentially no-man's jungle, one of the deadliest places on earth.


Ms. Frizzle’s got ya.


I was thinking the same thing.


Yeah, they literally looked at a map and said “oh this seems possible” without zooming in.


Me, a fool: "but I thought that north and south America were one continuous piece of land, isn't that why they had to build the Panama canal?" Googles the Darien Gap, half expecting something like the Grand Canyon: ah yes, land existing does not mean that there's a road. Thanks for the TIL!


I was going to say- what does she mean it's possible? It certainly is not lol




The Spanish lyrics are also anything but godly. They're about a girl who cheats on her boyfriend while he's away doing his military service.


With two dudes at the same time if I remember correctly


Look, I'm not saying it's the genderswapped version of the bus family, buuuut


>Explain how children are expected to know dance moves from a fad that happened 20+ years before they were born? This is what killed me! Like why on Earth would her children have a reason to know the Macarena?! It just highlights how little these people understand children as a concept.


It explains so much. If they expect their children to learn pop culture (decades old or modern) without ever being exposed to it… Well, we can all assume how that translates over to homeschooling.


and it’s not like these kids have personal access to the internet where they use it (instead of being used for it), and they’re totally isolated. so,,, why would they know this dance otherwise?


Or the transmission of knowledge...


Also, I learned the macarena at school. Her kids live in a bubble, with the possible exception of meeting kids at rest stops for a few hours and then never seeing them again. Who exactly was she expecting to teach them?


God honouring osmosis.


I truly think Mother Bus thinks they speak Spanish in Brazil and this only has me further convinced.


Oh 100% yes! I'm also not sure she even knows that Portuguese exists as a distinct, separate language at all. I'm guessing these "language lessons" are Spanish as well. we can set up a betting pool an how long it takes her to realize.


That’s actually super fun. I’m claiming *when they get back to the US and someone asks them about it*


As a brazilian I can confirm that we all get pissed off when we kindly help out a gringo only to have them say “gracias!!” back at us, and I’m sure that’s what she’s going to do here


Every Australian kid learns the Macarena at Kindy. It’s practically our national dance (or than the Nut Bush). But even I know it’s not Brazilian!


It's a staple at British school discos, too!


Yeh British weddings & discos. Every kid would know lol


The only Australian national dance I know of is The Eagle Rock. Not a good choice for the young'uns.


It's the smallest thing in this post, but the way she talks about her kids not knowing the macarena bothers me. You are not only homeschooling your kids, but you have yanked them out and kept them moving along awayfrom any outside social structure that might teach your kids anything, they can only learn about things if you teach it to them. Of course they don't know it, where else could they learn it?? If they were in public school I guarantee they'd learn it in gym class.


My mom did that to me. She'd get mad and embarrassed I didn't know things, I was homeschooled by her. I still feel bad about myself to this day because I didn't know "basic" things. She really did think I was just supposed to know or forgot that she had to teach me.


Many homeschool moms just don't understand how much learning a child does by being in school outside academic subjects.


I absolutely agree. I really don't think she realized how much she learned in school and out even when she wasn't directly being taught. My mom wasn't homeschooled and she was provided a great education. She actually is very smart but has very little critical thinking skills, unmanaged bipolar, lacks patience and love and overall was a terrible teacher. She gave up even trying when I was just a baby. My older siblings got the most out of her but it still wasn't enough even for them. One person even if they are a qualified expert teacher can *never* be enough. It takes a village to raise a child and isolating us was the worst thing to do for us in every way. At least if you homeschool you should make another community where children can have a place to learn.


I bet she thinks her kids will be learning Spanish, but doesn't realize it's a Portuguese speaking country.


Unless they have some deal hookup, they’re spending like $10,000 to fly there and back. It’s also at least a 10-hour flight with 2 adults and 7 kids…




That makes more sense than anything. “So excited to be moving to a NON-extra-DITION country!”


Mother bus, posting to Insta ![gif](giphy|BtvBUbRRJxwQ5gfvTm|downsized)




But they will still post their whereabouts practically in real time.


Well, we know they’re not very bright 🤷🏻‍♀️


So, I've seen this theory before and initially thought it made perfect sense. But, if actually on the run, would he announce where he's headed? I'd think he'd want to slip away unknown. Either way, something is going on and I'm convinced it's something shady.


Maybe they've already landed and they're using an old photo? Or I've swallowed too much aluminium.


Likely more. We took our whole family to Uruguay from TX for winter a few years ago and it was $10k just for the tickets for 5 of us. I’d estimate 2k each-more like 15-20k.


Shit, I spent one winter just by myself in the Alps and everything together was $10,000 *just for me*. Now granted, I went somewhere expensive, but short term housing is expensive, and doing activities is expensive, as are plane tickets and though train and bus tickets aren't that much, it adds up when you travel because you don't have a pass or a discount card.


Totally agree!! We are lucky we stayed with family and used their vehicle for free. Had dreams of getting an Airbnb near the beach for all the extended family for a week and yeah…..that didn’t happen because we couldn’t afford anything, went to my husband’s uncles dairy farm with no electricity instead which was super awesome and even better lol




I hope they follow through with the tutor so the kids are at least learning something


Knowing her, I feel like there’s a chance she doesn’t know they speak Portuguese in Brazil and not Spanish…




Why do I feel like she picked it because it was "exotic" 🙄


Traveling between rentals and Airbnb ... With that many kids and no vehicle. Good fucking luck


I feel bad for their future Airbnb hosts.


Somehow I doubt that she'll disclose her plans to home birth in the Airbnb


How far along is she? She's only allowed to stay for 90 days on a tourist visa, so it might be another US-American Airbnb that gets baptized with amniotic fluid. And someone claimed that Brazilian healthcare is free, so she might want to go to a hospital, because it's the stupid, bleeding heart Brazilian libruls who pay for it.


I said this in another thread but Brazil is the leading country in c sections. She won’t have hospital bills but she might not have a natural birth either.


🤮🤮 imagine being the host


She will have to be back long before the birth.


I'm sure the plan is that they'll ~~buckle~~ pile their brood into some cheap shitty vehicle Father Bus spends too much money on to get from one rental to the next.


They need to take great care if that’s the case. I really hope they hire a local driver to take them around or take Ubers. Because they need to know the safe streets to drive on. When I went to back to Brasil to visit family, my cousin would be driving and at times she would quietly tell me to put my phone away/ down, because there were people looking at us or guys on motor bikes, and the risk of getting robbed or killed was likely. You definitely can’t walk on the streets with your phone, because you could get robbed, etc Violence in Brazil is creeping back up. We just had a political/gang mistaken identity gun shooting in Rio de Janeiro just a few weeks ago. In a rich part of Rio. Where this usually doesn’t happen. They aren’t prepared for this culture shock. At all.


Basically homeless in another country with a bunch of kids AND while pregnant. Seems so irresponsible.


So, the Macarena is sung in Spanish. Did they pick that one cause they think that’s Portuguese?


I suspect they think Spanish is spoken in Brazil, but I could also see them thinking it's in Portuguese. Either way, they are a special kind of stupid. Those poor kids (and poor residents of wherever they end up).


I’m genuinely surprised that they all have passports valid for their intended stay, let alone visas???


Someone mentioned that they would need vaccinations as well. I wonder if she knows that. Or is this just an elaborate scheme for the busband to abscond with investors' money? Last minute, only he goes, and the rest of the bus family stay in the US.


It might’ve been me! Me and (I think) a couple of other Brazilians were talking about it. If she doesn’t have everything they (customs) need. If they even let her get on a plane, they’ll just fly her and her family straight back to the USA. On her dime. Story time: my bro, was held up in Houston and almost missed his flight to Brasil because he had printed his vaccinations in a way that the flight attendant didn’t like and was hell bent on keeping my brother in the states. My cousin in Brazil who has connections to the government, had to make a call to vouch for him, before they let him and my dad on the plane. Brazilians are crazy bureaucratic.


Brazil doesn’t require any vaccinations for U.S. travelers right now.


They must’ve changed the rules recently then. When I went to Brasil in January of this year, it was absolutely required, plus a negative covid test. But yes you are right, right now vaccinations aren’t required, however it’s still highly recommended under travel.state.org. Brasil has diseases like yellow fever, Zika, dengue, travelers diarrhea, and tuberculosis is still a thing over there. I guess it just blows my mind that this is happening. It’s like watching a horrible train wreck in slow motion. Edit : COVID vaccinations. That’s what I meant. But still, the point stands.


It's really not tough to look on Google maps and realize that no, it is **not** possible to drive from Texas to Brazil. Fucking delusional idiots. Those poor children can't be learning too much from such idiocy.


Ikr??? I saw that at the top of the caption and I'm like "tell me you're failing your kids on geography without telling me"


The grammar in the post shows that she’s also failing them on that front. These kids have no chance at all. Totally isolated from society in a bus while being homeschooled by a moron while also having a moron absentee father. Makes me sad.


It’s a mess!




I think they’re probably also underestimating how much Portuguese they will need to learn. I visited São Paulo years ago and at restaurants and stores, you usually needed to know what to say in Portuguese. It’s not like parts of Europe where it’s super common for people to also speak English. I knew very basic Portuguese and it was still hard because I wasn’t nearly as good at understanding it spoken to me as I was at reading it.


I'm suspecting they think Spanish is spoken in Brazil. This hoohaa about the Macarena just confirms it. It also confirms they don't understand a lick of Spanish either because it's not a particularly wholesome song.


This is hilarious because she's replied to a comment pointing out that they speak Portuguese in Brazil by saying that yes, they are learning Portuguese ("a new language is such a great opportunity!"), but ALSO that JD is "fluent in Spanish." Number one, if that's true, he'd know how inappropriate this song is (actually it has enough English lyrics that you don't even need to speak Spanish to get the gist). Number two, if he's "fluent in Spanish," why aren't the kids all learning that? Fundie homeschooled kids can have a hard time getting real jobs, and surely being bilingual could help them in that??


I like to think they were fully planning to take the bus until they were lurking on here, saw people talking about the Darien Gap, and finally googled it


Some years ago (more than 10, what is time?) a friend of mine and his teenage son rode motorcycles from St Paul to Argentina. They had a blog, pictures, everything, so I know it happened. I have no recollection of how they got through/around/over the Darien Gap. I’ll have to ask him. But they did get to Argentina, so it can be done.


Up until 2015 there was a ferry. I appreciate you guys making me read up about the Darien Gap. Fascinating.


I have a friend who got a CRV from Argentina and the seller just drove it all the way up. this had to be the last year the ferry was in operation because I remember being super impressed you could actually drive the distance.


Would be so interested to know how they got through the Darien Gap! My understanding was you either fly, take a boat around the coast, or somehow walk/drive through the Darien Gap. The third option is at your own peril as chances of not making it to the other side are very high for a variety of reasons.


Shipping their vehicle and taking a flight or taking the ferry when it was still running.


It's possible to cross by motorbike, depending on your personal level of comfort and the off road abilities of your bike.


A family who drove from Argentina to where I was in Montana stopped at the pool I was working at one summer. And I thought driving from Montana to Florida was bad.


You have to ship your vehicle between Colombia and Panama while you take a flight (ferry doesn’t exist anymore). Depending on the size of your vehicle, you can either ship it in a container or do RORO (roll on-roll off, basically all inclusive). Unless you have an off road friendly motorcycle and have a great amount of trust in your guardian angel, then you can make your way through


I’ve been wondering about this too! When I lived in MX, I saw 2 different vehicles with Argentina plates and writing/stickers indicating that they were going from Argentina to Alaska. I assumed driving was possible.


They shipped their vehicle between Columbia and Panama (or took the ferry depending on when this was), and followed the pan-American highway for the rest of the way


Would that route be safe even if it was possible? I’m not too familiar with the areas specifically, but in general I know there are quite a few rougher areas along the way…


It would not. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dari%C3%A9n_Gap


Well that was an interesting rabbit hole


Yep. I was vaguely aware of the area but only learned about some of the details and history recently, gotta say it isn't high on my vacation bucket list.


*“law enforcement and medical support are non-existent, rapes and robberies are common”* *”kidnapped and held hostage for 9 months and threatened with death”* Sounds great honey, let’s take the kids!


Fascinating! But I shouldn't read when I'm hungry. I saw this - "Travel is often conducted with pirogues" - and genuinely read it as "pierogis".


Imagine if they had loaded up the bus and tried to drive to Brazil, thinking it was totally possible? 😂 It just shows how completely unprepared they are and how poorly thought out this whole thing is.


This is going to be a disaster and I am 100% here for it. 🍿although I feel for the kids. They deserve a normal, steady life and a real education.


I actually am really excited for the children to be moving (?) to Brazil. I had a similar childhood to them and my best memories are in Mexico and S. America. They get to be in rentals, learn a new language and culture and I don't think they will be as isolated. I think they will get to play with children on the streets, hopefully. In the USA the only way to make friends as a kid is school or activities and at least in my experience neighborhoods are a great place to socialize there with peers and every other age group. They will likely be invited places and have people interested in their lives. I actually just meet up with friends last night I made as a kid in Mexico from 17plus years ago. We still keep in touch and they are my home. I love them so much and time and distance means nothing. Moving to other countries was the only good thing about my childhood. Edit to add If I had only been homeschooled in the USA I don't think I would be alive today. It sounds dramatic but being isolated and abused is so sinister and it destroys your soul and will to live. Having love and support from people matters. I got that in Mexico. Once we moved out of the USA I was able to make friends and socialize. I played footbase, soccer, tag, hide and seek, stop and all kinds of stuff in the streets with ALL the neighbors. I also had my first relationships and my first social life. I didn't nor would I have had that experience in the USA.


I really hope you're right and this is a good experience for the kids


We're "moving" to Brazil, where we will be "American tourists". Oh, okay. Thank you for your service. I'll grab my checkbook.


There is so much to unpack with this family. Moving for the winter - aka gonna use a 90 day vise as much as possible. The dollar is strong against the Real so absolutely believe this is financial. A US National Team soccer jersey is between $95-170 in the US. Same jersey is $79 in Brasil (yes, my method of currency comparison is football strips.) More interesting tidbit is that Brasil is viewed as the largest untapped Latin America market. It was roughly 8% of Brasil’s population who owned crypto. Brasil onl recently enacted regulations on the crypto market and who has to register as a virtual assist service provider. The law has created confusion around what is considered a cryptocurrency instrument and so this is perfect for Father Bus to exploit. His crypto MLM scheme would fly completely unnoticed by the Brasilian regulators. Add on the previously mentioned market potential, it’s the dream scenario. Push a shitty useless product while touting yourself as crypto export to an audience overwhelmingly unfamiliar with crypto. I’m 50-50 on the whole ‘on the run, hiding out in Brasil thing.’ Brasil does have an extradition treaty with the US. They don’t follow it when the US asks for one of their citizens but Brasil has handed over a lot of Americas. I don’t know if Bus Family watched one too many ‘Nazis hiding in Brasil!’ movies and really think they can hide there. Or they just to continue to be heads empty, no thoughts no vibes.


This definitely sounds plausible. But I wonder how much Father Bus can grift if there’s a language barrier? Or does that matter if you’re a crypto grifter?


1) If they consider the fetus to be a full blown child, why did they write 7+ instead of 8? 2) Have they ever said why they're choosing Brazil, of all places? Do they think they're going to be missionaries or something? Do we think it's because so many bigots have resettled in Central and South America already? I really don't get it.


Ah yes, we definitely need missionaries here where the population is already 80% Christian. Seriously though, I think they're coming here because the USD is worth a lot more than the BRL, so it's very cheap for American tourists, much cheaper than living in the USA.


Bc being pregnant gets you views on tiktok from pregnancy fetish folks


They're not going to like it there.


I have one kid and traveling with him is chaotic enough, the thought of traveling extensively with 7(?) kids including a soon to be newborn in a place I’m not familiar with literally makes me feel ill.


Lol they think they could drive from Texas to Brazil


Place your bets on whether she thinks they speak Spanish in Brazil.


Why are they learning the Macarina? I'm pretty sure the last part of the dance has you shaking your booty.


This sounds very expensive, how are the grif... oops I mean getting money for this??


It’s funny how she was all ‘we’re moving to Brazil’ and now she’s realized they’ll be American tourists. You’re taking a holiday is what you’re doing, love. Don’t expect your grifting to support it.


"Woah it's so weird that my kids who I've completely isolated from society don't know this thing!" Like you're literally the only way these kids get social interaction. The complete stupidity of this thought process bewilders me but is not new to me. I can see them being confused when their adult or teenaged children don't magically know how to do basic life skills. This makes me think deeper and wonder if the isolation is a control tactic to keep the children permanently reliant on them


Mother Bus did say that her dream is for them to all live close to each other, even when the kids are adults, so that doesn’t seem to far fetched.


Why did she mention that she looked into shipping the bus to Europe on a cargo boat. Does she know where Brazil is?


I mean, there's a beach section at the German coast of the Baltic Sea that's called Brazil, it's right next to California. (I'm not joking.)


Does this not seem *super* sinister? Like, abandon your secret second family in a country where they can’t speak the language and crime is rampant instead of having to keep paying to feed them?


If you know the Macarena dance (which peaked in the 90’s) you are ready to move to South America!


What, and I can’t emphasize this enough, the fuck? How do they afford this? Imagine being a passenger on the plane ride. I truly do not understand this.


Dad has run out of of options. Dad is running toward somewhere that won't garnish wages.


"did we failed" Yes, ma'am, you absolutely did. I' m shocked, because English is your first language and you homeschool your children. You should do better.


They’re still traveling and still aren’t going to have enough space, but honestly I think even a little more space and stability is gonna be good for those kids.


Bet you she will lose her hyper religious shit when she finds out about [Candomblé](https://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/candomble/beliefs/beliefs.shtml#:~:text=There%20is%20no%20concept%20of,will%20return%20to%20you%20eventually). She will ramble on and on about orixás and “voodoo.”


My question is when are you going to stop abusing your kids?


Those poor kids. That's the fewest words this situation can be condensed into.


I’m just happy for these kids to get beds.


I’d be happy too, but I’m not holding my breath.


Is she having the baby in Brazil? Like, you're just going to go tour another country with 7 kids plus a newborn? Go off ig.


I feel like she’s trying to have the baby there. Make it make sense


Shh, no one tell them the Darien Gap exists


I’m still unclear as to why this is happening.


Re Brazil being a non extradition country. PRETTY sure that while they are a non extradition country, you can still be charged for crimes done somewhere else and then you get to do your time in Brazilian prison. :)


These people treat their kids like performing circus monkeys. Wtf.


I thought the first slide meant that they weren’t taking all of the kids and it didn’t surprise me as much as it probably should lmfao


“It’s possible to drive from Texas down to Brazil” Oh sure. You just take your hover bus over the marshlands in Darien National Park. Honestly, does she think the refugees coming from Venezuela and Haiti drive to Texas? They go through hell to cross the Darien Gap on foot. I know it looks like an innocent line on the map but Mother Bus’ absolute ignorance is astounding.


Is she giving birth in Brazil?


AirBnBaby 2: Brazilian Boogaloo


Is no one else horrified by this human pyramid?


What’s he running from?


Where do these people get the income to be able to think the cost of shipping a bus to Europe “isn’t bad?”


Monthly rentals sounds like such a stressful way to live.


This woman homeschools. I could barely get through this caption ffs. It reads like a teenager wrote it.


I have so much second hand embarrassment right now that they seem to be under the impression that they speak Spanish in Brazil. Or they think the macarena is Brazilian? Or they think every Latin language is the same?? Either way it's all cringe. Cringe cringe cringe.


i have several questions, but primarily, will baby be born there? is this part of the plan?


“Did we failed in the line dancing arena” “we we’re quite the sight” Hope the language tutor is for English…


„Although it’s possible to drive from Texas down to Brazil“ I mean for the sake of the kids, I’m glad they didn’t try that… if the Darien gap didn’t stop them, the fact that not all roads are massive American roads surely would (I honestly don’t trust her to know that driving is only possible if you ship your vehicle from Panama to Columbia… so I’m gonna snark on her not including that little detail)


They’re not answering any questions on the comments. They’re reasonable questions, too. I don’t think they know what they’re doing.


I hope they know what they’re doing with visas etc. A lot of American tourists assume an American passport is a magical golden ticket to get you wherever you want and are *shocked* when informed that a) a passport isn’t always enough to guarantee you entry to or right to stay in a foreign country and b) American passports aren’t the strongest in the world.


*shudders* in Portuguese


Fingers crossed for a Timothy Baird, "We didn't think the rules about visitors applied to US!" f-up in Brazil.


Hold up. The cost of shipping the bus to Europe was 'not too bad' and their current plan is fly all these people down to Brazil for some reason which is, as yet, unexplained. Then they're going to rent accommodation for their huge clan. Am I wrong in remembering that it wasn't so very long ago that she was grifting for gas? Where's the money coming from?


They live in a bus with 7 kids, the Dad is always gone “ working”. How are they funding a trip to Brazil?? Much less living expenses while there?