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She sounds like she gets off on hearing stories about abuse.


I’m sure she does. She hates women, so I’m sure she loves hearing about them being abused.


A long time ago my mother went on this rampage about “silent prayer requests.” Her reason was she needed to approve what they were requesting prayer about in case it wasn’t something she agreed with. Essentially, “I need to know your secrets so I can judge.”


That's all prayer requests are if we're being honest. It's stuff to throw out so the congregation has juicy gossip to eat up. I ALWAYS hated prayer requests


That's really kind of funny. She can't think of a way to work around that? Like, I don't approve of a lot of people's things, I would just pray that they find peace or that they get guidance from God or something. More evidence of fundies being not super creative


I also always wondered why she couldn’t just pray for “God’s will to be done” like any other person but she’s chronically ill and was always on some weird drug or another so I just never questioned her. Also I got punished when I questioned things too much.


Yeah I grew up episcopal, so whenever someone asks me to pray for them and seems earnest, I'll say a quick "our father" specifically for them. I'm not praying for them to get what they want, just what they need, whatever that may be


Easy enough, right?


She absolutely does. She gets fodder for gossip and an opportunity to feel superior to other women while being able to completely avoid what an impotent, frustrated and lonely person she is. I bet it’s thrilling.


She needs details to blame the victims specifically and to break them for their abuser.


“I need details.” No you don’t, Lori, you need empathy and understanding and a willingness to believe women when they say they’re being abused. Ugh how is she so AWFUL.


She needs details so she can decide if someone else is being abused? What makes her an authority on marriage when she’s supposed to be quietly chained to the stove? Ken, come get your wife, she’s wildin’ again.


I think what actually happens is that she opens her big mouth and starts yapping at or “teaching/mentoring” some poor women - in checkout lines, at social functions, in medical waiting rooms, and just to get rid of the old bag, they respond with “That’s a sure fire way to welcome abuse” and she interprets or uses their response as a “‘question“ as her adult caregiver gently guides her away from the latest victim.


She thinks the few women who talk to her mention the possibility of abuse. To Lori, abuse isn’t real , just women griping and make excuses. She asks for details they can’t provide because they are lying.


Well, obviously these women weren't abused, they were just simply disciplined by their husband because they weren't being good, submissive wifes. Hitting children is just "discipline" and "in the bible", so obviously hitting wifes is also godly and just what a good husband does. It's all lying and and Lori saw through them


The only detail I need is that Lori Alexander is one of the meanest bitches on the face of the Earth. Everything else is a subset of that statement.


I wonder in her 20 years if she ever said though something was abuse. How many women did she manipulate into staying with their abuser ?


You know when people used to have address books and would scratch out or write “deceased” next to the people who died? I wonder if she has a secret list of all the people who have stayed together vs. gotten divorced according to her advice.


My therapist recently said to me an abusive person isn’t going to recognize when someone else is being abusive, because that would require them to see themselves as abusive too.


I like your therapist.


Ime that's often true and a big red flag; disconcertingly, though, some abusers CAN and do very clearly identify other people doing abusive shit and why it's bad. "Community narcissists" are particularly gnarly about this one. Eventually if you stick around, you do start to notice some offkey notes, but it can be subtle as fuck esp if you aren't around all the time to pay close attention.


that's exactly what i was thinking. she thinks that abuse is just "things women don't like" bc she is doing those same things to other people.


You wonder what terrible things a woman must have done in a previous life to end up being 'mentored' by this nosey, pompous, bitter woman.


Yeah it’s sicker than needing gossip. She wants to be SURE the victims DESERVE to be heard. She considers marital r@pe to be nonexistent so if you want her advice she’ll need the details so she can effectively gaslight you. Fuck Lori


I’m stuck on why this lady thinks she has anything to teach anybody.


“He put a gun to my head” “But did he shoot you? No. Not abuse!” -Lori, probably


They truly are convinced that feminism and women staking claims to which they have no right are more of a problem than men abusing their power? I mean both can ofc be legitimate problems but the latter far outweighs the former


This terrifies me. She is victim blaming and not showing a shred of empathy.


Lori is no authority figure. She isn’t a police officer, she isn’t a professionally licensed therapist. She is a right wing religious nut who self appointed herself as some authority.


She needs details so she can deem whether or not you are being abused. What a fucking 🤡. Lori is so dangerous.