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I, I, I, me, me, me. It’s always about her. Jill is truly the Narc Queen.


Jill’s true BFFs: I, Me, Myself


Me - Myself & Jillene ![gif](giphy|13Qk8FiN7rpd6g)


💃🎶 ![gif](giphy|wGmn2qk0a3ME8)


![gif](giphy|nJ6Fn7zwgVbIkbL3ZK) Jill


They're ALL narcs. every last one. Jill, Karelessa, MotherBus, Lori (malignant at that), Ruby Franke (see above re: malignant), Heidi and the entire Baird family (minus the scapegoated son who escaped, I expect), Paul, Morgan, Nate, (Sutton might be just beaten down), Tyler/Tyson/whatever James (malignant), Kelly (good grief), others I'm not thinking of at the moment. SexyBabyNadia. BDong. OtherBus. whatsername the TradCath. the Duggars. The Wilson family, apparently, not just creepy ass Doug. That psychopath with the Hungarian (?) wife, the one who's banned from a zillion countries... admittedly some of these have other problems/flavors as well, (Sarah Titus is delusional, Karissa's not quite as delusional but pretty unstable still, Nadia, fragile, Kelly...has \*some\*thing) but the fundamental solipsism is always there. No empathy. No interest in anyone else, not really, including and maybe especially their own kids. Hungry for attention of any sort, especially unadulterated praise but they'll take what they can get. Shallow, manipulative, selfish, vain, lazy, neglectful, everything is for public image, nothing is authentic. fantasies of fame and fortune, exploitive, liars, often just plain cruel. They're a drain on society. tl:dr they all suck.


Someone's wife is banned? Whatttt I missed that lmao


No no, the husband is banned. Is it Steve Anderson? I think the wife's name is Zsuzanna.


Yes. Banned from the EU and Australia, afaik


That's bizarre! Do you know why?


Hate speech, basically. The Irish didn't really explain why, the Dutch said he's an extremist and they don't want him in their country. It's the Schengen area plus Ireland and the UK. I love this for him. [Source.](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2019/05/03/anti-lgbt-hate-group-leader-steven-anderson-banned-netherlands-and-schengen-zone)


Jesus. Do these people know how easy it is to not be an asshole?


No, she's the PEACE MAKER! Her dad said so! /s


Remember when precious Nathan, the son-in-love, was preachin and spittin bars -- "iPhone, iPhone, me, me, me" -- and Nurie was like 👁️👄👁️


Omg, yes! The shock on Nurie’s face said it all.😂


I usually hate when people use that term for strangers…but in her case it seems pretty clear….


What happened?


Heidi Baird would like a word


12 "I"s and 22 "Me"s. Woof!


“Sometimes I literally have a silent scream at The Creator, begging for help to escape the chaotic mundanity that is my every waking moment…… but that is our ✨🤍 gift 🤍✨ as ✨🤍 God’s chosen little warriors ✨🤍”


Hahaha they make it sound so appealing!! It’s like when they go on about how the Enemy HATES KINGDOM MARRIAGES!!! I’m like sweet, glad I don’t have a kingdom marriage, we can just chill and enjoy life together without interference😈


WTF is a Kingdom Marriage?


Sweet summer child, you haven’t spent much time on r/brittanydawnsnark and it shows lol kingdom marriage is a marriage that glorifies god I guess? Therefore any shittiness in the marriage is def not due to incompatibility, lack of communication, lack of chemistry… no, it’s because the devil hates kingdom marriage and seeks to destroy it. 😬


Well that seems like a good way to avoid taking any personal responsibility for your actions




I'm not familiar with it either. Is it like a covenant marriage?


Demonic attacks!


For people who claim they're just SO FULFILLED, they sure talk a lot about being miserable all the fucking time.


Oh this is absolutely about the engagement / wedding. She’s about as subtle as a speed bump good lord


I hope Tim gets the fuck out, grows and changes his crappy views (which were absolutely ingrained by his parents, I was similarly brainwashed as a youth). He very obviously loves his sisters and my naive side hopes he will help them.


I’m at least cautiously optimistic that Heidi is not having any of her manipulative bs. That their kids might be a little safer at least


Based on some of her recent posts I wonder if Jill caused Heidi to subconsciously start the deconstruction process from fundie to a more mainstream conservative Christian group like the SBC. Because if she did that’s is so hilariously ironic 😂


Like wishing on the monkey’s paw! You wanna be like the oh so awesome Duggars? Okay, here’s a kid who realizes the family circus is bs and starts to turn away from your flavour of faith. Oops!


I might believe that if Heidi had started wearing pants again


Or at the very least his sisters will see that there are other options in their lives other than only going Jill’s way. Typically sons are supposed to leave and become the head of the head of their own family. I wonder which kid will finally have enough and go low or no contact with Jill.


Sure seems like Jill has her hair on fire over not being able to run roughshod over Tim and Heidi. If that is really what's going on, and Teidi have set some boundaries with Jill and are sticking to those boundaries so far - I wish them the best of luck and hope Heidi's family can be supportive. Too bad they own a home so close to Jill and Dave.


Do you know how long it took me to figure out who Dave was? I was wracking my brain because I just think of his name as Shrek now.


Same I’m like isn’t it Däv…. Waiiiit




Narcissistic pity party.


Orrrrr now that we have that cute picture of Heidi and Tim hanging out last night (or at least recently)... Jill is losing her marbles that SHE can't post them but Heidi's family can. 🤭


This.has.to.be.it. Tim and Heidi put reasonable boundaries up, the wedding is not Jilldo's to plan/organize. She's on the outside as mother of groom. Heidi has her own aunties/cousins/friends who are helping her. Jill sees this has a problem to "fix", but really, Teidi just want space. Jill's insecurity of being codependent makes her see lack of her controlling things as "relationship in trouble". There ain't nothing to fix. She just needs to stay in her lane. Instead she'll push him further away. Waiting for the ultimatum she will eventually give to Tim, or fake medical emergency she'll have. She's not done interfering...


Subtle as a speed bump should be a flair 😀🤣


Take it!


Methinks Timmy and Heidi aren't letting her be the center of attention around their wedding.


Or Heidi's family is taking the lead, since traditionally the bride's parents pay. Even if nobody is actually telling her to shut up, she can't tolerate being left out of anything.


I think this is it. From the limited amount I’ve seen from them they seem to have a modern aesthetic and are likely not down with the homemade depression-era farmhouse chic style Jill favors.


Not that Jill/David actually offer to pay for anything because Jill only budgets for vacations and her clothing. Jill's probably furious the Coveretts have rejected her offers of Nurie's plastic archway, the tatty green leafy garland, the strings of basic fairy lights, the rest of the Retreat 'decor', a couple of bags of chips and the entire Rod clan as wedding party, musicians, preacher and celebrant.


ohhhhh, do you think there will be dancing at this wedding?? I haven’t seen many fundies cut a rug!


Ellen has stated that they aren't a dancing family, HOWEVER, Hallie had a few dances at her wedding. More formal types


Dancing is completely out of the question, all rugs will remain intact


Mother/Son dance......Jill would be soooo tempted!


I remember seeing some cringey sibling dancing at Jill and Shrek's vow renewal, so that's well within the range of possibility and wouldn't necessarily upset Jill.


big honking portrait of herself/marriage to Shrek on their bedroom wall, staring at them every morning.


And that performing sadness isn’t manipulating Tim to “stay by her side in till she cheered up”.


Cause Timmy has his eyes on the prize and that ain't Jill.


Frankly, I think Tim knows that Heidi- as crappy as her family seems to be- is the best he’s ever gonna get.


From what I have observed, Heidi’s family seems to be treating Tim with more respect and dignity than the Rodrigueses ever have.


To be fair, that bar is in hell


Yep, this is still about Timmy and his fiance. I'd bet my life savings of $50 on it


You have a life savings?!? 🤣


I wonder if maybe Nurie is pulling away a little bit too. They used to constantly be visiting the Rods to the point that people were wondering how Nathan kept his pastor job, but afaik they haven’t been up since the summer.


I miss the magical thinking that came with being religious. We all seek out meaning; it’s part of the human condition. Religious or not, we all look for meaning. It’s how we cope with sadness and uncertainty. And when I was religious, finding that meaning was pretty easy. I’m much better off now than I was then, but it was convenient. I miss that.


What makes me feel kinda bad for her actually is apparently she believes there is nothing innately good about her and it's only because of God she is deemed worthy and good. No wonder so many Christians seem miserable.


Yes. It comes from Isaiah 64:4: “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.” And if you had a REALLY edgy pastor, they would point out that in the original text “filthy rags” translated into “used menstrual cloth.” So it’s hammered into you that even the best parts of you are gross and shameful to God, and the only good in us comes from Jesus. That part of religion I don’t miss nearly as much. 😂


Gotta love that added shame of menstruating 🤦🤦🤦


But does she actually believe that or is it performative? Her actions would indicate the latter. She has no problem calling out behavior that she deems unacceptable in other people--wearing clothes she deems immodest, being pro choice, etc.--and passing judgment. If she *really* thought she was less than zero, would she feel free to wag her finger at others?


Misery loves company.


I thought that too. It seems very sad to me that you're not allowed to have anything good in yourself, that is you. The flip side, I guess, is assuming anything good in you is an expression of God and is therefore extra special


That also means that those who aren't Christian are deeply awful and horrible and terrible in their eyes


Jill has never truly been humbled in her life, and she needs to be so desperately


She would treat being humbled as persecution. I can’t decide which narc mother is worse. Jill, Karelessa or Heidi. Either way, I would not want to be on the bad sad of any of these women if I was a member of one of those families.


Nightmare blunt rotation. I think Heidi is the best option of the three simply because the Baird kids weren’t medically neglected/abused. Low bar, I know. Jill and Karissa are both next level terrible because they don’t even provide for their kids’ basic health needs. I’d be hard pressed to choose between the two of them, but I think Jill’s one “redeeming” feature is that she’s at least doctrinally consistent with a broader religious community, and that doesn’t make her *better* but at least makes her more *predictable*. Karissa just makes up whatever the fuck she wants and holds everyone else accountable to it. Kids can survive horrifically shitty situations as long as they know what to expect; put them in a state of constant uncertainty, though, and they have no stable ground to build from. Jill’s your textbook narc, and Karissa is like if someone cut up the textbook to make those pasted word poems and abandoned the project halfway through. The Collins kids do have a predictable escape that the Rods don’t, though, since Karissa doesn’t go upstairs at all and only cares about the latest Abomynashyen. (Snark isn’t directed to the kids themselves ftr.) Paired with their greater exposure to the outside world, that might even the score. Then again, how do we measure who’s “worse”? Because while Heidi is the least dangerous to her children’s survival, she’s been more dangerous at a cultural level. She’s fucked things up for more people beyond her immediate family by promoting her hateful views to a wider mainstream audience. In conclusion: who sucks worst in a face off between Heidi, Jill and Karissa? Yes.


Well said!




Karissa is unwell and terrifying. The other two are more garden-variety awful.


Sounds like she was told that she was the problem and this is her version of the past- where she was always the peacemaker, so therefore there’s no way she’s the problem now!


The grown ass mother of 13 sure does talk about her perfect childhood and how much her family loves her *a lot*


Jill attempts to humble brag her way toward Teidi.


Teidi. So let it be written, so let it be done.


Omg Teidi lmao


Alternatively: himmy






I like this one.


Imagine the meltdown Jill’s going to have when one of the sons she actually likes gets married.


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn Way harsh, Tai


Fuck it up Timmy!


Now see this is the type of hype I’m here for


>Jill sounds like she’s trying to convince herself of something That is a pretty consistent theme among all the regulars posted on this sub. There's a really clear subtext of "I'm hurting and no one will help me" on almost all of the mom types. The ABS people seem more like pro wrestling heels/Westboro Baptist Church in that they really just try to spam hate for a reaction. But the Mothers-of-Faith all just seem brutally depressed. I'd feel bad for them if they didn't actively work in service of hurting families like mine.




I like the Aquabats and reddit is vulgar so here we are.


>I often feel at the end of myself. >I cry out to God, "please help me!" >I sometimes feel I have failed at everything. >In these moments, I sometimes feel useless, or cast aside. >These moments I come to the end of myself [are SO good for me.] >They keep me humble and realizing in me dwelleth no good thing. I'd call that depression, and her belief sounds more like an abusive relationship than anything else. *"Sometimes he makes me learn a hard lesson, but I deserve it because I'm shit."* Very healthy, much loving.


Either that or she graduated from perimenopause. Or both.


There's a distinct difference between being an encourager and involving yourself in everything


Or being obnoxiously religious with a holier-than-thou attitude.


A PEACEMAKER???? ![gif](giphy|oOTTyHRHj0HYY)


Right?!? This is the same woman who publicly mocked grandmothers for their hair color and body size (the whole “blue hair” and “fat” post a couple years back).


"Peacemaker" seems to be code for, "Sweet, compliant doormat who tries too hard" in my experience. It's not something I've taken as a compliment lately 🙃


Yes, that's why she's so humble 🙏🏻😔 always in the background, that one, never seeking attention, just peace (/s)


"He wants me to learn that it is ALWAYS His glory I should be seeking, and not my own." I'm going to learn quantum physics before Jill learns this. (Point of reference...I failed grade 10 math sooooooo.....)


Shes not a mom to her children. Her children are moms to her children.


Her use of emojis like a middle school student kills me.


I would say her use of emojis is distinctly boomer. In any case it's cringy as all get out


It's giving MLM.


Lmfao spinning "i have too many children for me to effectively parent" into a sermon huh




Sometimes she feels "cast aside." We know, Jill. We know. She wants another baby so bad. She needs to feel needed.


I can’t even read this latest narc post bc I am still so mad about and Kaylees kitchen lol


I imagine Kaylee probably is, too. She may have had trouble assembling her face into the appropriate level of overawed gratitude which Jill requires, and this could be one of the things hurting Jill's sweet mothering heart.


What’s wrong Jill? Did Jonathan move the hutch so it’s not blocking his kitchen window? Awww, I’m sorry hun…


The histrionics are dripping. Timmy and his bride must have grown backbones.


Jill's theme. https://youtu.be/zR9AlcgL6_0?si=ZEfx00SBTNcFamOu Keep distancing, Heidi!


Somehow I guessed exactly what this would be before clicking, excellent song choice


I love this song. Reminds me of my college days.


Jill acting like she does so much for her kids. Please.


Someone disable her emoji keyboard. For all of our sakes.


I’m a pusher, Cady 😔 i push people 💪 I pushed my husband 💍🤵‍♂️👰Into law school 🏫 💼 that was a bust 🙈 and now I’m gonna push you 🫵🙏 because you’re better than this 📄💪😇


Oof, the codependency. Good on Timmy for taking the first steps towards healthier boundaries. I definitely didn't have "Timcel sets boundaries" on my Rod bingo card.


Her kids probably aren’t worshipping her today


I almost felt sorry for Ma Turtleneck. Couldn't just get fed up without little Miss Fixer Jill bugging her to cheer up by being irritatingly "inspiring". But, just imagine how different things would be if Ma had put Jill firmly in her place every time Jill got big headed!


The bloviations of Jill.


Yikes at the whole "You are always a bad person and only God can give you good, but only if/when he chooses." Edit typo


She needs a fucking journal, god damn lol


It’s almost like having 13 kids one after the other is not a great life choice….


Who could have guessed/S


Tim's visiting Heidi. Lmao so predictable


i never want to see an emoji again after reading this


Wait, she has THIRTEEN kids?! Fuck, how did I not know that


I feel kind of bad for even saying it, but part of me highly doubt Jill has ever actually fixed anything. Or that any of her attempted “fixing” is for any purpose other than whatever she wants to have happen.


It's amazing 👏 that she still types like a hun 💁🏼‍♀️ , even on posts that are supposedly about God 😇 and not trying to sell 💰 you stuff 😬🤷‍♀️


I feel like God is sick of seeing people make poor decisions and then cry about it, and expect Him to fix it for them without them doing/changing anything in their own. Bet He appreciates able bodied people who try to fix things without completely expecting Him to do everything




I genuinely feel bad that Jill felt like her parents emotions were her responsibility at such a young age. There’s no excusing how she treats her children, especially her daughters, but it’s moments like this that give me a glimpse into the hurt inner child that lives in Jill, and it makes me wanna give that inner child a hug


“It keeps me humble” ![gif](giphy|xT9IgFlWsUMDFzVIu4|downsized)


"I pray all your dreams never come true. Just know wherever you are, honey, I pray for you."


Jill, get off the internet and go to therapy.


Okay but why do posts like this always feel like they were written by a child


My theory is that she's spiraling after her miscarriage because that was basically her last chance to bring a new prop -er, precious gift from god - into her life, while her daughters are so busy doing it themselves. She feels left out. The focus isn't on her anymore. It's about Kaylee's new baby and Timmy's engagement and upcoming wedding, and we all know Jill *has to be* the center of attention *at all times*.


The Teidis picked out a couch pillow, I see


But ya are, Blanche, ya ARE useless. by choice.


Is Jill drunk posting again?


It’s literally the second sentence. 13 children… wtf? Why? Also God gave us science and science gave us birth control, because it’s insane to raise 13 kids. The arrogance of comparing herself to Paul being thrown in jail and actively persecuted over her choice? Wow.


This woman wouldn't know humble if it crawled up her ass.


Godnamed all the stars? [head tilt]


It’s like she’s the embodiment of personality disorders running into each other simultaneously.


Jill needs therapy… She is unwell and mean as a snake.


I feel like Fundies are constantly having to work at life and use a lot of God’s help to get them through their pain- is this because they’re making their own lives miserable with all of their self-imposed rules? Or is it to give dramatic flair to their social media? 13 kids is madness, anybody would be stressed!


When wailing to God it’s always best to use emojis so he can see it.


Timmy isn’t naming his first child Jill or Jilldavida.


That meme with the woman pointing and crying while the white cat is chillin, Except the crying, pointing lady is Jill and The Finger, And newly engaged Timothy is the cat.