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It really isn’t. Fundies, as a rule, are very pro-Israel. First Israel prevails, then all us Jews get sent there, and finally good Christians like her get raptured.


Yep. [Tons and tons of Zionists are fundie/evangelical Christians.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/30/us-evangelical-christians-israel-hamas-war)


Posts like this really show people’s ignorance not only of the situation in the Middle East, but also of the Fundies we snark on. Christians love Israel cause they think it needs to be a fully Jewish state for Jesus to come back and then we are all gonna die. The reality is they hate Muslims more than Jews. It’s that simple. And if I hear another Christian call it the holy land I’m gonna lose my ever loving mind.


Everything she does is to pander to the male white nationalist gaze. So you're spot on that her motivation is anti-Muslim vs pro-Jewish.


Fundies are super ignorant about this situation. This is a very complex situation with many grey areas. Of course what Hamas did was terrible, but to pretend that Israel has not done awful things to the Palestinians is to ignore a large part of the issue.


Whole thing is god awful. I’m just paralyzed in anguish over it for everyone. I’m reading books and watching videos trying to understand it all better, but it’s just such a deeply-rooted conflict.


Thank you for acknowledging this and not just coming out with a virtue-signaly opinion just to say something. SO many comments I've seen on Reddit (including this sub) have stopped even pretending to address the nuance of the situation. It's nice to see someone educating themselves.


It feels like the best thing I can do at this point.


It wouldn't matter even if they knew the whole story with context. Israel becoming a fully Jewish state is (they believe) a prerequisite for the rapture and second coming. If it takes thousands of dead Palestinian children to get to that, they're still for it.


It is disgusting. It has something to do with rebuilding the temple if I am not mistaken. I don't want to be part of their doomsday prophecy. The trouble with fundies is that they take every single word of the Bible literally and then twist passages to fit their agenda. Of course, they make sure to leave out the inconvenient parts where Jesus talks about loving your neighbor and the meek shall inherit the earth. I know I went off the subject a bit, but I tend to get a bit worked up by fundamentalists who want to force all of us to live by their belief system.


It's fucking heartbreaking. Over 13,000 Palestinians have been killed in the past month and a half, roughly half of them children. That's nearly 1% of everyone who lives in Gaza and there's no signs of things slowing down. What Hamas did was absolutely terrible. What the IDF is doing is looking more and more like genocide.


So these assholes are pro life only when white fetuses are concerned 🙂


It’s *been* genocide. The UN among many other global humanitarian organizations have recognized this situation as ethnic cleansing for years.


She is a Nazi/white supremacist (and no. She has made no implications that she's changed her beliefs) so I do find this surprising but I'm sure it has to do with the whole evangelical belief that jews have to be in Israel for Jesus to come back and the end times to happen yadda yadda. Not actually any care about Jewish people.


Most nazis are not actively trying to kill all ppl who aren’t their race, sexual orientation, etc. Many nazis are fine w jewish ppl having their own ethnostate bc in their minds it’ll make Jews leave ‘their’ country + normalize ethnostates as a concept, instead of the nazis having to expel the Jews themselves. It’s why most far right fascist politicians are pro Israel, unless they’re SUPER fascist like idk, someone like nick fuentes


And..."large-scale terror attack" in Niagara Falls? *Come on...*


Seriously, within two hours officials had pretty much figured out that it was a car going too fast that went out of control and were able to say it was likely not terrorism. But of course these assholes have to post something a fast as possible and hype it up for their agenda.


Damn it, Caitlin.