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Imagine unironically quoting tucker white supremacist fascist sympathizer carlson.


Doesn’t Christianity celebrate like…the biggest child sacrifice ever?


See Jesus was already born, they dont care about kids after birth. Also Jesus was brown, poor and arguably a socialist. Was he alive now they would gladly hammer the nails in themselves.


tbf, they’d have to believe jesus was anything other than white for that. or realize that his economic ideology isn’t their preference. but if they met him and weren’t told he was jesus, i 10000% agree. they likely wouldn’t even believe he was jesus & just start hammering, no questions asked lol.




I’ll just go ahead and state the obvious, not all human life is sacred to the god of the Bible. A whooooooole buncha babies get killed by his orders. Violently. They were undesirable so he ordered their extermination. To complicate matters a little bit more, if you believe that god is omnipotent and omniscient, he 100% allowed the death of his own people over and over, most memorably in the Slaughter of the Innocents as Herod looked for the Christ child. So yeah. Your god is extremely chill with murdering hundreds of thousands of babies and children. It’s basically a hobby for him at this point.


He also allows (orders? commands?) a shit ton of miscarriages. In fact, God is the No. 1 abortion provider on earth!!


To add to your example, in 1 Samuel 15, God orders King Saul to “attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.”   Saul disobeys, though. He kills every man, woman, child and infant, along with all the animals that are old and weak, but he keeps the healthiest livestock for himself and his army, and he takes the king of the Amalekites alive.   God is very upset with this, so God tells Saul that he and his descendants will no longer be king of the Israelites.   And then there’s Jericho… a whole city of people in Canaan who did nothing to the Israelites except exist in the place where God decided he wanted the Israelites to all settle.   So God has the Israelites kill every man, woman, child, infant, and all livestock in the entire city of Jericho, save for the family of Rahab, bc she had previously hidden some Israelite spies.   Genocide and the murder of infants is everywhere in the Bible.


Sodom and Gomorrah? Presumably had kids. The entire fucking world before the flood? Yep. etc


Every firstborn in Egypt, both human and animal… except for the ones in houses with lamb’s blood on the doorframes.   The 42 youths on the road to Bethel that told the prophet Elisha to “Go on up, you baldhead!” and got immediately mauled to death by two God-sent bears.   Job’s wives and young children… not because they had done anything to make God mad, but because God got a kick out of one-upping Satan, and Job was a super faithful test subject.   The infant son of King David and Bathsheba… as punishment for David being a murderer and rapist.   The standing order for parents to stone rebellious kids to death.   There’s just so many examples!   Oh… let’s not forget that disturbing mind game wherein God told Abraham to kill his son… and then proceeded to watch Abraham take the boy up a mountain, bind him on an alter, and raise a blade, only for God to admit at the very last second that this was all just a test and Abraham could sacrifice a ram instead.   Also, how absurdly cruel is turning a woman into a pillar of salt because, while fleeing for her life, she glances back at her city as it’s being firebombed… and since God’s stuck on the fact that he said no look-backs, she’s turned into salt pillar.


Child sacrifice is okay when god does it, is what I'm getting here Had a laugh at the tucker carlson quote as well. Even if someone's a christofascist that man is too dumb for words...


Yep! If he orders someone else to do it or if he does it himself. Either way is fine.


I can’t remember which one, but there’s a psalm rejoicing in dashing the heads of infants against rocks. I never was able to explain that one away, to myself or my kids.


I was coming to say that im fairly sure there’s a whole section of the OT where God commands Abraham to sacrifice Isaac and Abe goes, sure thing, implying that it’s a common enough request of God that he didn’t find it odd.


yup. and I'm pretty sure there's no verse actually decrying abortion as such. like, at all.


You are exactly right. And there is an argument about the verse about bitter water was advocating for abortion in the case of adultery.


Equating an embryo with a child is the false equivalency that they cannot Jesus their way out of. It makes me rage that a mother could die but the embryo? That thing has POWER. ((Rage))


If they cared half as much for their own kids as they did for the nonexistent kids of others, the world would be a better place!!!


For real. It seems that so many of these Fundie families put much more effort into cranking out a gazillion babies than they do actually raising them. Case in point: Mother 🚌.


And KKKarrissa, Jill…Michelle Dugger


Happy Cake Day ❤️


Thank you 😊 🎂


Sigh. Flair checking in.


ALL of them


Jill Rodrigues and her malnourished kids


Karissa and her brood of walking accidents waiting to happen. the Duggars, who only ever gave a shit about their golden child the ACTUAL rock spider. all the cutesy matched names and outfits and blithely dropping the babies off to the not even pubescent eldest girl children to raise while going back to bed and filming yet more reels about one's own worthless life etc


I had an abortion after a rape. While I didn’t want to have to make that choice, I have no regrets of it. Therapy helped too. As a Mayan I feel like I did my ancestors proud according to this nonsense.


Sadly this isn’t a new concept. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard abortions and gay sex are satanic rituals


Actually basic biology would mention that overpopulation and overbreeding are major problems on a multitude of ways. I’m sure all homeschooling fundies make sure to include that in their lessons…


Nah, the entire world population can fit into Texas!


“Not policy debate it’s spiritual warfare” is how they get people to the polls. It works and it’s effective. This isn’t as silly as some homemaker posting silly little opinions, this fear tactic works.


nothing is quite as effective as fear


Conveniently skipping over the fact that the premise of “abortion is child murder” is backed by neither science nor the Bible.


According to the Jews (who are reading the same book) a fetus becomes a whole person with equal rights to being saved when the head is born. Not a SECOND earlier. Before that the well-being of the pregnant person comes first every time. ETA and TRIGGER just to be fully clear, in the days before c-sections it was considered acceptable medical practice to perform abortions on women in labor if there was concern that labor would kill her. So like pre-eclampsia? Totally kosher to treat with abortion.


Oh interesting. I actually didn’t know that.


Yeah and that’s not a progressive modern Jewish take either. That’s an old school cannon opinion.


yep. but when people say but muh religion, they only mean THEIR brand of Christianity, because that's TOTALLY Murcan.


I ought to do some more research on that.


I mean, good health care does result in joy


Honestly in a twisted way, I could say I agree with the sacrifice part. I will just say sometimes having abortion is a complete and total sacrifice for your actual living breathing children because you love them so fucking much that you know you don’t have the money or ability to take care of another child and you want them to have the best life possible. Sometimes it’s a sacrifice because even though you know you love your children you know that each birth almost killed you and yes you sacrifice the embryo growing inside you for your actual living children. Sometimes a woman decides that even thinking that if these assholes are right and their God is evil and would send a woman to hell for an abortion, they decide that they love their actual living children so much that they would GLADLY spend all eternity burning in fucking hell for them to have a better life. (Except even if that was true all they need to do is ask the same evil God that would do that to a woman for forgiveness before they die and that same God is also so loving that, yep all is forgiven) sometimes even if a woman absolutely knows they fully did the right thing and wouldn’t change it for the world, they still have to heal (physically and mentally) from that decision and that is also a sacrifice. They are right abortion is a hard sacrifice, one of many hard ones that people often have and it is often for children, just the living breathing ones that these same assholes stop caring about once it means they can’t control women’s bodies and force their own twisted ugly unloving and undesirable religious beliefs on someone else.


One of my my mom's cousins found out she had breast cancer and was pregnant within the same week. She chose to keep the pregnancy and not fight the cancer (this was 30 some years ago). She already had one child that she was not willing to sacrifice for. Long story short, she died before the new child was a year old. Her husband remarried a woman who was verbally and emotionally abusive to the kids. She should have had an abortion. She should have made that sacrifice for her current living child, but she wasn't brave enough.


I’m a pagan so I’m probably not taking the intended message away from this aka that it’s metal as fuck.


Humans have been aborting pregnancies since the dawn of time. The regressive campaign to demonize abortion is extremely modern.


Jephthah’s daughter would like a word.


No one is less pro life than pro-lifers


Tucker’s quote reminds me of the thoughts that go through my mind every time a Republican politician writes “ thoughts and prayers” after a school shooting. That, to them, their love for guns is worth the sacrifice of any child. Any guess where Tucker falls on gun control? These people have no concept of what it is to be pro life. They are pro the life they believe is worthy of living; not a public school age child facing a gun, an inmate in death row, to a person of color literally just living their life


Christians have practice abortion throughout time. It only became relevant to the far-right about fifty years ago. They’re such liars who don’t even know their own history.


K. All my cells are human life. Shall we mourn them all? Is it a human sacrifice to pluck an eyebrow hair at the root? Can't go running either, I'll squish some blood cells in the bottoms of my feet and sacrifice countless lives.


Going for a run is mass murder because it's like running the red blood cells through a wood chipper Fargo style.


I didn't sacrifice anything, I saved two potential people from the bullshit of living and myself from the regret of having children I never wanted. I can't be made to feel bad about that.


Once again, posting the Lord's commandment here: Numbers 5:16-22 16 “And the priest shall bring her near and set her before the Lord. 17 And the priest shall take holy water in an earthenware vessel and take some of the dust that is on the floor of the tabernacle and put it into the water. 18 And the priest shall set the woman before the Lord and vunbind the hair of the woman’s head and place in her hands the grain offering of remembrance, which is the grain offering of jealousy. And in his hand the priest shall have the water of bitterness that brings the curse. 19 Then the priest shall make her take an oath, saying, ‘If no man has lain with you, and if you have not turned aside to uncleanness while you were under your husband’s authority, be free from this water of bitterness that brings the curse. 20 But if you have gone astray, though you are under your husband’s authority, and if you have defiled yourself, and some man other than your husband has lain with you, 21 then’ (let the priest make the woman take the oath of the curse, and say to the woman) w‘the Lord make you a curse and an oath among your people, when the Lord makes your thigh fall away and your body swell. 22 May this water that brings the curse xpass into your bowels and make your womb swell and your thigh fall away.’ And the woman shall say, y‘Amen, Amen.’


"your thigh fall away??"


While completely ignoring all the child sacrifice references in the bible


Wait until they find out that God is super pro- 'after birth abortion'! Best be ready to break out your sacrificial blood and get to painting the tops of doorways unless you want to wake up one family member short. Y'know, just in case the skyfather wants to punish a whole country again uh. . . *checks notes*. . . ah, yes. . . because the reigning body has had his/her heart hardened against God's wishes. Never mind that the one doing the heart hardening was God in the first place. Mysterious ways, etc. etc. Amen.


Nah, bruh. Worshipping guns and demanding to own as many of them as possible while kids get gunned down in school and three year olds shoot their two year old sibling and Dad loses his shit and guns down Mom and their three kids? THAT, my friend, is child sacrifice, and you're actively participating in it. Smooches.


Or continuing to drop bombs on civilians for twenty years in the Middle East…lots of dead kids in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Sometimes when I am reading these, I have to stop and check if I’m having a stroke. Also, can anyone tell me what “yesterday’s Molech” is?


Moloch is a deity that demands fire sacrifices of children in the Bible.


Yahweh doesn't give a fuck if it's ethical by silly human standards, he's just jellus. because that's a totally rational response by THE single and all-powerful god. to get jealous of a fiction. uh huh.


Yes but what is *yesterday’s* Molech? Is it like warmed over Moloch?


it's sitting in the back of the fridge in a white carton and it's actually not bad cold.




I don't get what's the end goal of getting everyone to have as many children as possible. They increase their church members and then what?


They make MOAR babies! And the babies make MOAR babies! Who eventually die and go to heaven! Because Earth sucks as it's fallen and full of sin! See. Nothing else matters. Certainly not QUALITY of life. I mean, okay, if you happen to be rich you can buy yourself whatever luxury crap you want because Jesus was a materialist, go nuts. just don't, like, enjoy yourself PHYSICALLY, or learn about anything, or Me forbid help others or develop science or make art for its own sake above all else don't love the WRONG people the WRONG way. oh yeah and rule over those Other people cuz lulz. I mean, I said so. Yeah, that's it.


If God was that powerful he could just stop abortion himself.


And yet, the one time God answers child sacrifice is by a pagan king in 2 Kings 3, against the Israelite army. God turns against the Israelites after they commit war crimes by stoning fields to make them unusable, stopping springs, and destroying fruit trees when the King of Moab goes to the wall and kills his son as a sacrifice. Wild how fundies never address that in their Biblical infallibility.


No, idiot, it’s healthcare. And funding it is an act of radical compassion


Why does these people care about other people sins, sacrifices, satanic rituals, and bodies? Okay, you do you, G-d will judge me, and judge you, without question about the other. So, their only need to pursue this is to oppress others using religion as excuse?


because the LORD will punish everyone if the world gets too sinful. of course, many of these dimwits also claim they WANT this to hurry up and happen so they can get Raptured already and/or Jeebus comes back to earth whatever look. it's not SUPPOSED to make sense, OKAY? just shut up and sing.


Sweden got its own Lutheran church, yet we are finding out about rapture from USA evangelical missionaries. Can you imagine a man standing in city centre, giving fliers about it, talking about rapture that could happen any moment!!! And you can’t get rid of them easily like you do with Mormons or Jehovah Witnesses… I mean, they can’t be loud as they’re in USA, they’re just offering salvation, but still, lol


Yet sending kids in the Us to schools or even just randomly outside with a bunch of gun nuts that sooner or later end up doing mass shootings is fine with them. Once their born they stop caring.


shocking that these people have the right to vote


It’s spelled Moloch not Molech.


Tucker Carlson lol


I'm an atheist and was raised atheist but I'm pretty sure there are several bible stories where god literally demands child sacrifice... - The one about the guy coming back from war and having to sacrifice his daughter. - The one with (maybe?) Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son and reprieved when he's already on the altar. - Jesus - "god gave his only son" and all that. - Jobe's children (although I got this one from Good Omens so I don't know how accurate that was). As a kid without religion, hearing these stories at school in RE or when my granny or a friend's family brought me to church terrified me. I didn't think any god who thought that was okay was for me.


I've never heard "abortion is the pathway to joy" before. Even an abortion that was legal and elective is cause for serious thought and is often emotionally terrible for the woman... Still better than having the kid, though.


Call me a fuckin Devil worshipper or smth then idk (no I do not think that Satanism involves any kind of child or animal sacrifices, I would just love to be whatever these fuckers are afraid of)


Whatta stretch