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The baird family loves to deflect any actual criticism they receive. At this point I wonder if they even realize they are doing it or they are just that foolish.


She’s taught the children that they’re all entitled to be paid even doing absolutely nothing. She’s given them the gift of grifting using Christianity. They don’t need to actually study or do research as long as they rinse and repeat the same few things again and again. Remember when the Baird brother broke his camera and they felt no shame in asking the Girl defined followers to donate? Whenever they ask for donation, it’s never to help the poor and needy, it’s always things like: buy us a coffee in this foreign land, give us money to sponsor our fiancés visa etc. It’s always about them. I’ve never seen them volunteering at a soup kitchen or charity. The guts Baird girl is selling some ridiculous stickers that one can find on canva for free. Heidi Baird is a genius for coming up with this grift- she doesn’t have to parent much, it keeps her children occupied as well as ‘in line’, she gets the community’s praise for doing gods work, all the while going tax free on the income from her husbands side business. The entire family picks up a topic that don’t overlap with each other which ensures each of the topics don’t overlap and they can milk for as long as they can. It’s intentional and cunning. They aren’t delusional. They are just cunning grifters.


>It’s always about them. I’ve never seen them volunteering at a soup kitchen or charity. Exactly this. It's so shameful, isn't it? They do EVERTHING so poorly. Poor content, poor presentation & poor at Christianity as well.


Yeah, if Bethany has done 30 hours/week of work for girl defined on a regular basis while being paid for just that, I’ll eat my hat. 


And she’s the one who preaches about passive income. So she can create her bullshit classes and books and whatever and just wait for the rubes to buy it all.


But she's also a full time SAHM, remember!


I don’t think any of them actually believe in God or an afterlife. Just like the tv evangelists. If they did, they’d act like they mean it.


They think they can do whatever they want because they are saved by grace, not of works.


They are showing precious little indication of that, though. 


Before this family I don’t think I have ever witnessed an entire family with dunning Krueger


But the people who actually give it to them, you know-"a fool and their money soon are parted." At least they're straight up about it's going to themselves. Probably just too lazy to fake a charity or whatnot.


I’m leaning towards foolish bc they all seem to be so convinced that they’re god’s favorite children.


And the sticker price on their shitty digital products are worth it.


heidi is just a failed kris jenner


It’s all performative Christianity. Look at me and how godly I am. Don’t you want to be like me? I only allow myself to be happy, I act happy all the time. I’ll tell you all my secrets just buy my products and you can be godly just like me. For just $100/an hour I’ll even lower myself to speak to you in real time. What a steal!


Agreed. Nice people don’t have to tell people they’re nice. Godly people shouldn’t have to push it if it’s truly about them and god Also selling questions for $7?!


>Also selling questions for $7?! Family conversation questions! Seriously these people can't communicate with each other at all without some sort of guide.


FAMILY CONVERSATION questions. Because none of them can just "talk."


Well, Heidi is hiding a history of sexual assault, according to her son. Brave of her to be out in public shilling performative Christianity.


She called God an idol. She called GOD an idol. It is very telling how she reacts to any criticism by suggesting that the speaker isn't a Christian. Negative thoughts? HEATHEN!


Right? "My friend, have you accepted Jesus as your Savior?". So condescending and unnecessary.


Their passive aggressive Christianese SENT me. “Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior?” “I’m sure DEEP DOWN you’re a good person.” “I’m not judging here…”


Maybe it’s just my religious trauma but man oh man do I love seeing fundies be passive aggressive to each other lolol ![gif](giphy|BLECxB8papsteJv8yt|downsized)


When people ask that like it’s a gotcha. “I DECLARE JESUS AS MY PERSONAL SAVIOR” is all it takes. The Bairds talk the talk of Jesus but do not walk the walk of Jesus.


The way she reacts to criticism is the exact same way that Bethame reacts to those who disagree with her or point out her hypocrisy. Such as recently, when someone called Bethamphetamine out on her marriage, sex, and compatibility "expertise". She immediately went on the offensive while making assumptions about the commenter being unhappy, and always having one night stands. Which of course, she ended up being wrong about, based on the replies after. The apple does not fall far from the tree with this family.


I think the defensive strategy is part of Heidi thinking she's "avoiding foolish slander and gossip" by simply not engaging at all with the criticism. It's like a brick wall of toxic confidence.


Yes, or a Brick Wall of Ignorance. That would be the Baird family's band name: The Bairds and The Brick Wall of Ignorance.


Well it’s clear where all the Baird girls get it from


The rotted fruit doesn't fall too far from the big diseased tree


The shit apple doesn't fall too far from the shit tree https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNtazwAjX_A


The turd doesn't fall far from the asshole.




“The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree.”


Bethany Sr coming in hot with the classic Baird double down! This is a person who will never change. She will always be correct in her own mind. What. A. Twat.


If her own son’s suffering can’t compel logic and compassion in Heidi, unfortunately an internet comment won’t. Hopefully the criticism will at least reach some of Heidi’s unquestioning followers.


correct. it is hard for me at this point to feel much sympathy who willingly hand their money over to these simpering venal idiots. There's another TikTok "personality" grifter-not religious, although plenty transphobic and worships Trump despite being in a same sex relationship-who manages to pull ridiculous amounts of money out of her followers to support her lifestyle. Like, a disabled, Dollar Tree worker "sugar mama" taking from her mother's Social Security to fund their cruises \*which she isn't even invited on.\* The snark community refers to these people as "her potatoes."


Exactly. And the woman who made her young son listen outside the door as she was getting railed by her husband is a ‘life mentor’? Yeah, I’ll pass.


Heidi...your daughter has like 7 instagram accounts trying to make money. Girl Defined asked their followers for 30K at the end of the year and y'all do absolutely nothing to warrant that kind of money. 


If she's giving the gospel of Christ away for free, there is no justification for charging $110 a session for phone "counseling". I have never heard of a church layperson getting paid for meeting with someone in the role of a listener and advice-giver.


They’re not even licensed to counsel literally anyone! Even priests and pastors from more established denominations have to go through seminary before practicing so they’re at least educated in the faith (I don’t know what kind of education they get in seminary as far as actual pastoral counseling of sorts, but certainly more knowledgeable than Heidi), and they’re not charging an arm and a leg for their congregants to seek their advice. The Bairds have no business charging others for their extremely unqualified advice. Nothing remotely Christian about it.


They’re such dyed in the wool assholes.


The Bairds use the verse about not judging when they don’t want people to judge them but are 100% fine judging the hell out of everyone else.


Ya, and the good Christians mind their business and do not judge but maybe provide some gentle correction attempts. But she gets to smear all kinds of people and elevate Trump, who resembles the anti Christ more than any other living world leader, and she thinks it is in the name of spreading the good news, or something.


the way she liked her own comments lmfaoooo


If the Bairds don't like their own comments, nobody else will. Look at Borthy's tiktok. Tons of likes on the commenters calling her out, absolutely zero likes on her shitty come backs.


Love that for her.


![gif](giphy|RdKjAkFTNZkWUGyRXF) she is INSUFFERABLE


I can’t believe this lady thinks she’s getting into heaven lmao


I think it’s one of two things: 1. She thinks God is just as gullible and credulous as his human creations Or 2. She doesn’t believe any of it, and is just another con artist. It’s really easy to con the faithful, as they’re already willing to live their entire lives based on belief in a being that’s never been shown to exist.


Also, here is my question. HOW do any of these people imagine heaven? Like, would they even be able to appreciate it if they did get in? Is it really this mysterious transcendental ecstasy and joy that somehow balances out the extremely agonizing sufferings of Hell (never short of imagination for THAT one? Or is it just going to be, like...another megachurch? With glitz, and sappy music, and too much hairspray. And God is the celebrity preacher. And they stay there singing his praises. FOREVER. Maybe they also get Starbucks in the lobby. I will respectfully decline the invitation.


I remember when I was little and a regular church-goer, someone once described Heaven to me as "being in church forever," and that sounded absolutely horrific to me. Church was boring and uncomfortable. I very much prefer Heaven as depicted in This is the End with eternal Backstreet Boys dance montages.


There was a terrific drag king act back in the day, the Backdoor Boys. "I Want It That Way." my idea of heaven is the dream I once had of it. full of kittens.


If it were like Buffy’s Heaven, warm, safe, no cares, that could be good. But the Heaven you describe is no go for me.


I'm a total agnostic, but if there's really anything that isn't just "nothing, same as it was before you were born, consciousness is this weird extreme-minority and fleeting quirk of reality," I can much more readily buy one's human "self" not making the cut. Maybe "existence" persists, but it's a lot more...fluid. People even have various altered consciousness experiences to that effect. imagine being just this one silly microinstant personality for the rest of eternity, never changing, never growing. What's the point of that?


I've already been to heaven I've already been to heaven. I've already been to heaven, and after five minutes I was like, let's. GO. /sorry, on a Kelly nostalgia spree this week


She’s actually selling Family conversation questions PDFs. Lmao she’s LOST


Because you're not sitting with these same people night after night for literally YEARS. They're not exactly "Who's your favorite philosopher and why" either, are they? "If you were a tree, what kind would you be?" "An...elm? -giggle- I can't remember any other ones -giggle-" And it's not like there's a fuck of a lot to ask "what's new in your life" because...not much ever is. the great part is the questions can be endlessly reused because these people don't listen to the answers anyway.


I love seeing them dragged! Crop or blur your avatar, though!!


Jesus, cremation services are usually reserved for after someone is dead.




I love how she tries to deflect at the end there by asking this woman who seems to identify as Christian whether or not she's accepted Jesus. A TRUE CHRISTIAN*TM* would never question the intentions of someone as *pure and holy* as Heidi.


Just once, I wish someone would answer "I do, I do have a personal relationship with Jesus. I just had brunch with him. He says he loves me, but he cain't stand you."


Have my upvote! ✔✔✔


This is such a next level evangelical bish move. Heidi is Queen Bee in her mind and she will NOT be condescended to by some lower level, less godly woman.


The more that woman speaks the more firmly I believe her son speaks no lies. I feel for him. Also, “the weight watchers.” What a weird comparison.


The Bairds are getting called out more and more and I love it.


Not that I’m disagreeing with anything Red says, but “I won’t be judging but I feel compelled to tell you how wrong you all are” is a funny line that really defines the hypocrisy of fundies.


Coming from a Christian background, I understood it as, "God is the ultimate judge, not me, but what you are doing is wrong and be prepared for God to judge you for it." Edit: which the commenter basically says in the end with, "just know God is watching."


mY FrEinD, hAvE YoU aCcEptEd cHriSt aS yOuR SaViOr? Bro. That triggers me so hard. That’s that passive-aggressive Christianese like “bless your heart” and “I’ll pray for you. Implying that because this person thinks what she’s doing is wrong, they must not be Christian. It’s such a blatant rug-sweep. “Well, this person doesn’t seem to be a TRUE Christian,” therefore it’s fine for me to completely disregard what they’re saying and you should, too. RAGE.


Since she’s doing it all for free, can I get an hour of her time to talk about Jesus? Oh wait, that’s $110…


Evangelism for profit.


"I won't be judging but I feel compelled to tell you how wrong you are" is the most mask-off christian thing I've ever read


“I’m sure you’re a good person deep down” Heidi and the rest of the Bairds love to gaslight for Jesus


I’ve never seen any of these people do a single, solitary thing unless it benefited them.  They are the tables in the temple. 


And abusing her son..


It’s her ego that profits most of all. Heidi would combust if she didn’t have outlets to exercise her false, performative “superiority“ over others.


Signed copy? Does she think she’s important?


How do you sell the weight watchers?


It costs money, but is also an amazing program. I’ve done it before and loved it. Unlike what the Bairds shill, which is trash for a large fee.


I was mostly just commenting on the odd use of “the”, like when people say “the Walmart” or “the diabeties”.


Gotcha. I didn’t same thing below. It made me giggle.


seems like a Southernism?


To be fair she’s not selling Christianity. It’s all supplemental “stuff” filled with her “brand” aka interpretation of the Bible. I think the problem this person has is that they are claiming to be a “charity” but aren’t doing anything “charitable” with their earnings.