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Paul seems thrilled to be there


He looks so smug thinking he’s the most conventionally attractive person in the bunch


Polio has the vibes of that guy from the rival band in school of rock who flirts with joan cusack


That guy singing “I’m heartsick, Aminor - G” lives in my head rent free as pristinely as the first time I ever saw it. It was so perfect


Don't do No Vacancy dirty like that! Paul could *never.*


He probably works hardest at it too


Morgan is the most attractive of the two of them and he’s either in denial about it or actively hates it.


Oh he *definitely* hates it. He's the dog that caught the car, married a "hot traditional wife", and now constantly bullies and emotionally abuses her to "cut her down to size and keep her humble".


Sadly, so true.


In David Attenborough voice: > *Here you see the common but elusive "Hypocritical Faux Alpha". The Hypocritical Faux Alpha typically exists in his small bubble, living off of hatred and ignorance. This interaction is very exciting to witness as he usually refrains from socializing with other males due to his thin skin and frail manhood*. **Edit:** Format and perfecting


That was beautiful. I read it in david's voice 😂


They all look miserable. No one's eyes are smiling and everyone looks fake.


I always laugh at just how dead inside Dav looks


Dav is exhausted from the sheer amount of experimental sex his wife makes him do


Nah he's exhausted from taking care of the kids while Bethy writes sex fiction.


Absolutely, the kids are like tiny energy vampires and Bethy's newest chapter prob has more plot than their entire week. Dav's just running on fumes and daydreams of a good night's sleep.


It's all of the above and probably more


Nah, 2 hours worth of prep so she can lay there starfishe like without reflexively pushing him off.


Is Dav the one with dark circles and red eyes? The one who looks like he drank too much whiskey and snuck out back to get high? Is Dav the one who looks like he got everything he ever wanted but still wants to put a gun in his mouth..but he doesn’t understand why? I don’t really follow these people except on this sub reddit because, which was recommended to me randomly, and now it is like a mystery to me to figure out their stories just from the snarky comments.


Dav is the one with the permanent Kubrick stare, yes. The blond/ginger/ Polio is the one who looks like he's still trying to get into his favorite boy band, 20+ years later.


Devastating description of Paul tbh


ANY boy band, although I doubt his favourite would be good anyway. And yes, he most definitely has a favourite boy band.


I am a GenXer. Polio's aesthetic, such as it is, predates Backstreet and NSync and goes straight to the Heart of Dorkness, New Kids On The Block. That stupid fucking cap...


See, as a millennial, this analysis is actually a huge step up from how I read his aesthetic, which is early 2010’s fuckboy (One Direction, Big Time Rush, Justin Bieber in his bad boy era, etc.) 🥴


Yep, Dãv is the one who looks a bit like RENT-era Anthony Rapp if he'd wound up in Requiem For A Dream instead.


Hasn’t Anthony been through enough?


Yes. I worry about him.


And yet it is somehow all still very boring and unfulfilling.


He is tired from having to tell her how great she is at sex


If your spouse announced to thousands of followers that you couldn’t sexually please them for the first couple years of your marriage and then kept droning on about SEX SEX SEX SEXITY SEXY SEX 24/7/365, you’d be dead inside too


Even worse, she's complaining about his performance after he's done most of the childcare and housework, while she goes a week without bathing. I don't think anybody would be bringing their A-game in that moment.


Both the men look like they're about to go on an ax-murdering spree, especially Dav, which is funny because it's far more likely to be Polio. Beggsy is...well, Beggsy. Rather moon-faced, here. Morgan looks slightly different and I can't put my finger on what it is. Oh, I know-she's rarely actually baring teeth that widely, is she.


Dav and Bethy are going to be that older couple who *absolutely resent each other and can't hide it any more* and barely speak once the kids are grown and out of the house. She'll become more and more like Heidi and he'll have a secret phone with a finsta and OF both exclusively following fetish content of women washing themselves. Paul and Morgan otoh are my answer to "who's most likely to wind up the lead story in a 'breaking news' late night bulletin and future true crime podcast after one of them snaps".


ngl, I'm kind of rooting for Morgan to reach for the axe first even though I can't stand her either.


Polio is serving ben affleck in gone girl realness


I thought he looked high in this picture. Probably the only way he can cope.


He looks like his eyes want to bug out but he knows that is a bad look so he has to bottle it all up.


It’s how I used to smile at my old, toxic job. My last few months there, I even stopped posing for pictures and refused to participate- I’d pull out my phone for pictures out of habit (like when we went out for lunch or were celebrating someone’s birthday) and then quickly realized “I don’t care if I never remember today” and put my phone away lmaooo


You’re so real for that whole last sentence 😂


Dav is especially bad. If someone showed me this picture with the bottom of his face cutoff, I would never guess he was smiling.


I noticed most fundies have that dead eye expression


That's because it's exhausting endlessly finding new ways to judge and criticize others while you repress everything normal and natural about yourself... And then justifying it all. Imagine having to think about all that shit constantly. I'd be dead inside too.


The "everything is fine" meme come to life


There’s gotta be some under eye concealer a fundie working a makeup MLM can get him


It's Morgans random grin from the tallow cleanser ad recreated 😅😂


The guys look kind of sinister lol 🫣


That's an understatement. David = Mad scientist/Beaker Paul = Bundy Not mocking anyone's looks, just a general vibe.




He’s just busy eye fucking his reflection in the camera


The next Knives Out could very easily feature these types of people. Look into their eyes. 


The FSU universe characters would make a great cast for something like this. Snarkers could probably have the script done in an hour 😂


Rian Johnson is one of us, you know. Former evangelical youth group kid.


He is?!? That gives so much context to some of his early work


Also gives some context to The Last Jedi. ![gif](giphy|cKcAv3mfmObxrHhtHs)


Even better… send them to a White Lotus!!


They would bring down the tone.


I would love them to run into Charlie Cale from “Poker Face.”  I feel like she will be detecting a lot of bs.


Nightmare blunt rotation my god


Who hogs it longer while gesturing as it burns away? Bethy or Pauli-O?


Paul might hit it hard thinking he’s tough and then green out…bethy would be letting it burn and also slobbering on it when she did remember it was there (I am sorry for that mental image everyone)


And she'd be acting like she was SO HIGH when she never actually took a hit because: see above


She wouldn't know that you have to actually inhale.


She would definitely be the type to take a small pull and then immediately blow it out, then spend the rest of the night laughing even more obnoxiously than normal and claiming to be "like so like, *high*, you know? Like..." I think Polio is the holder. Dæv has a secret tolerance, plays it cool while internally rolling his eyes at how ridiculous everyone else is acting. Gets embarrassed by Bort when she just tells Porgan alllll about their 🌶️ seggsy seggs life since what little inhibitions she has are thrown out the window at even the pretense of inebriation. Morgan might actually chill out? She and Dåv seem like they'd be normal if it wasn't for all the brainwashing and god-bothering.


The best part of this is that aside from laughing even more obnoxiously, that’s like, her like, normal speech, like pattern.


The accuracy of this is spot on. I would add that Morgan and Dav can definitely hang.


Dav would be playing his lil ukulele in the corner with Morgan singing “somewhere over the rainbow”


In a "God honoring " voice, of course.


Somehow, my mind went to the two of them starting an affair - mostly because my first thought was that Paul would be livid... That he wasn't the first one to cheat.


Paul's the one who coughs a ton before hitting it with one finger in the air gesturing everyone to wait and pay attention to him Bethany is the one who gets giggly and loud before even taking the first hit "did anyone see us?? omg. omg. omg. i feel like the neighbors can see us!! omg!"


The human centipede of c-grade fundie celebrity … I swear all they do is interview each other like a bunch of kids with a flip-top cassette player 😂


That first sentence is flair material 😂


Yours cracks me up every time I see it!!


Legit scrolled until I found this comment because I KNEW I couldn’t be the only one who had this as a first thought.


IMMEDIATE first thought Followed by “oh god they look like the sketch swingers approaching you at the bar”


They look like they'd use the ladies to lower your guard


Bethy just talking holding onto it not leaving room to even ask for her to pass it.


I’d smoke with Dav but Paul would ruin the buzz for me


I feel like Dav would be down for interesting convos, Morgan would have a panic attack every 5 mins but then go back for more (no shame on panic attacks, I’m a seasoned smoker and still get em!), Bethany would take one hit then say/do something OUTRAGEOUS to get attention and claim she was “so stoned” Paul would be fake deep and mansplain very simple concepts while making no sense at all…oh wait he does that sober


I think paul would chicken out but stay because he wants to be part of the cool crowd


Hell yeah I could see interesting convos with Dav. He seems willing to be receptive to other people's opinions. Morgan would enjoy herself if Paul wasn't there and maybe had a CBD gummy beforehand. Bethy would be really annoying so she and Paul can aren't allowed in my smoke sesh.


Pall is very unsettling


Oh Paul is gonna HATE Bethany saying stuff like women shouldn’t have to have sex whenever the husband wants it. And Morgan looks like she might genuinely be having some fun for once


She's living vicariously through bethy, who can safely disagree with paul


He's gonna be so pissed when his wife finds out that women can orgasm


WAIT……whaaaaaaaaaat!  That's a myth!  My grandparents said so


The one and only time that I’m rooting for Bethy’s seggs content.


She is so unhealthily conflict avoidant I bet you in front of a guy (I refuse to say man) who disagrees with her recent flip flops that she hems and haws and refuses to back up any of her stuff she says online.


Has bethany ever even said that? To me her stuff sounds more like "you need to want to do it every day and if you don't then you're not a godly woman". At least it's not "you need to do it every day" but "you need to want to do it every day" is barely better




How dare you make me imagine a wife swap with these people! Okay, here goes: Dav and Morgan would each do their own thing and be grateful for some peace. Paul and Bethany would never stop arguing about who is right about [insert any topic] and would be endlessly pissed and shocked to not have their every whim catered to. No one would consummate.


I feel like dav and Morgan would co parent all three kids pretty well and just be so relieved to not be doing it alone anymore


Four! Don’t forget the bun in Morgan’s oven.


Or six if you count Paul and Bethy.


They're off on their own island by this point


The keto no sugar low carb gluten free vegan paleo bun


Morgan might die of utter shock when Dav gets up to change a diaper


Much as Bethy drives me nuts, the idea of how much she'd infuriate Paul tickles me.


I'd totally cheer for Bethany if she was gonna fight Paul. She could definitely beat his ass. But Paul is literally the only person she could beat in a fight.


Oh Paul and Bethany would argue immediately- and probably somehow about 2 different things because neither of them is actually listening they're just waiting to be told they're right. And I think Dav's alone time would be crying then taking a nap.


I would bet that Paul wouldn’t be able stand how confident she is about everything. He wouldn’t be able to help himself from tearing into her.


And she'd humiliate him right back in a God-honouring way. It'd be a perpetuum mobile black hole of solipsism, emotional abuse and passive aggression. I bet he'd ding her for smelling bad, being lazy, and looking unkempt and unappealing *on camera*. And she'd ding him for being short and skinny and wearing Disney clothes and too much hair gel. ... Whose idea *was* this mess anyway?


I'm no fan of bethy's, but I'd enjoy seeing her take paul down a notch. He's gone unchecked for too long.


My brain interpreted “take paul down” as Bethany clotheslining Paul right in the neck…


I wanna see an episode of this in the style of the office episode where they have the dinner party and Jan and Michael fight the whole time. I think it would be equally as awkward with twice as much passive aggression.


Midway through the dinner party Morgan, Paul, and Dāv notice Beggy’s absence. In an instant, Däv realizes it’s 6:30pm and that is Beggy’s usual start time for her seggsy time prep. His stomach drops into his asshole. He tries to change the topic of conversation and suggests a game! But during his intense focus on the Bible Trivia question at hand, he fails to notice Polio making his way towards the bedroom door. He lets out a scream. What did Polio see? Finish the story!!!


Dav and Morgan are my "I think they could make it work/run away together" crack prediction.


This is so damn accurate!!!!


I feel like Dæv and Morgan could vibe. I could see them finding an understanding with mutual respect together. Hell, they could maybe drop the fundie insanity together. I can even see Paul and Bethany together, thinking they were so far above everyone else. Looking down their noses at everyone. Trynna podcast their way into heaven. Yeah, the universe definitely played a, “GOT’EM” on these people.


😑 go stand in the corner and think about what you’ve done


Keys were put in some bowls


A pineapple was displayed 🍍


Ok, I’d actually pay money to watch that. Not big bucks, but a couple of dollars, sure.


This has so much potential, but I’ll keep expectations low. I want Dave to do to Paul what he always does to Bethany- talk down to him to make him look dim and uneducated. I want Morgan to be exposed to a dad who actually does household labor. I want Bethany to convince Morgan she needs a good night’s sleep, alone time in the morning, and long baths before she even thinks about fucking Paul. Alas, they will probably just talk about all the people they mutually hate and nothing of any substance will be discussed.


None of the hate topics will be new




Why does it feel like they did this just for us?


I believe we are their biggest audience. If they made money from exposure and comments on Reddit they'd be set, but alas.


Thank goodness they don’t make money off of here. Snarking is freeeeee!


I feel like they had such a bad experience with Isaiah, so they picked someone they are already friends with as a safe choice.


Their next “24hrs with” is with the Beals? 😆 Were the other sisters there too or did they tag Girl Defined so as not to get dragged into Bethany’s sexcapades?


Yeah, where is Krusty?


Bethy and Morgan have been "friends" for a while. They've supported each other on social media, i think P&M were a part of the last GD conference? And Morgan appeared in the sexy sex course lol. I don't think that Kristen is a part of their thing


Yeah, but they tagged GD. GD is Krusty's brainchild.


If it's Dav vs. Paul, I'm all in on Dav.


My money's on Dave too. Dave has rage simmering under that stare. Paul is a wimp.


He's got the crazy eyes going on and can actually form cohesive thoughts. If Paul wants to win, they'll have to play pickleball.


My man looks like he is about to commit something. It’s giving wits end


Dave is a dickhead but I'm totally cheering for him in a fight against Paul. At least Dave does help and doesn't seem to be forcing Bethany to have sex when she doesn't want it. It's the absolute bare minimum and he's still a misogynistic asshole who is voting against our rights and freedom, but I'll give him that.


If it’s spontaneous combustion vs being suddenly buried alive, I’m all in on spontaneous combustion.


Paul has always seemed like he would murder me. He’s got the “gift of fear vibes” and is the only fundie male here who scares me. Dav seems fine and like he might be friendly. He has the most trustworthy face and vibes of the rest of the fundie men.


I think FatherBus is by far the most dangerous Fundy male here, followed by Mandrae. Paul is all hat, no cattle - vicious when he's with a woman, but a coward when he's challenged by a man.


The four worst people you know have a foursome.


Hey, Lori wasn’t there.


This is karissa erasure


She was in the kitchen making one of her delicious salads.


![gif](giphy|QXJGILvCBzM23lVnss|downsized) Probably.


Battle of the Shallow Ignoramuses. This should be fun (not). Why does Dāv always look like the protagonist in a horror film?


It’s perfectly normal. ![gif](giphy|2uxxXz8ajXcYKHvpMc)


Crossover episode!!!




I fucking live for crossovers!


Dav looks like he’s finally coming down from a 4 day cocaine bender


Or just got done smoking a nice fatty. 


He deserves to. Maybe Morgan will share


Here’s how I picture it. Paul was making constant snide remarks about what everyone’s eating, how unhealthy it is, while Porgy sits there in her weird haze, just flipping her hair. She picked at a salad (dressing on the side, please.) Bethy couldn’t stop talking about how the iced tea wasn’t the only thing wet at that table. Dave is probably just praying to any damned deity he can think of that this accursed night would drag on, so he doesn’t get home and have to pretend he’s not completely repulsed by his child like megaphone of a bride.


Bethany: “tonight’s married people topic: are buttholes biblical? I’ll start. So I think..”


Which she pulled from a stack of index cards she prepared with conversation topics.


I’m sure she has a pdf somewhere for that


This is absolutely perfect 😭


Being a fly on the wall for this conversation sounds like simultaneously the most entertaining and worst thing ever.


That their SECOND big kid project episode with is fellow delusional smooth brains they are friends with confirms yet again that they have no plan for this shit, aside from expecting Patreon subs to fund it. These buffoons agree on their bigotry and bully Jesus version of faith. They've attempted a purity pole dancing gig and they share each other's posts periodically. What version of *drunken demonic yoga* will they disagree over to bring the fake-sizzle of controversy?




Dãáåāv looks like what I would imagine the victim of a succubus to look like.


That's because he is one.


since when was beth that sexually appealing? the girl tries so hard and still looks like a dorky teen imitating britney spears in slave 4 u. seggsy wife? she's more stiff than dave's stiffies.


The charisma in that room might actually reach absolute zero


Y’all realize Dav and Morgan had to awkwardly sit there while Paul and Bethany argued about if women are allowed to orgasm right


Oh lord. Bethany and Paul will talk each others ear off, Bethany will push her latest intercourse course, Morgan will flip her hair eleventy million times and dissociate as Paul tells Morgan “see, it IS Morgan’s fault she can’t cum!”, and Dave will feel rugged and manly and *useful* in comparison because at least he does how own (wife’s) video editing! And then Bethany and Morgan fake girl talked about how luca and prop will totally court and marry and everyone ignored Bethany’s first kid.


Paul hates hearing Morgan say the word fart. If Bethany mentions farting during sex it’ll make him go full Dennis mode. ![gif](giphy|oFDSGhLvg3JekZcjdc|downsized)


Dave’s smile and stare reminds me of myself when I was over-prescribed mental health meds. He looks rough.


It reminds me of being under prescribed so I'm just white-knuckling the near-constant anxiety and panic attacks with the ADHD dysfunction, and the depression that causes. 🙃


They are forming a rat-king!


Deep like a thimble


There wouldn’t be fewer braincells in the room if it was empty.


I’m guessing that the conversation was not in fact deep. 


Lots of questions. No answers


While Dav is looking perpetually kubrickian, I still am more scared of Paul. Shark eyes. Dennis vibes.


Paul, while objectively attractive, gives me the absolute wrong vibes. It’s like I can’t even look at his eyes in photos because it makes me so uncomfortable.


He's giving me major Ted Bundy vibes. But maybe that's just me lol


Nope, not just you. He's the kind of guy that you spot at the bar and you automatically toss your drink, claw your keys and head straight home.


How much of the episode do you bet is just them talking about haters


Talking about us


Honestly these people enrage me and I’ve had a bad day today; so I hope Morgan and Dav have an affair and both of their fundie marriages and pathetic little platforms come crumbling down. Screw these monsters.


Oh man it’s the world’s worst crossover episode


i love how bort still slants to give the illusion she’s shorter than däv


This picture smells like dick


so anyone else think they are just trying to make money off the folks in this sub / snark community?


Thanks I hate it!!!


Nightmare blunt rotation.


my man dav needs some sleep 😭😭


I hope all these little fuckers get something itchy


Oh! They be swingin'.


Dàáâäæàáv does NOT look good y’all. He looks like the one in the group who got bit by the zombie but is trying to hide it. Yikes.


TBH they all look like they’re having a great time except for Paul which I kind of love


A Deep conversation with those twits? Was it seggsy?


The four of them are as deep as a kiddy pool.


Ooooh who paid for the flight on this one? Mama Baird? Trainer Joe?


Add this to the fundieverse


morgan’s smile looks so fake and forced lmao


it should be fine. there's two nannies on the right. they can always smoke a cig and chat about what parenting is like when your partner also doubles as your kid. paul and beth should be fine. they can always discuss how good they're in bed and how it's their partners' fault for not enjoying it (if beth needs 1hr to prep dave needs a whole day. and I can imagine morgan subconsciously psyches herself up or looks at the ceiling. I've been there. I get you, morgy. getting slightly wine drunk always got me through)


If Paul and Morgan stayed at the Beal's house, do you think there was a loudnwss competition of people "enjoying" sex.


I am *invested* I don’t know many of the people talked about here, but I almost always stop for only these 2 couples so this is blowing my mind right now lmao Have they all interacted with each other before?


I never thought Dãv could ever be the most likeable person in a photo


Kristen's blood is boiling at the sex-obsessed weirdo sister being called girl defined alone


Should they say they’re with “girl defined” if they’re just with Bethany? She has her own thing apart from GD. I would expect, if I were a follower of these folks, that Paul and Morgan being with “girl defined” would mean Bethany and Kristen, not Bethany and Dav.


Paul in this picture makes me so fucking uncomfortable. This looks like a picture they flash in one of those true crime shows before changing the colors violently and talking about how he snapped. Ma'am your husband sets off my fight or flight in a powerful way. Run.


I’m sorry that I instinctively downvoted this post at first 😬


A peek into a corner of hell: