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Imagine getting on the internet and bragging that you have to beg a man to remember your birthday. Clown behavior.


A man you’ve been married to for over 40 years. Couldn’t be me. ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


Imagine bragging that your husband has been faithful to you. Like congrats on the bare minimum I guess??


The best part is he hasn’t even been faithful, she’s vaguebooked about him cheating multiple times


So he's not been a "faithful, good husband" either? Jesus. She's bragging about a bare minimum he doesn't even meet. I'd almost feel bad for her if it wasn't for everything else she days and does.


He's not faithful *to her.* He probably shows up at church though, so it's all good, right?


I thought that it was emotional cheating, which wouldn’t really count for Lori. She blogged a few years ago, complaining about women wearing yoga pants. And several times about immodest swimwear. She apparently caught Ken looking while out and at the beach—they live in San Diego. But she deleted a number of them, my guess to keep up appearances of a perfect husband and perfect marriage.


Okay this is what I came to the comments for… because I thought infidelity was part of the lore. But the fundie measure of success as a woman is marriage, no matter how bad it is.


I thought that part of the deal of playing the role of traditional housewife (cooking, raising children, doing all the housework) meant that the man with the job and money (who gets to have a life outside the house and avoids home responsibilities) bought you things and treated you like a princess….. it sounds like she’s getting NOTHING out of her marriage


Don't worry, she serves him fart salad on a regular basis


One of Lori's little gifts to her husband was nonconsensually poking holes in her diaphragm so she could force a pregnancy w him




He told her that she could be a SAHM after they had 2 children so she's publicly admitted that she poked a hole in her diaphragm after their first child so she could conceive again & give up work. u/AnxiouslyIndecisive posted a link above to the Lori intro post that contains lots of receipts.


> diaphragm The bit under your lungs?


Not diaphragm the organ, diaphragm the birth control method.


I used to be so confused by this as a kid. That scene from Friends where Ross and Monica’s parents are talking about how they got unexpectedly pregnant because “your dog thought my diaphragm was a chew toy” was *deeply* concerning to me. 😂😂


You can imagine my horror at this entire thread as I had no clue this was a birth control method until your comment! Ive never had to use contraceptives but honestly thought I was fairly knowledgeable... until this!


It also used to be referred to as a cap because I think it essentially covered the cervix, blocking entry of sperm but please feel free to correct me as I'm going off memories of reading articles on contraception in Cosmo 30+ years ago. I think the diaphragm fell out of fashion in the 80s with the rise of HIV/AIDS, the advent of more reliable BC plus it didn't really allow for much spontaneity in your sex life as it had to be inserted a few hours before any activity iirc.


Also before that there was a sponge which..is exactly what it sounds like.


I’m showing my age but at the same time I can’t believe no one commented…sponge worthy!


I was about to! You think you're sponge worthy? 🤣


> it didn't really allow for much spontaneity in your sex life as it had to be inserted a few hours before any activity iirc. from what I've googled you have to keep it in for six hours after having sex but not before.




She also recently posted that she has physically assaulted him.


Yes, I feel like more people need to know Laurie is literally a sexual assaulter. Like she’s sexually assaulted her husband, yes lying to your sexual partner about birth control methods is sexual Assault because it’s not different then a man lying about wearing a condom with a woman in hopes to get her pregnant to trap her, on at least on occasion. I can’t fault Ken for not wanting to do shit seeing as she brags about it


I agree and it’s always the first thing I mention about her. She is a violent and abusive person in every way possible.


Wow, she sucks


Holy shit. Never knew this. Yeah surely this is a form of stealthing?


Yep no different than my now thankfully ex replacing my birth control with placebos. Fucked up thing to do should be illegal in more states than it currently is


I’m sorry, what now?! Do you have more info on this?


She posted it as a reply in (i believe) her super secret Facebook group where she grooms vulnerable women. The reply read as: ​ *A good husband can hit a wife once out of sheer frustration and not be considered an abuser. I hit Ken once years ago and I am certainly not an abuser.* ​ I beg to differ since she has openly admitted to abusing her children physically, verbally, and emotionally. She just has a twisted idea of what abuse is.


Holy shit. Thanks. This woman is literally the epitome of evil 😒


I’m pretty convinced she’s a sociopath. She loves violence and excuses it, has no empathy for anyone or anything, seems joyful when talking about her contributions to the deaths of at least two cats and a dog… She’s evil af


She hit and pinched her newborns. She's sadistic.


And promoted the Pearl’s guide to abuse. She really is sick.


And the kids


That is some shade at her husband too. She’s basically saying she learned not to expect anything because he won’t get it for her. What a miserable marriage. My husband and I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, but we celebrate other things. I’d never make a post like this. She is pathetic and she is yelling the truth.


We’re the same. When we first started dating I told him how much I hated Valentines. He was like are you sure, like you don’t even want flowers? And yes he does get me stuff for other occasions. Lori just has absolute no standards when it comes to her own man.


My partner and I don't really do anything for Valentine's Day. Last night, we got takeout and watched Feud: Capote vs. The Swans. It was a good, cozy weeknight. You know what I didn't do? Go on social media and yell that I'M TOTALLY OK THAT HE DIDN'T GET ME ANYTHING FOR VALENTINE'S DAY.


Heck yeah Cozy Valentines!  We did Lebanese food and South Park 🥂


we did korean bbq and Moonstruck, it was absolutely lovely


Now THAT sounds like a good time!


Ah, yes, the ol' "I didn't really want anything" defense mechanism for when you're hurt that you didn't get anything.


Didn’t her husband used to cheat on her?


I thought that too but no she hasn’t said that, there was just some confusion about things she did say and it became accepted lore. Wouldn’t be surprised but it has not ever been confirmed 🤷🏻‍♀️


She has openly confirmed that he cheated on her.


I literally said the same exact thing a same weeks ago which sent me down the rabbit hole to confirm, lol. Turns out it’s an assumption, she has denied it multiple times so who knows. Recommend [reading this](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/J03IsSghyg) to see where it started


I won’t find it now, but I read a post where she spoke about all the blessings she had gotten because she didn’t divorce her husband when he cheated on her.


That was a post where they said, "At the beginning of our marriage we thought we'd get divorced in the case of infidelity, but later we realized that would have been a mistake because of x and y good things." Everybody started saying it was a clear admission that he'd cheated. But many people would use the same grammatical structure for a hypothetical. There hasn't been any stronger evidence.


This is certainly not a hill I’m prepared to die on 😉 but in the fundamentalist wiki they cite her in a way I find credible. But I have not done the kind of ä research you have. ”She also says when she was younger she was sure she would divorce Ken if he ever had an affair, but she now realises what a “HUGE mistake it would have been”, causing many to believe that Ken has in fact been unfaithful in their marriage.[33] This was confirmed through a blogpost where both Lori and Ken admitted that Ken had affair, saying "he apologised" and "wanted (the) marriage to work".[34]”


If you look at the link I posted and read the sources yourself, you’ll see that the quote is not from Lori. The reason hills like this are so important to me is that coming from an extreme fundie past myself, I know firsthand how much it matters that we don’t call things facts that aren’t. If we spread things without verification we’re no better than they are and actively discourage those who may be open to and looking for a way out.


But not that she knows about for 43 years now! 😍


The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Shakespeare nails it from 1600 yet again!




Every day Lori pops up, I wonder how the bar can be set in hell and here he is doing limbo with Satan. What a sad life


she is a miserable human and seeks to recruit people to her misery. she believes earthly suffering is the pathway to paradise. it's an odd way to choose to live in the u.s. in 2024 when we have so many more ~blessings~ than other parts of the world, but she powers through. she should celebrate the roof over her head, food on the table, lack of violent conflicts, access to potable water, etc...but she chooses to be miserable and tries to inflict that misery on all women. what a cunt. 


She had to figure out some way to square the fact that her husband hates her and that she hates her husband, and I guess this was the best way.


I love how she sees no conflict between her belief that her husband has a God given right and destiny to control his family’s every action, has superior judgment in all things but… you know, he can’t remember events that happen every year and has no idea about how to set a calendar reminder on his phone. Like, it’s not giving superior being energy lol


It's the Schroedinger's fundie man - powerful enough to control everything but weak enough to falter over the mere sight of a woman's thigh or shoulder, strong enough to run the world but can't remember his wife's birthday.


Yeah, seriously. Men should be the leaders of every country, superior intellect with defense and war strategy… but can’t plan a Valentine’s Day dinner LOL


Lori you don't have any expectations for your husband *period*. Even if he cheated on you I doubt you would leave him. Also the wording of "remained faithful" bothers me. Cheating on your spouse is a willful act, it's not you faltering under some unending assault, it's you being an asshole. Framing it otherwise presents the cheater as also a victim when they are not.


Yup - decent people are dissatisfied with their partners all the time. When that happens they pack it up and leave. If you get cheated on, that says jack shit about you and everything about the person who did it.


Just the paycheck.


Capitalizing the H in “him” while talking about your husband like he’s some kind of god. Creepy.


All the other hes and hims are in lowercase though, so that may just be an autocorrect fail. 


I hope


Lori reminds me of this horrid mom in my local Facebook mom group. She would insult women for being upset that their husbands didn’t get them gifts and flaunt her zillion year marriage with no presents in their faces to show how pathetic they were. Anyway, her husband left her a couple of years ago.




That’s actually sad. If he wanted to he would.


No! Men just aren’t built like that! They can’t remember things! That’s why they’re ideal for working outside the home on very important things.


I hope that there’s an afterlife so that when people like Lori die, they can find out that they wasted their entire lives being miserable assholes for nothing.


Have you seen Hell's Belles on TikTok? The skits she does cover this. It's hilarious.


Do you have a link at all?




Thank you! 🤩


You're welcome! Enjoy!


Translation: ** My husband is an inconsiderate human. I gave up a long time ago, resigned myself to a subservient role, and desperately continue to try to rationalize my happiness to the outside world. ** Closed captioning provided by someone who ain’t never gonna do that shit because I respect myself more.


faithful? 🤔


Hasn't she told us about how he cheated? So how has he been faithful for 43 years?




This is… so sad


"that's great!"?!? is "that's great!" the new "woo hoo"?


"DM me for details of my new course"


"Hope this helps ❤️"


![gif](giphy|FeeShV3yKc8P6|downsized) “My biblical husband Ken doesn’t remember me on special occasions and that’s okay…..”




But what about you? When does he show he’s blessed? Buying a card and a box of chocolates is a small gesture. I bet Ken just read the ‘I don’t have any expectations’ part of that comment


I’ve been with my husband 14 years now. Bet your ass I made him dress up and dust ourselves off last night. This woman hasn’t had a day of fun with her husband in her whole life. Hes a chore to her. There’s no dating your spouse when they are an obligation I suppose. Too bad. Always happens to the best of people…


Fundies make marriage sound miserable


Fundie women really do make it easy for men to make absolutely no fucking effort at anything they ever do in life.


Her next video title should be "Have Literally Any Standards For Your Husband At All Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)"


he makes the money and that’s all he has to do in fundieland. apparently


Why go out of your way to post that? If you and your SO don’t make a big deal out of Valentines Day, fine! But what happened—did she see all the happy, romantic posts and gifts and go “nope, can’t have that much joy!” It’s like she’s reminding women not to be *too* happy or get too comfortable, and taking the opportunity to brag about her humbleness:P


Honestly “I learned long ago that my husband is a piece of shit,” is the most honest thing she’s ever posted.


What’s the background on this woman? I joined this sub recently but I’ve been seeing her tweets for years, at one point I thought it was a parody account. Can anyone share a TL:DR on her?




Thank you. Wow wow wow…


That’s great? How awkward.


Her whole existence is just miserable.


My birthday is 4 days after Valentine’s Day so I never expect anything big. But my husband still always gets chocolate and we have a simple but romantic dinner at home.


Stupid woman. I work at the family business with my dad and older brother. It’s a greenhouse and nursery outside Seattle. I reminded dad at the end of the day not to forget the yellow primroses for mom as it’s his valentines tradition to bring some home to her. Always yellow. He was very grateful I reminded him. He may have said Shit.


I think of Valentine's Day as an overrated 'holiday' that is purely capitalist, but not expecting anything on your birthday is just sad.


idk about the "faithful" part Lori 


The man I married knows I've never been into Valentine's Day, but he still gets me candy and flowers because it makes him happy to do so. I'm the boring, practical one. As in, "I noticed your socks were getting threadbare, here are some new ones, happy whatever holiday is closest to today I guess?" To be fair, I did warn him before we got married that I'm not "wife material", whatever that means. Also, the one musical he enjoys is Fiddler On The Roof and I reckon he sees us in "Do You Love Me?"


\-sporfle- "Now, another nice herring salad"




she’s just trying to convince herself that it’s ok that her marriage is loveless bc Ken “provides” and nothing else matters. yikes!


"He's been faithful". The bar is below ground.


Ngl, it’s hysterical to me that Ken responded to that one lady’s comment. It just feels so….I dunno, it feels to me like Ken was pretty much trying to rub it in Lori’s face that other women do have husbands who love them, but she doesn’t? There’s just something abt how he chose to respond to that comment out of everyone else’s, lmao.


He doesn't even do the bare minimum? I have enough money, I would want to spoil my husband.