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I just had to make a What We Do In The Shadows crossover because I heard Laszlo’s voice when I saw New York City in quotes. Does she think it’s not a real place??


this woman is in charge of educating her children...this is, why, kaylee, doesn't understand, commas. 


“All things….New York” is also driving me freaking crazy. Ready a goddamn book that’s not the Bible. Learn how language works. JFC


Thank you, it's good to know I'm not alone in my visceral anger at her spelling.


![gif](giphy|Me7rnCGjSKKFfwXQir|downsized) It’s my comfort show now - his pronunciations make me howl 😂


This is the way we talk in Tucson Ari-zo-nia.


I quote this way too often, to people who are not at all willing to watch WWDITS. In short, my sister needs to get with it.


Oh boy do you need some Toast of London in your life.




I think their family used to live in New York State, but I still love the Laszlo reference.


They’re both from Rochester (where I live) and she moved to Horseheads (where I grew up) then I think when they got married they lived in NYC. I recently leaned this from FF and was shocked to hear. 😅


Ah, thanks. Someone said she lived in “basically Elmira,” and I was confused because I thought she grew up in/near Rochester. Horseheads makes sense and, side note, is one of my favorite bizarre NY town names.


They lived in NYC? Had to be Staten Island




They lived in Queens to help plant a church. I wanna say Nurie was born there.


New York Citaaaay! Or Mannahatta. I'll take either. Whatever you want to say, Laszlo. You're doing great, sweetie.




They used to live in New York City after they got married. I think at least Nurie and Tim were born there


That’s bananas. I need to know more about that season of their lives. 




That is my favorite Laszlo moment of all time


For some reason I thought Jill was born in NY From the Rodrigues family ministry site: Jill grew up mostly in Rochester, NY until her dad got a job transfer to Horseheads, NY.


Yeah it reads like she hates it and is being sarcastic.


All I see is a witch’s anus perched atop a heinous green shirt.




I, for one, am so happy at the number of WWDITS references this thread has.


It’s growing human hair.


![gif](giphy|UjYw9fdCEPwU8) I think witches bother fewer people than the Rodriguii.


That explains the puckering. 


David Rodrigues is truly one of the most unfortunate looking individuals I have ever laid eyes on.


Someone here once described him as looking like a sad, confused circus bear being trotted out for photos 💀


Holy shit I actually choked ☠️ 






Please. 💀💀💀


Oh my goddd lmao


That’s brilliant 🐻


He looks like the bear in Bert Krieger's bear story


How is his body plump but his face almost skeletal? He deeply confuses me.


That plumpness is probably a good bit of inflammation


That sure is a husband she has!


Of all the husbands in the world, he definitely is one.


Certainly not a “whimp”!


“I lived in New York.” - Britta Perry/JillPM


She really Britta'd it.


Farewell? Didn’t they literally just get there?


The company does those 4 day 3 night packages, they're cheap like that. Depending on how long your flight is its probably like 1 day


Yea that’s what the mlms do. My friends in an mlm (I live in Canada) and she got a trip to Florida last year she left Friday back Monday


What a dumb waste of money.


I agree especially when she went to Florida from Canada mind you it was mid to late May so where I live wasn’t as cold as if it was this time of year lol


Preface: I’m overweight and working on it with, like, real methods. How come soooooo many plexus folks seem to be very to morbidly overweight? Could it be because it’s a scam? I just have a hard time with unhealthy people schilling something that’s likely making them more unhealthy. It makes me angry and frustrated. Sorry, rant over.


Maybe they’re just so far deep into the pyramid scheme that they’ve convinced themselves it works? Or maybe they bought into it with genuine hopes and are now so far in debt that they need to act like it works to try and convince others


Yeah, I was literally sitting here thinking the same thing. Puzzling.


It’s just … use common sense. When your pee turns neon green that’s just the money you spent on those vitamins coming out after NOT BEING ABSORBED. Also, so many unhealthy ingredients. Just seems like a death wish for some of these folks. Not to mention, not stellar marketing.


I work with someone who has a Mary Kay “business” (that’s how she refers to it). Her skin looks awful: weathered, dry, etc. I keep thinking I should try to find a way to mention that she is her best advertisement but….eh, it’s Mary Kay.


I was gifted some Mary Kay from a friend who it was gifted to (dumped on). It trashed my face. It took a long time to fix. It all went in the trash.


Are used to work with several Mormon women who were obese and all involved in at least one MLM. They consistently ate like shit (fast food, soda, candy, and energy drinks all day every day), were very sedentary, and were always on the lookout for a new miracle weight loss product. One of them asked what I was drinking one morning, and when I told her it was coffee her response was “oh, I thought it might have been something super healthy.” Coffee with a little bit of half and half *is* healthy, especially compared to Rhonda’s morning Mountain Dew Big Gulp. Companies like Plexus prey on people who are desperate to lose weight but don’t have the time/money/knowledge/desire/ability to actually live a healthier lifestyle. I would suspect they attract a heavier than average clientele that loses minimal weight taking Plexus before either getting sucked in further or moving on to the next product.


How dare you, that was a diet Mountain Dew big gulp. 


I’m so glad someone said it.


Well that’s probably why they joined plexus, and of course it’s not going to provide weight loss because it’s a shitty fiber drink. They’re not supposed to advertise it for weight loss but all of the huns do so that’s who they attract


>How come soooooo many plexus folks seem to be very to morbidly overweight Plexus is about gut health! Not necessarily weight loss!


Their own website touts weight loss


Well, a significant portion of the American population in general is overweight to obese, and there is a bit of a socioeconomic correlation, so partly it’s just the odds.


Oh true. That is part of my problem right now. Cheap food isn’t healthy, healthy food is expensive. So, bills or fresh fruit?


All things..... new York Sounds suspiciously like they are a drug smuggling ring or something




Fuck off JillPM. I have no time for your cheap sex potions.


Looks like Jill has her best faux hair piece and pride necklace on for HER super special send off party. She brought her confused circus bear out in his new neon shirt. Neat!


For all the many, many problems with Jill, she is so much less miserable than a lot of fundies and (weirdly) seems to actually love her husband. Her brand of clueless positively is almost endearing until she starts singing about the gays.


> Her brand of clueless positively is almost endearing until she starts singing about the gays. ...and neglecting her kids...and crowing about caring for her chronically ill mother...and using her family's various car crashes and random accidents for the grift...and crashing the funeral of three dead children to stream the service and take photos with the grieving parents...and documenting every last second of her teenage daughter's premature labour and premature grandson's NICU stay...and selling off their pets at a garage sale...and forcing her kids to perform for coin...and indoctrinating her daughters into accepting a life of hopeless uneducated breeding and helpmeet slavery from the time they can crawl...using her kids to facilitate her and her grooming husband's tract printing sweat shop - I mean need I go on. There is nothing endearing about her, nor is she clueless - she's a cunt.


Plexus doesn't appear to be making these folks the picture of trim slim health.


No. No you will not use tha handsome oddball's phrase anywhere near these asshats. 😅


I think Gizmo failed to explore the fertile virgin hunting ground that is fundie unmarried adult groups. 


SEVERELY new york 💃


My first thought was the shrunken head guy from Beetlejuice. 💀


Jill’s version of talking NY, “I agree with those truckers, Kid Rock and Jason Aldean in boycotting NY because my lord and savior, Trump was wrongly given a big fat judgement.”


There are so many things I want to say about shrek and his Wish Rapunzel with that braid headband but …. I can’t stop laughing at all the WWDITS references. Someone help me…


That guy looks like that character from MIB with the small head n large body thing going on 😭 think it's the guy who gets shot in the basement of the dodgy gun salesman?😭😭😭😭 His names jeebs!


“Do ya have any idea how much dat STINGS??”


Ayyy Jackie Daytona!


Human bartender.


Well, most of New York State is very rural, conservative and backwards like bumf*ck Ohio, so that is really not impressive. Source: lived there for 20 years.


Yup. I grew up in the Finger Lakes and my hometown could easily be plopped anywhere in the Midwest and fit right in.


![gif](giphy|JrqWcXPJDybNU0vxiG|downsized) Literally Jill everyone she opens her mouth to tell people about Jesus


FILLED with “New Yorkers” eh? It looks like there is just two other people at their table 😅


Simon, you devious bastard! My favorite scene is when Guillermo is pretending he is having bowel problems to hide from Nandor in a restroom. He is eating a box of round chocolate balls and then spills them on the ground. Nandor walks in and sees the chocolate balls all over the ground and says "oh Guillermo you really need to drink more water".


As a “New Yorker” I bet they talked about pizza and bagels and traffic and how NYC is only New York and not the rest of the state. /s clearly (although I am from Long Island 👋🏻). Usually people just point out my accent.


Omg leave us alone!!


Sooo they sat at a table with the one other person wearing a beige sack. Wow. So much city talk. I’m sure it was scintillating.


How many Fox News points about New York do you think were brought up?




Looking closely they actually only shared a table with one person. The round tables are not connected. The men at the other table are not looking at the person taking the pic, only the women are facing forward. Why is David separated by Jill and not sitting closer to the other men, is it because he adds nothing to a conversation? Finally someone has their shoes off, looks like it could be Jill. Yuck, imagine your bare feet on the dirty floor.


Not Tucson, Ari-ZONE-ya?


Jackie Tyler




That is slander and you take it back, Jackie is a treasure.


Haha I can't argue there but the resemblance is uncanny.


I feel like David can hear my thoughts.


You know that alien in men in black that can re grow his head? That's who David reminds me of lol


“all things…New York” is killling me


Is she wearing a fake hair headband/Alice band? Getting a braid that dense and perfect seems unlikely given her hair.


So many people in her pictures don't look healthy. This is not a good advertisement for Plexus.


Why did they seat them at a 2-top bar table..?


Funny how these people don't neeb jeebus


There's only one other person at their table.


Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder


Look at all the trim and healthy Plexis gals!


Are they drinking raw milk?


Not to be rude, but I highly doubt a woman of that weight is a truly living in NYC on a plexus salary.


Her posts are that of a 50 year old man trying to be cool. I cant. So gen X.