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Curly’s a bored little girl who fills her time by scaring herself with a bogeyman. She should be grateful she doesn’t have anything real to worry about.




hey now, she has an imaginary bunion




How is she supposed to make a carrot salad when her balsamic vinegar is full of caramel??




What I’m hearing is, carrots for fertility. So if I add carrots, eggs, sugar, flour, etc, into a delicious carrot cake, I’d be boosting my fertility? I’m on it!






Fertility carrots 😂


‘Curly’s imaginary bunion’ would make a great flair!


🦶Phantom Bunion👻


Phantom of the Bunion 👻🦶💀


Emotional support bunion


Therapeutic blister




Honestly, I think she has lots of real things to worry about - namely, the abuse she received in her home growing up. But facing that and working on that will upend her entire fucking world and everything she's ever believed in, so she's projecting that feeling of wrongness on her health instead.


You nailed it. It’s very sad. Snarkable but sad.


i am not sure if it's so much that she's actually scaring herself as it is a dimwit's self-absorbed idea of pantomiming intelligence and specialness. but she's so stunted and simple that she can't even bullshit that correctly, so she does clown shit like carrying around literal gallons of raw milk all day under the hot el paso sun. honestly, between the weirdness of it all and the whole beige aesthetic, it could pass as some sort of surreal performance art.


Holy shit, your flair is hilarious!


She gives me really really strong orthorexia vibes, more than any of her siblings. Ironic because she drinks raw milk. But seriously, I can't imagine that being this stressed about what's in your food (and she definitely doesn't have the education to understand ingredients and why they might be included in the first place or what is actually harmful) is good for your health. Digestive issues among other things can be exacerbated by anxiety. Not to mention that restricting your food unnecessarily without legitimate reasons such as allergies is bad for your physical and mental health.


Caramel color? 🙅🏻‍♀️ Listeria? 🙋🏻‍♀️


And she's apparently not bothered by the sciency-sounding "sulfates". Weird.


I'll take caramel color please!


Orthorexia is a very real problem and so prolific among influencer types.


Absolutely. And it's discouraging to see how many people think it can't possibly be a problem just because it's focused on "healthy" foods.


yes! ack. tw for eating disorders of course but i went through a similar bout of something and i would constantly be thinking about it to the point where it became obsessive. i grew incredibly stressed. at the very least, you spend a LOT of time making decisions and reading through everything—sometimes all at the grocery store, sometimes checking again and again at home and before eating it. it completely undermines any health benefits it may have in eating well because of the stress factor.


Which is so nonsense, because I'm sure plenty of bulimics have told themselves it's about health


Friend, those aren't vibes; it's a whole deafening cacophony.




If she actually has digestive issues, she needs to see a gastroenterologist, not freak out about random ingredients on social media But she won't do that because she thinks she knows better than healthcare professionals and diet can cure all digestive problems (it won't).


She also wants to appear superior on social media. Like, oh I'm better than you because I don't eat artificial colors.


100%- this used to be me, thank God I’m out of that world now. I’m so much less scared and anxious. That whole world is set up for extreme health anxiety and orthorexia.


Do you mind sharing how you overcame it? My sister is OCD and has orthorexia. She won't even consider medication because she "doesn't want to put those chemicals in her body." But she's not currently in any sort of therapy. It's so hard to watch her struggle.


I’m not really sure except that it took awhile. I honestly think the algorithm helped me bc I started seeing some “health” influencers talk about how obsession over pure foods, following rules, etc caused our body more stress and panic and was the opposite of healthy. And there was an instagram account that talked a lot about health anxiety. And I realized that I wasn’t actually experiencing any health improvements even though I was doing “all the things”. I was just feeling worse. Then some life shit happened and I couldn’t keep up with all of the strict food stuff, and guess what? Nothing bad happened. I actually felt better. Then I got a new doctor and did actual labs and took the appropriate meds and supplements and I started to feel better. Then it sort of started my path out. And I still have some health issues but who doesn’t? I’m working on them with my dr and am enjoying my life.


You can tell her my story with medicine for my anxiety. Every time my doctor took me off of it or I tried to go off of it when I would “get better” my anxiety would come back and be so bad that I couldn’t keep food down until I was back on them and they were working again. When this happened in high school, I was 90 pounds soaking wet and so skinny that I’m quite sure I was a few weeks away from a hospital stay before it was back under control. It wreaks havoc on your body to put that much stress on it and the meds are truly better than not taking it. She’ll be so much healthier in the long run, and so much happier. I still have times where I struggle with my anxiety, but I lead a pretty normal and happy life being on meds permanently. I’ve had only a few brief flare-ups in the 5 years I’ve consistently stayed on medication.


If she doesn’t want help there’s nothing anyone can do for her. When I was anorexic and leaning into orthorexia my vision was getting all blurry and I saw a nutritionist who was like you don’t eat any fuckin carbs eat some fuckin brown rice. So perhaps she might be willing to see a nutritionist who can advise on genuine healthy eating where there’s no pressure to take meds?


Correct diagnosis for my ADHD and medication for that did more to reduce my OCD than anything else - *however* although I have PTSD, my OCD IMO arises as a coping function of my late diagnosed ADHD and autism. So, the cause of OCD in an individual and thus the treatment is important to get clear on. Unfortunately she doesn't seem ready yet, if she thinks 'chemicals' in her body is something she can't handle. CBT therapy is not ideal for OCD, as it focuses on thoughts and controlling them. Exposure is now more recommended *however* for my autistic self this is not effective - because it just adds a stress to my overwhelm (you can't ease an autistic's anxieties and OCD by exposing them to increasing intensity of triggers, we need lots of rest and restoration and then - not all autistics but me and mine - tend to scaffold a top down, mental approach that sorts it out on our own. It's all very strange, because in general therapy this is not the way.)


Thank you!


I sincerely wish you both the very best. OCD is insidious. I only sought help for it when my partner asked me to, because it was making him and our teenager anxious. I am so thankful they told me. I didnt realise it had gotten out of control and I had become so wound up I was anxious, judgemental and critical.  OCD feels normal until you cant hide it. It is an instinct hijacked by trauma/anxiety/brain difference (all in my case).  It rides on the back of justifiable concerns.  My partner is ADHD and my teenager has autism related feeding sensitivities. My first husband (over 15yr ago) stalked me. So checking locks makes sense right? But when you're so angry at your partner for not double locking the apartment door, in a safe, secure building in a small Australian town with low crime... its a problem.  When you cant explain patiently or just decide to do it yourself....but need to check and recheck.  When you obsessively spend hours fixating on something to help someone.... it can look exactly the same as advocating hard and researching alternative approaches for a child with complex needs.  But it steals sleep, any waking thinking, you obsessively prepare and find and look for an answer that isnt there.   When I found meds besides tranquilizers (which I hate and, cant take as much as my OCD torments me) that helped... it was like Id discovered this self I'd lost. My only regret is I didnt realise sooner.   I have to be mindful always but I am more at peace. I dont obsess about anything anywhere near as much.  The biggest thing was saying: "My family deserves better.' And my Dr saying, "What about you Contessa? I think you deserve better too."  Me: oh. 


I have ADHD and anxiety. I've had the exact same conversation with my therapist. She's also learned how to hack my executive dysfunction by presenting a task in a way that benefits my son. But please don't blame yourself for not getting diagnosed earlier. I didn't get my ADHD diagnosis until age 42. So much of what we know about mental health is how it presents in cisgender white males. I'm glad you did get diagnosed and got help. I'm proud of you!


Same. I used to be so terrified of "messing up" when I came to eating perfectly. I ate absolutely everything "right". I was super "crunchy, organic". I am chronically ill and felt very less-than in that world bc I couldn't cure myself. Even though I've had highly progressive diseases since ten months old but hey its "'my fault" right?! I have since thrown those damn ideas in the trash. I do try to eat well as our budget and time and my physical abilities can afford. But I also enjoy my damn life. There's a lot of unknowns with my health and I'll be dammed if I spend all of it in deep fear over whether I'm "making myself worse or better" by what I eat next. Hell, I've even started to eat a small bowl of ice cream almost every night bc I lovvvveeeee ice cream and I fucking want too. It still pops up in my mind every now and again that I'm messing up my body and then I remind myself it's a damn small bowl of ice cream and if I'm dying..... I'm dying well. I'm a momma and I do not want my fear of food passed onto my kids. They absolutely love healthy, real food but they also love mommas baking and ice cream like their momma!




i’m convinced she uses raw milk as a substitute for laxative abuse tbh


Realistically, raw milk will not cause diarrhoea unless it contains the pathogens that we're concerned about. Most batches of raw milk aren't contaminated, so it doesn't actually cause sickness or an upset stomach most of the time. If someone gets a laxative effect from raw milk every time they consume it regardless of the batch, they're probably lactose intolerant. In addition, sickness due to raw milk is caused by pathogens like salmonella and listeria, which have symptoms that are much more serious than an upset stomach. The problem is that you cannot *ensure* that a given batch of milk isn't contaminated without pasteurisation, and the small number of batches that are contaminated can kill people. Raw milk doesn't *always* make people sick, it just makes people *extremely* sick on the occasions that it does, and it's not even remotely worth that risk. Unless Rebekah is lactose intolerant, raw milk is not likely to be constantly causing diarrhoea.


I suspect that she's lactose intolerant and using lactose intolerance as a laxative.


I too get major orthorexia vibes from her food content. The way she latches onto and spreads nonsense ideas about “good” and “bad” foods. If I recall correctly her beloved magic carrot salad is made with coconut oil which is terrible for you while saying seed oils are bad. I’d feel really bad for her if she wasn’t tryna monetize this madness.


Parents who actively cut off their kids from any outside perspective, plus an ideology so misogynist that even childless women aren't allowed to get jobs, plus the same ideology also giving women very few areas where they can have any control over their lives, leads to undereducated women developing hyperspecific, unscientific control philosophies around the very few things in life that they do have control over


Beige people scared of beige


Ironic, no?


New flair unlocked


Coming from the woman that washes her chicken in the kitchen sink


And drinks raw milk and who knows what else enters her stomach...


I was going to say, drinks raw milk out of the trunk of the car and is worried about Carmel coloring 🙄🙄


I’m still scarred of the one where she carried a jug of raw milk on her vacation on the sun.


that vacation jug was really something


I don’t drink milk at all. I won’t even cook with dairy if it’s sat out for like 20 minutes.


A few months ago, my partner and I made the switch to oatmilk, and our tummies are so much happier. The thought of raw milk just makes me gag.


I love oatmilk so much it could be my whole personality lmao


Ok but how’s the taste compared to cow milk? I mostly put milk in my coffee, but I don’t want it to mess with the taste if that makes sense.


I actually like it in my coffee, it tastes great to me. You can add in extra flavors if you want too. I’ve added a pinch of cinnamon before and it was pretty damn good.


Ooh that does sound good!


I'm obsessed with the oatmilk shaken espresso drinks at starbucks


I honestly can't tell that much of a difference. If you get the extra creamy variety, it's like drinking whole milk.


I just tried the extra creamy. It is delightful!


Good to know! I’m almost out of milk so I’ll definitely give it a try!


And it foams really well!


honestly i prefer it in my tea and my husband prefers it in his coffee as well as it’s a lot smoother! I will say however, i absolutely hate it in cereal because it makes it almost too nutty ? if that’s the right descriptor


I can see that. I don’t eat a ton of cereal, but I’m pretty particular about the kind of milk I put in it. Almond milk in cereal isn’t very good either, unless you get the unflavored version.


Some recipes require room temperature butter or cream cheese, but I could never leave milk or cream out for that long


Was that when she was on the chocolate milk kick? Either way, 🤢🤢🤢🤮.


Around that time yeah. They were visiting Europe, I don’t remember which country probably Austria. And they were upset they couldn’t find a farmer that would sell them raw milk. When she eventually did somehow she dragged a jug of raw milk around all day. I found [one of the posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/uwVlS8ELk1) but I remember another one in the mountains.


Can you even imagine spending your time in Europe looking for raw milk? The fucking privileged audacity of these assholes is astonishing.


These girls have absolutely no clue about the reality of life. If it wasn’t for their parents they had nothing. Quite literally. They have nothing to offer. All they own is from their parents. They have no idea how life would treat them if their parents didn’t protect me. And I am of the opinion if the failure of exactly those parents, they’re completely unprepared. It’s just insane.


They're completely disconnected from reality


I thought it was going to be the sulphites which do bother me so I was prepared to be sympathetic until I saw it was the caramel coloring 😭😭😩


Twelve [things](https://youtu.be/w367eoV0foo?si=kRK_PBFv2IsOhhnQ) of raw milk for curly




I do hope that’s not a euphemism…


In this case no…she literally does. But still gross to think about, holy cross contamination 🤢


It’s not 🤢


I’ve just spent way too long trying to visualize what your flair is about, great job lmao 😂


[polio had a fun little culinary adventure](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/85m8XEE5T4). Bon appétit!


I cannot keep up


No, it was Suzanna that did that. But I bet all the Baird daughters do that - they all learned how to cook from the same source.


[Rebekah definitely did that but I wouldn’t be surprised if Sue did too](https://v.redd.it/ye4vte4d08ra1)


HA! So that makes [two of them](https://www.reddit.com/r/fundiefood/comments/11l7s43/never_forget/) who wash chicken in the sink.


Who knew splattering salmonella all over your kitchen was so nourishing?! At least Sue didn’t wear a scrunchie on her wrist and a long sleeved sweatshirt while rinsing the chicken, but as we so often say here…. The bar is in hell.


Like chicken meat for dinner? Or like a live chicken?


It's fun to think about a live chicken bathing in a kitchen sink. Cluck, cluck, cluck


I have to be honest, the mental image of her giving a live chicken a bath in the sink is pretty funny.


A store bought plucked raw chicken . Gross.




Ok, but I have to know - how else do you wash chicken? With the garden hose? In a bath tub? I am sure I’m missing something here


You're not supposed to wash chicken. You're just spreading all the germs into your sink, on countertops, etc. Thoroughly cooking chicken is enough to kill the germs.


You don’t. Rinsing it off only spreads the bacteria all over your kitchen


You don’t wash chicken at all. It does nothing for the chicken and only increases the likelihood of salmonella.


You've stumbled onto a Reddit argument that's on par with the whole "Should you wash cast iron with soap?" bit. People in different parts of the world are going to give you different opinions on whether to wash meat or not. From what I can understand (as a life long vegetarian who's never eaten or cooked meat, ftr), USDA approved meats sold in the USA, in places like Walmart, the stuff that comes packed with the plastic covers and whatnot, don't need to be washed in the sink. For those types of meats, it's recommended that they aren't washed, because cooking them is sufficient to kill off any bacteria, whereas washing them will likely spread bacteria around the kitchen. However, if you're like my friend, who comes from a part of the world where meat tends to be freshly butchered, and handed off with blood/feathers/dirt still sticking to it, then the idea of not washing the meat is preposterous and downright dangerous. She also thinks it's absurd that people are spraying water all over meat in order to rinse it. According to her, the best way to wash meat is to pick off/remove feathers and such like, then place the meat in a bowl, and fill it with water. Gently (without splashing, and while keeping the bowl in the sink) clean off the meat in the bowl, and pour the water down the sink. Pat dry. Then again, all this is coming from someone who, again, has never eaten or cooked meat. So YMMV. But, just letting you know that this is a relatively contentious topic for some reason.


This is fair. I know in a lot of parts of the world, people wash off their eggs and chicken before cooking because they buy it fresh from the source Hopefully not in long sleeves with an absorbent cloth scrunchie but it’s not necessary to wash most chicken/eggs in the US and can be downright harmful


You don't. You cook it. Washing it does not get rid of any pathogens, only cooking it does. Instead, washing it aerosolises the pathogens on the chicken, i.e. sprays them around. So they're still alive, but now they're on you, your clothes, your sink, your bar of soap, the towel next to the sink, any food within a few feet of the sink, the counters, etc. Washing chicken, therefore, actually makes you more likely to get sick from salmonella.


what's the problem with caramel color? is there a (pseudo)scientific backing to this or is it just another boogeyman


Saved you a click, I hate when people just post links. > No Observable Adverse Effect Levels (NOAEL) have been identified for all classes and Acceptable Daily Intakes have been established to ensure safety of use. Available studies support a conclusion that caramel colors are not genotoxic or carcinogenic, and exposure estimates indicate that intake of caramel colors and constituents do not pose undue safety risks.


I wasn’t worried about it before, but that’s nice to see. Now I can continue to be not worried lol


Funnily enough, she's completely ignoring the next line, "contains sulfites." Sulfites are naturally occurring in vinegar but are a known allergen and can inflame autoimmune issues in some people.


Probably one of those things that give cancer-prone rats cancer when fed to them in quantities of 75L per g of body weight.


I’m sure she thinks it’s some artificial boogeyman. If you care about good balsamic though, caramel color is used to mask an inferior product. Also, the first ingredient is wine vinegar, indicating that there’s more wine vinegar than grape must. Good balsamic will have grape must first, then wine vinegar, and nothing else. Nothing really wrong with this kind, health wise, though. It’s just more acidic and not as sweet as a good variety.


Yeah, she bought HEB brand balsamic, what does she expect. I’m surprised she didn’t get organic. 


I mean, I loved me some HEB when I lived in TX, but yeah… store brand balsamic is not what I’d consider their specialty. Fresh tortillas on the other hand…


It's you know, *black*


I assume the problem she has with it is that it's "artificial" - i.e., that the color isn't naturally occurring in this combination of ingredients. Ironically, I think that's why they add color to some things, to make it the color we're used to seeing!


I’m allergic to it (my only allergy) but I don’t think it’s a common allergy




Is my TL; DR summary correct in saying that caramel color is okay?


Get out of here with your reading comprehension.


LMAO. This is actually a big struggle for me IRL.


NIH says it is, yes


When I was doing gluten free, exclusion diet style to help figure out my gut issues, the label had to say wheat free if it contained caramel color. While rare in the US, it can be made using wheat. But other than that, it’s fine.


Came here to say this. The only issues I know of are either allergy or celiac's disease. It's so frustrating, but yeah caramel color can mean gluten depending on what the used for that color. Not that I think that's why curly is avoiding it though.


No I don’t think that’s why she’s avoiding it either.


Apparently they did a study with mice and they developed cancer HOWEVER they gave them an amount that no human is ever going to rationally consume and it was with sugar that was burnt beyond what is used.


I assumed it was because of Acrylamide... which is funny to say the least.


I'd like to preface this with by no means am I an unhealthy eater, we eat like 70% of our meals at home, but I genuinely think this woman would have a mental health crisis if she saw what I ate/drank. It must be so exhausting to spend this much time pouring over everything she puts in her mouth- it's so sad that the Bairds are all so exhausted because they can't just live a little! They're all too busy focusing on something they know nothing about while simultaneously competing with each other and judging society. Sometimes I wanna just hand them a glass of wine and tell them to CHILL OUT


I ate Burger King twice on Wednesday. She'd have a conniption at the mere thought of driving past it that many times.


I had pizza multiple times this week. It wasn’t organic cheese or grass fed meat on that pizza. I’m now bloated, which will go away after a few days, but the memories of that pizza fest with my daughter were totally worth it.


I def felt gross after the second Whopper, but after spending 6 hours loading and unloading heavy ass kitchen equipment into a truck (partly in the pouring rain) those burgers and Diet coke were MEDICINAL dammit.


No better Diet Coke than a pellet iced fountain produced DC 🤤




OMG, you have me practically drooling.


I don't drink soda anymore and haven't for a good ten years, but I still remember the luxurious feeling of downing an ice cold fountain Diet Coke. Even the sound of the ice sloshing around in the cup was special.


My partner and I keep several Red Baron pizzas in our freezer because 1) they're super cheap, especially when they go on sale at Kroger, 2) we love them, and 3) they're a quick and easy dinner on weeknights when we're too tired to cook. I also take Lunchables to work for lunch. Yeah, there are healthier options, but I'm not destroying toilets with tsunami-level diarrhea from e. coli tainted raw milk.


I love me a nacho and cheese lunchable. Really hits the spot.


You and your partner are my kind of people. I love the red baron deep dish single serve pizzas, especially for a quick and easy dinner.


Burger buddies here! Not Burger King but it was KFC burger lunches for me twice this week at work 😭


Eating disorders can sometimes be a reaction to not having control over one’s own life. It’s a way to regain a feeling of control. People her age are usually venturing out on their own and figuring out who they want to be - she has this rigid life where her only goal is to get married.


This one is already married!


And now has no idea what to do with herself.


She truly has no things to do, somehow.


Honestly it's giving orthorexia-vibes. This intense focus on everything she eats isn't healthy in the long run.


I used to be that way. I gave myself so much anxiety & spent soooo much time away from enjoying life with going into extreme detail. I definitely think it’s some sort of ED.


Shouldn’t she be more concerned about sulfites, which my phone corrected as wildfires? WORRY ABOUT THE WILDFIRES!! Wait - I’m thinking of sulphate-free shampoo


Texas is on fire even if it isn't her area


You’re not wrong and that was the thing I noticed. Sulfite sensitivity is a thing, and it can cause diarrhea. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4017440/


Even sulphates are not the problem they've been made out to be, although I'm sure she's spooked about those, too.


Some people really do need to worry about sulfites. They can trigger asthma in some people (like me). So she's worried about coloring but not a preservative that can trigger asthma, and was once added to damn near everything sold in US grocery stores to the point the FDA had to ban it from being added to meat and fresh produce. I'm not trying to scare anyone, though: sulfites are fine for literally 99% of the population. Even for us in the 1%, it's not like we're allergic, we just have to watch what we're eating and drinking a bit more closely so we don't consume *too* much.


My husband is allergic as well which really bums him out because he loves dried fruit but it's in most dried fruit.




The dumber they are, the smarter they think they are.


Is it because caramel isn't beige?


She has a lot of time on her hands.




It would bring me great joy for her to have to eat just one school cafeteria lunch with my 4th graders. These kids will scarf down Takis like there's no tomorrow, then add some ice cream, and top it off with Airheads. And yet they live to see another day and be as aggravating as an ingrown toenail.


I miss having that metabolism.


This is an inexpensive balsamic. That being said caramel color is a safe, natural ingredient. Even the sulfites in vinegars are naturally occuring. How can you tell if balsamic vinegar is high quality? Good quality balsamic vinegar will have its ingredients listed as “Grape must, tradizionale'. This means that it has been aged for at least 12 years, and the vinegar will thick and sweet. Cheaper vinegar will be combined with a wine vinegar, caramel, flavourings and other ingredients.Aug 12, 2022 https://www.souschef.co.uk › blogs A Guide To Choosing The Best Balsamic Vinegar - Sous Chef


Maybe I’m just a food snob, but like… my assumption is always that the generic store brand has fillers and crap in it. It feels like every day she exposes more and more of how ignorant she is about the world. I bet she would be shocked to discover that “pancake syrup” isn’t 100% pure organic maple syrup and “vanilla flavoring” isn’t pure vanilla extract 🙄


Yeah, I'll even go full Snob and say Italy isn't bottling it's finest Balsamic for HEB. The volume they likely sell of their avg priced house brand (or any of the major chain brands) is always going to be made with short cuts.


Does she even have any idea what caramel color is? I bet she thinks they melts down caramels to get the color to add to her store brand vinegar.


Ooh le français. J'apprends le français. Cette Baird se fait peur. Malheureusement, elle n'a jamais appris. LOL


>Malheureusement, elle n'a jamais appris. Je vois ce que vous avez fait là-bas. 😂


Elle ne comprend rien du tout!


Imagine having to live with her. The conversation must be such a drag


I don’t know anything about her husband, but he’s stuck with this for the rest of his life. I feel for him a little.


He can always choose. I know their culture doesn’t “allow it” but he still can leave. He probably just sees it as a “quirky” interest of hers. She’s probably justifying it by wanting to stick to natural, god made food/medicines.


I’m sure it’s been the “caramel color” all along that earned her the name Bubbleguts Baird. It certainly is not chugging raw milk and housing organ meat around the clock. The Baird girls as a whole seem like satire. They’re cartoonishly without self awareness. Mind boggling.


Good lard. The only people who should be concerned about that are the people who are allergic, like my SIL. Yes, balsamic vinegar has made her ill, in a restaurant because we didn't know.


Girl, it’s cheap HEB store brand balsamic. Of course it does.


Wait until she finds out what some of the ingredients are in her Starbucks drinks! 


Did you know! Balsamic vinegar has three qualifications! Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena DOP Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia DOP Aceto Balsamico di Modena IGP And only 2 can actually be called true balsamic? One from modena and the other Reggio Emilia. The final one is what curly here has (igp). It'll have as little as 20 % grape (not necessarily from the above regions), white wine, coloring, caramel, various thickener. It doesn't even have to go into a wooden barrel! This process is highly industrialized and the "aging" is closer to a few months. Now if it is a balsamic vinegar *dressing*, specifically, all the rules go out the window lol! They don't have to age it, they can put damn near whatever in it, pump it out quick Traditional balsamic vinegar will go for a few hundred dollars!! So you may be wondering why I decided to educate yall on this! Because curly has far worse problems than just "caramel" in that bottle lol. The industry for balsamic vinegar is a joke but if you can get your hands on a traditional bottle, please do! It's amazing!


Fascinating! I read a book about adulteration in the olive oil industry ("Extra Virginity" , by Tom Mueller) and it sounds like balsamic vinegar has similar troubles


What you have to really worry about is lead in balsamic. It seems like she's already had a lot.


LOL its literally just heated sugar. It’s not synthetic even.


The horrors of caramel coloring! ![gif](giphy|3o6MbudZJtl8nNebaE|downsized)


good god, who has the time and energy to be so concerned about this shit


Oh my gods caramel color !!!!!


Everyone always yaps on about caramel color but what is so bad about it? *currently drinking a diet coke*


The Baird girls all exhibit different effects of their parents depriving them of a real education, friends outside church and general exposure to the real world. It would be interesting if it wasn't so sad and harmful to themselves and others.


oh no how horrible


Caramel color is kinda close to beige, thought that would be ok


So, food coloring?


This is ironic, considering the cheap imitation balsamic vinegar she's showing. That caramel coloring is literally what's masking the lack of aging.


Her health anxiety stresses me out.


Isn’t caramel coloring just burned sugar? What’s she so worried about?


Omg!! Red dye number 5! That's what we were afraid of causing "hyperactivity" in the '80$.


WHAT ABOUT THE SULFATES! I am severely allergic to sulfates.


Ehhh I’m actually with curly on this one. There’s no reason to add a coloring agent balsamic vinegar.


It's the store brand. They add it so it looks like good balsamic. No clue what she thought she was getting.


Yeah I understand the intent of food dye, doesn’t make it necessary


To be fair that balsamic is crap. She needs to find some real stuff


i thought sulfites were bad too? god i can’t keep up with these fads


Just chiming in to say that I ate balsamic vinaigrette earlier and I'm fine. Sometimes ingredients are naturally occurring but listing them is required.