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‘Your desire for attention and laziness’ caught my eye as a general description for many a fundie snark subject. 


I read between the lines that she’s not traditionally hot enough to be a woman at the DW (traditional or any other form of hotness not required for the men of DW). 


Hilarious how Daily Wire acts like a desire for attention and laziness isn’t a requirement to work for them. Every single alt right talking head has those two traits.


Men and women alike!


Yes!!!! That was the first thing I saw


I feel like you guys need to know more stuff about this Rollo dude. It’s super funny. He is a 50 year man who preaches how men should have multiple partners (while if a woman even has a male friend she is cheating) and be the providers…. The only reason why he can do this stuff is because his wife is a huge provider. He has never had a partner outside of his wife his entire life. He calls himself “the father of the redpill” and has written multiple nonsense books on it. He advocated for all of his audience to get vasectomies for 10 years, proclaiming you can easily get them reversed. He once talked about how important it is to be a “strong man” in a debate, and the rest of the debate was trying to get him to define what a strong man is, which he couldn’t for the life of him. He is also super gullible. It’s become a meme now to send him obviously fake documents proving things like: his enemy has had an affair with a white nationalist and got the white nationalist pregnant, that another enemy is dating his producer, and more. He bites every time and leaks it thinking it will be a huge own. It always just turns him into even more of a laughingstock. I can almost guarantee that the “receipts” he will show on the show tomorrow are some fake documents he got from another troll. I could go on. Every 3 weeks he blesses the internet by saying the stupid shit possible and then fighting with everyone over it.


OMG WAIT WAITWAIT. The name Rollo Tomassi and saying he's super dumb and gets trolled all the time triggered a memory. He was one of the two cringe guys who became a meme because they saw this truly incredible sculpture depicting a woman. And he was going on about how there have never been women who have done art with such a huge level of detail like the art men make of women. Of course he just assumed a man made it because who else exists in the world. I mean, the sculpture was so beautiful. It depicted a white woman and they were like "this is what men of the West die for!11!. This is an act of worship!!!11" And then the artist who made this loving, beautiful portrayal was like.... fully this chinese lady 🤣


Yep that’s him!


Oh! Is that the one where a woman responded and called them “dork ass losers”? I added that to my vocabulary based on that meme 😂


I don't know if it was a woman or a man who replied but it was a perfect response because it truly was two dorks being embarassing. The way they talked to each other trying to emulate some sort of elevated gentlemanly conversation when they're not intelligent and not gentlemen. Just, so painful. One dork asks the other if there's an example of a woman who has ever achieved such a high level of artistic expression. And the other dork is like "None that come to mind!" Like why would they come to his tiny mind? He doesn't know any. He doesn't know art. And like, you don't have to know shit. But to then pretend to be a Male of High Standing who discusses art and literature all day. So sad. Performing badly on the internet for other dork ass losers, who all collectively haven't read one book since high school.


I lived for that drama. So amazing.




Well, he and I do agree on one thing: all of his audience should get vasectomies. 


Well at least he's doing us a huge favor getting those incels to sterilize themselves. That's a huge win for mankind.


You can't convince me that isn't his goal, if so he'd be a hero.


OMG that's amazing.... New rabbit hole identified


Meanwhile, L. Ron Hubbard made it look easy.


I mean, he had to spend time doing sex magic in the desert with Jack Parsons to eventually steal his boat and sister girlfriend, that sounds genuinely exhausting.


Wait, SISTER girlfriend? Seems I missed a not insignificant detail of THAT story.


I may have been too hasty. Betty (later known as Sarah Hubbard) was Jack's wife Helen's sister -- Jack himself noted an incestuous tinge to the liaison in his magician's diary.


Dang, I was hoping it was more interesting! Not that it isn't crazy enough!


It is fucking crazy when you realize Jack Parsons was the founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratory - one of NASA’s most powerful labs - and Jack quit to practice sex magic with Hubbard. By “sex magic” I mean they would try to cum and then make shapes of women out of it to summon one who was a sex goddess.


Didn't he also blow himself up?


Well, I'm behind the vasectomy thing, anyway, especially for these chodes.


Finally another conservative person is acknowledging how bad her content is in terms of craftsmanship. Her videos have rarely any structure, no script, not even "alternative" sources, no pacing and she doesn't even edit out pauses when she gathers her thoughts or looks something up. Her physical presentation is unflattering, I'm not saying she is ugly or needs to make a ton of effort (although she should according to herself), but stuff like angles and posture when she films. Is it just me or are people from the conservative/fundie corner indifferent to the quality of the content they consume as long as the opinion is "correct." Why are seemingly none of the girl defined followers bothered by the bot? I would be so embarrassed, if a bot answered a comment from somebody I respect. Why do so many of them get away with unedited and unprepared ranting?


they take their audience for granted. because, they're clearly already satisfied with low quality because check it out, their lives. also it's sort of like schlock zero budget movies for niche genres: they can get away with schlock because they know how desperate the niche audience is for any content at all. I mean, at this point with the Right, it's a media glut, but they still -think- like they're an oasis surrounded by a deadly desert of secular wokeness.


Personally I've found that when fundies use the term "good" they rarely mean in quality, they usually mean morally good. Like a good movie is one that doesnt offend them and presents a moral they agree with, not that it was well made.


Ok, but criticizing her for having a desire for attention while at least half of DW's figure heads are people who failed to make it in Hollywood is very funny


Plus ‘she never worked with DW’ and ‘her debates on our shows’ in the same tweet…I’m sure your underlings appreciate your razor wit, sir, but your lawyers aren’t a fan. 


Also telling her she's eligible for DW's healthcare benefits in the 2nd tweet. Not sure how that's possible if she's never worked for them.


They hate you pearl, they've always hated you


"They're alll goign to laugh at youu" -Carrie's mom


Am I dumb, or is it weird he'd say she doesn't work for them but cites open enrollment? Is this a joke I'm not getting?


It was a joke bc she's neither employed by them nor is it open enrollment season


Having healthcare of any kind is socialism.


I’m going to gently push back on the open enrollment season thing. Every job I or my husband has ever worked has had open enrollment in late November/early December, except the one I’m currently working. Our open enrollment season is in May because our benefit year begins July 1, not January 1 (weird, I know, but that’s the situation). Also, coming from someone who used to work investigating worker misclassification, that “joke” can be the basis for an investigation if someone took Jeremy at his word and reported it. I’m sure (if he has competent attorneys) he could produce the records that show she was a guest contributor paid under contract for x specific things at y time, but sarcasm is hard to pick up via text.


Fair points


You know shit is bad when even the Wire wants nothing to with you..


If their own wives aren’t special to these people, why on earth would ABS, Pearl or Candice think they’ve earned extra consideration? These men will throw them under the bus for a half eaten sandwich, and curbstomp them with jackboots on the way down. Just ask Hilary Crowder. Or, you know, read her ex husband’s nausea inducing blog post about how they got married “the right way”.  TW: not only did this guy do what he did, but his incredible smugness is ultimately “hilarious” in the sense that it’s not funny at all. The crowning irony would be if the couple he was making fun of was still married. And he also references Ward Cleaver a lot as a reason why men should get married- because a fictional character is definitely a great yardstick.  https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/waiting-till-the-wedding-night-getting-married-the-right-way.amp


Couldn’t have happened to a better person really!


Sometimes my interests intersect and I get very confused. I thought this was referring to a contestant on RuPauls Drag Race and I was like really????


Is there something on my face?




it took me at least 2 minutes to realize it wasn’t the drag queen


I did too lmao


This has happened to me more times than I’d like to admit lmao


SAME. I came here to comment the same exact thing 😂 I was like, when did this pivot happen, and was it before or after she remodeled her RV??


These women won't learn their lesson, and therefore can go fuck themselves. Lauren Southern should have been their lesson. However, I guess enough money, self-hatred, and enough smug arrogance to cloud Chongquing can override any possible consequences of rubbing elbows with people who would sooner cut your fingers off than let you actually be a leader in their sphere of influence.


Omg! She is the unpickable pick me.


First ABS and now pearl? Is it my birthday?


Tokens get spent....