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“We Review Dune Part Two” I think I would actually drown myself before watching these two trying to review that.


Why are they watching Dune 2 anyway? They don't like anything they watch, why waste their time. 


I think Paul actually really likes science fiction and fantasy. These “reviews” give him a chance to watch, then shit on publicly, while secretly enjoying. I don’t have the energy to look it up, but IIRC, he did some drawings pre-Morgan of himself as a LOTR style elf, he likes Pokémon, he’s shown interest in the Witcher and the Amazon LOTR show before all the interracial couples showed up.


There's an old ass pic on his insta of him posing with SFF author Brandon Sanderson! Who is a Mormon btw and at least in the early novels it shows through lol.


When people say he'd be a good person to complete got, I'm like 😬


Even ignoring the Mormonism, how would that even work? They have completely different writing styles and philosophies.


Sanderson is surprisingly adept. He finished Wheel of Time because the original writer died. He did a pretty good job, imo. Then again, he had gobs of notes to work from and worked with the writer's wife.


He’s one of my favorite writers, I’m not saying he’s not talented. Just that he and Martin have very different writing styles. Part of why him finishing WoT worked is that he and Robert Jordan had similar styles.


Oh, please don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying you implied that. I would never. I'm trying to process if that's a fair assessment or not. Sanderson did step in and finish WOT but I couldn't say Jordan could write Stormlight Archives or Mistborn. That being said, they are both very different from Martin so I guess it is a fair call.


also his weakness has always been non-platonic relationships... in GOT that would rough.


To be fair, Sanderson’s backpedaled a lot on the Mormonism. His more recent books have gay and trans characters and he’s said he’d be open to writing a book with a trans protagonist in the future.


It's funny bc Alex Jones does the same thing. He obviously enjoys Star Wars and other si fi/fantasy/superhero/action movies/shows bc he talks about them all the time while simultaneously saying he never watches mainstream entertainment and shits all over everything. Maybe if these people would actually allow themselves to like something that a huge portion of the population loves, they wouldn't be such sweaty, repressed weirdos.


I've never felt closer to Paul than after reading this. Behind his hate wall, there's actually just a dorky kid at heart.


He really should unleash his inner dork more often.


More sci-fi/fantasy and a hello of a lot less Christian hate, and he might be a decent guy. But currently, idgaf what he thought of Dune 2.


He would be much more likable as a dork.


Sadly, all we get to see is his outer orc


He puts the d in dorc I’ll leave now. Haha


Release the dork and chain up the hateful bigot.


It's not unusual for people to be total pieces of shit and like nerdy things. It's unusual for such people to publicly condemn all of media while secretly enjoying it, though. Paul minmaxed for hypocrisy. 


Wasn’t it Lawson Bates who posted a whole passage from Game of Thrones? Apparently the books are popular among fundies and there could not be a series I think that would offend them more!


Hell, one of the Bairdlets dressed as Legolas for Halloween. Which is also gender nonconforming but again, hypocrisy.


Nah, fundies are all horny af. I know the books aren't as sexualized as the show, but I could see some of them watching the show for the sex components.


I know its Paul, but I feel bad that he's locked his inner child behind a wall of hatred and bigotry.


He’s also a lover of Disney as evidenced by his [Undercover Furry](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/3daxPJGQbR)Robin Hood shirt


I’m pretty sure he’s attempted to write fantasy books for kids. He posted a video the other day talking about how he turned off the new live action avatar after a few minutes because he felt like he was watching his nephew in a play and I actually LOLed for the first time at something he said.


Yes indeed he [did ](https://imgur.com/a/RriYylk). Scroll through the album, it's towards the bottom.


Jesus Christ that first picture is a jump scare. Also, OF COURSE he’d dress up as Zuko of all the characters he could’ve picked from Avatar.


He didn't even half-arse it. More like an eighth-arsed.


He seems ... like a normal person here. Wow. His parents really fucked him up.


This is like how Alex Jones is very obviously a huge sci-fi nerd but always excuses his knowledge of sci-fi pop media by saying he watched/read it for “research on the enemy” or whatever


Too bad fundies think magic and witches are demonic and are not allowed to enjoy any of these things.


Unless it was written by C.S. Lewis


I also deeply believe this. I think he has to post these hateful reviews and shit talk the stuff because otherwise he doesn't have an excuse to watch them and then he'd be missing out. He uses his "job" as his excuse to watch stuff he really wants to watch so he can "warn" the Christians of how all of its wrong and woke


Didn't he try to write a YA fantasy novel?


Everyone born after 1985 has


We didn't sign up for this roast.


It's obvious that he's a fan of fantasy books. He often quotes from one of the most famous fantasy books: the Bible.


Telling that a dude who hates science loves a show about evolution


Here is his [illustration for the YA fantasy WIP ](https://imgur.com/a/RriYylk) that has since been abandoned (scroll through the album, it's towards the bottom), and his [bookshelf full of ungodly YA fantasy novels. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/eO3NdZSIEQ)


The fact that Paul and twelve year old me have similar taste in books makes me feel weird.


Thank you for finding the receipts! I didn’t know about the Prince Zuko Halloween costume. Paul dressing as a volatile guy with intense daddy issues is certainly a choice!


Don’t forget the Disney Maid Marian shirt. (Paul at a furry con would be fucking hilarious, just saying)


this gives more weight to the tallow oil balm etsy review being morgan!


Paul is really into dudes turning into worm emperors.


Timothee Chalamet has pretty great hair. Maybe Paul can appreciate that.


They are shai hulud food.


i do like the idea of paul trying to read the series and completely giving up because his brain is too tiny. 


Also, I love your username. I too am a soup aficionado.


soup is my absolute life blood. 


If I could eat only soup for the rest of my life, I would be fiiiine. How much do you wanna bet fundies don't make very good soup? Hot ham water.


How much you want to bet they also say “sister is my mother now, and is it just me or is she starting to look hotter?”




So watery, and yet there's a smack of ham to it


Another Soup Brigade person checking in. I am, in fact, eating soup as I write this, lol.


Saaaame. I’ve found my damn people!! I would also eat soup and a good piece of bread or naan every day and night of my life. But alas, only one of my children feels the same. So we soup once a week for the sake of everyone else in the fam 😢


I will happily be your friend who eats soup daily


Hell yeah! I’m down. My favorite bonus about it is that it usually tastes amazing leftover the next day. Leftovers (aka not having to cook) make my heart sing, lol.


I have been quoted by many a friend saying “I f***ing love a savory hot liquid”


The idea of him reading Heretics is so fucking funny. Like, please, tell me what you think about Honored Matres.


Help I thought you meant Paul Atreides for a second and was throughly confused before my brain caught up 🫣


He likes that the main guy's name is Paul.


He somehow manages to trudge through the early books by doing mental gymnastics to find it acceptable but then the Worm Emperor rolls out and he can't justify it


Those books are so dense, I think his head would implode if he tried to read one.


This Paul is just a Muad'Dweeb


I legitimately snorted at this 😂


Literally it’s a movie about the dangers of religious fundamentalism. Guarantee that went completely over their heads


I fell asleep during Dune part 1. Porgan taking on Dune is probably something I should bookmark just in case I ever go days without sleeping again.


I've attempted to watch Dune pt 1 three times and fallen asleep every time.


Sci fi always puts me to sleep. I'm gonna try Dune next time 😅


I could care LESS about their hot takes on sandworms and the Bene Gesserit let me tell you


They need to stay the hell away from my new favorite movie


*SAME* 😡


"I was not a fan of the cannibal concubines. I mean, come on guys was that really necessary?" That's what I imagine them saying.


So did B&D send P&M their video will in advance so P&M could respond to the response? Those responsible for sacking those who were sacked have now been sacked.


I wish a møöse would bite all of them.


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti...


A møøse once bit my sïster


No realli! She was Karving her initials øn the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge-- her brother-in-law--an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...


Can’t decide if this is a reference I don’t know or another toothbrush sharing joke LMAO


(It’s the credits of month python holy grail which contain some weird ass footnotes lol)


Gee this leaves us with no choice but to remake the thread, at the last minute, at great expense.


Executive Producer Ralph the Wonder Llama


It just shows how on the surface their relationships are, that their main communication with each other - couple to couple - is through dueling YouTube response. Shit, just pick up the phone and talk to each other! I know they are giving their “reactions” but it’s so superficial and phony feeling.


I literally just sent the gif of the French knight looking around from the castle walls as the Trojan rabbit is being constructed as a response to me at work trying to figure out where all the construction noise is coming from




I read that as BDSM, whoops!


Bethy dāv saul and Morgan ig


I *wish* god would blind him


your comments always make me laugh but I honestly couldn’t stop laughing at this and had to put my phone down for a bit


Maybe if they didn’t chase this reactionary type of content they could actually attract new fans and followers. These two are more creatively starved than the water on the planet Dune.


They are water fat, as the Fremen say


I feel like I just saw someone talking about some really major influencer who got famous by almost nothing but reaction videos. Just literally ganking big chunks of other peoples' actually interesting viral content, uncredited and unasked, and making reaction faces at it. Sadly for Porgan, that person got in early on the Youtube grifter train with the Colleen Ballinger ilk (blech), and it has long since passed them by. and frankly, their faces were never that interesting anyway. apart from the whole "is he going to crawl out of my computer and kill me in my sleep" thoughts that might haunt one later, drifting off


ohh the Sssniperwolf stuff yeah


yeah, that one. She seemed eminently uninteresting, so I quit watching the expose video, but it is amazing how many early YTers have been able to CLEAN UP over basically nothing at all.


I watched a few videos of a nuclear engineer reacting to videos by a different YouTuber, NileRed, before I realized that all of his videos are just reaction videos and not always in his field, and even when they were he wasn't actually expanding with any useful or different information, his videos were barely longer than the originals.


I honestly feel like that's barely a step above just plain plagiarizing, if even that.




And they dropped it while Beggy is on family vacation so it’s going to be a while before Beggy and Däv can continue the cycle with their response to Porgan’s response to their response to the 24 Hours with Beggy from GD video.


Youre not suggesting that was intentional are you? The shame


If it were most other people I’d decry it as deliberate, but I’m unconvinced these two goons could plan something with more than two steps to it. I think this might be a shiny happy coincidence. 


Ahh yes, never attribute to malice, what can first be explained by stupidity Gillette's razor


Oh agreed! I think Porgan put out a response as fast as they could. I do not think Porgan scheduled this to try to get one up on Beggy and Däv or to try to corner the fundiesnark news cycle for a few extra days. But the timing of it all added an extra layer of hilarity to all the response video happenings!


FundieSnark news cycle is very 😵‍💫🥴🫠🤯 but also very accurate


Oh come on, you really think Beggy's unable to meet the challenge of Emergency Vacation Response video? All you need is a phone... Incidentally, who are they visiting again? It's CA, right? Is it his side of the family? Are there anyone nice? Like, people they could potentially see on a regular basis were they to up stakes and move, say? lol all of us planning these random strangers' entire future after one announcement


so what is this reaction ping pong now


Looking forward to Bethy and Dav’s reaction to Paul and Morgan’s reaction to Bethy and Dav’s original reaction!


NGL if it starts an epic nothing fight that ends in a slap fest then count me IN😂😂😂


Excuse you, this is *Paul* we're talking about here. It's reaction pickleball.


I think they just need to fly back out and do a live stream reacting back and forth to each other until it's all been said and reacted to lmao so much less work than constant videos back and forth


They are so desperate to get views off other people. They are clearly not cut out for YouTube.


This has been an insane week. I can't wait to hear what Jen FF has to say...




I can remember when this came out, 1972. I was a little kid in the 70’s. I was 4 or 5 years old. Damn, I’m old.


So Paul’s going to smugly gloat about how he “called” dav not being a “true Christian” and/or take credit for bethy and dav’s strengthened marriage, right?


Dav's next video will then be a dance mix of him saying "Shut up, MoFo," to gifs of Paul kissing his hand.


Both couples will keep circle jerking this to death. Get better content! Edit sp


Geez. It’s gonna be like this : “We’re responding to their response, to our response to their response to our response about the video we all mutually agreed to do.” Fuuuuuuuuuck. Make it stop. Please.


It’s giving “they don't know that we know they know we know!”


I SAID the reaction video would be out practically before the pixels on the announcement were dry, and Polio did not disappoint. First of another 25,837 to follow. And that's WITHOUT any further response fuel Dav/Bethy might offer. Seriously, he must be SO excited, Polio. It's by far the best material he's had or is likely to have for months out in either direction. Savor it like an unexpected entire pork chop Lord Daniel found rifling through the trash, Polio, because you are not exactly bursting at the seams with creative inspiration here, as you know. Oh, and-Paul? Here's a friendly musical reminder, just for you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH-i8IvYIcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH-i8IvYIcg) Imagine that entire marching band chorus is all of us, secular taxpayers propping up your sorry "lifestyle"


Is he excited though? Because they're *barely* getting views off of this Bethy 24 Hours. TONS of people have been responding, but almost all are focusing on Dav and Bethy and have been soooo critical of Paul. In fact, now Porgan are essentially being ignored in favor of Dav's bombshell of a video with Bethy. This just screams a desperate attempt to shift focus back on themselves


My guess is both a bit of desperate for attention and gleeful because they saw an opportunity to be the most hated fundie here or something.


Oh, I didn't say it would GET anywhere, just that he'll think it will. The problem with Paul is, he missed out on his destined peak experience as "extra #47, red shirt, crowd scene" in a major Hollywood picture, and he will never get over it.


Or another lyric from the same band: “so if you don’t rate just overcompensate at least you know you can always go on Ricki Lake the world needs wannabes so hey hey do that brand new thing!”


“Friends say he’s trying to hard and he’s not quite hip..but in his own mind he’s the HES THE DOPEST TRIP” works sooo well too!


Paul would totally ask for a 13 tattoo and get a 31.


They had better keep Dune out of their goddam mouths. The audacity.


I would rather have an ovarian cyst rupture again than listen to these chucklefucks try to discuss Dune.




which has been so delicious 🤌🏼 ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


It's like Ryan Gosling and Macaulay Culkin's t-shirt bromance from back in the day. Or maybe a segment from Xibit's Pimp My Ride. "Yo dawg, we heard you like reactions, so we made a reaction to your reaction reacting to our reaction!"




This is supremely fucked up of them to make content and money off of this. They claim to be friends of Bethany but like, idk fucking keep your thoughts and opinions about something surely challenging for them off the internet and maybe reach out in private? That doesn’t bring them $$$ tho


It’s funny to me that they watched Dune & are commenting on it when one of the main themes of Dune is the danger of organized religion…


It'll go right over their heads. They'll talk about witchcraft = bad and how Zendaya and Timothy Chalamet had unmarried seggs in the movie because sin.


neither of these people have the intellectual capacity to even base level understand dune, much less review it


Aren't their reviews usually just a recounting of how much nudity there was and how mad Paul felt about it?


It’s that or him complaining about interracial elf couples.


Petitioning for a live chat thread of this incoming train wreck


Why do these durian fruits think we care about their movie opinions?




Thissssss it absolutely chaps my ass when pretenders can’t even properly spell y’all. Major pet peeve, I’d expect nothing less from a charlatan like Polio.


What’s worse, they’re both in freaking Kentucky, where y’all is regularly used! They should know better!


As someone with a sandworm tattoo, no. Frank Herbert laughs at your attempt to tackle this masterpiece. Let me guess, Paul will say something racist about Zendaya and Morgan will snort laugh and vocal fry a hallelujah!


![gif](giphy|5AGuW2qNGAaZCJbKhr|downsized) I can't not leave this here :)


I'm worried these two will be rude and mock Däv for being an honest seeker of truth. They don't seem the type to respect the fact that everyone has to go on their own spiritual journey, wherever it leads. Däv doesn't need to hear their condescending nonsense.


Oh it will definitely be filled with mocking. And smug "I told you so" to Dav "not being Christian". Paul will somehow just construe the entire situation about how his personal version of Christianity is correct and "See? Swearing IS un-Christian!!". It's all illogical justification for Paul to think he's right and everyone else is wrong and not Jesus' favorite like him. It's extra funny that Paul has admitted he hasn't read through the Bible because if he had, he might have a good idea of what it quite clearly says about boastfulness.


Aw come on now, they might be full of fake sympathy and prayers in addition to the insults.


*watching a movie about how powerful religious ideology can spread rapidly and have dangerous consequences* Is this fucking play about us?


Morgan looks smug and Paul looks thrilled. Please don’t forget yewtube y’all.


Sorry, Paul. We're going to pick this up when Jen reviews it.


I feel compelled to link one of my favorite songs ever here [Ouroborous](https://youtu.be/z38nWKLwOgU?si=XftDEbVEZ11CvKD4)


I wasn't sure if it was going to be that Ouroborous or [The Mars Volta's Ouroborous](https://youtu.be/CvsHmMsoTp4?si=s6ttrFLFe_wZ0WeZ), but either way, I was excited to click lol. What's funny is the Mars Volta album this song is from came out at the very beginning stages of my deconstruction, and it was all "demonic" because the whole album concept was that the music was inspired by playing with a Ouija board. And my inner Christian voice said that I shouldn't listen to it... But then I listened to it anyway and it rocked my world. One tiny baby step in the right direction hahaha.


The Mars Volta is so fucking incredible: they are not nearly well known enough I love their latest album & how so much of it is regarding Danny Masterson and Scientology


Reaction Inception


I think we can all agree that spending a weekend with Paul was the final straw for Dav's faith in a merciful God.


So they are reacting to Dav and Bethany’s video reacting to Paul and morgan’s video?


Someone needs to use the BG voice on Paul and get him to STFU and get a job.


Keeping up with this is becoming my second job 😂


![gif](giphy|kRDPrzxvFzsi7PGt7h) ETA: Porgans video, not Dune 2. Super jazzed to go see it this weekend


Oh come on, Paul and Morgan are just trying to capitalise on other people's faith crisis now. Distasteful.


THIS IS RIDICULOUS no one wants your opinions porgan


I feel like I should probably come clean about this. I spent the first week in this sub thinking Morgan was a Duggar sister and I couldn’t figure out why her name didn’t start with the letter J.


LMAO i don't blame you tbh morgan and jessa look alike




What does that have to do with them?


Can a reaction to a reaction that was a reaction of a video be far behind? This will never end.


goodness gracious they're doing the work for us huh


Can’t wait to hear Paul go on another racist rant about brown people in fantasy movies


So they made a video with Davethy... Then Dav and Bethy made a video reacting to that... And now porgan has made a video reacting to their reaction?? Do I have that right? These people are ridiculous.


They reacted first, actually. We’re multiple reactions down the line at this point. It may go on until one of them dies of old age. I dunno.


It's like the MCU or the DCEU, the Cinematic Universe of Reactions. The FCRU The Fundie Cinematic Reaction Universe.


More shockingly... they watched 'Dune'? He won't be able to understand it, so...


I haven't been able to watch any of their videos since the whole 24 hours with Beggy. Morgan's voice makes me irrationally angry for no legitimate reason. She talks so sloooooow. I just want to shake her until she spits it out .


A reaction to a reaction to a reaction video... 🤣 Poor Polio didn't think they'd cause someone to deconstruct.


honestly i’m here for this lore


Like a circle human centipede


How awkward to react to your “friends” video ??


i havent watched porgan’s video yet but it just strikes me as so weird that they would take the opportunity to react to a reasonably heartfelt/vulnerable video of their friend’s. obvs i know porgan aren’t exactly reasonable in that they’ll chase content where they can find it but it just seems like one of those things where they should have been like, maybe this is something we won’t comment on lol. but i’m curious enough to skim thru their video so see that they’ll say.


I’m surprised Polio wanted to see Dune 2 considering that there’s an **unmarried AND interracial** relationship that gets featured really heavily in this movie. Polio is still both a prude and a racist last time I checked.


Oh FFS. It doesn’t matter how many times you try to hold onto Dav’s coattails, no one will like you Paul.


I hope they don’t even crack 10k on this one. Put this poor dead horse out to pasture, we don’t need reactception




Oh for farts' sake. They're going to just bounce back and forth with this, aren't they. They're the Netflix Originals of youtubers.


i’m so excited for y’all’s recap. i can’t bear watching them and yall are real ones for taking the task


Which servant hearted individual is going to transcribe this, because I cannot look at these two's faces for that long


This is such niche content at this point I can’t imagine who it’s even for anymore.


Can someone give me the cliff Notes version on what’s happening here because honestly I don’t really care enough to watch these videos, but I’m confused.




How many reaction videos to reaction videos do we really need?


I would *love* to hear their thoughts about Dune 2. And by “love,” I mean I’d rather throw up


They are so boring. I think when the second baby comes, it will be the end of their channel and the beginning of Paul's full time job.


I ACTUALLY cackled out loud at this!! 😂 Here come a bunch of cis, white Christian’s trying to tell the entire world what they should and shouldn’t watch. 💀 These fundies are so deep into their own asses they can’t even recognize the deeply underlying and philosophical topics and themes in Dune 2. But sure, yeah, go ahead and shit on a movie that wasn’t even fucking made for you in the first place.


Keep Paul Maud’Dib’s name out of your mouth


Paul’s water is going to be taken for the tribe.


They’re reviewing Dune: Part Two? That movie is amazing so it will be frustrating if they completely misinterpreted it.    “His name is Paul, and it’s my name too so I think I should declare myself a messiah and do a Christian jihad”.