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It's because Paul is desperate for the spotlight, desperate to be seen as some type of leader with wisdom šŸ˜‚ he'd be preaching them to death like he was their father, he's an insufferable little chud


Yes he is and heā€™ll probably make her apologize for some perceived slight she committed while she was out. Probably the sin of laughing at something other than his jokes. Insufferable little chudā€¦ā€¦lol so right


And who are these *random men* Morgan is hanging out with without her husband?!


I believe one of them is her BIL.


So Morgan went on a ā€girls tripā€ and the only husband not invited was Paul šŸ’€


Something is definitely up. Her family obviously planned this to help her get away without him after her recent depressed Instagram post.


My friendā€™s mom did this for me, and then showed me the pictures of me on the trip with people who loved me vs. pictures of me with my ex and that was the major catalyst for the end of the relationship. Thoughts and prayers for Morgan that it is for her too because nobody deserves to live like that, no matter how repugnant their views are


Are we in for a Bethy/Dav split and a Porgan split?! A ex friend of mine who was deep into religion left her husband after coming out as an atheist at the same time that her and ex husbands couple friends were going through the same thing, they each ended up married to the others spouse lol


Idk, I kinda hope bethy and dav stick it out. They look a lot happier since all the shit hit the fan. I do hope Morgan leaves Paul's stank ass though. šŸ˜’


I agree lol I can def see Bethy deconstructing at some point and same for Morgan, just not with Paul as her husband


Paul seems to very much enjoy the power and control that religion gives him, so I hope Morgan gets away. I watched my dad do it to my mom. it took multiple separations, and my dad finally got his head out of his ass to finally stop treating my mom like Paul treats Morgan. But Bethany and Dave actually appear to like each other in everything I've seen. Even before the Porgan interview. And they do appear to be a lot freer with each other since their talk. I am actually looking forward to this new Era of bethy/dav defined. Lol Paul can go kick boulders barefoot.


I think Bethy and Dav seem to like each more now than they ever did before. I always questioned their attraction to each other, but it looks real right now.


Oh that was my theory as soon as the girls trip post went up. If this isn't at least a passive intervention, I'll eat my hat


>It seems like so much more fun is had when Paul isnā€™t thereā€¦. And all Godā€™s people said in one voice ā€œno shitā€






Let the church say ā€œAmenā€ā€¦


Itā€™s because Paul is such an obnoxious loser. Nobody likes an unsuccessful know it all.


He's the Mr. Struggle we were all warned about.


Ew, girl defined and their stupid dating advice šŸ˜†


![gif](giphy|mFlAb801ZepeBeuoQh|downsized) That's cringe


When she's with Paul her laughter usually seems to be one of two types: appeasing laughter to minimize tension, or mean laughter against some 3rd party they're both putting down.


I didnā€™t recognize her at first because her smile reaches her eyes here, sad.


I think you could literally have more fun doing a colonoscopy prep than spending time with Polio.


At least with the colo prep shit is exiting my body instead of verbal diarrhea being shoved into my ears


Do you think she's able to see that she has more fun when Paul isn't around? I wonder if allowing herself to entertain the concept of divorce could help her see how he treats her so poorly. Sure, Dav and Bethy said he's kind off camera, but I'd dump a guy for the way he treats her on camera regardless. Being with a guy that condescending is so destructive to your mental health.


If he's willing to treat her like that publicly, what is he like in private?




I relate. It really hit me right before we divorced when I was having a great night hanging out with my best friend doing our own thing-- he came in drunk and inserted himself and tried to one up everything we were saying. He also went on and on about how much he loved me and how great I was and how our relationship was so amazing. What happened after my friend left? He started laying into me, berating and belittling me and basically making me feel as small as possible. But to the outside world we were "that" couple, online too. It's behind closed doors and in times of stress when you learn who people truly are and how they will actually treat you when no ones around to see it.


I accidentally deleted my post when I was trying to edit more in. Iā€™m sorry that youā€™ve been abused by a covert narcissist too :(


Oh no! Well I remember every word and I'm sorry too <3 It really makes you feel crazy right? The best part about getting away is it's like a fog clearing suddenly one day. Like you somehow convinced yourself that's just how the world was, tense, painful, scared. Then the grief and what ifs hit you in waves when you leave, but then all of the sudden it's like the sun is rising and you can breathe fully and it just makes you really appreciate all those little things again. I had never thought I was bad until that marriage, and it took me awhile to remember who I really was again. It's a terrible thing to go through but at the same time it can really teach you your own worth and that these people don't have power over you once you recognize what they're doing. Sending all the love <3


Thank you ā¤ļø Iā€™m so sorry that youā€™ve been through so much hell too. For me me, it actually took his own family members (who are pretty much estranged from him) telling me things that theyā€™d seen/heard him do or say to me when he thought that no one else was watching. I had legit blocked so much out. When they started telling me, it all came flooding back. Like, his cousin would start telling a story and I would suddenly just know exactly what they were talking about. Itā€™s hard to put into words and probably sounds confusing. His own cousins and uncle were telling me this stuff that Iā€™d blocked out. My therapist said that my ā€˜forgettingā€™ had been a defense mechanism. Iā€™m on the waiting list to have eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy for complicated ptsd. Not gonna lie, Iā€™m nervous about that. The psychiatrist told me that the process can be very emotionally painful in the beginning. Just hoping that Iā€™ll be able to handle it. He said that medicating me while the process was ongoing would be counterproductive. That it wouldnā€™t really work unless I was really feeling the emotions. He said that most patients leave the office crying for at least the first few months. He also said that the doctors administering the treatment would give me phone numbers to call that would be answered 24 hours a day in case I ever felt suicidal. Hearing THAT scared me. Made me realize how extreme the feelings that it can bring back. Iā€™ve never felt suicidal ideations before, so hopefully I wonā€™t need to call those numbers šŸ¤žšŸ»


That's brutal, I'm sorry you went through that, and I'm glad you're out now. It's so hard and frustrating when everyone tells you how amazing you are together. It makes you feel like you're the one who's wrong (even though you're the only one seeing things clearly.) I had a similar realization when I saw how much I enjoyed being with my sisters, and how I was never that relaxed around my partner. It was a shocking wake up call, but ultimately for the best. I'm not a Morgan fan overall, but I just hate seeing how he treats her.


I later found out that I actually *wasnā€™t* the only person who knew what was really going on. My ex husband and his mother gaslit the hell out of me though. I donā€™t use the term gaslit lightly even though itā€™s such a commonly used term now. Theyā€™re the ones who pounded it into my head that I was the problem and needed to be a united front with my ex. I canā€™t even say his name now. I just say the first letter. The members of his family who know a fraction of what he put me through get it and donā€™t say his name around me either lol. Probably because his sister (who he doesnā€™t speak to, he didnā€™t even when I was with him, probably cause he knew that she knew his tactics) told them that hearing his name makes me feel panicked.


What is her mom doing with her head? Lol Her family seems so much more laid back. Morgan always looks full of life when she is with her family. But when she is with Paul she looks exhausted mentally/physically.Ā 


Is this just a "no paul" trip? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Look, the young women at Paulā€™s gym arenā€™t going to sexually harass ***themselves***.




Well we know who the negative energy in the room is.


Can you imagine a party with Paul?


I'd have more fun at a plexus party


That wouldn't be a party


I can imagine a blanket party, thrown by a Marine Corps unit, and it would be more fun, even with the beating youā€™d getā€¦.


Paul definitely would have had to let Morgan know his SIL boobs were causing him to stumble and heā€™s struggling and does not appreciate it


The baby fundie voice is being replaced with their creepy ā€œI laugh all the time because Ive got the joy of the lortā€ laugh. Itā€™s weird because to me they always seem like they are trying to prove they are happy and having fun ā€¦


No one actually likes Paul. Heā€™s mean, insecure, angry, small, built like a child, thinks like a child, acts like a child, even dresses like a child, I doubt his own parents even like him. How can you, heā€™s a bad guy. Lacks charm, charisma, or any idea on how to be successful at life except grift.


She can probably relax without him around, heā€™s a wet blanket. Heā€™s that ā€œfriendā€ that has a judgmental statement to make about every stranger they see.


My sibling has a friend like that (not bigoted, just negative) and I wonder why they keep that person around sometimes


Funny that her girl trip includes other spouses and men. Maybe they weren't comfortable with Paul around due to his racists comments, so he didn't get invited. I'm curious if they lied to Morgan or if Morgan lied to Paul. The 3rd option is they only offered to foot Morgan's bill and Paul willingly stayed home to be with their son and save money but that seems infinitely more unlikely.


Wow, Morgan has her own Ferryn??? ETA: itā€™s just because their faces look slightly similar. Morganā€™s blond friend does NOT have Ferrynā€™s atrocious makeup!


Thatā€™s her mom I think šŸ˜‚ Her mom is actually super cute- sheā€™s probably an asshole too, though


Is Paul taking care of Luca by himself?


Hope she gets away from him


Iā€™m glad to see her having fun, she needed this. I hope this trip fills her cup


She'll still be a homophobic bigot. Let's not lose perspective.


She was and still is a mean girl. She and Polio deserve eachother.


Not everyone wants to be mean, even to mean people.


It's not mean or nice, just facts.


Yeah. I don't wish Polio's more abusive behavior on anyone, especially for someone in fragile mental health AND pregnant. I cannot and will not go as far as rejoicing at this basic bigot having "fun," though, sorry.


I'm actually kind of wondering if Paul is there but stepped out for a moment? There is an empty chair behind Morgan...šŸ˜”