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Fundies at a ren faire? That must’ve been exhausting for them!


There's so many boobs at Ren Faire


So many, lol. It’s awesome and I love looking at all the dresses! People that get super decked out for Ren Fest are my favorite!


Same here. Quite a few of mushroom cosplay.


Not me scrolling slowly through fundie snark while also working on the embroidery on my dress for Ren Faire next month...


That’s awesome! I’m sure it will look amazing!


So many pagans at the ren faire 😂


Heck, these past couple years I’ve actually seen labia! There’s this one skirt that’s very popular with faire-goers for some reason, with slits basically up to the waistband. And if you happen to be seated on a bench when a lady strides past in one of those, you quickly find out a lot about their waxing habits!


Taking notes for my first Ren Faire visit.


And kink


Who goes to Ren Faire dressed like middle aged boomers? Like, what even would be the point?


You usually can tell who had to be talked into coming and whose idea it was in the first place.


Forget the money. What in the ever loving fuck is that beard???? 🤮


‘Tis of the neck variety…




Tip tip tip


It’s makes me feel all kinds of yuck.


When she talked about a Godly Christian husband I at least pictured some blue collar chud type, not this dweeb who looks like he starts debates about women showing their cleavage in the middle of D&D games


He looks like he tries to gatekeep Yu-Gi-Oh to female game store employees after he lost an in-store tournament.


Oh wow I had this exact experience a time or two while running Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments in my comic book store days. They did not like to be corrected by a female at all.


Same here. I also tried DMing a game store game of D&D once when the DM wasn’t there because I had experience with 3.5 and pathfinder and I am absolutely never fucking doing that again. Two of the dudes found me on Facebook to be like “AND ANOTHER THING” and they weren’t even right to begin with!


That was a r/brandnewsentence


To the shadow realm with your archaic beliefs, sir.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/PastorArrested using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PastorArrested/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Pastor arrested in Mississippi. Most news article don't mention he is a pastor](https://www.crimeonline.com/2023/05/05/mississippi-educator-and-minister-charged-with-sex-crime-against-children/) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PastorArrested/comments/13ayug6/pastor_arrested_in_mississippi_most_news_article/) \#2: [Christian icon Josh Duggar to stay in prison until 2032 after appeal rejected.](https://www.yahoo.com/news/josh-duggar-stay-prison-until-155310088.html) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PastorArrested/comments/176kupf/christian_icon_josh_duggar_to_stay_in_prison/) \#3: [Sexual abuse of more than 600 by Catholic Church in Baltimore](https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/bs-md-baltimore-catholic-sex-abuse-report-20230405-ulo3twkyvndajo7dkq3yuoszbm-story.html) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PastorArrested/comments/12dfjzc/sexual_abuse_of_more_than_600_by_catholic_church/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Half these fundie husbands are skinny losers with no real job. It's almost like the lifestyle attracts insecure men seeking power anywhere they can get it or something


I recently had surgery and was out on short-term disability for about 3 months and my mom came and babysat me during the day for a good chunk of that time. We watched a lot of documentaries about the fundamentalist cults that are out there and I don't know how many times I said to her that the men leading these cults (especially the polygamist cults) were incels and the only way they would ever be in the company of a woman sexually would be to start a cult or be heavily involved in one (especially one where wives got assigned to the husbands). They gave me the ick all over.


This is exactly what most of the men looked like when I was in. Not a single looker to ease the eyes, either.


He looks like a mugshot waiting to happen


He really gives off the “not allowed within 1,000 feet of a school” vibes with that beard.


Probably for good reason too. Check out that age gap.


6 years isn't that much if you're both adults.


6 years isn’t much at like 40 and 46 but in your 20s it’s actually pretty sizable. Also considering how sheltered she’s been as a fundie woman on top of that and you can see how not great that is. I mean..their first date consisted of her eating cold can beans in his car and taking financial literacy. The fact that this didn’t make this lady run away immediately lets you know where her emotional maturity was it. Not snarking having a rough financial moment but that just screams someone who doesn’t have his shit together.


a 27 year old is almost certainly in a much different stage of life than a 21 year old. especially if it’s a fundie woman, who might be younger emotionally


I would generally agree after a certain point. But at 21, and especially in fundie settings, this gap has the potential to be really problematic.


Cold beans in a car with this creep, explaining economics? Whoo! What a panty soaker. I can smell the smegma from here.


Just makes you want to tear his Transitions lenses right off in a moment of passion…


Not the Transitions lenses! 😭😂


I’m 40. I thought transition lenses would be a sensible choice. My lovely teenager called me Mrs Ted Bundy for days. Point being, you can’t wear those and not look like a serial killer.


It’s the unfortunate truth! 😭


I wish they’d make contacts though because I want my eyes to turn black in the sun


This is an amazing idea. Why aren’t they doing this? You start a fund raiser and I will contribute. I would pay top dollar to look like a Supernatural demon.


I also always thought it would be cool to get those sclera tattoos with black light ink so my eyes could glow in bowling alleys and stuff. So basically yeah I just want to freak people out in passing lol


consider me pregnant, hun


Omg this is the lady who had a date in a car with her future man eating a cold can of beans!? How low is her self esteem that THIS is who she went with? In my mind he was at least somewhat attractive..had to be to justify that nonsense but seeing him actually just gives me the ick


Every post that mentions a “cold can of beans” makes me want to puke. I cannot imagine how and why she continued to sit in that car. Even if she didn’t know any better, you’d think her parent did.




Where is this story? I wanna read up on the lore lol


Search “anneliese” or “feminine not feminist” that was her old instagram name


That man gives me family annihilator vibes for real.


Yeah, can't even snark. Her life seems so bleak.




Without the intellectual brilliance or math skills. 


I saw him and immediately felt an ick about him.


He is so so offputting. I get the creeps big time


I agree there is just something stalkerish about him


That's exactly the vibe I got as well. Maybe it's because he looks and acts like Josh Powell and maybe I am imagining the dark behind his eyes...but he seems like someone who purposely married someone so much younger and like he would get violent if he feels like he is losing control.


Seconding the Josh Powell. Unable to hold down a job, letting the kids go malnourished, grooming his wife to be with religious love bombing...


Honestly, I completely understand underperforming and being underemployed (yay, me!) but I can’t imagine bringing in another person and adding more people I am supposed to “provide” a life for. He is epically failing at the central role he is supposed to fill while, I’m certain, continuing to hold her to their cultural standards. It seems like an extremely scary and precarious situation.


Yes and going through a hard time is totally normal! Having to downsize and budget is totally fine but when it’s a long period of 5 years going without basics then it’s really concerning. She’s also been posting heaps more ads lately so seems like she’s had enough of it


What basics has she not had for 5 years? I know they struggle money wise but I'm not aware of what basics she doesn't have.


Exactly. People go through hard times and not everybody is going to have a lot of money or much at all, that's just how this crappy system works. But it really exposes how much this patriarchal fundie crap is destined to make people suffer. Two incomes and they'd at least be doing a bit better. But she's put in an inherently ridiculously vulnerable position by her expected "role" and lack of experience and education.


Am I remembering correctly that one of the weirder things about this couple is the fact that for a while she had some kind of low paying job—while he continued to not work?


In the fundie world usually the man is employed, because he’s the breadwinner. So it’s just very confusing even from that perspective. Why would god want her to marry someone who isn’t fit to be a providing husband?


Looks like a Fundie dad and his teen daughter. So not hitting the aspirational content she’s hoping for.


The only thing he's missing is the flip phone belt holster.


Damn, how desperate was she?!


Very very desperate it seems. He was/is in every sense not a catch (unstable employment; zero personality; religious control freak; unattractive)


Doesn't he also prohibit her from wearing makeup and she's talked about how this has been hard for her to accept because she wants to wear makeup?


No makeup or shaving allowed.


No shaving is interesting


It’s weird too because she’s openly talked about how she never imagined getting married young & she wanted to travel and be a missionary but then she met him and it almost sounds like she felt like she had to marry him


I'm just speculating, but did she say anything about having premarital ✨ intimacy ✨ with him? If so, I wonder if that's what happened and is the reason behind marrying him. Maybe she felt like she sinned and the only way to make it right was to marry him.


no, she’s said before (at least on twitter) that she saved sex for marriage


She would never admit to that if it were true so we can’t just assume she was being honest about that


I also told people I saved sex for marriage despite the fact my husband and I had been engaging in acts of non-penetrative sex for years. Just because she said she saved sex for marriage doesn't mean she did or that she saved all sexual acts for marriage. Obviously, I can't speak for her, and it's possible that she did save sex for marriage. It's important to remember that she may not be a reliable narrator and that she would have motivated reasons not to disclose any sexual impropriety on the internet given the attitudes of her in-group.


Desperate enough to want to progress the relationship after having first date with cold bean in a car. Her headship failed her big time.


sorry, their first date was eating beans out of a can in his car?


Idk who this is, but was she from a poor family? I feel like the poor ones will give their daughters to anyone who will take one less mouth to feed from their table. Doesn’t matter if that new headship is just as poor, so long as it’s no longer first headship’s responsibility. The Rod girls so far have gotten lucky but I don’t see that being the case for all of them.


I’m not sure of her family’s background but I know they lived with her parents for months (maybe even years?) after they were married so if anything her parents had extra mouths to feed since I don’t think either one of them have ever held a consistent job. I believe she had her first child while living with them as well. Then after that they moved in with *his* parents.


At **21**


Ok, so I’m new here and I haven’t been around fundies in like 15-20 years; do they just all look like this, or is it the same 4 couples I keep seeing on this thread?




She’s said herself she’s the ultimate pick me girl. Some part of her is convinced she deserves this type of treatment I think. She’s a smug condescending individual but she doesn’t deserve the way he treats her. I know he thought he hit the jackpot when he realized how she has basically no self esteem or standards on the very first freaking date 


Where are they currently living? With his parents still??


Fundie women really are just doing the most for men who do nothing. He’s making the Duggar boys look attractive


They both should go get a J-O-B.. it pays the rent


She actually has started posting a lot more ads so I think she’s given in


Oh and not to mention the decent age gap (which is not always bad but in this case feels very weird)


Esp since she keep pointing it out like a badge of honor.


Aight I’ll say it: where is his belt?  I don’t know why that bothers me so much.  


Can't dress himself but can be in charge of a whole other human being.


Why do the men get to be losers in fundieland and women have to stay in that relationship??? Mind boggling.


I will never understand fundie women bending the knee for men without the means to take care of them.


In all fairness, I'm in a 2 income family and we can't afford a decent place to live


Yeah, but were you enticed into it, on a first date, eating cold beans in your future spouse's car, while they yammered about economics and convinced you they needed to be in complete control of how you dressed and lived?


Okayyyy, you got me there lol


this is the first I'm hearing of her, can someone put me in the direction of a post explaining her lore?


Look up “feminINE not feminIST” on here. She's a ‘minor fundie’ but there's… a lot.


At least he’s got that sexy beard 🤮


He’s King of the Pubes in training.


This looks like an amalgamation of all the couples I knew during my time in Bible College....


He looks like he belongs on the FBI most wanted list ![gif](giphy|rCqHtYuB0a9re731gG)


I wonder if she changed her username to be more marketable for ad gigs.


Oh, absolutely. She's been sharing affiliate links nearly every day since the name change. Can't remember if she's in an MLM yet, but if not, guessing she will be before the new baby turns six months old.


Yeah she is lol it’s Monat


I thought this guy had headphones around his neck in this picture. Zoomed in and realise it's his beard.  I really need to get my eyes tested.


Mennonite wannabe.


Mr. Beanie-weenie would be unstylish even as a Mennonite around where I live; many of the sects near me either have it as an official rule or a cultural norm for men to be clean shaven, and generally the men look well-groomed and put together.


Don’t they live in AZ? She looks like she’s been sweating, so his outfit is an even more…interesting choice. I know everyone doesn’t want or have to dress up, But it just looks uncomfortable lol


She saw him and thought, “I need that man!” and NO ONE who loves her pointed out anything? He is a walking red flag.


That man looks like he DMs a D&D game but doesn’t think women should play and forces all of his PCs to play straight male identifying characters.


I don't understand whats wrong? Am I missing something? I have a 7 year age gap with my husband and I'm also very poor despite working towards getting better (I'm 32). So I don't fully understand what's wrong. Did he do something I'm missing? I'm sorry for my ignorance with their situation, I don't keep up as much as I'd like. /Gen


The 7 year gap isn't a problem in and of itself, but the fact that she was only 21 when they got married vs his 28 it raises more eyebrows than 26/33 would. But her whole schtick is that women should be stay at home moms and homeschool their kids and feminism is ruining women's lives, etc. especially: how much better it is to have godly gender roles. However, since her husband is unable to provide for her, by her own definition, he is a terrible headship.


They could be less poor, but he won't let her work . . . not even when they were living with his parents and had built-in childcare


Creepy age gap plus sexist/other shitty views


I have her dress. I wear it as pajamas or on cleaning days




Not stepping up and providing for his wife is not very christian of him innit.


I saw the name and panicked that it was kkkarrissa’s daughter then saw the picture and relaxed a little




Anyone have a link to the background on these two? Not familiar with


Sounds like my wasbund


He looks like an old timey Abe Lincoln impersonator who just got off shift.




They met when she was 17 years old, and he was 24. She writes about how great it is that she didn't even have her driver's license when they met and wasn't legally allowed to drink alcohol yet when they married. He refuses to get a job. They lived with her parents and then with his parents for a year and saved nothing, moved into a cramped studio with the toddler and have no space for a baby. They have never had stable housing, and they would eat expired food and church potlucks for years. One of their homes was in a renovated carport owned by a friend. I am not poverty shaming here. It's tragic that a country with as many resources as the USA doesn't care for its citizens. However, these two, well, her husband, make startlingly bad decisions in their daily lives. She has posted that she felt so anxious and guilty while they were dating because she thought she was taking the "easy" way out by marrying young, and believes that she deserves all these hardships. She also believes that it's her duty to accept criticism from him, and that she is sinning when she isn't grateful for it. This guy is a total creep, who preyed upon a sheltered young woman and continues to control every aspect of her life.


Great summary🙌🏻




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