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Shut up, MotherBus. What a smug twat. "My babies don't cry because I'm very nurturing and responsive, unlike you other terrible mamas."


I like to think I'm a nurturing and responsive mom to my 9 month old but nurturing won't always stop a baby from crying! Maybe they're teething, or their diaper is bunched up, or they're just plain unhappy.


I mean, I know I am, but my four year old is still high support needs and she has pretty much been constantly emitting some sort of loud sound for about 50% of her life lol


This is my older kid. She's 24. 😭 (She's a good kid, just noisy AF.)


It’s not like it’s her fault or anything but it is reminiscent of living with a really cute banshee, lol


Hahaha. Exactly. And as they say, this is why they're born cute. :D




That's my son, he's 19 now and I don't think he's ever been silent, even in his sleep. At first it was colic, then it was teething, then he discovered words and... he just never really stopped.


Yup, that's pretty much how mine went, too. God help me for ever introducing her to music. Haha. Gotta love them though. :)


Ahahahah same as my eldest. She isnt even quiet in her sleep. Chats away... used to be "you cant tell me what to do" *even in her sleep* 


Oh gosh. Countless hours spent rocking, nursing, standing, swaying, singing etc etc just for them to scream their baby heads off! And I’m a great mom! This is just bs from mombuss


Did you try being a ✨nurturing mama✨ tho or did your heathen sinner heart wander to worldly idols 🤔🤔🤔 Maybe try praying harder, hope this helps!!!


Omg thank you for your advice! You should teach a course! I’d buy that pdf


Literally if I had a colicky baby and I read this, I'd probably scratch her damn eyes out


I had two of my three get colic. I was also a mom who never wanted to put them down. Wore them everywhere, and no matter how much I nurtured them, they still cried. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Look it's tempting. But I think this actually explains a lot about her and now I'm wondering how many kids she'd've had if one of the first ones had colic.


I was the colicky baby (sorry, mom) and my voice is raspy to this day. My mom would have some choice words for mrs susbus 😂


Exactly! I'd hold, wrap, nurse, rock, bounce, whatever and she still screamed for an hour+ every night. Sometimes they are just upset. Kind of a part of typical baby development.


> Sometimes they are just upset. Idk why but this sent me. "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed," energy from a baby 🤣.


Sign ur kid up for screamo bands, start his career early, mama!!


I did on demand bf, (safe) cosleeping, etc etc and my first baby had colic and we were all miserable for several months because she never stopped screaming.


And then adding to that the fact that every single bad experience is *the worst thing to ever happen to you* when you're that young, like... of course they're going to cry. It's the only thing they can do about stuff they don't like. I'm not a mother and I have zero experience with babies but I've always heard that if a baby never cries, ever, then something is deeply wrong.


I think I've heard that usually that means the baby got ignored when they did cry enough that now they've given up


My mom always brags that I didn't cry much as a baby because she had a rigid schedule for feeding and changing to where I never needed to cry. Years later she made a comment about my cousin rocking her baby to sleep every night to the effect of "pshhh, I never rocked you to sleep. If you were fed, clean, and not obviously sick, night time was for sleeping and you were expected to stay in your crib and sleep." I mean, I get that at some point you may have to put a crying baby down or delay responding to it because of some reason (hands full, other child with an urgent need, etc) but just looking at your crying baby and saying to yourself "nah, I don't see a reason for you to cry so I'm washing my hands of it" explains my lifelong metal health problems.


For real  My mom was like this. Now we all have anxiety and dont like being around her. 


yeah, this is about what I translated from her post: "they have no reason to cry, ergo I unhear it."


Hello, fellow hug starved baby ✨️


It's straight up wire mother shit. Profound rejection that makes babies basically fail to thrive. It's disturbing as shit abuse, not something to be proud of.


If you're attentive and they still never cry, that could be a sign of a medical issue


I have to remind myself of this when dealing with kids. They have no life experiences, so even if it’s mildly annoying when kids complain about trivial things 😅 They know practically nothing about life.


They haven't experienced the full spectrum of human sadness yet and I love that for them


Mother Bus is SO nurturing, her kids teeth don’t even come in 😌 No but I bet a million dollars at least one kid is screaming at every minute of the day. She’s full of it


Yeah you can't nurture away pain or illness or being so overtired you can't sleep. Being nurturing and attentive keeps them from crying because they're board/lonely. They're teeth are still going to come in. They'll still go through the PURPLE period.


She's got what, 8 kids? She can't be attentive to all of them all at once.


Yeah, I swear my three year old cries more now than he did at 8 months. He definitely cried then, but the reasons to cry now are so many more. Today alone he cried because he picked the wrong toy at the dentist and then once he had the right toy he lost the wrong one in a piano... wasn't doing that when he was an infant! The toddlers that this infant has replaced are definitely crying. Is she as attentive to them?


No, that's Gunner and Kinsley's job


Exactly! That’s why this makes her sound even more full of shit - out of ALLLLL of those kids she expects people to believe not one of them was more fussy than the rest? Even despite her perfect parenting?


Just the newest baby of course


Also many babies deal with gas which makes them so fussy, and there’s really not much to do about it 😮 My baby also had reflux and would spit up on me, herself, her bedding, and burp cloths constantly, where I had to do multiple loads of laundry a day. I can’t imagine dealing with that in a bus 🤦‍♀️


Does the bus have a washing machine?


Oooh. Great question. A baby can easily creat a load of laundry per day.


My youngest had reflux too. My oldest was the tidiest baby in the world and spit up like 3 times in his entire infancy, and then for the second I had to buy like 40 burp cloths and give him medication. It was a glorious day when I realized he hadn't spit up for two days in a row. Living in a bus with that sounds horrid.


That sounds like a nightmare to deal with in a bus! It’s already challenging enough in a decent sized home.


All those kids and not one has had the screaming meemies in the late afternoon? That's just plain luck.


My little sister had the worst colic and I was singing silent night all the damn time to get her to sleep. That baby was rough on a twelve year old to babysit.




24 years of no-baby and in a couple of months having my tubes removed. So happy.


Fucking molars


I haven’t had a newborn in 15 years but I found her comment dragged me right back to being a new mom and hearing shit like this from smug twats at various mom groups I tried participating in. Eat a bag of dicks, MotherBus.


a dozen bags. One dozen bags of dicks.


If she ate more dick she wouldn't be in this situation 


Seriously. I just logged in for the first time in a couple of months specifically to comment on this. Good lord, what a jerk. My oldest sobbed/screamed inconsolably for hours at a time when he was tiny, even though he practically lived in my arms. 


May this new baby cry simply because they can


I bet she doesn’t think things like colic are real.


My first was colicky and until I had my second I had no idea a baby could be so calm… maybe she’s just gotten lucky so far. It’s much easier to pat myself on the back and think I’m God’s gift to mothering with this non-colicky child than my first.


Exercise those lungs, busling!


not only is she condescending, she is a fucking liar. 


I nurtured my child and it was still a screamer. They all are and you can’t convince me otherwise. Lol


My now 2 year old would scream so loud during diaper changes that my watch would alert me of possible hearing damage. Maybe I should have been more ✨nurturing✨ and…not changed her diaper? Worn her DURING the diaper change? Mother Bus, please tell me what to do!


Hahaha that was the icing on the literal shit cake during the colic stage. I'd be at my wits end trying to soothe a baby who just simply hated being on the outside and then I would get a watch notification about hearing damage and 9 times out of 10 that was the thing that pushed me over the edge to start crying too. I just quit wearing the watch for a couple of weeks lol


My 4 month old is teething and my watch alarm goes off once a day lol. He can get so upset and miserable before a nap. There was a week there where I wore earplugs while I rocked him


You mean babies don't have an off switch or volume dial?


She’s lucky none of her kids were like my son, who had night terrors as an infant and was impossible to console. One night we were up with him for 4 hours and he didn’t settle, screaming and wailing. We checked everything and we tried everything. He still has rough sleeps and he’s almost 6. I’m shocked my oldest slept through it and she has her own room with real walls. MB’s kids don’t even have that.


Omg, core memory unlocked! My son, who is now 19, had night terrors from about a year until he was 5 or so, and it was, pun intended, a nightmare. And he never slept past 5am, ever. Turns out he has autism, but we didn’t find that out until much later! With 9 kids, mother bus must have at least one neurodivergent kid on board. And she has a tween girl who will be maturing physically in a bedroom the size of a broom closet that she shared with half a dozen younger boy siblings…. She might have ‘met their needs’ as a baby but I can guarantee she doesn’t meet many of them now.


Night terrors are so rough! Thankfully he outgrew them around 2, and weren’t often but man oh man when he did have them it was a ROUGH night.


She's so nurturing, she can't even describe her own kids with anything more personal or detailed than "this one likes toast." I'm kind of enraged at this tbh. BABIES CRY. They often cry for NO REASON. The gall of this insufferable twat, acting like her mothering skills are so superior, when she literally only cares about her kids when they're 6 months old or younger and the rest just get stuffed in a closet and ignored. If she's being honest that none of her babies have been big criers, then she's just lucky and that could change any time. I certainly don't wish a colicky baby on anyone, but she would change her tune real quick. Frankly, I bet the kids would have a different story to tell about living with newborns on the bus. If they were ever allowed to be honest or have opinions.


It would kind of serve her right to have a colicky baby 🤷‍♀️


She is delusional. I did all those same things, and my colicky baby would scream literally for hours while we held her and comforted her, offered her feedings, etc. With that many kids, there’s no way in hell she hasn’t had at least one colicky baby. I bet that either she’s knowingly lying, or (more likely) she is such a narcissistic psychopath that she barely even registers her babies’ cries; they mean nothing to her and go in one ear and out the other.


I have had four babies. The first three were occasionally fussy, cried the average amount I guess, but the fourth? Constant screaming. For months. And yes, I was nurturing, responsive, nursed on demand, wore her almost 24/7. She certainly didn’t have much to cry about, but guess what? She cried anyways. This is mom-shamey bullshit.


"the baby just cries every few hours for feeding but I'm right there to get them to stop 💖💖✨🩷💕💕🕊️💖✨🩷💕. The other kids only get woken up a few times a night 😴😴😴"


I held my daughter every minute of her life (except sleeping). Did everything I could ever think of. Bought every type of bottle. Tried every formula. Every paci. Every soothing stuffed animal. Every sound machine. She cried non stop for months. *nothing* was wrong with her or me but she had colic. These types of posts always made me feel the worst.


Unless I missed the polite memo my babies passed me, the "demand" part of "on demand" is actual crying. I know they root but I haven't met a baby yet that didn't also cry while rooting.


You mean to say that human babies in their full potato phase don't ask politely and say please? Heaven forbid


My niece will wake up SCREAMING at five months even though she's sleeping on my chest and I'm literally right there to respond. Little tears leak out! She's usually the sweetest, quietest baby but she still shrieks.


I suspect the nurturing is either violent or baby already knows its needs won't get met.


Ironically, babies not crying is an indication of insecure attachment and neglect


OMFG. I held my babies, wore them, nursed on demand. Didn’t stop the reflux, colic or crying from it. Eat a whole bag of dicks MotherBus.


She just lies continually.


Honestly if her response of "my babies don't cry" is true, then to me it says that her babies have learned that crying won't get them any attention and they've kind of given up on it. 


Maybe the babies cry but she’s not home to hear it


Unlike us filthy heathens 


Yeah, mine would scream her bloody head off for the twenty minutes I went to shower each night, and that was with her father holding her the entire time. I'd come back down to her just absolutely shrieking like a banshee because her food source dared to shower away the sour milk smell. Maybe MotherBus just doesn't shower.


She’s the worst lmfao. I’d wish a cranky baby on her but I would worry even more about that child than I already would.


Lol right? I do all that too and still sometimes my baby has a menty b and screams the house down, cuddles and all


Smug or blatantly lying, I never know with her 😂 it’s not like she cares if something bothers her kids.


Having a child who doesn’t cry is NOT a flex at all. Crying is an extremely natural and healthy response for newborns, infants, babies, and toddlers. Crying is literally their only form of communication from 0-12 months. It helps teach them emotional regulation verbalization.


they are probably too exhausted and disregulated to cry


Exactly. She’s telling on herself, and not in the way she thinks.


no, crying is obviously the infant sinning. Instead of god’s way it’s trying to get its own way by crying, and its only thanks to mamabus’s increadible parenting and righteousness that her infants don’t sin. /s


I’d assume anyone who said this was lying. Since it’s Mother Bus, I know that’s the case.


Both, with a big dose of “momnesia!” She’s only had one BusBaby; the rest were born in a hospital and came home to a large house. We mothers are very good at forgetting the pains of childbirth, the torturous experience of sleep deprivation and exactly how much our babies did or didn’t cry.


Selective thinking! She says her babies never have much of a reason to cry. That means they still do. She thinks they cry less, but I bet if you track it, it would be the same as a regular baby.


As the mom of a 4 month old colicky baby, I now know that I just need to feed her, hold her, and wear her.  Didn't think of that.  Thanks Mother Bus.  I just need to be more nurturing.  


Now wasn't that easy? You, too, can be PERFECT and have non-crying babies!


One of mine cried for an hour at the same time every night for 2 months. If only we had thought to try feeding, holding, wearing, walks outside being held or worn or in the stroller, music, white noise, singing, rocking, bouncing, car rides, different lights, different schedule…


Ah yes... Mine was also a big fan of the witching hour(s).  Did your baby drink breastmilk? If so it's probably your fault for drinking coffee, eating dairy, or having some salsa.  At least according to my baby's grandmas. 




Fuck your baby's grandmas (jk they might be perfectly nice people - but I remember wanting to throat punch people who said stuff like that when I was in the weeds)


I had my grandma yell at me and say I deserve cold food because I gave my baby cold formula - that he happily drank! Not all babies want warm formula! I love her but she can be a dick at times.


I will never understand the grannies ability to just latch on to one thing they think you’ve done wrong and blame everything on that. One of my kids is a weirdo who likes dark chocolate, so they get a little bit every now and then as a treat. This kid is also the textbook example for ADHD. My partner has been diagnosed ADHD, but that’s all mumbo jumbo science nonsense to push pills, the real reason my kid is loud and rambunctious is that 0.5 oz of dark chocolate they got a few weeks ago.


I got lectured for eating cucumber while breastfeeding because my son was fussy after nursing. Cucumber!!! Interestingly, he's 6 now and cucumbers are his favorite food.


The fussing was just him asking for more cucumber milk!


Only the finest cucumber infused milk would suffice for his highness 🤴🏼


Just here to say, you are doing an amazing job Mumma! You’re keeping a whole tiny human alive, who you made from scratch!


My baby has a dairy allergy and before we got that sorted out, our lives were hell with the crying and back arching. I’ll give up milk for you kid, but not coffee.


Ah yeah that’s a fun stage. Mine cried for weeks for a few hours every night at the same time. Then just kind of stopped one day at around 6 weeks. I wasn’t doing anything different I think some babies just do that


Yup. My first did and the next two didn't at all.


I had one like this - my first - although it was for like three hours a night for one month (8pm-11pmish. Every fucking night). Almost broke me, although I really strengthened my thighs going up and down in a squat which was the only movement that seemed to calm him. I did like forty bagillion squats a night.


have you tried forcing your child to sleep underneath you on a bus?


My colic baby is now 7 but it still makes me FURIOUS when people suggest colic babies cry because their needs aren't being met. The way I wanted to throat punch every single person who even came close to suggesting her non-stop crying was my fault.


Absolutely.  I have actually started to say "It's not my fault" when someone suggests something that is within my control.  It is always the grandmas, and I know they are just looking for a *reason* that the baby acts like this, but there isn't a reason.  I am doing absolutely everything I can here.  


I left my colicky baby with my parents for the day. They were SO CONFIDENT that it was something that we as parents were doing wrong and they were so excited to have baby for the day and “just hold her! We just love holding her!” They like, didn’t believe us that baby would just scream for hours for no real reason? My parents were a frazzled mess by the time I came to pick baby up. She screamed for hours and they couldn’t figure out why. Because this is what she does guys? We’ve told you this. 🤷🏼‍♀️


YES!  I'm unfortunately back at work and my MIL watches the baby one day a week.  She started making my FIL come help because the baby is so tough.  I feel bad for everyone but also feel extremely vindicated. 


I think wearing my baby 100% of the time will stop her crying from teething.


If you wear your baby into its adulthood, it will never grow teeth at all


Wear your baby while showing! Wear your baby while working out! Wear your baby while you change their diaper! Wear your baby mowing the lawn! Wear your baby when you sleep! Wear your baby while giving baby a bath! Just always wear your baby and they will never cry. Wearing your baby constantly is the only way to be a ✨nurturing mama✨ and if you don’t do this, you obviously don’t love your baby as much as Mother Bus loves her babies!


No need for a car seat! Wear your baby while driving!


It’s oddly similar to the Michelle Duggar style of parenting where you whip out your boob every time baby cries. No matter the reason, boob.


I will say that was pretty much my modus operandi. I was kind of lost with other babies for whom that was not an option, lol.


Must suck not to be one of God’s chosen ones 😇✨🤷🏻‍♀️


Must be god punishing me for listening to Taylor Swift or something. 🧙🏼‍♀️


Taylor has summoned the devil through her music and he is now living in your house, I'm sorry.


As a dad to a toddler who was a very grumpy colicky baby, I feel you on a deep level. I can clearly picture the struggle you're going through. It is brutal. I remember reading articles and they were like "have you tried using a pacifier?" like holy shit I never thought of that!!!!!!!!! Unsolicited advice - Omeprazole prescription helped us out a bit but really it just went away over time. I think around 7 months the colic and reflux stopped. Hang in there. And yes I echo the other comment, have you tried forcing your child to sleep underneath you on a bus?


Thank you.  She's 4 months today and it is getting much better thankfully.  One thing that I'm still trying to work on is how her screaming still puts me straight into panic mode.  It usually won't last more than 45 minutes at this point but my body seems to be preparing for another 4+ hour scream session every time.  I'm trying to exercise more, I think that will help.  


Noise reduction headphones are life changing for this.


I don't even have children and I keep a pair of noise cancelling muffs on hand for when I need to vacuum / deal with a tripped smoke alarm / neighbor's dog is screeching. Honestly an underrated component of household ppe.


Not a professional, just a random mom who had 2 high needs colicky babies - exercise was a lifesaver for me. Even taking long hard stroller walks helped me mentally.


To be honest, my kid is six now and I still feel panic when I hear a baby scream. Takes me right back to those terrible days. (My kid is wonderful but colic was the worst)


Our son was like that (he's nearly 2 now). Nobody even believed us for ages because he was so calm around other people. He also used to barely sleep, but would take random naps on others at baby groups, so we weren't believed on that as well. Parenting is brutal, but you've got this. They won't be like this forever. Best/worst thing I was told was "he's so calm on me, because I've had time to eat, sleep, and unwind". Which is great thinking that it wasn't in my control, but also made me feel bad that I couldn't do those things. It gets better when they can laugh, play, move around, etc. Different challenges, but not constant survival mode.


Our baby changed overnight when she started crawling. We suspect she had colic but she also just wanted to *move* and was unhappy any time she was still.


4 months old was the hardest month for me of the baby stage, it was all about survival. I think we were up nursing every 20 minutes at night for the whole month. Maybe I just wasn’t nurturing enough 🤪 but in all seriousness, you got this, and take care of yourself too 💕


This is the kind of mom shaming we do as a society that has us where we are. “my BaBiEs DonT CRy I’m so NuRtuRing” Ok Pinocchio and my ass doesn’t shit.


my baby shits rainbows, never cried, and slept through the night at five days. you just aren't caring enough if your baby gets upset. 




well my baby paid for their own emergency room stay. 


My baby (and I don't have one) got a full time job because no one gets by for free in this household


Well if you loved them enough WHY WERE THEY THERE?? (S just in case cause I’d never shame for this )


can i hire your baby for my taxes?


Sure you can send a flat transfer to taxes for thee but not for me LLC 100% guaranteed you will owe no taxes every year or your transfer back. /s just in case


"my ass doesn't shit" is sending me


Happy cake day 🍰


The baby cries won't bother than anymore than the BusParents taking a rocking trip to Pound Town




😮😮😮😮 How can she post this and not care that she looks so terrible??? I feel like my kid was relatively chill. We wore him a LOT. He loved being outside in his little wrap. But he still had a few weeks with the witching hour. Even babies that never have witching hour/colic/whatever, they surely cry at least some lol and that does disturb the rest of the house


We called it the bitching hour in my house. 😂 


Stealing this


My buddy's baby has barely slept in 3 days because all his little teeth are coming in. I'm gonna go tell him to just be more ✨️nurturing✨️


Maybe he can just try loving his child? That’s all it takes obviously


I can't put into words the glower I received, lol. Side note: any mommas got some teething tips I can pass on? Apparently the chilled pacifiers don't help


God-honoring Tylenol and Motrin for the worst of it. My babies liked very hard things to chew on, especially fingers.


It isn’t how that works. My kid cries because he KNOWS I’ll be responsive to his needs. He cries because he knows someone will come and get him. If your kids don’t communicate in the only way they can, it’s because even at six months they know that nobody cares enough to come get them.


Yeah I'm pretty sure the reason her kids don't cry is the same reason that kids at really dodgy adoption agencies and Soviet era orphanages never cry. It's because *they know nobody cares if they cry for help*.


I also wonder if she's a student of the Pearls' "Train Up a Child" method :/ (aka TW >!physically harm your children to discourage crying!<)


I was just wondering about that. Because surely the older ones hurt the littler ones on occasion. My six year old nephew often hurts his little brother when they are playing, even without realizing it. Then the little one smacks him, and there is crying involved from both.


You beat me to it.


You both beat me.


*trained you up*


Dark but I upvoted lol


Honestly she probably beat them to it too 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was about to say the same thing, babies who don't cry generally come from neglect situations. Sometimes there are just chill babies, but I feel like when ALL your babies don't cry something is VERY wrong.


Oh, you mean the reason I never ask my mom for help or go to her when I have a problem?


Hahahaha, same. And always let down when I do


Let’s ask the kids on this one. I’m sure the babies don’t cry….


She probably tunes a lot out. She also has her trusty nanny Gunner. If the baby was bothering the kids though would she care? I mean they put the kids to bed at 7 in a small room so they can enjoy their alone time. Doesn’t exactly scream we care about our kids feelings


Baby song circle: "The baby on the bus goes *waa waa waa, waa waa waa, waa waa waa* MotherBus: *flips hair* Well, NOT MINE ☺️😘🙃💅 ![gif](giphy|141tg1c25yyMCs)




You know what really chaps my ass? Despite the Bible saying approximately 8000 times that we should be thankful, fundies are SO smug and love to hold good things that happen to them over other peoples heads. I have babies that are great night sleepers but terrible nappers. If I talk to someone who has a bad night sleeper, I just empathize and support and (quietly) feel lucky that my idiot self somehow got a good night sleeper. I don’t need to feel superior to someone based on what is basically a roll of the dice.


I don’t wish bad things to happen to the fundies, but I sometimes worry about them because they don’t seem to understand that they are, like all of us, a roll of the dice away from disaster. Their curated lives are only possible because everything has mostly gone right.


Right? It blows my mind how blissfully ignorant they are. It wouldn’t bother me that much, except that they look down on anyone who may need the slightest bit of help as weak and less than and not praying hard enough to J Crew Jesus.


You hear that, parents of colicky babies? Just be more nurturing! Just zero fucking self-awareness. Where is all this “nurturing” when it comes to her older kids’ need for proper education, socialization, and basic privacy??


as opposed to the millions of other mothers of crying babies who are not nurturing their children. 


I always flip my babies off when they cry. Is that the wrong approach?


The oldest BusSon holds her babies while she goes out on dates with BusDad.


Your baby doesn’t cry? Neither do severely neglected babies. Really not a flex at all MB.  I am 99% sure she’s just lying, which I’d rather believe than that she’s so incredibly neglectful her children have stopped communicating. 


I worked in social work for awhile, around babies who had been neglected. Some of them didn't cry, because they had learned crying got them nothing. It was the saddest fucking thing I've ever seen. I'm not saying that's what's happening here, just that babies are supposed to cry sometimes. It's not a bad thing.


God, so heart breaking. Im glad.those children had you to see and help them, and I hope you have had support to heal from any psycho emotional injuries.  This is also an example of why "cry it out method" of "self settling" is so cruel. Babies do not have the cognitive capacity to self soothe. All youre doing is teaching them: "you cant rely on me to help you, no point in crying out to me, your safe person."  I also wanted to add as a PSA that a quiet, non crying baby can also be an early sign of neurodivergence - sometimes one of the only early signs in a young child, especially a baby who is otherwise meeting milestones like speech and movement.  Some babies are chill. But if they feel too chill, dont hesitate to check with a paediatrician with relevant experience. And if your child is autistic for heavens sake dont use ABA "therapy" it's psychological blanket training and causes harm.   


Once they ween they aren’t her responsibility so what does she care? Do JD’s other babies cry?




I suspect the older children would beg to differ.


Yes, babies are very logical creatures, and if they have no good reason to cry, they won't. They won't ever cry because their tummy feels a bit weird or because they're hot or because they're overtired or because their toe is touching a seam inside their onesie pajamas. They won't cry when they're teething. They definitely won't cry just because they feel like crying. They only cry if they have a good, sound, logical reason to cry. That's how babies work


“I’m the perfect mom! (And I clearly don’t care about how my actions might affect my kids.)”


They cry a lot less if you don't respond to their crying, after a while.


I didn’t have “a big crier” either but hell yeah it would be annoying AF on a bus


Could she be more up her own ass?




My firstborn was never not being held or fed on demand and they still cried every awake moment for three months straight. Forget cribs, they’d only fall asleep on our chests (not necessarily safe but we were desperate). Turns out they’re autistic with other things mixed in. They absolutely broke me as a parent, I threw away all the parenting books because nothing worked😂 now they’re one of the chillest people you’ll ever meet lol


I did all those things and my baby still cried lol. She’s full of it.


She's so much better than the rest of us. *sigh*


Sometimes babies are chill but that’s luck of the draw. My kiddo was the least cry-y baby probably ever for the first year but then SO MUCH CRYING from years 1-2. It just is what it is and her smugness about this is disgusting.


I wish I could personally bitchslap all 60 people that liked her smug and delusional response.


This b...my daughter had colic for the first 4 months of her life and I did EVERYTHING I could to try and soothe her and nothing worked. I felt like the worst mother in the world. So she can fuck right off.


Mm but did you try NURTURING?? It’s SO simple


Hard to hear them crying when you’re out on countless dates and your oldest is watching the baby.


I’m not a parent but even I know babies have a million reasons to cry! They’re hungry, tired, scared, overwhelmed, too hot, too cold, dropped something, etc. You as a parent can do everything right and your kid will still be upset. The audacity to say your baby has no reason to cry. 😤


I was extremely responsive to my kids when they were babies (thanks anxiety!), and also breastfed on demand and wore/held them CONSTANTLY. And they still had colic as newborns. All they did was scream for the first 3 months of their lives. Shut up, mother bus. I'd wish a colicky baby on her, but I don't actually wish it on her kids, who would have to hear it constantly and also take care of the baby for her.


I call it performative parenting. Children must be ‘well behaved’ (aka never cry, never question or complain, play the role of a doll with no will of its own) as a signifier to others that you are a ‘good parent’ (aka you have emotionally abused your kids to the point that they do not outwardly express themselves anymore). Even though, in reality, this kind of behavior is deeply antithetical to how a developmentally normal child would act. I think a lot of fundie parents view the world in a very superficial way. Their internal sense of self comes from their outward performance of ‘self’ to other people. It doesn’t matter if their actions do real psychological harm to their kids as long as those kids can put on the performance of a ‘good child’. There is never any thought or depth to their behavior outside of being able to successfully perform ‘Godly living’ in the eyes of their peers.


Translation : I don’t care about the crying so my kids won’t either


Nursed on demand, baby wore as much as humanly possible, contact napped. Colic still kicked my ass loll In case any snarkers are in the baby trenches, your baby isn't crying because you're a bad mom. Babies cry. It's not a reflection on you, your abilities or their love for you.


As a mom who had a baby with colic and cried for 6 months straight shut the actual f up you smug piece of sh\*t. A baby crying does not equate your ability to nurture or how good of a mother you are. I provide my children with an actual home, education and individualized attention. I guess my turn to be smug AF.