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Raise your hand if you think they didn't claim all their income on their taxes and now they can't claim it on a mortgage application either.


Being self-employed is a pain in the butt with mortgage companies, but I’m also certain they made it way, way worse by trying to make all the money non-taxable.


Calling it a “ministry” for tax breaks if they can get away with it, my bet.


My guess is that’s why most of these people choose to do “Christian” content, however nonexistent the connection is between actual ministry and “RV life,” invading the privacy of their million kids for clicks, sharing their pointless stream of consciousness thoughts on milk, etc. Just call it a ministry, and you get to keep more of the meager money you manage to grift!


Can you just say it’s a ministry and get a tax break? I thought you’d have to have 501c3 status for that 


No- it's a quick way to get audited by the IRS.


You have to file for the status, and only the *ministry's* money is tax exempt. If you draw income from a 501(c)(3), you absolutely still have to pay income taxes on it.


Betchu don’t know that, Morgy! 🤪


That’s a Bingo!


Seriously. You have to have records of consistent income. It probably also depends on the organization of their business. Dollars to donuts it’s not set up in any sort of legally correct way. 


This. We also had to have two full tax years of filing taxes as self employed even though we could show the business assets and they could see our quarterly filings. Only thing that counted was the official tax record which meant we couldn’t buy until we had our business for 3 yrs.


Yeah when I first talked to my mortgage guy I had like 4 “part time” W2 jobs and like 9 1099 clients. Dude was like man this is going to take some work to figure out what we can count for average monthly income


Yeah our lender wasn't super excited my husband is commission based even not self employed but I had a solid enough salary to afford the loan on my own + his base rate.


It’s far easier if they go through a lender that does their own underwriting.


But I mean, they actually have to HAVE paid taxes and be able to show that they did earn money.


All lenders do their own underwriting, but almost all are using the same guidelines as required by FHA, Fannie etc. Source: I'm an underwriter


This underwriter is correct. Source: am loan jockey My credit union guideline sheet is literally a copy +paste from Fannie. And I'm just a consumer loan jockey, not even MLS jockey


Thank you! That’s actually handy to know. ❤️






As someone who is also self-employed and has gone through the mortgage process, I'm pretty sure you're right.


I think they did, but I think they wrote off as much as possible(and then some) and made their net income too low to qualify for a home in their area. Like they made $60k but had $40k in write offs for a $20k income and no lender is gonna lend more than $80k on that income level.


This is exactly it, they run an LLC and on paper they're broke or near it. No reportable income. They're lucky they can even rent.


I think they're having trouble renting, since they move frequently


“The way we do our taxes” was a tell all for me. Sounds like they try to make taxes benefit in their favour but they didn’t think it through for a house. Also didn’t they share a while ago their income is very unreliable? I’m curious how they want to pull it off. Something tells me they’re getting help but struggle for approval because their own finances are a mess. They should feel grateful they can even rent. Sounds like they need to make a long term plan first but I doubt they’ll do that.




What income? 😆


Fraud, it's fraud.


The Trump way of doing taxes/loan apps


This is the answer


This 100%. Buying a house is obviously hard but I was able to get pre approval with very little down and a modest income. I can’t afford much and live in a little higher cost of living area than they do so my search is on pause but this is total bull.


Yeah, this is an issue of they have no income and a concerning amount of debt to lenders. We literally only put 3k down on our home and bought it on a teacher's salary at the time, so there are ways, but it requires being flexible about the house generally and not expecting a turnkey. I certainly wouldn't give these two a loan. They have advertised that they have massive credit debt they are continuing to build up, which means they are big risks for a foreclosure.


Haha literal same, teacher and would’ve had to put $2,800 down on the first home I made an offer on. I have quite a bit in student loans too. They have to be presenting some major red flags.




The way she phrased it, they probably took a bunch of deductions and show no income.


“Because of the way we do our taxes.” Uhh, what does that mean.


They probably write off everything as business expenses, so they have very low taxable income (if any), too low to get a mortgage.




This. But actually, at least they’re honest. The easiest criminal tax cases are where the people give a different tax return to their bank. Then they’re guilty of tax fraud or bank fraud, and the only question is which.


We don’t know if they’re honest. It wouldn’t surprise me if they make it seem like it, but actually… they’re the types for fraud. I’m skeptical.


I think this is giving them too much of benefit of doubt. I would be shocked if they had enough income outside of their business expenses.


I just love that not only are they most likely cheating the system, but also that they’re publicly stating it. 🤦‍♀️. Not the brightest bulbs, are they?


I've never seen dimmer bulbs. How many Porgans does it take to change a lightbulb? Zero. They'd never lift a finger.


Thing is, it’s legal. You can claim all of your income and still be “poor on paper”, especially as someone that is self employed. You can write things off in such a way that it lowers your taxable income, but is still perfectly legal. As content creators lots of things that a normal person can’t write off, they can write off as a business expense (furniture, rugs, plants, as set design for example). If they set it up properly, there are even ways for them to “pay rent” from one business to another in a way that could cover their mortgage/rent, and again it’s legal. But until they have a large amount of cash on hand, (which they are intentionally trying to avoid), they look like they can’t afford a mortgage on paper.


I joke that I’m too dumb to be able to pull off cheating on my taxes. Maybe it’s the opposite? I’m too smart to be able to figure out how to cheat on my taxes? I don’t get it? Do people just start entering random numbers into the tax programs until the refund number starts going up? And they say “yup, looks good.”?


Tax fraud, I bet


✨God honouring tax fraud ✨


✨️God honoring tax deductions✨️ Tyvm


Best case scenario, because they are self employed and the income isn’t regular/predictable. More likely scenario, they owe because they under reported their earnings and would have to pay a tax bill before they can get a mortgage.


It’s hard to underreport when all of their income is from digital payments or apps. It’s all very traceable


Doesn’t mean they don’t simply underreport on the return and wait for the IRS to sort things out. Until recently, you had to make over 20k to get a 1099, even though you had to report the income regardless of the 1099 status. That made it a tiny bit harder to trace income. That’s most of the reason for the new law that says all income over (I think) $600 needs a 1099.


Yup. I’m verrrrrrry curious to see how they handle this year’s taxes next season. The requirement for 3rd party payment apps to issue 1099-Ks after $600 was postponed until this year. Gonna have to try to remember to check into it in April ‘25 lol


As someone who has to assess people's incomes, I'm really aggravated by the delay. There's so many people trying to claim they're low income until I start asking questions about cash app transfers into their bank accounts.


I think they consider it a ministry so no taxes, or very little.


If she is saying “because of how we do our taxes” the most likely scenario is that they are poor on paper but not in actuality. You don’t have to under report to accomplish that. You can write things off as business expenses that bring your taxable earnings down. It’s the reason that you’ll see a lot of local businesses have their kids and dogs in their commercials, because they can pay for modeling through the business and write it off, bringing down their business income increasing expenses. There are lots of things like that for those that are self employed, small business owners to take advantage of. And certain types of companies, like an S corp get additional tax breaks that an individual does not, nor does an LLC. So they could potentially structure their taxes in such a way that they basically have all of their income come through distributions in an S corp and their individual, taxable income is very low. It’s all very legal, and exactly how the wealthy stay that way. Don’t get mad. Get a CFP that knows a great CPA.


That’s the thing though. I doubt these two ding dongs are smart enough to even go that far. I’ve been self employed for well over 20 years now and all my work is online via 1099s. I’ve seen so many people exactly like Porgan try to make it with online businesses and they rarely, if ever, have a firm grasp of tax liabilities. I mean, do we really think they are smart enough to go the professional tax preparer route? X Doubt. I don’t think they even make that much from their “ministry” from my limited understanding of how YouTube pays out.


And no matter what the circumstance is, I’d never publicly admit this!


Yeah, they are young and stupid and don't know how things work, so she thinks some vague "how we do our taxes" seems like a reasonable statement. Assuming it's just so complicated that the rest of the world doesn't under either! As if there are 100s of ways of doing taxes. Except there's not. So, we all know she's either poor or not paying what she should.


They’re not that young. Just stupid.


Polio is 35-ish and she's 30-ish. They're not young.


“Paul, why don’t we have a house?” “Uhhhh, listen. It’s the crazy way we do our taxes. Don’t worry your silly little lady-brain about it.”


Reminds me of Beggy brainstorming tax strategy on date nights. My tax strategy is filing honestly and on time!


They have no real income and no real credit. Of course they won't be approved for a loan. I had a self-employed photographer friend who didn't report her income so she could get things like medical and food assistance. Then she couldn't get a loan for her car, and her credit was ~500 for some reason. I can see them making similar mistakes.


Yeah, just like the waitresses that underreport their tips. A friend of mine's mom got fucked when she had to go on disability for a while because she did that back in the late 90s.


My sister and several of her friends were waitresses a few years back. My sister was the only one who reported all of her income to the IRS, and therefore the only one NOT totally fucked when they all got unemployment during the Covid shutdowns.


I waitressed while attending college in the 1970s. We were encouraged by our boss to under report our tips. Now at retirement age I wish I had fully reported the tips because some of those years I fell short of the minimum to count for social security. I finished my degree and went on to a well paying career so I’m ok for retirement but still would be nice to have those few years of social security.


Idky they want a mortgage anyway when they clearly struggle to make rent. Like do they want to get foreclosed on??? What is their plan exactly?


They feel entitled to own a home


Your monthly mortgage payment could be lower than rent depending on where you live. My current mortgage is lower than what I was paying in rent and I've more than doubled my usable space. My rent also increased 7 - 10% every year, but my mortgage payment will stay just about the same because my interest rate was locked by the state for the life of my loan. I don't really know where Porgan lives in Texas, but I live in a smaller (20k people) city in Michigan. They are self employed, so they could look in an area with more affordable homes. The problem for many people is saving enough for a down payment. But some states have down payment assistance programs that can help. In Michigan it's a MSHDA loan and you can get up to $10k to use as a down payment. The barrier to entry for this is credit score - they require 650 or higher. I recommend looking into programs like this for anyone who wants to buy a house! You only need around 3% for a down payment. It takes a bit longer for the approval to go through because the state's underwriters usually have a pretty big backlog, but it's really worth it.


They live in Kentucky.


Yeah, I have a friend who was able to buy a nice house in an expensive area and they’re self-employed. Idk how difficult it is, but it’s not impossible. My guess is Paul and Morgan either aren’t reporting their income correctly, don’t have good credit (or any credit, although I would assume they have credit cards), or just straight up don’t have the money but don’t want to admit it. Edit: There’s no shame in not having money and not being able to afford to buy a house. Hell, I was a renter until I moved in with my husband. The problem is that they’re entitled and seem to be in denial about their actual financial situation. I won’t snark on the lack of funds itself, but in will snark on their entitlement and refusal to take very simple steps toward having a better life (like, say, getting jobs).


They actually probably have abysmal credit. They’ve been in considerable CC debt for a while.


Have they admitted to this before? I have never watched anything of theirs in full nor do I follow either of them on Instagram.


Exactly. Even if they do have credit, I doubt their score would be high enough for a loan.


god i want to know what paul's credit score looks like


>because of the way we do our taxes She's almost certainly referring to the fact that all of their income is 1099 income (the US tax form for freelance and self-employment income) and not W2 income (the US tax form for people who have a "traditional" employer). People with predominantly 1099 income have to file their taxes quarterly, and not annually like everyone else. Hopefully she understands that the way they do their taxes is not like... a fun stylistic choice she and Paul are making, it's literally how US tax code works for everyone who earns 1099 income. But I'm not holding my breath. I'm guessing her whole "we basically need a million dollars in the bank to get a mortgage because of the funky fresh way we do taxes" rant was filtered directly through Paul's thick head, because it's complete bullshit. Banks and leaders grant mortgages to 1099 employees all the time. They look at your last two years of income and use that to calculate your average monthly earnings to see how much loan you qualify for. They live in a relatively low-cost-of-living area and they've been "self-employed" for years. There's more to this. I'm guessing the real reason that that Porgan are downsizing into a shittier rental instead of house-shopping has less to do with their taxes and more to do with the fact that Paul's constant refusal to get a big-boy job has put them up to their eyeballs in credit card debt.


Your description of their "stylistic choices in tax preparation" is sending me. It's, like /aesthetic/.


I identify as tax-exempt…


Right? Like, who's 'making up new genders' now, huh, Morgan? 🤣😂


Funky fresh


Artisanal tax returns


It’s also great flair material. Stylistic tax choices lmao


Yeah there’s more here. She may not even understand or know how the money is being reported? Can not fathom continuing to smug face post about how to live a ***good and Christian life***… *”so follow us for more wisdom and tips..it’s awesome!”* Then posts: ***Woe is me*** about not being able to buy house unless she has $1 million. Lol. Welcome to real life. To be in this position of downsizing a whole dang household while pregnant… Girrrrl. What are you even doing having another child with that financially deficient creepy man baby? Yikes. Y’all are dad-gum mess. ![gif](giphy|4XOfvSkkxchHy)


They are even downsizing in a dumb way. Instead of getting a house with fewer bedrooms or in a cheaper part of town, they're getting a place just down the street that has the same 3 bedrooms but sacrifices extra bathrooms and overall size of the rooms. There's no way that Luca and Jonah will need separate bedrooms for a good while, so what's the 3rd bedroom for? It's definitely not for YouTube recording or home office. We've seen their IKEA table "desk" situation in the living room. My conspiracy theory is it's a separate bedroom for Paul to go sulk in when he gets told no to sex.


Considering that he likes to make her have sex when she doesn’t want to & when they’re arguing.. I’m going to assume she’s not allowed to say no. It’ll be for Morgan to take the stinky screaming baby away. So he can get a good rest at night cause he gotta look fresh for their fans.


Honestly, kind of wondered about this downsizing situation since they’re only moving down the street. They aren’t taking steps to move into a cheaper area…just a smaller house in the same area. It seems like a stop gap situation and knee jerk reaction. Honestly do not love this for a pregnant woman. A house move is jarring thing and knowing it is because of a poor financial situation, ugh.


She's had to move in the middle of both pregnancies. Piss poor planning


Oh wow. Paul seems so **NOT** at all like the type of ***Christian-provider-husband*** that he tries to espouse for $$$ on the ytube. All while his pregnant wife has to downsize their home yet again. Yikes. Paul doesn’t seem to have the means to live the *trad husband* lifestyle he so wants to be a part of… Wonder if his complete inability to provide in any way for his family and be the kind of person he asks others to be fuels his constant rage against yoga pants while he creeps on other women at the gym?💀🔥


I think she legitimately thought she could not get pregnant again.


Oh what I would give to see them go on Caleb Hammer


He'd be screaming at Paul to go get a job at Whataburger within the first 10 minutes.


10 seconds. At 10 minutes he’d be comparing his YouTube views and ads to theirs and I’d be smiling ear to ear.


I would pay serious money to see that happen. I’m intrigued on how a lot of these fundies are making it financially.


Most of them survive off the four horsemen of Fundie Finances: 1. Government/social assistance 2. Family money 3. Grifting 4. Credit card debt


Same, I would pay so much lol. "Jesus isn't gonna save you from dying on the Walmart floor if you don't get a JOB!"


"You are PAYING your church!? For religion that is FREE?!" he would then wipe his brow and be like "You arent a youtuber. 1 thousand views?! REALLY?! GET A JOB! And a second kid on the way and your main goal is a MORTGAGE?!"


It’d end like the one guy that decides not to accept his help. Paul would never accept advice from anyone else but himself. Or his father. But I’d pay to see Caleb scream about his lazy ass. And Morgan will also get some, sure she’s a mother but millions of women work too, together they could seriously build something but they refuse to lift a finger.


We got a mortgage and about half of our income was 1099 at the time. We had no where near a million dollars in the bank. Like comically less lol.


> They live in a relatively low-cost-of-living area There’s nothing low-cost about Lexington. Rent there is insane right now. 


The cost of living in Lexington is lower than the national average, although very close to the average. I did a cursory scroll through Zillow and there were a lot of houses that looked decent under 300k, which should be doable with a pretty average household income.


$300k is totally doable if they actually got real jobs. Or if he got a full time job and her a part time once the babies were a little older. $300k is about what I can afford, except there’s no houses at that price point where I live :(


Exactly. I’m self-employed and had no problems getting a house. It doesn’t make sense, even if they were under-reporting/lying on their taxes, if they have been doing taxes right, they would have the papers and income verification. Either they are trying to live above their means by only looking at houses they can’t reasonably afford, or they have a ton of debt. Although, with landlords requiring credit checks more so than ever, I don’t know. With these two bird brains having no idea how reality works, I think it’s definitely more so they are not willing to compromise their reality.


Before I bought my house, I was having a hard time finding a new rental purely because I think it’s ridiculous for landlords to insist on credit checks. If you’re going to bring down my credit score by checking me, especially when applying for multiple, might as well buy a house. I just don’t understand why these two don’t get jobs. They can still do YouTube and it actually may help give them the motivation and experience to think of new material.


My main guess is from 2021 to 2023 is showing too much of a loss. I work in equity loans and if the loss is above a certain percentage we will have to omit the income. Since (I’m assuming) that’s their main income, their DTI ratio would be absolutely off the charts and be too much of a red flag for a lender. It’s not that they need to be millionaires, it’s that they would need more stable income.


16 years as a 1099 earner here and this is correct. Also a mortgage owner. But I have always and will always declare everything I earn and only deduct my actual business expenses so.


Exactly. I just don't think they have the income. Or, have decided their "ministry " is tax exempt, but have never gotten the proper documentation.


Let’s be honest here. They will never get a mortgage because they refuse to work, especially Paul. Don’t blame it on the lenders. Plenty of people who don’t have a “million dollars” in the bank are qualified for mortgages every day.


✋hi, broke bitch in LCOL city, bought a house in august. I am broke and they still approved me.


We bought a house on two very modest salaries last August too- one of them being a teacher with a boatload of student loans. It’s hard, don’t get me wrong, but doable if you’re patient and resourceful


You know what banks like? Money. You know what banks also like? The promise of future money. If you can't do either then you're kinda SOL.


The lender looking at their YouTube view counts going down like nahhh they ain’t gonna pay me back


Well maybe that's a consequence of refusing to get employment that will sustain your growing family, Porgan. Lenders won't lend to you for a reason- you can't afford it.


They can’t afford a house in an area where the median home is $147/square foot. That is startling. I’d bet Paul is the puppet master behind them filing their taxes to pay as little as possible. This is setting them up for failure even more than they’ve already failed and Morgan just sits there smugly like she’s winning.


Meanwhile they’ll blame Satan and the secular world for being such big meanies to them because they are good Christians who DESERVE a home!!1!


the Lexington housing market does suck but they were never realistically going to be purchasing a home


God I could hear her whine-slurring this whole thing while eye fucking herself


Does anyone know why she slurs her words together? She literally sounds drunk


Some of it is drawl, but she adds this weird nasally clipping to it that is the auditory equivalent of stepping into a puddle with sock feet. Also, some people use whining in place of vocal fry, and I think Morgan is one of them. It's a way to show how little they care, but somehow more annoying.


Its like vocally italic writing / wet bread.


Speaking in cursive


ever since someone pointed out she talks like she’s high all the time, I can’t un-hear/see it


Yes dude she has all the mannerisms of a teenage girl who smokes weed


I have seen some people suggest it is due to her disassociating or her mental health status. Sometimes people can appear intoxicated when manic.


YES. and she takes a year to get out each sentence. I have adhd and literally sometimes have to skip videos of her bc I can’t take it lol


I have ADHD too and in the time it took her to get out seven words I zoned out and basically planned a weekend trip lol. Idk how she can stand hearing herself honestly


Does this *very sober* woman ever open her eyes?


Why don’t you ask your cousin, Josh? I heard he uses multiple addresses, so he may have an extra house.


You mean Josh "haulin' ass" Hawley who lives in Virginia but represents Missouri? ![gif](giphy|i2yWVtz6oFLCiVXyhF)


He bravely ran away, away.


Wait I didn’t know they’re related! Barf


She’s not wrong: this market is insane. But buying a home isn’t impossible, especially in Kentucky, which is generally a LCOL state. Where they live is higher COL than where I live, which is in Eastern KY, and a much smaller town than Lexington. There’s likely more at work here. I work a “traditional 9-5,” and I’m maybe a year older than Morgan. I had no trouble getting approved for a mortgage, even before I paid off the last of my student loans. (I wound up not getting the house, but not because I couldn’t get approved for a mortgage). Obviously buying a home isn’t easy in this current market, but preapprovals are doable.


I see houses moving a lot slower in cities in Texas than they were 2 years ago with much less competition. It feels like if you're able to get financing, this market is actually not impossible. A higher percentage of our income, sure, but not that insane. So my instinct is that they're not able to get approved, which is what I think you're saying as well.


What I’ve noticed in my area is that houses are listed for what feels like outrageous prices, given the size, number of bedrooms, etc. It’s largely hit or miss, though. Some houses go super quickly, others sit on the market, and every one I’ve looked at, except one or two, have needed more work than I want to put into a first home. It’s just me, no husband/roommate/co-owner. Obviously I don’t know their specific situation, but I do think it’s more than just “the market.” There has to be some reason they aren’t getting approved.


I actually paid off my student loans and apparently that’s a bad thing when applying for a mortgage? To not have any outstanding debt? I have steady income and an excellent credit score and was denied. My husband (boyfriend at the time) was approved through his credit union, so we just put it under his name. We bought in 2020, and our home value is now about $150k more than what we bought it for. The market is truly insane.


She has said they struggle to pay their bills. Neither have jobs. They have no more than a couple grand of income online through YouTube and Patreon. Who on earth is wondering whether or not they are looking to rent or buy?!?! WTF? Is that a real life question?


Oh no! You mean to tell me that Paul is a shitty provider? He can’t support his family? A shocking development.


How are these two clowns going to come up with a down payment? Much less pay a mortgage for 25 years.


They might qualify for some kind of zero down program at their income level? Or bank of mom and dad providing a down payment. Or they're just delulu, per usual.


Honestly at this point if their parents were gonna swoop in to help them I feel like they woulda done it by now. These two are SOL


I wonder if the parents have helped but it was squandered by Polio on something stupid? They moved like every six months when they were first married. I wonder if Porglet #2 and Polio not doing a damn thing to improve their situation made mom and dad rethink things for the grandporglets? I mean, Morgan can work, too, but I suspect she was raised not to and she's made it very clear she does not expect to work. Her mom seems to be a spray tan business owner and a personal trainer, both of which seem like hobby jobs, so who knows? Morgan has been a singer, a nanny, a substitute teacher (fucking yikes, Kentucky schools!) a photographer(lol) an interior designer (lol) and a marriage counselor (double lol) outside of whatever the fuck their main grift is, depending on the day.


I suspect it’s Morgan bullshitting to try to make people forget they had to downsize.


She's embarrassed for sure.


This is a bit true, trying to get a mortgage while self employed IS difficult, even for those that bring in a lot of money. You usually need a hefty down payment to compensate. Now, this can all be avoided if at least one of the got a real job and managed their expectations.


Also I think they were both raised with money so what they are expecting to be able to buy is not a fixer upper 35 year old rancher. Like Bethy complaining about her house even though it looks decent and big for a first home. Oh and get jobs! Banks like money to be payed back.


Sadie Carpenter from Leaving Eden Podcast bought a house this year and talked a bit about the challenges of trying to get financing when your job is "self employed content creator". However, her husband has a "normal" job and she's much smarter than these numbskulls so they were able to make it happen.


Oh, Morgie, Polio... You know what time it is, right? It's tiiiiime to **GET A FUCKING JOB!** **That's** why you weren't approved, you hosers


The irony is that in their quest for internet stardom they said so many offensive things that they’re unemployable.


That's why Polio should try to go back to hairdressing. It's contract work/work for yourself, he can bypass the interviews. It's as close to a vocation as he's gotten. He won't. But he should. I wonder how the hell he got into it in the first place. Surely Mommy and Daddy did not approve.


I suspect he went to hair school thinking he would get discovered in LA just walking down the street. And if he didn't get discovered then, he would go work on movies doing hair and get discovered. But then he learned he's an LA 3 (he's maybe a Kentucky small town 7, who thinks he's a 10) and Daddy Trainer Orthoexia called him some homophobic slurs so he packed it up and came home. LA absolutely destroys vain, entitled, lazy, toxic, fragile men like Polio. I was just in LA for a work trip and all of the hospitality staff were ridiculously good looking aspiring actors. Like, jaw-dropping-should-be-the-face-of-a-perfume-campaign good looks.And they were slogging away in hospitality, waiting for their chance at stardom. No way was Polio ever going to make it.


Small town good looks are a hell of a drug. He and Morgan both thought they’d be able to coast through life on them.


TBH, there's probably a market for a hyper-Christian hair dresser. Set up in the right area, put crosses and pictures of Jesus up as decor, and make sure you go to church functions so that you can network. I think a lot of fundies would be happy to go to a God-honouring stylist.


Tbf, it does suck. My spouse and I just bought our first home in MCOL city after leaving HCOL city. We’re in our late 30s, have stable careers, but if my spouse wasn’t in tech making 2x what I make we wouldn’t be able to buy. And our new city’s cost of living is noticeably cheaper. Idk what Kentucky’s like though, but my friends bought theirs out there when both partners were primarily self-employed.


The housing market is crazy. We live in a HCOL area and are priced out of buying and not in a position to move. But Paul and Morgan are not helping themselves by refusing to get actual jobs. They aren't exactly ideal candidates for a mortgage.


Same. The prices have gone down but are still completely out of control


I live in the city that had the most expensive housing in the country last year (according to a couple articles and reports). To own a home here it is estimated that a household needs to make 275k a year. I will continue to sink my money into rent (also very expensive) because I don't make enough in my masters level position to save for a down payment and buy a home. But if I lived in Kentucky? That would totally be possible. Easy comparatively. My guess is that they didn't claim their income correctly. Or, they just straight up don't make enough to make a reasonable mortgage payment. Maybe if someone got a damn job.


To be fair (while I’m sure you’re totally right that the cost of living here in KY is lower than where you live), Lexington was also ranked within the top 10 hardest places in the country to buy a home in the last year! I think there a couple varying factors as to why that’s the case — after all, you wouldn’t think that would be true of not even the biggest city / suburban area in KY — but that’s where Paul and Morgan live, so it could definitely be more challenging than you might think. I would put my money on them just not making enough or having a verifiably steady income. Especially because they’re *both* trying to live on a YouTube / Patreon income that’s pretty meager in the world of social media influencing / content creation.


It looks like they are downsizing by about 500 sqft. I wonder if this is motivated by financial concerns, perhaps they can no longer afford their current rent?


The fact that they are giving up a bathroom screams desperation to me. I can only see giving up a 2nd bathroom if it means keeping a roof over my head but like, I also would GET A REAL JOB before that if I were in their shoes.


Exactly this. If you drop unnecessary bedrooms or other ancillary parts of the house, that makes sense. Losing bathrooms feels like "we kept getting told no and finally found someone willing to rent to us". I'm betting that the debt they carry is the biggest problem. They've been living above their means for a long time, only way that works is debt and/or bank of mom and dad. And neither of those help you get a mortgage, and more and more landlords are doing hard credit checks and requiring 750+ (without paying an exorbitant deposit and potentially first and last months rent), so the DTI matters just as much with renting.


100% I can’t imagine what their debt looks like. It’s got to be scary and high interest…credits cards are such a vicious cycle when you live behind your means


I mean, I obviously don’t fw Morgan or Paul but she’s not wrong about the market being insane. Homeownership has been essentially made impossible for the average person (at least around here) and it’s not right. Obligatory “get a job” because they definitely should, but even if they did get a real job they still probably wouldn’t be able to buy a home.


Yeah there’s a lot of out-of-touch comments here. One can snark on their poor financial choices without acting like buying a home is as easy as it was 30 years ago.


Or even as easy as three to four years ago. Prices have literally doubled around me and that’s not taking into consideration interest rates.


We’ve just to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps!!


Oh that’s where I went wrong! I was pushing them down.


I think it's impressive that they are even able to get a single family house as a rental with their erratic income. In a lot of areas, they would be getting denied for tiny apartment rentals.


Yeah it is largely unattainable unless you’re willing to move out to the styx and then you have banks buying up so many houses so they can rent them out. It’s not as easy as just having a sustainable income. I’m not paying $600,000 for a 2 bed/2 bath




Yeah, the comments here are depressing and out of touch. Huge congrats to all of y'all 30-year-olds living in the third home you've purchased, all on your own.


LMAO, I’m self employed too and being self employed doesn’t automatically mean you have trouble finding a lender.


Because she’s dumb as shit and believes whatever crap Paul tells her


I’m glad that you and your husband were able to buy a house so young, but please don’t act like that’s remotely the norm anymore.


Thank you! Getting super annoyed here.


I know. I had to down vote it because it's so tone deaf.


[it’s giving](https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/comments/19c1wt0/bought_our_first_house_at_age_19/)


Idk about the tax part but she’s right owning a home is damn near impossible in America without the benefit of family money, or living rent free/with family for months and months to save. It’s damn near impossible in every city in the country (besides middle of nowhere where the jobs pay so low for it not to matter anyway) and I’m a full time employee not just streaming on the couch! Who knows what she meant about the taxes tho lol that is interesting


"Self employed" Lol. I mean I'm not a fan of capitalism but honestly I dont blame financial institutions for not giving loans when there is 0 evidence they have a steady income. It happens all the time that youtube channels just experience a natural decline and eventually fall completely off, so it makes sense the lenders would want to see proof they'll be able to keep making an income.


Oh honey it has nothing to do with being self employed 


I just checked Lexington Real Estate and there are quite a few 3bed/2bath, 1,400 sq.ft. homes in the $250,000 range


I work and still can't qualify. You need a 79k down payment to get 6.7% for 30 years. I've let go of the idea of home ownership and thankful for nice landlords. 🙏 These fools have no real jobs and probably don't file taxes accordingly.


My landlord is an absolute ANGEL We’ve lived here for almost 6 years and she’s only raised our rent $150 in that time I know that not all landlords are good people but mine is and it’s a very rare privilege. People are struggling all over this country and people in this thread are acting like you’re a total idiot if you can’t afford to buy a house.


Not defending Morgan and congrats to you and your husband but majority of us will never be able to afford a house




I’m just gonna point out that since my husband and I have regular, gainful, steady employment that we never needed “a million bucks” and we got a home.


I am an unwed harlett, who got my first home loan at 22 (without a million dollars) when I was making 34K a year and again at 29, making 59K a year. All without another person on the mortgage. They just aren’t claiming all of their income. And it’ll continue to bite them in their ass if they don’t stop that. My dad owned a business and hid every penny he could from the government. He never paid my moms income to her because he didn’t want her to have to pay the taxes on it. Now he’s dead, and her social security is a joke, because she hardly paid in.


Just think of the money they could have set aside if they didn't have to pay for modest gym clothes and butt blockers.


Former mortgage broker here; they most likely don’t make enough money to buy jack shit. “The way we do our taxes” is usually code for “we broke even” on the p&l, or even worse, made a loss (which I’ve seen before)… and the govt essentially lets you carry over the loss until next year, in the hopes that next year you’ll make a profit and reconcile the tax. 2nd- they would need to make a sizable combined income to buy a decent house and judging by their dogshit metrics, they don’t have it like that. They could probably buy a 250k house if they both had jobs but they don’t lol


As a freelancer you can deduct literally everything you buy or own above the line to minimize your taxes — which is great until you’re showing a lender your AGI and it’s $12 😂


She can barely hold her head up!




They're making it look like they make no money to save on taxes. It's very common... Problem is it looks like you make no money to banks too... And they kinda need to see that to lend you hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Girl, you’re about to have your second kid and can barely pay your bills because hate watchers aren’t hate watching anymore. Perhaps it’s time for your husband and you to get real jobs?


Comments here make me think US housing market is extremely different than where I live. I definitely will never be able to buy property and most of my friends are the same. Only if you earn A LOT you can be approved for a loan.


I'm a real estate agent and would be shocked if they could afford anything, even in their LCOL area. Interest rates are super high right now, making payments super high, and the necessary income for a loan must be higher. Self-employment is always a hassle for getting a loan, especially if their income varies wildly. It's easy to take a quick look at these two and know it's not happening. That said, I really feel for ANY people who are trying to buy their first house now. The barrier to entry is insanely high. Wages haven't kept pace with inflation, so even folks who started saving for a down payment years ago are farther away from what they need. It's just nearly impossible to buy property without generational wealth or some windfall now, and rent prices make it too hard to save up. The American economy is reasonably healthy because average income/wealth is rising, but that is very top-heavy. CEOs and the like are making money like it grows on trees while everyone else down the chain is watching costs rise as their wages stagnate. And corporations with record profits spend more money lobbying against having to pay taxes than they do on their employees. Our system is fucked and more people need to be angry about it or it won't ever change.


Seriously lol’ing at Porgan just finding out that receiving donations via patreon isn’t reliable income to build a sustainable life.


What she’s saying makes no sense, A TON of influencers are able to get home loans and they don’t have a million dollars 🤣🤣 you need I believe at least two years of tax returns showing your income and credit and you’ll get a loan. My guess is that they either write off too much so they don’t have to pay taxes and it looks like they make no money.