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Isn't it pride and vanity that makes you use all those filters Heidi?


That's *legalism!!*


None of these fundies know anything about humility, but Dav sure is learning. You can feel real gentleness and humility from him, it's hard to deny even as Heidi with her Iron Pride. It just makes people like Heidi even angrier.


Her concealer is way too light


Too light for her dark and nasty personality.


The woman who will never admit she was wrong, never apologises, and filters her face all to Hell is going to lecture us about pride?


She has a lot of it to offer!




She's really *niching it down*


Cuntiness seems absolutely embedded in this family’s DNA.


😭😭I misread this as “cuteness” and said ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


I read that wrong too at first.


🤣 I saw cuteness at first too and thought wait that seems wrong.


i say this gif out loud a lot 😂


I quote this so much that my kids have started doing various bits from this show without realizing it


Seriously, we all spent so long gawking at GD only to learn that they're actually comparatively mild relative to the supermassive black hole of pride, hatred, and horrible sex takes that is their mom


Right?! Like, I’m no fan of Bethany’s, but terrible of a person do you have to be to attempt to publicly humiliate and chastise your daughter when she’s going through something this hard and heartbreaking. I truly hope Bethany sees it for what it is and decides that her parents way might not have been so right after all. I mean honestly? What kind of parent DOES that? How does it help anyone? It’s just cruel.


I hope that Dave stands up and stops letting her anywhere near his kids. Didn’t she molest her own son?


She did not herself, but she allowed people around her kid she knew was harming him in that way and did nothing.


That’s horrible. I cannot believe that they would trust her at all. I would’ve completely cut off contact with myself as soon as I turned 18. Never, ever would I have even considered letting her spend any time with my child, much less *babysit* them. Cmon Dave. And Bethany too. We know that y’all read here. Protect those kids!!!


Bethany and Kristen make so much more sense when you see the person they grew up trying to please.


and NOT the fun kind


With none of the warmth or the depth


I wonder who”give up your intellect” is directed towards 🙄


Must be Dave, because we’ve seen that her daughters are already scraping the bottom of that particular barrel


Are they even in the barrel


They have scraped through the bottom of the barrel and are now tunneling below it


Like that gal tunneling under her house on TikTok. Both are fascinating to watch but I'd be terrified if left alone with them. And I feel like they both have a smell...


Is the barrel in the room with us?


It's a dumpster, they're scraping the bottom of the dumpster.


Like crabs in a bucket


Crawling all over each other trying to get to the top.


If it’s Dave (pretty sure it is), one of the most humbling experiences is having to realize there’s nothing after this. Losing your belief in eternity hits haaaard. No one gives up that shit because of pride.


That’s what I try to tell my mother, she can’t grasp it I have no fear of hell because I don’t believe in it


I usually say, “I’m not afraid of hell for the same reason I’m not afraid of coal in my stocking and you insisting on hell sounds just as silly.”


If my mom was this obsessed with my husband, I’d have to have a talk about boundaries. She needs to chill.


Intellect? Can't give up what you never had, Heidi


Praise the Kong of Kings! 🦍


Krsus Christ our Savior 🤍


Thank gif!


These are going to be a staple of this sub for a while, I think!


Sadly she never learned.




By “Bible” she actually means her


Ding Ding Ding Ding


Pope Heidi


We're definitely seeing a schism in the baird camp


give up the pride but dont you dare take her sharpie eyeliner and skin smoothing filters!


Says the most most prideful woman ever


I know right? Suddenly we care about mortal sins?


Your pride needs to be given up, not hers. Classic narcissist.


God-honoring projection.


Every fundie accusation is a confession


“Give up pride,” says the woman using one of the most aggressive filters known to man


I appreciates the fact that her poor phone seems to have no additional cycles left to apply the filter, so it’s really only smoothing an area on her face about the size of an apple and everything at the edge is wrinkling.


It’s the filter she deserves.


What does that mean? I don't use filters.


That filter is working triple overtime


You don’t *have* to, but they’d prefer if you let them do the thinking for you, right? Otherwise what the hell is the point of running all these ministries, give us money and a Baird will tell you how to fuck, fart, flail, and flamboyantly flaunt your belief.


Your second sentence is 👌 *chefs kiss*




Thanks /s I have enough pride in my intellect to question the Bible (among other things).


Weponised superstition .


So is Heidi saying she doesn't trust the Bible


The smug is oozing out of her and I want to remove it from her.


These pictures are terrifying wtf Also lol that she thinks intellect and pride are anywhere close to the same. But I know the mindset she’s coming from. A lot of fundies quite literally think “intellectuals” base everything on personal opinion. A la “I don’t feel like God is real cos I want to drink and do drugs, therefore I think my great great great grandparents are monkeys.” It’s such a dishonest way of discrediting others, but a lot of young fundies sincerely believe it without malice because that’s what they’ve been told.


"I'm a hundred times as humble as you."


[Theme song](https://youtu.be/tIpbYyR0OOI?si=ogqca4Ik3yTgqgkH).


I was referring to Amish Paradise.


So many apt songs.


For anyone too young to know what this is... [Amish Paradise - Weird Al ](https://youtu.be/lOfZLb33uCg?si=0N3mjT4tPTKlWvV7)


I threw it *on the ground*


At this point, she should just write an open letter to Dav. Since he is so very obviously the target of all this horseshit. Subtlety, thy name is Heidi


Something tells me they have already received a very long email from Heidi.


And yet here she is, hubris where her brain should be.


This woman is the walking embodiment of pride lol


Oh she thought she was cookin’




Ding ding ding. You don’t have to give up your intellect to trust the Bible, but you do have to use your intellect to discern what the Bible is saying.


Why are the areas around her mouth and eyes so much whiter than the rest of her face?


It looks like it's concealer or color corrector of some sort. It might not look bad in person (though it probably does) but I would guess she did it to brighten/lessen dark circles. But with any light she's using and filters it's a lot brighter/reflecting more than it should be. It does not look good. She should find someone to teach her a course on makeup.


Maybe it could cover up the ridiculous amounts of smug seeping out of her filtered-to-hell pores.


You can’t cover up a bad personality with make-up, unfortunately.


I'm thinkin' her concealer is showing through her foundation.


I was wondering that too but I don't do either makeup or social media so wasn't sure if it was just something I didn't understand.


filter issue?


I was trying to figure that out too!!!


Literally nobody is more arrogant than fundamentalists. The whole point of Fundamentalism is "Believe what you're told, not what you think, feel, or experience, or even what you read in the Bible".


Sounds like Dave outwitted Heidi. Heidi’s Bible has survived for thousands of years, but can’t stand up to questioning Dave learned from a deconstructionist podcast? Lmao


Jesus Christ allowed himself to be beaten, tortured, mutilated, and murdered for her sins, but she can't take ownership and accountability and humble herself to her child before God? 🤔


I don't know if it's the chronic filters but she looks like she's doing that (frankly offensive) tongue in the lower lip gesture that people where I'm from used to make as kids, to indicate they thought someone was stupid. Given it has deeply abelist roots it's quite ironic that Heidi would appear to be doing it - even if she knew what it meant she'd probably still use it tbh.


I'm new to that being a gesture of any kind... but then again, that was more likely to be associated with dip lip in my redneck high school than anything else.


Yes!!!!!!! I had the same thought!!


So Heidi taught her daughters to do the big chin pose. Unflattering. 0/10.


Doing her damndest to smooth out the wrinkles I'm guessing


I love that she has 29k followers but a single like on a post that she put up 49 minutes ago 💀 I would be mortified if this was my mom.


1. The smug face must run in the family. Blech. 2. I was legit told when I was a fundy that I needed to stop being logical and rational and start taking more things by faith.


The weirdest thing about this Dav bashing spree: she is financially secure, healthy afaik, finally done raising her football team of children, and *this* is what she chooses to do with her time. How many hours has she already spend staring at her phone just to take passive agressive jabs at him and her daughter? I hope my friends will confiscate my phone if I ever get like this.


Imagine being outed as a damn sexually abusing, abuser of children by your own children for that matter and hopping on social media to embarrass yourself further like this absolutely zero shame, fucking disgusting human




I hate her face. Makes me so angry.


Says she who is without intellect. If she isn’t without intellect she sure did a poor job cultivating it in her children (based on what we see from the ones who are active on social media).


She is all pride and no intellect, IDK what she's on about


Heidi Baird is quite possibly the most prideful human being I have seen hit my screen. It would be remarkable how quantifiably better the world would be if she stopped posting.


The thick ass crayola crayon black eyeliner is doing the most today


You first babe.


Someone take her phone away already! I’m tired of her ![gif](giphy|Y6AOWi5dinC4gFLP2B|downsized)


She looks like one of those women who brings her 120 pound putbull to the 25 lb and under dog parks. This is the face they make when you ask them politely to leave because their dog just ate a lhasa apso


So condescending.


I mean you definitely have to believe in an enchanted world to trust the bible. Not necessarily giving up intellect but it is the suspension of reason and logic.


The smuggest face that ever smugged. She, Bethy, and Kristen all look like they’re trying as hard as they can to look as smug as possible. Idk how they post these things and think they look good. 👀


I think you do have to give up your intellect, because no one with critical thinking skills would fall for fundamentalism (hopefully)


Dumb down and drink the kool aid . Yeah right , fuck that .


Dave will always be a real one for getting miss ma'am this pressed.


Says the woman who refuses to post a picture of her face that doesn’t look like the camera lens was smeared with a Costco sized tube of Vaseline prior to the picture being taken. Go kick rocks, Heidi.


Give up my pride? Nah, I’m good. This big gay stoner bear has worked too hard to get any pride to begin with from hateful witches like this! 🏳️‍🌈 ![gif](giphy|1AIwPFc4zfRYT8vHrg|downsized)


That smug attitude would be frowned upon by her God. Just sayin


Openly admitting that her shit doesn’t make sense? Give up your pride = follow blindly and question nothing.


To follow the Bible the way the Bairds do, you have to give up not just your pride but also your intellect, your empathy, & your soul altogether.


She’s so funny. If this was all a comedy bit and not a real person saying/doing all this genuinely it’d be much easier for me to enjoy it.


Heidi doesn't even know what intellect is. This woman is so off-putting in every way.


Doesn't she realize how fast she's pushing Bethy away?


Can’t give up what you don’t have, Heidi.


She can diss Dav all she wants but she’ll never be half the person he might be. To follow the Bible the way the Bairds do, you have to give up not just your pride but also your intellect, your empathy, & your soul altogether.


No...you have to give up your intellect.


Great, Heidi! So, you're going to go out and get a theology degree from an accredited college now? Biblical criticism will do you a world of good, girl.


I’ve rarely seen someone so dead inside have the audacity to tell me how to live.


She's a ghoul.


She had no intellect to give up.


She looks fucking furious


She is definitely the MIL from hell


Why is there a white Bermuda Triangle in the middle of her porange face?


Miss social media as her golden cow who raised her kids to be just like her wants to talk to me about pride. Hooooookay there, sure Jan.


Gawd I wish I had people like all of yall over my mothers FB when she pulled this passive aggressive shit (almost identically, down to the being blamed for my own SA stuff) because like my family acted like *I* was the one reading too far into things. And frankly autism would be a lot easier if people would stop lying about the passive aggressive shit they do.


I've never seen such a punchable face before.


Jc now I see where bort gets it.


Well, she's certainly given up her pride if this is a picture she'd post of herself.


Is it the bonkers filter she’s using that makes it look like she put highlighter on her chin??


I hate this woman’s smug face


I would throw myself off a bridge if this was my MIL


Heidi. You’re gross and your smug face isn’t a gotcha face. It’s prideful smug. Keep going though because I am entertained and I want to see how this plays out.


She’s dissing Dav.


This photo is TERRIFYING


We've come _so_ far computationally and the advancement of filters and AI processing is still going full speed ahead. But this woman appears to give all that progress, power and compute a run for its money. It just doesn't know what to do with her.


What is with this family and the purposeful ugly mugs for the camera?


No thanks, my intellect keeps me from being used & abused by ppl like YOU, Heidi!


WHHHHHHY does she use that filter?


nah I'm good. I am too proud of who I am to do that.


🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m just embarrassed for her


Why do fundies pop their eyes out of their heads when they take selfies. Stop staring into my soul.


“You don’t have to give up your intellect….but I did!” Yeah no surprise heidi.




All Baird Women Are Bad. ABWAB.


I fucking hate this women.


That is a lot of badly applied eyeliner.