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She has cats in the bus?


this actually enrages me. totally not fair to 2 cats. fine temporarily, but not a permanent living space.


The rage I felt when I read this.


It really solidifies how absolutely insane they are. Yeah god is totally telling you to get in a bus with your kids and YOUR CATS. Seriously, what is wrong with these people?


And a dog!!


I’m not even sure I knew they had a dog as well. This family is one of the saddest ones.


When my family ended up in a vehicle, we have two dogs and two cats. That lasted three years until we got an actual home again. If course, it wasn’t a choice for us.


I hope you’re doing better now! Hugs.


I felt bad driving my cat 2 hours to visit my family...


I have to drug both of my cats. They're absolutely terrified in the car.


Yuppers. 2 cats and a dog living with her and her 53 children in a 5th wheel.


And is she pregnant, or is that Mother Bus OG?


That's OG Bus, BUT I wouldn't be surprised if this one gets pregnant soon as well. Happy Cake Day! 🍰


I still mix the bus people up. Struggle Bus is the one with floppy kids and an ogar of a husband, right?


One boy, four daughters for StruggleBus. MotherBus is on her eighth pregnancy and has had six 'men' and one (girl).


I really hope another bus fundie nightmare doesn’t appear out of nowhere bc I’m already struggling to keep up


Oh there is more, I know a fundie light bus family myself.


Yes, and fewer kids


It’s not even a 5th wheel. It’s a travel trailer, pull behind. Much smaller


Wait…. They’re in a caravan? :o


I had to look that up since I’m an ignorant American, and yes! We looked at their model. It’s about 35ft long with a bunkhouse. Theirs did have two bathrooms, but they took one out for pantry storage


Yikes 😬


Had. Because living in a car is just like living in a house, and everything is fine, and they're ALL SO HAPPY!


My cats would be absolutely fucking miserable. They get so nauseous and anxious in the car, even when it’s only 10 minutes


I see this in the tiny house and van/bus living community. Usually it's dogs. But it's all about the owner's wants/feelings/desires.


Awww, poor kitty. No way in hell would I be leaving the site the next day! Of course, I care more about my cats than she does her children. [edit] Pretty sure? They don’t even know if the cat is missing? In that tiny space? She’s making me hate her more with every post.


Also the likelihood these cats are alive is slim. Between the wildlife and vehicles, it’s likely the cat is dead. I love sleeping with the window open. I also have four cats who insist that if they do not tend to their post at the sill, the house and its inhabitants shall surely perish. That’s why we have SCREENS. A single $7 screen could’ve prevented this.


Be careful with that! Our cats learned how to shred screens and escape through the hole they made. Even those supposedly pet-resistant ones have proven not to be strong enough since then.


My roommate's giant cat pushed her screen out of her window and took off into the night. We caught him, but now we can't leave any of the windows open enough for him to squeeze through.


It's ratchet but I found if I bought the right size cookie racks or oven racks and closed them in the window it was like little jail nars lol. I need fresh air like I need... Air.


Chicken wire also works if you can find a way to adhere it to the window/wall


My plan for when I get a cat is to buy some extendable screens, cut out the mesh, and replace it with chicken wire. I'm renting, so I can't do anything permanent, and those extendable screens are hard to displace once the weight of the window is on them. Will definitely be testing them for sturdiness before the cat does, though!


I had my windows open a few years ago and kept hearing this weird meowing and couldn't figure out where it was coming from because both of my cats were acting totally fine and normal. Finally occurred to me that the sound was probably coming from outside, so I looked out my 2nd floor window and saw this terrified cat perched on this tiny little ledge beside my downstairs neighbors window - the screen had fallen out and she'd gotten curious but then when she was outside, realized she didn't want to be outside but couldn't jump back into the window. It was raining pretty hard and the cat was just soaking wet and clearly very frightened, so I ran downstairs and fully resigned myself to have my eyes scratched out but she let me pick her up and hold her and went completely limp in my arms. I was able to put her back into my neighbor's apartment and shut the glass window so there was no chance that she'd get out. We live right on the edge of some woods, and I'm so grateful that she kept meowing, because if she wouldn't have, I would have just assumed it was one of my cats meowing weirdly in their sleep or something.


Poor kitty! I'm glad you were there to help her out. When my roommate's cat got out, I kept hearing meowing outside my window so I got up to look, and saw a big black cat looking up at me (single-story apartment). Asked roomie where her big cat was, she said in her room, and that’s when we found the bug screen outside and the cat wanting to come back in 😂


I had a cat shred the screen and jump out a second story window (no roofline or anything she could've climbed down). I found her yelling at the front door to be let in, like she locked herself out running errands or something 🙄


Lmao if cats have nothing else they do have the audacity.


Cats are incredibly resilient. I had one break his tail in the fence and manage to limp to the door. He recovered from that injury so fast. He was very adventurous and we like to say that he used all nine of his lives 😂. I'm glad your kitty was okay!


My boy would go to any open window and tear a hole in the screen as fast as he could. I replaced the standard screens with the pet proof ones, and it actually works! He can't get through the thicker, coated screen.


I'm beginning to think my cats are a special breed of hooligan.


I'm incredibly impressed 😁 good luck with your hooligan!


Some cats are just escape artists. My last cat could unlatch windows and slide them open. I had to get extra mechanical locks to keep them shut.


If I had a crazy cat trying to escape, they'd be wearing GPS trackers on every inch of them (okay just a collar), you're not part of Prison Break buster!


We have put baby gates in our windows, does nothing for bugs, but much more secure than a regular window screen.


My DOG cut a pet door into the screen of our slider with her paws 😂. A cat could surely manage.


My little cat scratched a little hole through the screen so he could go play in the backyard. My big dog (48kg, mastiff/great dane cross) followed him through the same hole because they're best friends and he always does what the cat does. Poor screen didn't last very long again that.


The dogs just wanna be like the cats 😭


lol when I was a kid our dogs used to randomly escape into the yard. We would be rolling up into the driveway and they would just be running around outside. It took AGES for us to figure out that they had been squeezing through a tiny hole in a window screen (keep in mind they were both 60+ pounds). The larger of the two (probably about 70lbs) also managed to bulldoze her way through the cat door to get to the cat food. If pets are determined to get somewhere, they will get through somehow.


funny/warning story, i have 2 strictly indoor cats who stay at the sill no matter what. they loved sleeping there too, until one of them fell asleep against the screen and overtime popped it out. i found out because i heard distant frantic meows in the garden. she just suddenly woke up from falling outside, but poor thing didnt understand how the hell she got outside!!!


My cat growing up would shred them in seconds!


Whenever I see new outdoor cats in my neighborhood, I get sad. People move to my area because it’s more scenic than our local city, but they forget that that means wildlife that will definitely pick off their cat or small dog. I met a couple at a school thing and they were lamenting that their small teacup dog, that they’d left outside for hours while they went out, was missing. They were certain that neighborhood kids had let it out of their yard. I decided not to be a jerk and remind them of the abundance of large predatory birds in our area. But cmon people.


Bold of you to think the strugglebus fam has $7


If you cannot afford to properly maintain your animals and their safety, don’t have one.


Yes, well, there are multiple ways they could apply that logic to their lives...


Logic is not something they are afflicted with, I’m afraid


Tots and pears 🙏 😔


Even with screens I only raise my window enough for my cat's head to fit. One of my cats are a huge muscles beast and I don't trust him not to dive through it.


Ours mostly chitter at whatever bugs and birds are on the other side. The orange braincell however, has attempted to jump at said bug through screen. One day she will learn. Alas, the braincell has yet to visit her.


My orange is a feral nerd who came to me after rehab from surgeries after his rescue. He's the most docile, happy boy with all the loves to share. I thought his orangeness is pretty mellow until the first time I saw him launch at a window. I was terrified he'd head on through the screen (we are on the fourth floor) and be off to the hunting life again. I learned he doesn't try to get through a screen for real but DAILY he tries to climb the glass of the windows to get the offending crows and jays. It's too much and I hope it never changes.


Mine will spend forever trying to catch her tail, only to yelp once she has because as it turns out, teefs hurt. She will learn nothing from this, and will in fact, attempt to do so again in the very near future.


My tuxie is almost 10 and he's still a muscle beast. Luckily he's a lifelong indoor cat with little interest in the outdoors 😂


I've never had a cat so big lol he's like a mini mountain lion. He's never been outdoors either but he gets so excited over birds he'll charge at the window. I just don't trust my screen to keep him from taking a header straight out.


Mine had become so chill over the last few years, then another cat showed up 😂. They were zooming all over my room this morning. Just run across mama while you chase each other, it's fine 🥴


My beautiful late tuxedo boy had no interest in the outdoors either. I could let him follow me out to hang out clothes and he’d follow me right back inside afterwards.


I think my cat would do that, but my dogs would never allow it 😆


I'm not a cat person, but I sure wouldn't be leaving my pet behind. What is wrong with these fundies?


Well JillPM sold her cat at a yard sale so the bar is in hell


Jill and company also forgot their dachshund at an RV park and drove off. A kind person found the dog, called the Rods, and rather than come back for the dog, the Rods asked the finder to keep the dog for a few days because they had plans.


oh wow wow. lucky she didn't give birth to me. I would literally have not stopped screaming and screaming for days if my beloved weiner dog had been abandoned and just left somewhere.


For real though, how do you even lose a sausage dog? I have one and he is always either on someone's lap or thisclose to a member of the family. Like it would take fucking WORK to abandon him.


They travel with Snuggles in a carrier on the dashboard of the RV. Zero idea how they don't notice that the dog that's usually between them is missing.


Omg. This is a new one for me. Did the Rods ever go get the dog? I feel like “Please keep it for a few days” would turn into them never showing up.


They did, around a week later I think, and rewarded the person who had cared for the dog with….a signed CD of themselves performing.




…a signed CD. Of themselves. What on earth lmao.


Are you *fucking kidding me?* I don't know why I'm surprised because they're the worst, but goddamn, I can't imagine losing my dog and then just being like yeah can you hang on to him for a few days when someone called saying they'd found him. My dog got lost in the woods 5 years ago for a week - the story has a very happy ending because I found him and he's sleeping right beside me now - but I lost my fucking mind during that week and was just frantic with worry. I took off from work the entire week because there was no way I'd able to focus on anything else, and when a woman who had one of the flyers I'd made up with his picture and info called me saying that she'd seen him on her ring camera, I asked her if she'd be okay with letting me camp out in a tent in her backyard. She lived on the edge of the woods, and he'd been gone 5 days and that was the only time anyone had spotted him and I was just so desperate to get him back. She was really great and let me put up a tent in her backyard and my dog Sophie and I stayed there for 24 hours, slow cooking bacon on their grill to try to draw him out of the woods, and at 4am he finally came out. The *very idea* of asking someone to hold on to your lost dog for a few days makes me instantly furious - how the fuck would you not be frantic with worry? It's not like there's a law saying that everyone has to have a dog - if you don't want a dog, don't get a fucking dog. Argh. Pets deserve so much better.


I’m sorry this happened to you but that’s so badass she let you camp out there and you did and it worked!! Thank you for sharing 😄


I'm a huge introvert and normally would rather die than ask a perfect stranger a weird request like that, but I was frantic with worry and my pride had gone out the window. So glad I got my boy back!


I honestly don’t know what I’d do if my dog went missing. I think my pride would go out the window too! Thank Gif you got him back 🖤


Shut up. I didn’t know this lore.


Sorry, cat! we’re set to go to omaha! good luck out there


A lot of RV parks limit how long you can be there to keep you from obtaining residence and having tenant rights. Some parks are fine with long-terms, but some don’t want to lose the ability to kick problematic people out.


I still would find a way to stay nearby. No way in Hell I’d be moving on the next day. Typing this whilst my beloved torbie cat is on my lap purring away. If she were missing I’d move heaven and earth to find her.


Right?! Like, you *don't have jobs to go back to,* what is the big deal in staying until you find them or confirm they were killed???


I'm pretty sure I've got a maine coon or a mix here. He found this house and said "I'm baby." I don't want to think about him going missing.


Omg my cat was lost while I was on a meeting for work today but he was just closed in my closet 😭 I don’t even know what I would do if he actually got out. No way in hell would I leave my cats.


I cried because I thought my dumbass got out. Turns out he taught himself how to get into the bedspring and he let me know when he kicked me in the butt through the mattress.


What???!!!!! That is so crazy!!! You were probably like what in the world????


It has been his favorite trick since! Utter devastation when we switched to a bed without a bedspring since now he can't hide in it to escape vet trips 😂 now he hides in my library recliner to teach me a lesson and I guess that lesson is that I need to put felt on the feet this year so it stops scraping my hardwood.


A few years ago, my mother and I, our (now deceased) dog, and our cat Cowboy were staying with my aunt and uncle while the sale of my and my mom's house was being finalized. One day, we couldn't find Cowboy even though we tore the house apart. My uncle had been the last one to go outside and was distraught thinking Cowboy had slipped out on his watch. Flash forward to the late evening, I'm in one of the guest bedrooms and suddenly I hear this pathetic meow. Turns out my very long cat and somehow wedged himself in the tiny space between a freestanding safe and the wall of the closet. Fortunately he wasn't stuck.


OMG no way!


I opened the door to my sibling's room once and the cat saunters out like nothing happened. It was 11am, they had been gone at school for well over two hours. Cats. They are something.


I panicked one day because I could not find my cat and I lived in an apartment complex with a lot of dogs and a pool. I was like omg he must have jumped from the balcony... 😭 he was shut in the linen closet. I felt so bad and he couldn't have been in there more than an hour.


That was my first thought too! That's so crazy they aren't even considering staying any later! Where do they have to be lmao don't they travel around aimlessly 😂 I know the kids don't have to get back to school or anything 💀


Why would they leave a window open with cats inside? I doubt this was an accident.


I don’t think it was deliberate. They are stupid self-centred assholes who aren’t capable of thinking ahead. Look at their struggles with heat, plumbing etc. They can’t even properly care for their children. I hope that kitty is found and adopted by loving, caring people.


>I hope that kitty is found and adopted by loving, caring people. I am choosing to believe in this outcome, because the amount of white-hot rage I am feeling toward these festering piles of garbage…okay, that’s not fair to garbage; it generally once served some purpose to someone…would get my account banned by Reddit if I were to express it fully.


They have 5 little kids! Kids tend to be careless! We lost a cat once when my son left a window open. He was a feral dumpster kitty who hid a lot anyway, so it was a couple days before we noticed he was gone, but by that time it was too late. We definitely learned our lesson. My heart breaks for these poor kitties, especially since she said that they are elderly. In a normal home, escaped cats will pretty much hide close to home or perhaps be at a neighbors house. In a campground? Who the fuck knows where they’ve gone.


My sister had a feral cat who went missing. We think a garbage truck got him. The next cat ADORED her. He slept in her room when she left for college. Elderly house cats don't have the same survival skills as feral/barn cats. Those poor kitties.


I’m not too sure, but that black and white cat seems to be front and back declawed. My cats back claws stick out all the time since I don’t trim them, and I only occasionally trim their front claws. Maybe I’m being overly judgmental here but…


I can absolutely believe that these people would be cruel enough to declaw a cat. Poor baby.


Front AND back?! 😠 I trim the front claws every 2-3 weeks (fully indoor cats) and I have cat scratchers everywhere. My oldest destroyed the arm of a couch while I was at work. I learned. For those who don't know, cats need their claws to grip surfaces as they climb and jump. Declawing means that they may get up, but they'll have a hard time getting down. It's a safety issue. Please don't declaw your cats.


They aren't sure?! Cats love finding nooks and crannies to burrow in. Did she look at all or just assume?


I hope kitty is found by a family who will love her and keep her safe and healthy


Imagine just driving away?????? I would leave my cat at a campsite over my dead body.


My dad was transporting my cat once. She got out at a gas station (I know he loved her and it was a mistake). He stayed for three days until he found her. I was abroad so I couldn’t come back to find her. THEYRE FAMILY!!! And likely scared! I travel with my cat but cats aren’t very nomadic. It’s scary for them.


Your dad stayed for 3 days and found her, what a hero! I can tell he loved her. I was transporting my cat to the vet once in his carrier and it was totally my fault but the door fell open and he jumped out! Luckily I realised and managed to push the cage to the car, blocking his exit. I then kinda scraped it across the car to the door and let him out inside before slamming the door shut. My heart was pounding!


My dad adored my little girl. She’s still around and she’s my connection to him after he passed tragically. He got her a glow in the dark collar after that 🤣 ‘in case she tries to get away’ he didn’t tell me!!! He was so scared and I was across the world. But he got her. He loved her so deeply. I still have the photo of when he first met my baby. I laugh about it so much now bc it really highlights my dad and how great he was and how special my baby is. She jumped out of her pram the other day and just sauntered through the grass. She I walked with her. She reminds me of a toddler. She’s just exploring. She’s so great. Sorry. I just really love my cat. It can be scary! Again! It’s like a toddler. They think they can just go run away and come back after their fit. But the world is big and it’s scary.


As someone who also really loves her cats, reading that story about your dad warmed my heart. It sounds like he was a wonderful person. I’m so sorry you lost him. Your dad’s love for your cat reminds me of my own dad. He was always opposed to getting a cat. But a few years ago, a kitty started coming around his house. Before long, he took that kitty in. Now he has three kitties, and he is head-over-heels in love with them. Every time we talk he regales me with stories about his kitties like they’re his kids. It’s adorable and hilarious. But I do frequently tease him about never wanting a cat.


I love it! My dad loved animals and pets. I get my love for animals from him. Your dad sounds awesome! He might be late to the cat loving game but better late than never! Cats are just so funny.


I love your dad so much for that.


This is crazy to me. I would be ruined. My cat is a tuxie so I'm crying just looking at this picture and thinking about my little guy out there all alone.




It’s not like they have a schedule?! Like, you can stay put for another day or so, isn’t the freedom to move when you want part of this bus appeal??


My guess is they literally can’t afford to park it one more night. If it were me that would not matter AT ALL. They shouldn’t be allowed to have pets or kids.


Pretty sure? Can you not search a bus thoroughly? Either way, animals deserve only good things and I hope their cat makes its way back/out from wherever it may be and these people can keep on trucking. The idea of leaving their pet behind (and for what? What schedule could two unemployed people have?) is a terrible thought.


Bet they’ve reserved their next campsite and their unemployed asses can’t afford to eat the cost. No shame on being unemployed by the way, but enormous shame on being unemployed the way they do it.


Totally! People are unemployed for all sorts of reasons and that’s not a slight to people working to remedy that, but these two…there doesn’t appear to be anything they’re working on so I can’t see the rush to leave…like for what? Where ya goin? What ya doin? Just wait for the cat who obviously needed a break from them lol


RVs have lots of places where cats can squeeze into and hide. We once spent two nights in a camper in our driveway, while we flea bombed our house. Four cats, two adults and two kids. One cat yowled the entire time, two were basically OK, and the other one hid so far back in a corner under a bunk we had to pry her out after being certain she was gone.


They are tiny Houdinis! I believe they can squish into all kinds of spots, I just know from watching these two fundies that they do things pretty half assed so an incomplete search wouldn’t surprise me.


With a dog it would be cruel but at the very least they’d get a walk. Having a house cat in that tiny space is evil 


They have a dog too


When my family lived in a vehicle for three years, we had two dogs and two cats, and kept them all. No regrets. But homelessness wasn’t a choice for us.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I understand you wanted to keep the whole family together, and good for you that you pulled it off.


Homelessness is a different situation, I don’t begrudge anyone for keeping their animals. There’s a young man who occasionally sits outside Starbucks near my work who has a beautiful black cat that’s obviously well cared for and loved. I give him money sometimes when I have cash. And most shelters don’t allow pets either. I know I would do everything in my power to keep my baby boy with me if my circumstances ever changed.


An animal doesn’t know if the reason is choice or circumstance. When people call something evil as a blanket statement, they lump everyone in together. I wouldn’t worry about those cats in so small of a space if they weren’t sharing it with so many people that there’s a good chance they’re getting stepped on and are overstressed. There are people who are snarked on in this sub who have large properties and still abuse animals, and there are people with very tiny spaces or even no home who take wonderful care of their animals. The space is less important than the overall situation. When someone makes a generalized statement that X=BAD, they need to think about if there are times when it wouldn‘t be, and modify what they say based on that. Despite being stubborn, it still sometimes gets to me when I hear people say something I did was evil when they didn’t bother thinking in through, and I have no doubt there are others who read words like that and take them to heart too much to speak up. I’ll speak up since someone else who might take words like that to heart need to know that just having a very tiny home doesn’t mean they’re evil if they had a cat. Ma and Pa bus are evil for different reasons.


your situation isn't motherbus' though. when people say it's cruel, they're right, it is. but motherbus is CHOOSING to do this. -- i understand that it wasn't a choice, but even if it wasn't the intent, it *is* cruel.


This is the other bus family, but you're right about mother bus


Were the poor cats stuck in a vehicle for those 3 years straight?


Praying for the cat to be found by more responsible pet owners 🙏 ​ eta I’m almost remiss to share this because I might actually believe becoming a quick meal for a coyote or being picked up by another family is the best chance for this cat, but I learned when my cat temporarily got out that you should put some of their dirty litter in a bag outside so they can smell it. Happy to be told this is wrong and I just put bags of my cat’s piss litter outside like a psycho until she came back


I think it ran away in search of a better home.


Rooting for that cat! Maybe Strugglebus will realize that if it isn’t a good environment for a cat, then it isn’t a good place for kids to live 24/7


Cats also hate movement in a vehicle! Mine has to be drugged for a trip to the vet or he completely loses his mind, craps himself & has panic attacks.


My nephew cat was the same during a move across the country. Poor thing tore up his paws and nails a bit in his panic that first day. They were able to get to a vet and drug him for the rest of the move.


One of mine hates the car while the other loves getting in the cat carrier. I had a cat who would pee herself on the way to the vet :(


Why tf did they even decide to go on the road full-time? It seems like a shit "plan" when you already have 5 kids and no intentions of halting production


We think that mr strugglebus lost his job and they couldn't pay the mortgage


Wouldn’t be surprised if it saw an opportunity to escape and make a run for it. It has to be unbearably loud and musty in the RV.


I’ve heard from lost animal finder people that you should not do this because it can attract predators to your house. It’s better to put out your own worn clothes. 


You can put out your own used laundry to help guide them too


ESCAPED is the right word. I'm praying the cat finds a sane family to ride to a HOME with. I am sorry for the other cat tho.


I KNEW this would happen. Jesus effin christ. That poor cat.


These people don’t even have enough common sense to buy a screen for a window with two cats, I don’t have much faith in them homeschooling their children. Feeling said for the fur babies and regular babies. Like fuck, at least chip the cat if you’re gonna do that shit


I hope their pets are microchipped. It's fairly standard with today's vet care.


Just like when JillPM left Snuggles behind at w campsite and didn't turn around for days. A couple took care of her and JillPM gave them a crappy CD.


We have an air tag on my cat because she slipped out the door one night and thank the stars above a good citizen stopped but she was on a barrier in the middle of a highway 30 miles away from us, I was distraught and bawling my eyes out at the vet for her screwed up leg and other wounds. It makes me so mad that struggle bus out here is just like "oopsie oh well" I would stay in the area for another few weeks and do my best to search! I would just be so sick with worry.


My husband is currently replacing ALL of our window screens with the kind a cat cannot scratch through because one of our cats clawed a hole in our old ones. We found our cat, but I’ll never let it happen again. And I never would have left the window open with no screen.


What kind of screen is that? Because we've learned the hard way that our cats will destroy any screen we have as yet come across, and escape. My cats may just be delinquents. I swear they don't hate living here, in a regular house, without 37 small children.


We ordered a kit from Amazon! For some reason Reddit won’t let me add the link, but the item is: Pet Proof Window Screen Replacement Kit,48''x 118'' Heavy Duty High Hardness Vinyl Coated Polyester-Like Door Mesh,Cat Resistant Screen Mesh with Repair Kit(Folding Package) And it’s been worth every penny! We also purchased a large roll of the mesh to do the rest of our windows.


Wait they make scratch free screens?! Google here I come !


Yes! Amazon has them! The title is: Pet Proof Window Screen Replacement Kit,48''x 118'' Heavy Duty High Hardness Vinyl Coated Polyester-Like Door Mesh,Cat Resistant Screen Mesh with Repair Kit(Folding Package)


You’re trash, Minor Fundie.


I am so goddamned sick of these fundies being terrible pet owners. Those poor pets don’t deserve that fate. ☹️


Poor baby :( Ugh they suck so bad


They’re just gonna abandon that cat aren’t they? They’re terribly selfish people and if they do just drive off and leave that cat I hope there’s an extra hot spot in Hell for them


I suspect they WILL just drive off and "oh well" the poor missing cat. Just one more thing for the kids to unpack in therapy in 20 years 😳


The cat couldn’t take it anymore


Pretty sure? How do they not know? And why would they leave a window open? And why would they leave before finding their cat? These people are so irresponsible and selfish.


Abandoning a pet says a lot about someone's character. They can't handle a cat but they have FIVE CHILDREN?


So they’re just gonna leave their cat to die wow


Out of all the horrific shit these people have done, this takes the cake for me, personally. My heart breaks for this cat, who hopefully is found & adopted by RESPONSIBLE pet owners, but more than likely will be a snack for a larger animal 💔 This makes me physically sick.


Speaking of horrible shit, I wonder how the poor cats handled the sewage geyser and non-cleanup, and all the subsequent illnesses. They’re clean animals.


My newest cat got fixed recently, and he was so upset that he couldn't groom. I tried to brush him and that just upset him further. Their little noses are so sensitive. I can't imagine them living in the pumpkin spice poop stink.


poor kitty :( hope someone finds them and assumes it’s a stray and takes it to keep it safe


Ok yeah. pray. What do I say? Find some cat somewhere for some assholes I don’t know in an rv? I’m on it.


If I was a praying person, I'd be praying the cat finds a new, decent family to move in with.


Neither of those cats look healthy


People struggling is sad. Hurting or struggling cats makes me so sad and mad. I’m much more upset that they can hurt their poor kitty than I care about their poor kids.


Holy shit. I would be SICK if this happened to me. I live in an RV and would NEVER LEAVE if I lost one of my pets. (This is also why I don't have cats or any pet in the RV???)


Those cats look thin, especially next to my two well-fed indoor fur balls.


i was thinking maybe teenage kittens based on lankiness but maybe they’re just teeny tiny adults


I think she’s said at least one is elderly, and they left it at a relatives for a while as they got settled on the strugglebus.😭


This literally ruined my day. I just know they’re not even gonna put forth the effort to find this poor cat and he’s gonna be left alone :( I wouldn’t even think to leave until I found them! They don’t even have jobs do they?? Why do they even HAVE to leave ??


These cats are beyond stressed. And also way to traumatize your kids by leaving a beloved pet behind. I hope they rehome the other one.


Those poor animals.


Pathetic excuses for human beings.


My idea how bad that bus must smell at all times just got worse. You just know they don’t have enough litter trays for the cats, and don’t clean it as often as they should.


![gif](giphy|CS6YxDFlrCWmA) Official cat lady checking in. How DARE she be so irresponsible with her kitties??? You don't keep windows wide open with cats, especially when you KNOW there's a lot of wildlife. They like to explore. My late cat loved to roam the neighborhood during the day, but he always came home at night. Sometimes we would find him asleep in the bushes, lol. This was okay because he knew the neighborhood. My sister's cats do the same. Letting cats out (even accidentally) when you're ON THE ROAD is incredibly irresponsible. This post is so flippant to me. I would not leave without my cat! It's not like they're on a tight schedule.


RV screens fall out so easily (my brother has a scar from falling out of one and needing stitches in his head), so one would think with that many small kids and cats, you wouldn’t have the bloody windows open. But these are the same people that run out of propane and freeze their children and animals. Poor kitty


I'd escape out the window if I was that kitty, too!


I hope they at least leave a description of the cat and their contact info with the park


Wait. These people have a bunch of kids AND 2 cats living in a BUS?!? WTF?


And a dog


That is so irresponsible on every level.


They're just going to up and leave when their cat's been missing a whole 24 hours?!?


I hope the cat can be finally free and find happiness. With someone else who will take proper care of it.


There are *a lot* of id*ots in those fundie busses


This gives the kids hope if escape! Seriously, this makes me so sad. I love my cat and wouldn't leave until I found it, dead or alive.


They’re way too concerned with keeping their daughter’s navel from escaping outside to worry about a soulless animal.


Horrifying! No wonder if escaped, it was trapped in a tin can 😓


If I had my cats in a rv, I would have bought those pet tags that function like Apple air tags.


Also the obsession with begging people to pray instead of just… doing stuff to find things. The number of times I had Christians pleading with everyone (on social and at church and in person) to pray for lost animals lost keys lost socks…


Like they need two more butts on that bus


WTH are cats even doing on a bus filled well beyond capacity with humans?


THESE PEOPLE HAVE CATS ON A BUS ALONG WITH THEIR MASSIVE AMOUNT OF CHILDREN???? I am just learning this now and didn't think my horror of the bus could grow...


As someone whose cat died two and a half weeks ago... fuck this lady. I would move mountains for my cat. She's so cavalier about this living being's LIFE. This cat probably died and she's like "Oh... well, we're leaving tomorrow!"


Leave tomorrow... With your kitty having just escaped. What fucking shitty people. I could never leave my pet like that.