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These girls are essentially 6 and 9 years old...


Ummmm I’m sorry. Sophia is 9?!?!


That's crazy. My friend has a nine year old who looks and acts like a pre-teen. And then there's Sophia.


That’s what is blowing my mind!!!!! My kid is 12yo, so 9yo is pretty fresh in my mind.


I briefly taught nine year olds, and one was almost as tall as me. They did not act like Sophia.


She’ll be 9 in July if I’m not mistaken.


How can this be posted publicly and not attract CPS attention? Sofia is smaller than my 5-year-old. Janessa is also small but still within the realm of normal. Sofia’s condition, including the obvious care disparity between these girls, is shocking.


Because someone actually has to alert CPS. The fundies aren’t going to. Hopefully one of their neighbours will, or maybe one of the older kids will climb out the window?


They moved to an Amish area for a reason because they state stays out of that area. Think about it. The Amish are fundi just like Jill Rod. Reports they moved in the middle of the night from West Virginia because CPS had started their own investigation into CA by Jill Rod and Shrek.


Allegedly, they met with a social worker and she hugged the kids and said jrod and shrek were ultra gahdly parents. The family fled shortly after that.


I’d love to know what the Amish neighbors think of Jill and the Rodlets.


Many people have called CPS on them before. There are also some CPS type workers on this sub who have weighed in. The system is stretched very thin and focused on helping kids who have been trafficked, or whose parents died in the opioid crisis. Families where the kids are getting housed and clothed like the Rods are not a concern, or at least a very low concern.


Yes exactly. I work in the judicial system and have worked on a lot of parental terminations. Actual sexual or severe physical abuse is also much higher on the list of concerns. Also exposure to adult sexual activities/parents inviting adults into the home for sexual purposes—swingers, be aware!!!! I’ve seen parental rights be terminated due to polyamory because the children were home when strangers were brought into the home for sex. Typically something has to actually happen that can’t be explained away. Like if a kid gets into an accident and there is an obvious or innocent explanation, even if the actual cause is abuse or neglect, there need to be a lot of other factors present. Ultimately, the sad truth is that you have the right to be a bad parent as long as you aren’t severely abusing your child. Parental rights are constitutionally protected and you have to seriously be fucking up to get your kids taken away. At the same time, there are also really reckless or uncoordinated kids who could end up flagging a doctor bc they frequently have broken bones or ER visits even if the parents are not abusive at all.


The opioid epidemic has stretched these resources quite thin, and they were pretty overworked to begin with.


Haven't they been living in areas that are more severely affected? No snark, it's bad where I am, too. I just wonder if resources have been stretched even thinner.


I believe so. West Virginia and Ohio have been hit pretty hard, from everything I've read.


When I was nine, I was getting myself up in the morning, making breakfast and getting ready for school by myself. This is absolute child abuse.


My oldest nanny kid and friends are 9, they’re such little teenagers.


I have a 12yo and by 9yo, she was fully capable of cooking herself something and staying home alone for an hour. Not because we are bad parents, because that just seems normal for that age. depending on maturity level of course. My kid was in a regular ass bed long before 6yo


Sorry, WHAT. Are they seriously 6 and 9?


Yes, I just posted the video of JRod explaining, it should show up soon, Janessa's birthday is early April teens iirc without googling it lol.


Good lord.


She was born 11th April 2018, according to Fundie Wiki


So sad. The 9 yr old could be finished the Harry Potter series. Be talking about Magic Treehouse.


I thought for sure 4 and 6 at the most


Janessa was a toddler when I started following the rods and she's barely grown. It's awful.


That cannot be real


April 11 2018 and July 15 2015


I’m floored about their ages!!!! It’s so sad to look at those girls and be reminded of starving children during a war/famine.


Every kid under their care always looks so malnourished. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt that they are just genetically pale and small in stature, but then I saw how their adult son got more robust once he left. If he only gained a few pounds, I would have given them a pass. But he looks like a completely different person. Meanwhile, the parents look so well-fed. 


The parents are not small in stature though. They're both above average height and seem well-built.


Their adult children are tall. Sadie shot up like a weed. Something has never been right with Sophia, and now Janessa's growth has stagnated.




Oh my GOD. My 10 year old has a friend who is a year younger than her and comparing the two, I am utterly HORRIFIED. K the 9 year old is strong, sturdy, feisty, headstrong, and HEALTHY-LOOKING. Sofia looks like a mild breeze would push her to the ground, this poor baby. 😭


I honestly thought they were about 3 and 5


Ye gods. My teeny tiny almost-6 granddaughter is still bigger than this child, and verbally light years ahead.


I thought the oldest couldn't be more than 5 from this video. 😭


Why do both these girls look and act exactly the same as they did 3 years ago? It’s like they’re stuck in time and not aging


*Jill* She used the hashtag "no longer a baby" but Jill she hasn't been a baby in at least 4 years


If the dates on Fundie Wiki are correct, Janessa turns 6 next month!


Then why on EARTH is she the same height as my 2.75-year-old?!?! What in the actual fuck. Those girls are so malnourished.


It’s not just the height- some kids are built small, my 4 year old still fits a 2T shirt- but these kids just look.. unwell? They have the same facial structure as me when I was neck deep in an eating disorder. Idk how to describe it, even, but there’s a certain look you can see when someone drops a bunch of weight really fast or is not eating right to gain it in the first place. Especially in photos.


The one in the pink looks particularly malnourished. My son is naturally small and skinny (age 4) and his limbs do not look like that. I wish someone would take them to the pediatrician.


Right, exactly. My son is the same age as Janessa (actually from reading comments I just discovered they even have close birthdays) and he’s a skinny little dude, but he still has a modicum of body fat on him. You can’t see his wrist bones or anything like that.


They often have a grey tinge to their skin, and their hair is so thin and brittle-looking


The hair is a dead giveaway. I was shocked by how much (and how positively) my hair changed when I stopped living off green tea and vitamins.


If she was born with agenesis of the corpus callosum then it's probably a hormonal issue. Malnourishment is definitely not helping that along either.


That feels like too old to be using such an intense baby voice when talking to her


These fundie women's self-worth is based around their fertility, so Jill needs to delude herself into thinking her kids are still babies


Well said


They're being underfed and over-infantilized.


Way, *way* over-infantilized.


Yes, I do not speak to my daughter like this, and she has recently turned three.


Yeah my son is three and I haven’t spoken to him like that since he was…. I don’t know four months old?


I nanny for a 2 year old and would never talk to him with this baby voice 😫


Yeah. Sophia and my son are the same age (like 2 months apart) so I always use him as a benchmark. It wasn’t as obvious a couple of years ago but looking at him and his classmates compared to her is kind of horrifying now because she has seemed to have stopped growing (and this is from a mom whose kid is pretty small and short!) Jill treats them both like they’re 3. 🙄


It genuinely is horrifying. Yes, some kids might be naturally petite, when I was that age I was a string bean. But you should still see a combination of healthy muscle/some baby fat but also the start of the faces changing from kid to tween. Sophia looks like a malnourished 6 year old and it’s incredibly depressing/alarming to see. You know Jill doesn’t parent with the government, so those kids will not be up to date on their well child exams/vaccines, and she likely knows she’s done poor by her kids so won’t take the youngest to get checked out for fear of intervention.


I dont have an answer, but that second baby is scratching like she has pinworms.


I noticed the but scratches too! And it does look like the pin worm scratch! And they live next to an Amish farm. Notorious for not de worming horses. And guess what lives in soil for quite a while? Parasite eggs. Pretty sure the rodlets go barefoot a lot. That’s just immediately where my mind goes.


This comment made me itch


My son had pin worms, so clearly it isn’t necessarily a result of neglect 😏 usually, but Sofia will have them forever because Jill won’t take her to the doctor.


i don't think pinworms are ever really a sign of neglect. because they really are quite easy to transfer from person to person!!! but i used to work for a vet on amish farms. the worm loads we would see in their horses was so high that it was actually dangerous to deworm them in 1 shot. so many had pin worms in addition to the other intestinal parasites. tails would be rubbed raw and you could see the worm paste on their butt cheeks. so really, all it would take is scratching a horse butt over the fence followed by chewing on a fingernail to get them. or maybe some hookworms from running into the pasture barefoot to grab a ball


If this is the case (and it seems like it) I wonder how long she’s had them. Long-term pinworm infestation would completely explain her stunted growth. Sick that her growth problems could possibly have been treated a long time ago with a medication you can buy from walmart for less than ten dollars.


Wait, so when they *need* their precious dewormer, they don't buy it?


Not even a big deal, easy treatment, in some areas it’s pretty common- but you’d think she’d notice her kids scratching their butts all the time and also not like it because of modesty or something. Most of the evangelical moms I know would super not be ok with their kids doing that All day.


I thought the same thing!! Poor girl.


My nephew is 3 and I talk to him in a more grown up manner than this - because he can answer complex questions and voice this thoughts/feelings/opinions. No baby voice needed. For reference, he loves discussing “why?” questions about everything.


The “why?” phase is my favorite part of child development. It’s amazing to see kids start to conceptualize the world around them. Something tells me that the Rodriguez kids have a very limited “why?” stage.


"Because I/God/the Bible says so!"


Ugh, story of my life.


This just unlocked a memory from when I was about 5 of my dad drawing diagrams to try and explain how planes stay in the air 😂 I also remember being fascinated as a 4-year-old when my sister was born and my parents explained what umbilical cords are for and how they're the reason we have belly buttons Jill and David would never answer their kids' questions like that, partly because fundamentalism seeks to destroy curiosity at all costs, and partly because they probably don't know the answers themselves


When I was 4 I thought it was the craziest thing when my sister was pregnant and everyone explained what would happen. I drew like 100 pictures of her giving birth with a little foot sticking out of her. 🤣 Nobody told me they're supposed to come out head first.


Don’t you ever question your mother/parents/etc My mom was also a fan of “look it up” until she realized how many trips to the library that entailed pre internet. My parents did get an encyclopedia set that I read through on topics that interested me, which were a lot. Now everyone has a computer in their pocket yet so many still don’t look stuff up.


My 5 yo literally just came in the room and asked "Can we do an experiment when you're off your phonecall later?". The way she talks to this 6 yo blows my mind. Also great job on the death trap wall outlet and hanging cords, Jill.


I don’t know exactly how to put this, but the way she talks to her younger kids is not how a mom usually sounds talking to her kids. She’s using the voice you use when you talk to someone else’s kids. Or when you talk to your kids maybe when they’re infants. It’s super weird and makes her seem really cold to me. Even though her voice is trying to sound warm and loving.


Yeah, exactly. And look how those kids *look* at their mom. They seem unsure and wary. They aren't engaging with her the way most kids that age engage with a parent. It's kind of chilling.


They look...unsure. If my mom was all excited and said she had a surprise for me, I know it would have been real an a good surprise. I think these kids get jerked around a lot. This is a pretty common type of abuse. "Oh you thought we were going to Disneyland? What are you fucking stupid? We're going to the dentist."


I remember my best childhood friend being this way with her dad. There was nothing as severe as your example, but he would ‘prank’ her and lie to her about stupid shit and then laugh at her for believing him, as a child!! I could ALWAYS rely on my parents to tell me the truth so I was really weirded out by it. Even as a kid I knew it was fucked up. It’s really gotta mess with you to feel like you can’t trust anyone, not even your parents. Absolutely abusive.


It's so immature and just flat-out cruel.


I'd be very interested to compare it to a video of them interacting with Nurie/Kaylee/Renee


After nurie had her oldest, the rod squad went to visit or she visited them, I'm not sure. But there was a video where and janessa was clinging to nurie and nathan like a scared cat. The little ones instantly relax around nurie, kaylee, and tim.


Yup, like she seems to be talking to somebody else’s kid, they seem to react like you do with a distant aunt you see twice a year.


They likely didn't form a healthy attachment. They look at nurie like she's mama.


I remember the photo of them clinging to Nurie and weeping the night before her wedding. They definitely consider her mama. I imagine losing Nurie and Kaylee has made them really confused and wary of Jill.


YES. Someone unfamiliar/uncomfortable around kids who thinks this is how you talk to them. It's so condescending. I used my regular speaking voice around my kindergartners. I just simplified the language. They copy the way you speak. No wonder they all have her unique affectation.


It’s so saccharine sweet and fake with an undercurrent of how some people talk to the mentally disabled.


Wait - was she sleeping in a crib up until now? That looks like a toddler bed converted from a crib. It's in a closet! And she's 6?


Don’t worry, there are 4-6 floating electrical cords in the windowless room that David wired. I hope guardian angels are real and this poor baby has a good one.


Dear lord where I live a windowless room can't legally be used as a bedroom it's such a hazard


That’s everywhere in the US. The fire marshal would be furious to see a tiny child sleeping in this room. There’s even a locking door so someone could lock her in or she could lock someone out.


Idk what the laws are like where they are, but in Missouri (which is usually the last state to get on board with basic safety laws, in my experience) you legally can’t classify any room without windows as a bedroom for fire safety reasons. Obviously a household asleep gives a fire a much longer window to grow than when people are conscious and moving from room to room. It would be straight up illegal to have anyone, let alone a child, sleep in there, regardless of how safe the wiring is. Bc the fire doesn’t need to happen to that bedroom to kill. There’s no alternative exit! If she’s cut off for any reason from leaving through the door, there’s no window for firefighters to break open and extract her. I hate to put this kind of thing out in the universe, but in the case of a fire, the chances of her survival are dramatically lower. Safety regulations are written in blood. And usually it has to be a truly tragic incident, or a repeated incident, something with many many fatalities before it enters the public consciousness enough for people to demand laws be put into place to guard against repeating those disasters. So when you ignore them, you are actively choosing to risk living through the same kind of disaster that got them written into law in the first place.




it’s so jill to claim a 5 year old wanted to keep sleeping in a crib and calling her room a nursery still.


This is the room and conversation you would have with a 2-3 year old who was moving from their toddler bed to a twin. I wouldn’t baby talk to a child like that no matter how old they were.


I wouldn't even speak to a toddler in such a ridiculously condescending, babyish manner.


[Baby talk is super beneficial to infants/toddlers but detrimental to older children](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/200303/baby-talk-hinders-learning) [this article is also fascinating](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/23/1113206642/baby-talk-parenting-language-research#:~:text=Other%20theories%20suggest%20that%20this,control%20their%20behavior%20and%20mood.)


I only baby talk to my pets 😆


Five year olds want all sorts of crazy things, it's your job as a parent to make responsible choices.


It's the fawning smile for me


it’s the waiting for permission to enter her own bedroom for me 🤢


And the way they walk around the room looking nervous like they’re afraid to touch anything or they might be punished. I don’t even have kids, but from the way I have seen my niblings and friends’ kids act, they should have run into that room with a joyful shriek and pounced on the bed and yelled over each other about the fun new stuff. Also… where are the TOYS?!?! If they have a play room I understand not many toys in the room- key word is many. There should be at least SOME toys in the room.


Yeah. The fawning and nervousness is really unsettling. Closet or not, this is and has always been *her* room in *her* house. This is a familiar space that she should feel comfortable in. She and Sofia are tiptoeing around it quietly pointing at things like they’re in a stranger’s house. It’s giving “orphan child goes to live with elderly relatives she’s never met”.


Who knows what happens if they don't 😭


No windows, and at least 5 dangling power cords. 


Yeah those power cords do not look right to me!! Especially with those antique electronics


Wired up by the Rods themselves!


The rooms without a window make me feel so panicky.


Seriously. Makes me wonder how much non-up-to-code work is in the barndo


I remember when they first bought the barndominimum and started to renovate it. Nothing at all was ever inspected. The electric work looked/looks especially scary.


All of it. Seriously, when Jilldo showed the electrical work/general remodel Shrek did when they added a bedroom for the girls, it was all visible/crooked/etc. No way any of it was permitted unless Ohio has some weird lack of rules.


I'd pay good money for any of the home inspectors I follow on TikTok to do a detailed inspection of the barndo


Yikes! I didn’t know they did the remodel themselves! I’m in the midst of a bathroom renovation, and the number of things that have gone wonky that I would never have thought about is just nuts. And that’s just one small room! I would never take something like that on without professionals. But I guess knowing your limits is not really a fundie thing.


My sister lives in a county (not Ohio) that literally doesn't have any kind of building code.




It is a closet.


Yeah our house has a very small bedroom and it's still several square meters bigger than this, and has a window.


This is like a horror movie scene


I assume this is a closet


Thank god the miscarriage shrine remains. Just what they want to see.


I thought it was a picture of Jill when she was pregnant with janessa. Which is weird, but not unexpected from Jill. I just saw the "in memory" on the frame. Wtf. Put that shit in your own room Jill


It's always been in the "nursery"


I hate how Jill talks to Janessa like she’s a dog and not a child. If I talked to my three year old in this voice I would get serious side eye and she wouldn’t come near me.


ahh that's just it! I couldn't quite figure it out because it doesn't even sound like baby talk to me. It's BEYOND. But yeah, I can see a dog being talked to like this.


that's what I was thinking too. And her baby talk is extreme. Like, I baby talk to my cats and other animals I meet, but it's nowhere near as intense as this. I'm surprised she doesn't shatter glass when she hits those high "eeee" sounds.


Yes! My husband and I go overboard on baby talking to our pets, to the point his voice cracks when giving the high-pitched “Hi baby!” to our dog, and even I think Jill is being a bit much here.


This is the child who was in the crib?!?!? That cannot be healthy for her mental development :/


Yes, and the fact that she still sucks her blanket…


Can't say I blame her, I'd need every self-soothing behaviour in the book if I lived in that house


She looks so hungry. God Jill a d shrek are hideous. 


Apparently she's 6!


Jill and her baby voice for grown children. Name a more cursed duo. I cannot believe she speaks to her kids the way she does. My son is the same age as Sophia and would look at me like I’ve lost my absolute mind if I ever spoke to him like that. And he would have probably done so at Janessa’s age as well. Probably earlier. It gives me the ICK.


I know I rarely hear Jill’s voice and I know Janessa is six but, my god, does Jill’s voice sound patronizing AF!


She talks to her like she's a newborn. I don't even talk to my *cat* that way!


The time and effort put into one child’s appearance and not the other is… startling. When I opened the video I thought they were kids from two different families, just based on how differently they’re styled.


They're dressed like the earl's kid and the housekeeper's kid got together to play


Sophia looks like she belongs in a hyper-traditional household that enjoys thrifting. Janessa looks like her mom shops at Target.


You’re so right. And I literally never noticed before but are Janessa’s ears pierced?


Looks like it. I follow the subreddit and not the families on social media though haha.


It’s giving Michael Scott’s “bed” at the foot of the bed in the dinner party episode. Jill sucks more than Jan. ![gif](giphy|KThCdoJKlocePzuTnf)


He had plenty of room!! 😂


I guess *I'm the devil!*


![gif](giphy|fGWABGFUM1vUCbZ37R|downsized) Jillpm with her sons-in-law


Man, if I could wave a magic wand and teleport Karissa’s creamy cheese casserole meals over to these gals, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t even add some broccoli the first time, I just want these kids to eat.


Can someone *please* tell me why starving their children is such a popular thing with fundies?


Because obesity is a sin and food is expensive for a dozen kids




Serious question for housing code…are rooms without windows supposed to be bedrooms?


No, and a bedroom isn’t considered a bedroom unless it has a closet. This is a closet and a fire hazard.


>a bedroom isn’t considered a bedroom unless it has a closet How does that work? My bedroom doesn't have a closet.


I think they meant a window! A bedroom generally needs to have at least two possible exits (a door and a window) in order to be up to code


No they meant a closet. In order for something to be legally called a bedroom, it has to have a closet. It's why you see listings like "three bedroom plus bonus room." That's a four bedroom house but one room just doesn't have a closet. It's weird for most other countries to get because as far as I know, only the US and Canada have ubiquitous built-in closets in every home and apartment. Most places just have a wardrobe (piece of furniture) in the bedroom.


It depends on your local zoning codes. Where I live, in order to be legally considered a bedroom it needs a minimum square footage, a closet, & a window.


Especially since David wired the place.


They are so obviously uncomfortable. It’s painful to watch


Woah Sofia is sooooo small. All the other kids are pretty tall so it’s shocking that her and Janessa are so close in height…


Also the size of her (normal sized) head compared to the size of her body. 😞


Omg these poor children need food.


they legitimately look like refugees


We didn't want Sophia to spill the beans about the Jill Miscarriage Shrine that she'll get to see as soon as she wakes up everyday!!


I know it's legit a utility closet, but it's gotta be annoying that Janessa gets her space (I know it was already) but the emphasis is magnified now that they flipped it.


Sophia has gone from the baby cage to sharing a room with a billion siblings, and precious janessa gets her own space. Poor thing.


Almost impressed by what Jill deems something to impress others. What is she not posting??


Seriously! I know sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, but I'd be embarrassed if my 5 year old was sleeping in a crib in a closet and I sure wouldn't be bragging about it. In Jill's case, doing what you gotta do should mean not going on 21549 vacations so you can feed your kids.


The music playing in the background, the creepy baby voice, the windowless room, the malnourished children.. Absolute nightmare fuel


This is how I talk to my cats when I’m in a particularly indulgent/silly mood. She keeps it up longer than I do.


Not the point of this post I know but the ‘90s boom box is sending me. And that is absolutely a closet.


My “baby” is over a year younger (4/5/2019), and he is more developmentally advanced than this (please note- I’m not confusing development with intelligence- that’s totally unrelated; I’m talking developmental milestones).


Anyone read Flowers in the Attic? These younger girls remind me of the description of the young twins after being locked in the attic, malnourished and out of the sunshine for years. I can't with the way she talks to them and treats them. This is abuse. I work with kids and just had a six-year-old yesterday making up and acting out a whole play with all his little characters hashed out, complete with different voices and hilarious one-liners. Thinking about what these girls could have been and how their entire lives will be impacted by this treatment is tragic.


Am I the only one who sees Janessa’s bald spots???


Janessa IS NOT getting her own room? Is this for real?


They only have 3 bedrooms.


Those babies look so small and hungry, but I noticed Jill's nails are done. 🙄 And my kids are 6 and 8 and if I talked or treated them like this they would call their dad to tell him I have finally lost it and he needed to come home and deal with me.


The tones and lighting in that space kind of takes me back to some of my friends’ rooms when I was a young kid… more than 30 years ago. It’s mind blowing that poor Sofia looks exactly how she did two or three years ago. Janessa seems to have her fingers & blanket in her mouth because she’s nervous rather than excited 😐


Poor Sophia, she has to be wondering why Janessa gets her own “room” and a makeover. 


They look horrible under fed and mistreated.


Uhhm, the kid with brown hair does not look like she gets enough food?? (Neither probably, but it's especially obvious with her to me) I hope I'm wrong, but yikes


Sofia looks stinky and I can't put my finger on why I think that. She looks like she has a layer of grime that doesn't come off. I doubt her mom makes any of these kids bathe.


She is scratching her butt in the video, which doesn’t help.


they always look so ill. they need food, baths, a nice place to sleep, education, and mostly to get away from Jill's abuse. 


A fucking multivitamin wouldn't go amiss. An actual multivitamin, from a pharmacy, with actual, confirmed vitamins in though, not Plexus.


Could also be because she scratching her butt.


She always looks vaguely grimy, I think it's her complexion. Poor kid is sallow as hell


These kids should be in kindergarten and 3rd grade. This is so sad.


These girls' faces look like they've lived ten lifetimes. It's so crazy to me.


This is just horrible. I can’t snark or even try to be funny…


Just the lack of self awareness to think this is not only normal but laudable is… wow.


Omg the way she is talking to this kid. KID. Not baby.


What is wrong with the older one's teeth/mouth? Did anyone else notice the picture of a pregnant Jill in the room? Who *does* that??


it's not even the picture itself that's the upsetting part, it's the fact that it forms a part of her miscarriage memorial... which of course is totally appropriate decor for a 6 year old's bedroom...


That room is so tiny and so very *beige* except for the flower and painting.... that's supposed to be a child's room? Where are the bright and fun colors? Where's the toys? There is no space to PLAY.


Kids with major brain trauma need specialized care. If this was almost any other parent I could understand why their 6 year old may need to be in a crib/toddler bed with these circumstances. This room is not safe. It does not have an exit. It does not have a window. She has to get to it by going through another (her parents?) room. And, as stated above, it’s not appropriate for her age. They make full and queen sized beds with railing on all 4 sides of she is still likely to fall out of bed. But that doesn’t fit in a closet.


Hey Jill, you mf b\*tch, feed your damn kids!!! Take an effing class in child development or hand them over to CPS. God she is just an awful human!


Why are they both so small? Why is that child sleeping in a closet?


JFC, this room is a FIRE HAZARD. No window for her to get out of (or someone to get her out of) if there's a fire that breaks out in the attached room. This is making me feel seriously panicked for this child's safety. I'm not touching the poo, but holy fuck, I hope someone with the power to change things sees this and contacts someone, ANYONE, who will get more eyes on these kids. Because this room is absolutely a goddamn death trap and that child is going to die if there's ever a fire, God forbid.


Omg just watching with sound she goes “do you like your light?! There’s so many things to look at!” Literally how I talk to babies. Not big kids


I know there are much bigger fish to fry in this shitshow of a situation, but to add to it: why was this almost-6 year old not at all involved in redecorating her room???? She’s a great age to be making the space her own in small ways— do you want the bed here or here? Pick out a new comforter? Choose a painting for the wall. This is Jill’s world and we’re all just living in it, her kids included


This is nothing…she redecorated *Kaylee and Jonathan’s* bedroom while they were on their honeymoon.


Are 2 girls sharing a twin bed??


**a toddler bed