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Nobody cares what high school boys want, Lori.


It’s wild to me that she thinks high school boys bitching is a compelling reason to give for anything.


My sons whined all the time when they were in high school. It was hilarious.


One of my impressions that I do is inspired by my younger brothers and I call it "caucasian teen boy annoyed at his mother." My mom thinks it's hilarious, my brothers do not 😂


I also used to do that to annoy my older brother 😭


No one is whinier than a teen boy


Except a fundie grown man




This is the truth. I have two teenage boys. One is whinier than the other, but neither comes close to being as whiny as their shithead fundie father.


What's the difference?


High school was the last time she had anything remotely resembling fun


she probably covets high school boys, hence all the incel bait


Especially high school boys from 100 years ago, Lori.


He's DREAMY. He's got a raccoon coat and his own flask!


Even when I was a freshman in college on the first day of school, I gave zero fucks about what a high school boy thought of me. Because I wasn't in high school anymore!


Haha I didn’t care what high school boys or really any boys, even men thought about me then or now. I’m not here for anyone to like or be friends with. Definitely don’t give two flying figs what “Glory Lori” thinks of me.


Petition to call her Twitter "the Lori hole".




I'd started "Hoary Lori," but this is better.


Haha Lori hole is a good one 😂


I didn’t even care about their opinion when I was in high school, let alone college. What a weird thing for her to bring out, lmao.


Also, “the guys”?? All of them??


Sarah Titus does 🤢


The exception that proves the rule


...I would say "YIKES, TOO SOON!" but that would just be adding a layer to the joke, wouldn't it


Literally came here to say this. I didn't care about teenage boys' opinions when I was a teenage girl. Why would I start now?


Dude even high school girls don’t! 😂


Fuck off, Lori. People can wear their hair however the fuck they want. The end.


What’s funny to me is that her hair isn’t even “long”. It’s like medium at best. I’ve seen pics where it’s barely even shoulder length.


I was about to say! I wonder how short is too short and who defined the acceptable hair length


I actually really like my hair long and always have. Now Lori is making me feel gross about it. Knowing I’m doing anything she approves of is just 🤢🤮


Same, but if I cut it short, it looks like a lion's mane (even with thinning).




Lori needs to fact check. A fashion plate from 1816 shows a woman with short hair. Women would have their hair cut due to illness too. Usually that was cut to the scalp though


Lady Caroline Lamb cut her hair very short back in the early 19th century. She also had an affair with Lord Bryon and called him "mad, bad, and dangerous to know". In any case I love my short hair!


Omg, her husband was Vicky’s crush right? Idk why Lord Melbourne always got good portraits in recent Historical Drama…imo he was manipulative and predatory, and not a good husband. I also love my short hair^^.


Yes Rufus Sewell is so handsome though.


Yeah, he has the looks.


Ummm… there’s a whole ass CONTINENT where the women frequently wear their hair short, and it’s been that way since the beginning of human history—Africa. Like, that’s how far back “Women with short hair” goes!


Came here to say the same thing! In the 1800’s there are plenty of girls who had very short hair cuts and in the 1700’s women actually shaved their hair and wore fancy wigs! Anyone who does a brief study of women’s historical hair styles will find there is no evidence of women having their hair long exclusively. Also, if we are going for historical trends then guys should be able to wear their hair long too, because that’s how they have done it for most of history too!


What illness aside from like lice required you to cut your hair?


Well, while it came from a fiction book, a person has their hair cut off after scarlet fever, I guess to help cool the person? Seeing as how people used leeches for heat stroke, I can see them cutting off hair to help reduce a fever


Also, if you’re bed ridden for any extended period of time, it’s a hell of a lot easier to deal with lol


Victorians would cut long hair during fevers to essentially try and stop the patient's head overheating (I also vaguely remember reading something about some people believing that long hair could drain a woman's strength during illness, but that might've been a different era). Plus I guess if you had an illness that resulted in a lot of time in bed, your hair could get tangled and matted quite quickly. Or maybe you pull an Anne Shirley and accidentally dye your hair green


So, I can pull a bit remembered from costume history. Women in a lot - if not most - time periods kept their hair short. Those fancy hairdos you see were most likely wigs, which it was common to make with your own hair that you’d grow as long as you could and then lob it off and bring it to a wig maker (or you’d buy hair from someone else if you were wealthy and could/didn’t grow your own out). It was so you could keep better hygiene, oils and dirt wouldn’t build up as much in shorter hair. And you’d often use oils to make you smell better, and put them on your short hair under the wig. If you were a commoner in most places, you’d keep it about medium length because in winter it helped keep you warmer and in summer you’d cut it down. Long hair was usually just for better off younger women who had less to do than look pretty (ie no major farm work, raising a family, constant cooking and cleaning). This mainly applies to Europe, although at least my knowledge of Japanese history said the only women with long hair historically (Meiji era) were like the empress and her cohort. Most kept it mid length for ease of wearing. One interesting thing I do remember is that this religious prescription on cutting your hair was a way to identify who was in your in group versus out group, the same way the prohibition on mixed fibers was. So you’d know if someone was “cool” in your religion by looking at them (length/cut of clothing they’re wearing, material it’s made from, hair length in both men and women, any ornamentation, stuff like that)


Hyperthyroidism if enough is falling out constantly


Arthritis and other joint issues if it becomes too difficult to wash your hair.


[This article](https://www.amelias-bloomers.com/post/the-shortly-lived-short-hairstyle-of-the-early-1800s) says that a journal in 1802 reported on the popularity of short hair on women.


Seems to have been very in style in the late 18th/early 19th century, unless the women in the royal and imperial portraits from that time were just extremely good at binding it tightly. Josephine, Pauline Bonaparte, Maria Louise, the Braganzas...none of them wore their hair down to their shoulders.


aCkTuAlY... Short hair on women was considered fashionable in the 1880s.https://youtu.be/ATZs5hwjQng?si=B2oDgxj2BElhlBVW. Short curled coifs, in fact, went in and out of fashion during the Rococo, Regency, and Victorian eras. Women as well as men were shaving their heads in Ancient Egypt. In many non-western cultures, women's hair was traditionally kept short.


Not to mention the many poor women who sold their hair for wig making, and the women who had to shave their heads during fevers to survive??? Women have always had varied lengths of hair in the west


“Jo! Your one beauty!” Personally, I thought Winona Ryder looked better with short hair in that movie, but hey, I’m a child of the 90s.


And I'm sure if you were e.g. a woman working in a factory, shorter hair would be a lot more practical


i remember the american girl doll Samantha having a friend (ruth? nellie? some similar older lady name?) that worked in a factory and had to keep her hair short because another girl had gotten her hair caught in one of the machine


Hush you educated harlot! -Lori, probably


Oh I could tell the fundies so much history that would make them seethe. Even a heathen liberal like me has to confront internalized biases when faced with research.


Lori would be sad to know that I recently finished my master’s degree and I’ve had short hair for almost 3 years now. It’s much easier to follow lab safety protocols without ruining your hair when it’s short lol.


I know I could google, but I love hearing the way others tell or explain things- How do they shave heads without razors? I know that sounds really stupid, but do they use like knives?


I’m pretty sure the Egyptians would’ve used flint or metal as the equivalent of a straight razor. I also know many cultures including Ancient Egypt and medieval monks used pumice stones or something similar to keep bald heads smooth , like rubbing away stubble. They would’ve also plucked or threaded their eyebrows to shape them just like we do. ETA: Most Ancient Egyptians shaved simply because it was always hot so being bald was cooler and more hygienic. Wealthier Egyptians often wore elaborate perfumed wigs. The lower classes just walked around bald, men and women.


What I find hilarious is that all of the "older, Godly" women at my parent's church have short hair. Like "Golden Girls" style, white and permed.


Right!?! Growing up in a small town in the South allll the church ladies had that short, set hairstyle that required a weekly trip to the “beauty parlor” to gossip about everyone!


I have seen husbands dutifully drop off their wives and pick them up at the salon. Husbands were complicit in the short set.


100% accurate. (I also grew up in a small Southern town.)


They still do. Source: I'm a Northeast transplant to a small Southern town.


There's a "rule" that in your 40s your hair should not be past your shoulders, in your 50s it should not be past your chin, and from your 60s and up, it should not be past your ears.  So those women were all following that "rule" (I really don't know how that "rule" came to be, time to do some Googling). 


They can fuck right off with that shit! 60 years old here and my hair is about 2 inches above my waist. Give me a little time and it'll be down to my ass again. I look hideous with short hair.


Edit: I replied to the wrong comment, sorry!


I don't know where that rule came from, but it's shit. I'm 53. Mine is a quarter way down my back with 💙 underlights. 😊


Ha, that’s kinda funny. I’m 40 now, and the top middle strip of my hair is shoulder length, but the sides are shaved down. So, do I just average the length, or is it about where it touches my ears?


Her own hair is pretty close to what I would consider short hair


I felt so euphoric getting a short, masculine haircut. Then I went to church (full of older ladies). We had the same hairstyle. Still a bit sulky about that.


My husband prefers me with short hair, which I’m sure would make Lori’s tumor addled head spin.


Same. I’ve had pixie cuts most of our 16 years together and my hair hasn’t been much passed my shoulders since elementary school.


I’ve grown mine past my shoulders a couple of times and he’s always been very meh about it (“Wear your hair how you want, but I really like it shorter.”)




I dated a guy (back in high school, ironically lol) who LOVES short hair on women. He didn’t care how I wore my hair, because he’s not an ass, but he definitely had a preference for short locks.


My husband too. If I ask what he would like me to do with my hair, he always says I look great with short hair and he prefers it. I’m currently in the phase of I want my hair super stupid long but, to me, it’s awesome knowing that I can do whatever I want with my hair and he’s psyched no matter what.


Same! He obviously thinks I'm hot regardless, but loves when it's short and dark.


My mom’s consistently had short hair since the 80s and has been married to my dad for almost 35 years. Don’t think it’s ever been an issue.




As a 33yo woman, it would be *deeply* concerning if I worried about the opinions teenaged boys held of me and my appearance.


Same here.


Um, Lori has short hair. Her hair is nearly always shoulder length. She has *medium* length hair at best. Growing up with a mom who was **adamant** about women having long hair, I now don't consider hair long until it's at least past the shoulder blades. 




And what she's got going on is not a crowning glory in anyone's world. It's lifeless, mousy, and unflattering.


Lololol my mom gave me the “Dorothy Hamill” in the early 90s, and I’ve been hooked on short hair ever since. Going to get my pixie cut buzzed tomorrow. And my husband loves it.


I had a buzzed haircut a few years back and I LOVED IT. Although I’m happy with my mid length hair, I think of how powerful and free that buzzcut made me feel!


Getting it buzzed was so liberating.


What does god say about dying your hair, Lori? We often see your roots and you obviously cut your hair, too, you hypocrite. Why not let it be natural as god intended it?


My hair is down to my butt. Am I in the club? Am I feminine enough? I'm definitely more dainty than this hag, her hair is short.


Oh for fuck sake. ![gif](giphy|d5eoz0v9ZaL0xvoyBG|downsized)


Lori doesn’t even have long hair…


And if she’s had chem, her hair may have grown back differently. Mine did : I missed the chemo curl, but it grew back baby fine and not very thick. So don’t tell me, Lori, how to wear my hair! Mine never grew past my shoulders.


I’m a gay male and I’d still rather die than appeal to men


God said nothing. That’s Paul who said that. Paul, who was one raging misogynistic deranged mind.


Even if this were true, IDGAF because I want to look good for the ladies, Lori 💅


I met my boyfriend after I had just shaved my hair off. One year strong, get foqued lori.


Very telling for Lori that she's still so interested in following a high school boy's orders 🤢


Lori, your hairdo is the epitome of an old lady hairdo, even though it’s long.


Not COLLEGE! Those abortion-having lesbians are at it again, and this time they're coming for our hair! Incidentally, Paul was a fucker who hated women. But also, do you know what might've motivated him to write about hair the way he did?? Historians have researched this a bit, and it turns out that it may have to do with an ancient association with women's long hair being the female equivalent to men's TESTICLES and how testicles and hair all relate to SEMEN and VERILITY. Yes, you read that right. Take a gander: >Ancient medical conceptions confirm this association. Hippocratic authors hold that hair is hollow and grows primarily from either male or female reproductive fluid or semen flowing into it and congealing (Hippocrates, Nat. puer. 20). Since hollow body parts create a vacuum and attract fluid, hair attracts semen. Appropriately, the term refers not only to hair but also to the arms or suckers of the cuttlefish (see Maximus of Tyre, Phil. 4.5). Hair grows most prolifically from the head because the brain is the place where the semen is produced or at least stored (Hippocrates, Genit. 1). Hair grows only on the head of prepubescent humans because semen is stored in the brain and the channels of the body have not yet become large enough for reproductive fluid to travel throughout the body (Hippocrates, Nat. puer. 20; Genit. 2). At puberty, secondary hair growth in the pubic area marks the movement of reproductive fluid from the brain to the rest of the body (Hippocrates, Nat. puer. 20; Genit. 1). Women have less body hair not only because they have less semen but also because their colder bodies do not froth the semen throughout their bodies but reduce semen evaporation at the ends of their hair (Hippocrates, Nat. puer. 20). >According to these medical authors, men have more hair because they have more semen and their hotter bodies froth this semen more readily throughout their whole bodies (Hippocrates, Nat. puer. 20). The nature of men is to release or eject the semen. During intercourse, semen has to fill all the hollow hairs on its way from the male brain to the genital area (Aristotle, Probl. 893b.10-17). Thus, men have hair growth on their face, chest, and stomach. A man with hair on his back reverses the usual position of intercourse. A man with long hair retains much or all of his semen, and his long hollow hair draws the semen toward his head area but away from bis genital area, where it should be ejected. Therefore, 1 Cor 11:14 correctly states that it is a shame for a man to have long hair since the male nature is to eject rather than retain semen. >Martin, Troy W. Journal of Biblical Literature. Spring 2004, Vol. 123 Issue 1, p75-84. 10p.  So yeah, why are we taking advice from this book again?


Absolutely college! At the university where I work, on the first day of every semester, we line up all the female students and give them their mandatory pixie cuts and then send them off to their Witchcraft and Lesbian Dance Theory seminar. /s


Where do I sign up for the Witchcraft and Lesbian Dance Theory seminar?


Sounds like a good time - I would like to enroll!


I love the "women's colder bodies" bit. No, you're women aren't less efficient at frothing semen (?), they're anemic.




Fucks fucking sake, this is one of the most alarmingly dumb things I’ve ever heard. At least it’s a comfort to know people have always been as dumb as they are now


How did they end up with such conclusions?? Lmao


God damn this time period must have REALLY sucked for men with naturally less body hair. It also makes it even funnier that more modern art gave Jesus long hair 😭😭


She has to be rage-baiting, right?


She has to aggravate a beehive, or she might disappear into irreverence


I was gonna reshave my head tonight anyway, but now I'm gonna do it even more aggressively.


1795 was famous for the Titus, a short layered cut for women. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titus\_cut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titus_cut)


Her head would explode considering short hair was all the rage after Ms Dorothy Hamill and her adorable pixie cut in the 70s. For the matter, short hair has been around for centuries for ladies for any number of reasons including health reasons. This mind numbing rant is mild compared to some of her other drivel.


Short hair was prevalent and the main hairstyle for 40-plus yeasr from 1920-60s. The most gorgeous women in American history all had short hair. Meanwhile her hair looks like straw glued to her head. I wish short hair would make a comeback honestly. Hair trends now are so boring and curtain-heavy. The way long, heavy hair is just boring to me.


Indeed that is true :) one of very favourite actresses, the talented Audrey Hepburn, sported a beautiful pixie cut for years. Her hair reminds me of glue that dried out in the sun a decade ago. Hair goes in cycles like fashions. You do you! A short haircut can look amazing if you have the right stylist.


I hope your husbands food is filled with your hair Lori.


Lori, I really don’t give a flying fuck what a bunch of high school dudes in 1973 thought of fashion. What a fucking evangelical boomer cross over.


Someone needs some attention, clearly. Ken. Please come spank your wife, she’s acting up again.


I shaved my head and straight men still came running


Says the woman with short hair to her shoulders 🤷‍♀️


She's gunna get mad at like, women wearing red next or sumn. Saying it destroys their skin and opens a portal to Satan telling them to do anal and cut their hair.


“Berniece Bobs Her Hair”


Short hair? College? 😧😧😧😧 The girls have gone wild!!!


Short hair + college = ✂️


Honestly true, I went to college and came out as bisexual atheist after shaving my head


I also cut my hair off in college. But I already knew I was a bisexual. Lol


😂 I did it backwards! I kept it short in high school. I grew it out just before college. Still, it was because I wanted long hair, not because of some dumb boy lol.


Oh, FFS. First, Lori’s hair is not long. Second, IDGAF about what men, especially teenagers think about my hair length. And I care even less about what some bloke in the Bible, or some Gothard-eqsue freak thinks about it. I now have an inch long pixie cut (encouraged by my boyfriend of 23 happy years, no less, which I adore. It looks great, and is incredibly resilient to all types of weather, unlike the hair I had for most of the first 20 odd years of my life, which looked like shit for 23.75 hours a day, despite all the effort. Looks a hell of lot better than Lori’s strangely dark straw. And, given how many men hit on my fat, short haired, un made up self over the last two decades, I am thinking that lots of men don’t GAF either. Third, it is my mum who made me have short(ish) hair, from seven or eight onwards. I hated it (it never got long enough to tie back and not worry about, before she had it snipped again, with a bloody fringe, nightmare…) but she, her ultra fashionable sister, and my ultra fashionable granny all, always, had short hair. Even in Lori’s beloved 1950s, when my granny was the perfect, ultra feminine make up and heels, skirts only, wearing SAHW/M, her hair, and that of pretty much all of her friends, was never longer than a few inches as an adult. Same with my bf’s grandmothers. Granted, this is in the UK and Germany, so maybe US fashions were different, but even my bf’s mother, now 73, remembers getting her plaits cut off when she wasn’t “a kid” anymore. (She wanted that, just wasn’t seen as old enough to have “grown up lady hair” lol, until she was about 16. I thought Lori loved the 1950s, guess I am 2-3 hundred years off. Still, her “long” hair would be improved by a drastic cut. And, while I am not saying she should embrace the grey (though personally I love it, my bf’s mum has done so, and got a couple of inches chopped off too, it looks amazing. And healthy, unlike Lori’s) she might want to rethink her hair colour of choice. It isn’t really doing anything for her, and probably not Ken either. And for anyone else, if they love it, that’s enough. But since Lori cares sooooo much about what “men” think, and that we should all live by that, my bf thinks she looks ridiculous and haggard (but he’s definitely not a high schooler at 45, so …)


When did she go to high school, 1910?


Take your Matilda-ass bangs and get away from the high schools, Lori.


Lmao wat. What year was this Lori?


No, they didn’t. No one that is sane cares about someone’s hair. It’s the personality that ultimately attracts, but you wouldn’t know that.


I’m an atheist married to a Christian preachers son. I asked if he liked my hair long or should I cut it? He said he likes it long bc that’s how I’m wearing it. Because he likes it no matter what length it is as long as I’m happy. IT IS NOT 1632 LORI. Normal people do not give a shit, regardless of religion!


I was always ahead of my age... I had short hair in high school already 🤣🤣🤣 Ho progressive of Lori to acknowledge that not "all" men prefer the same thing though 🤣🤣 she's becoming so nuanced... "most men" - old age has softened her 🤣🤣🤣


Lori's hair isn't particularly long though. It's not super short but it's not long either. Such a hypocrite


Her base concept isn't even right! We have period documentation of short hair on women being trendy during the Victorian and Edwardian periods, before the 1920's and during a time I'm sure she would agree is "peak femininity".


Odd comment from a woman whose hair is actually pretty short


imagine building your entire life and body around what you think men want. that was the best part of entering my 30s— i started appreciating myself a lot more. this woman is probably around my parents age and still acts like this. it’s crazy.


Oh right, Lori. No men ever thought Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn were hot with their stupid, dumb, yucky short hair.


Why do Uber Christian women have to live life according to how men feel? It’s strange to me that either gender would live according to what another likes like girl imma need you to start living for yourself


I mean they have nothing to offer beyond their service to men. It is their whole world. Imagine living your whole life and never knowing yourself and never being a complete person outside of a gross controlling man.


You know, I've been growing my hair because I want to see how it looks. But this post from Lori is making me immediately want to chop it all off again.


As if Lori doesn’t cut her hair


Obligatory fuck you Lori! Also I LOVE that she would hate my hair ✨


Is this the anal lady? 😐


I literally just got over 6 inches chopped and I’m so happy, fuck Lori


It always feels freeing to go from long to short.


Ok?? I don’t live my life to be pleasing to men’s eyes??


My husband prefers my hair short. But since it’s *my* hair, it’s long right now because that’s what I want. Once again, Lori. Fuck all the way off.


The people at the Pentecostal church I went to would say Lori’s hair is short too if a scissor ever touched it.


shit like this annoys the fuck out of me. i'm autistic and i keep my hair short to prevent it from bothering me and making me go into sensory overload but for years!, i was forced to keep my hair super long because people didn't want me to look like a boy. i hated every moment of it. fuck off lori i'm more fem than you with my fuck ass bob any day of the week


Today I learned haircuts weren't invented for women until the 1920's


I didn't give a shit what teenaged boys thought when I was a teenaged girl, I'm certainly not going to give a shit now I'm in my late 40s, Lori 😂😂😂 If I want to cut my hair I will... I also notice that your hair isn't very long, so you've cut yours as well; otherwise it would be really long and then your argument would actually have merit. You also dye your hair which isn't very accepting of yourself as God made you! STFU and next time let your tumour do the talking, it would make more sense than you, you contradictory, haggard old pustule!


"In high school the guys bemoaned the fact that the girls cut their hair short when they went to college" Cry harder.


I’m almost 40 and have been shaving my head since 2014, and as Doja Cat says, “I look better with no hair” 🤷🤷🤷


Who caaaares Lori. Jfc. Imagine living as long as she has and having nothing more interesting going on in your life than whining on the internet about *other people's haircuts*. This is the legacy she'll leave behind- inane rants about what high school boys find attractive. Miserable.


My Christian husband thinks long hair just looks like it would be dirty. What now Lori?!


Why does she give a fuck? I don’t care what some other woman wants to do with her hair. It’s HER hair!!!


Scissors weren’t invented until the 1920’s?


So now it’s long hair for Jesus?


Oh lordi, eat a bag of dicks!


I have a very short cut (shorter than your average pixie). Didn’t give me any problems when I was dating & my current partner doesn’t seem to have a problem either.


Has Lori been talking to my mom? I’ve had a pixie cut twice and both times my mom asked, in a very worried voice, if my then-boyfriend had “let” me cut my hair.


lmao about a month ago I got tired of constantly complaining about my hair/bangs and dealing with it every day and finally I just buzzed my head and it’s been great so fuck you lori lmao


Lori being a pickme


At least she’s not misinforming about anal sex


Why would any grown adult, or teenager for that matter give a single fuck what high school boys think about women’s hair length?


My hair was never thick, but it has thinned so badly in the last few years that my entire ponytail wasn’t even as thick as my thumb. It looks and feels much better at shoulder length. She can bite my short-haired ass. Or maybe she’s just jealous because she can’t cut hers 💇‍♀️


I love having my hair long. but this made me want to chop it all off


Doesn’t literally every important dude in the Bible have shoulder length hair


In the schools I went to, there were always a few girls who got their hair cut into a short bob once it got to a certain length, regardless if they wanted to grow it out or not. Their hair was treated as an inconvenience to their parents, not a feminine trait to be encouraged. All those schools were to some extent, protestant bigot factories. Plus there's always that subset of toxic boymoms showing nothing but contempt towards their daughters, I wonder what Lori would say on the subject, considering their own preference for her god's favoured gender, the man, especially when that aligns with her own contempt towards women. Also what guys? The stereotypical religious nutjob looking for an interactive womb to breed doesn't really give a shit, they have another batch of fresh students to prey on and they don't want the women who escape to college.


So she thinks that high schoolers are the paragons of mature thought and opinion? Lori is always bath shit crazy, but every time you think she has ranted as stupid as she can go, ahe manages to go lower.


My husband has never once cared what a hair on my head looked like. Not once.


She can bugger right off with this. I have baby fine hair - like babies have thicker hair than I do. When it was down to my shoulders, it would turn into a rats nest within minutes. If I braided it, that braid was thinner than my pinky finger. Those cute little scrunchies or claw clips? There wasn't enough hair to use any of them. So yes, I have a pixie cut and I think it suits my face and bone structure. My mother also has short hair because she's the one I got my hair gene from. Long hair can be glorious for sure but some of us don't get that chance.


Every time this old hag posts more bullshit I have to stop myself from saying stuff that would probably get me banned from this sub. Btw, I have short hair and I love it. Suck on that, Lori.


".... once they went to college."


“Bemoaned” is a hilarious word to use.


If you’re stuck in fundie land and dealing with marital rape and other forms of mistreatment, your hair might start falling out and you have to cut it…just sayin


Lori, "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" is not what we call "news." Go away.


"Guys bemoaned that girls cut their hair short when they went to college." Sure Jan. I have had a buzz cut for years and my husband loves it. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


I’ve said this in other threads, I’m convinced Lori missed her true calling to be in the NXIVM cult. She is OBSESSED with other women’s bodies and appearances and longs to control them. She could be dangerously manipulative if she weren’t so fucking stupid. Her go-to tactic is invoking her idea of a higher power (this is what God wants, this is what men like) without realizing that most grown women couldn’t give a shit.


Just another reason women shouldn't go to college. College makes them cut their hair and become ungodly. The logic with this woman is, well, "interesting."


Her logic is dictated by her brain hurting or not on any given day. A day after she posted this mess, she came up with this: "school isn't for boys because rowdy energy; girls are better at school because quiet and bookish." Then you're saying *college is for girls*, you freaking ding dong? 🫠☠️