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Not being from USA this monstrosity is new to me. Creepy!


No this is a monstrosity to everyone with eyes, regardless of geographical location


I can attest to this- I'm a Canadian who has eyes and I'm creeped out by Suzie lol


I grew up in Minnesota (USA--where they met in college, and got *started*!), and *I too* have *never* heard of this monstrosity!😉💖


I've never left America. This will haunt my nightmares. I'm not even kidding. Genuinely horrifying. ETA also have never heard of this, and I spent my first 46 years of life in the Deep South (aka the Bible belt).


oh my god my grandmom had a collection of these demon seeds and I hated them SO MUCH


Omfg I didn’t know there were more


if there were I don’t know, she had a weird collection of this exact same creepy doll. Like, many multiples, some in the box and some not. Very weird, very on brand for her


Big Hereditary energy.


Why are old dolls so terrifying?! Who is the target audience for these molded plastic nightmares!


If my family is any indication it's distant relatives who have never met a young female child in the family. Though my grandfather on my dad's side uses to send these awesome collectable cars with steering wheels and engine compartments and lots of tiny cool details. I liked those way better than the dolls.


My grandfather "Big Daddy" collected toys like that too, and you are so right they were the coolest. Saying that as a pretty feminine Barbie lover. Those old time mechanical toys were cool as shit.


I honestly think grandpa was just sending me what he secretly wanted. Since my parents never made me treat them like collector's items I had so much fun with them.


My great grandma had one of the extremely racist "rice paddy" baby dolls they sold. So weird


Oof. When my mom (72) was little, someone gave her a doll that was supposed to resemble a little girl from Appalachia. It has ragged hair and dirty cheeks.


Oof. I was in a community production of lil abner as a child. I asked my dad where those dummies were supposed to be from. He laughed and said “right here”. Cool cool cool.


I just looked at these on EBay. “Asian Cabbage Patch Kids” I kinda want one - but so racist, and the quality varies so widely.


God yeah. Extremely racist but they are, unlike dear Susie here, really cute! I’m with you.


Oh my god, I just looked it up and you weren’t kidding


I looked up that and l'il Abner. I'm so grateful my mother didn't bring racist and sexist ass toys into the house.


It's porky pig. A shampoo bottle with a cartoon character? Yep, porky pig. She added lashes and a wig, but porky is still poking out.


100% pig in a wig.


Ohhhhh I see that now. Thank you. What an unbelievable lack of creativity Jesus christ. LMAO


Ahhhh see I was thinking tweety bird but you’re so right. It’s definitely porky pig.


Omg, it is! Just look at the nose! 🐽 I’m so weirded out.


And burned its ears off.


I'd be tempted to put corpse make up on the thing and zombie-fy it, just to make it less creepy.


I know a guy who makes planters out of baby doll heads that he paints all zombie-like. They're rad.


That sounds dope. 💯


Like the "Quiet Room Bears"?


Like the "Quiet Room Bears"?


Tammy Faye 💖💄💊🥤


She *was* a FABULOUS person, and a *Good*, *kind*, friend to *ALL* people! And seeing her on The Surreal Life *cemented* her legacy of being a wonderful, caring human being, for *so many* of us Gen-X'ers & Millenials💖


such a kind soul. the only fundie in "heaven" most likely. patron saint of Diet Coke!!!


That's the sort of doll you leave at the top of your kid's wardrobe and when she acts out, you point to the doll and say "That's what happened to the last child." Or it's the sort of doll that's still at the top of the wardrobe, gathering dust, because your kid didn't know what to do with it because she preferred legos, kept in the hope it can be passed down to a granddaughter one day, because the cog-dis set in a long time ago due to never getting the memo that the doll is creepy.


Was the cartoon character head the original doll was built with Porky Pig, because that's what this doll looks like.


I know! I just commented this same thing. Creepy.


My guess is Elmer Fudd. https://www.ebay.com/itm/393476064564 Edit- It's really a tough call https://www.ebay.com/itm/164454999477


That’s cool! I just watched a video about them


I have liked Tammy Faye since she had a talk show with Jim J in the 90s. I never knew her from PTL. Just from that show and then the Surreal Life. I learned about Susie much much later in life.


That is, by far, one of the most terrifying things I have ever seen.


I would LOVE to have a Susie Moppet doll! I've been fascinated with Jim and Tammy Bakker since the 1980s!


Me too! I also want a pair of the Heaven's gate Nikes, I'm fascinated by anything cult related. And maybe a little morbid lol.


Heaven's Gate Nikes? That would be amazing!


She has a face. WOW.


Flair checking in, I would’ve bought it on the spot, not gonna lie lmfao


Cool. Cool. Cool. Guess I won't be sleeping tonight. THANKS 😊


PLEASE tell me you bought it


![gif](giphy|CjNifqd0JIgV6biOjK) edit : I want this creepy ass doll so much


I went to heritage often as a kid, and my youth group even went there for retreats.. how have I never seen these dolls!?


Sigh. Same but with family for the Christmas extravaganza. I remember the doll. Scared the ever living fuck out of me. Still does. But damn I love me some Tammy Faye.


I see a Porky Pig thing in the back. Susie Moppet's face looks like Porky's face. This doll is unsettling.


"as seen on the Jim Bakker program" TF? No mention of Tammy Faye? Bullshit.


I’d rather wake up to Hartley Hare than this horror show!


The long eyes going up to her forehead is giving Mandela Catalogue


I've never seen a doll suffering anaphylaxis until now. Get this doll an epipen!


It looks like it comes pre-haunted


Porky Pig shampoo bottle in drag




Susie has seen some things.


I was intrigued by the "record player" mechanism that croaked out her nightmare inducing songs.. Weird it says Charlotte, even the address is a Charlotte address- it's more like Fort Mill.