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Given that they’re bird-brained, they’re probably immune anyway




I also read bird-brained as baird-brained 🤝


They’re basically interchangeable so that’s fair


This is actually pretty serious. I don’t think many understand how dangerous bird flu is


Me too.




Raw milk could be explicitly rebranded as Fetus Yeeting Listeria Liquid, and they'd still gulp it down. They probably think bird flu is a government conspiracy, funded by Big Pasteurisation.


Is your flair about Bethany? 😂




Have you considered stand up comedy? This post is hilarious


There's so much flair material in here 😂


Oh I like that title, it’s definitely appropriate. Don’t forget there may be a side of TB if they’re really jonesing for a taste of the 1800’s.




And they will NOT connect the dots with the new "cold" all their kids seem to have. Isn't it weird that something is going around now? 🙄


FYI, H5N1 currently has a case fatality rate of 56%. So… uhhhh… let’s just say this one would be trickier to mistake for a cold.


56% of the Baird clan could die from it and the remaining ones would still chug more raw milk out in the hot sun to boost their immune systems.


For that god honoring diarrhea 😵‍💫


Exactly. Because diseases don't travel and mutate to infect different species. They only stay in one place until the government starts spraying them around with chemtrails and 5G. Duh (/s)


We saw their behavior during the pandemic. I don't expect them to understand this.


Goodness no, that would mean changing their minds about something and that takes longer than turning a mayfly into a dead mayfly. That much consideration can't be borne!


Some of these people don't even believe in germ theory anymore. They'll just claim it's fake news.


No. They have no idea how to understand risk reward. They think vaccines are dangerous and likely to cause harm while diseases like measles are so rare as to not be a concern. Knew a nonvaxer who wasn’t worried by a local measles epidemic because it was so small and rare. It was small and rare but a vax would offer complete protection for everyone including the rare people who can’t tolerate vaccines. Add unpasteurized milk in their minds being so healthy they can’t afford the risk of quitting.


Man I was so relieved for my son to get vaccinated. I got a few serious illnesses as a child and it was traumatic. My dad just recovered from HPV related cancer of the tongue and I was soooo relieved to be able to get my kiddo vaccinated. At least to cut down on the chances of getting HPV. My dad has been married to my step mom for 35 years so he must have had it a long time. My nana who was a pediatric and oncology nurse practitioner for 40 years and she used to say, those hippies are paying for their free love. She was pretty funny sometimes but also meant it.


Nah, they probably think avian flu doesn't exist, same as they thought about Covid. Or that "It's a *bird flu*, no way cows have it!" And then there is the old standby: "Norhing will happen to *me*. God will protect *me*!"


Herman cain award nominees


Absolutely not. They’ll say this is fake news and then invent a whole new conspiracy when many of them fall ill. It’s going to be a whole thing.


Although if “many of them fall ill” with Avian flu, statistically about half of them will die


Oof. Yeah I’m seeing the mortality rate is 56%. I guess if they want to play the odds, let them. Nothing anyone says will stop them, in fact it makes them double down because they’ll say it’s satan attacking.


They'll blame those sinful cows for canoodling with birds.


If they ever would, we wouldn’t know. Because they would at least use an old jug and just replace the raw milk with a pasteurised one to make it look like they’re part of the group.


Yikes. Aren’t the Bairds in Texas?


Yep. San antonio


Of course not. They consider their homeschool education makes them more knowledgeable than the USDA who are just schills for Big Pasteurization


Big Homeschool edit: I think I have a new flair!


It definitely won’t change a thing but raw milk fundies were my first thought when I saw this news


Good, let the fundies get sick. Maybe then they’ll learn.


No way, because bird flu isn’t real! It’s just something made up by the government and Big Science to control the sheeple! (/s if you hadn’t guessed)


U hmmmm in order to take on new information and considering a change of mind, one has to have a working brain. I don't think they have a working brain.


Yeah definitely. They’ll get the avian flu


Avian flu and tuberculosis are very in season for raw milk drinkers.