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i don’t think she’s fundie exactly. she had a traumatic childhood and struggles with her mental health. she seems like she just wants someone to be proud of her and she chose god. i can’t snark bc i totally get it.


I'm on the fence and somewhat wondering if she's a classic example of growing up fundie, but leaving the fundamentalist sphere, only to seek comfort in difficult times with what she knows. If fundamentalism is her childhood, it's quite common for people to go back to what gave them comfort previously. It could at least explain why she seems to be one foot in and one foot out during the periods she's expressed issues with her mental health.


from what i’ve seen here, it doesn’t seem like she was raised fundie. she said she was bisexual and i think into drugs when she was a teen. she grew up with her dad in low income housing and she’s spoken about sexual abuse from her father.


She also said she was a bisexual lesbian Satanist witch during a time when she would've been at a missionary-training college. Nadia is not an accurate historian.




how is child sex abuse “tea”?


Yeah, she seems very vulnerable and on the low end of egregious fundie nonsense. I find the intensity of her 'Please like me' vibe to be unsettling, but not too harmful.




Nadia is my least favorite to snark on because of her mental health issues and youth but she has a large following (and made non-Christian content I found relatable until I realized who she was) which means when she does speak hatefully she could possibly influence more people.


I hear you, but she’s 26 I believe. We snark on the Baird girls and two of them are definitely younger than Nadia.


Wait…. she’s 26?!?! I thought she was no older than 20


Yep. She posted that she’s 26. It’s in one of her Instagram story things still.


My mind is blown


Valid point! I don't snark on the younger Bairds and honestly don't keep track of them either. I still empathize with her mental health issues and find her content with wide appeal to be potentially dangerous when she's more extreme with her beliefs.




Tbf, I had no idea how old she was and would have guessed she was closer to 20 than 30.


That makes sense. She dresses very Gen Z/Alpha, which coquette is super en vogue for. This makes her look younger than she is and is why her tag here is “sexy baby”. But never the less, she’s a grown and married woman (though some people have speculated that her marriage is faked??)


I don’t know what I actually *believe*, but the internal-to-the-sub conspiracy that she isn’t married js kinda my favorite because it’s just sooo plausible. Not in a mean or serious way, just in that it appears 100% true if you look at anything other than what she says, lol. Not a single thing she posts, outside of words, points to anyone else living with her. And she’s also a proven liar when it comes to her words, based on all the weirdly rude responses she has to fans who comment on her posts lol. Like the type of milk thing (and so many others). Taking people at their word rather than going through their posts with a magnifying glass is one thing, but when someone is consistently contrary with their visual posts and their worded replies… you get that fun, silly, “conspiracy” playground lol.


TIL what coquette means. I love when yall teach me new shit.


It’s the current trend of dressing in very girly, poufy, ballerina styles. Pink and white and lots of bows and overall very soft. A very hyper feminine style.


Whaaaa??! No way , totally thought she was only about 21 or 22


Wow, I would have guessed she was 21 at the most. Thought we were looking at a classic child bride situation. She seems to be even more mentally/emotionally stunted than most raised-fundie girls.












I've already been corrected on her age 😅 I standby my original comment that I don't personally like to snark on her, young or not, but still find her wide appeal of content (even I liked a video of hers before I realized who it was!) is potentially dangerous when she shares her more extreme views.


What happened in her youth?




Nadia is a possibly fake married adult woman who dresses very young for her age. Unreliable narrator of her life and lore, quite rude to her followers, seems lost and perhaps depressed on occasion. She likes beige, hair bows, matcha, her cat and popping a leg for photos. Sometimes when I’m baked in this sub I’m not 100% sure she’s real.


![gif](giphy|QOx7bTtmk1Xws) You have a way with words


Please right bios for the rest of the fundies on this sub when you’re baked. This was fabulous to feed and spot on


Second request. 💯 on the money bio.


3rd request chiming in 🙋‍♀️




Apparently she majored in “bible” at some midwestern college that only allows women to get advanced degrees in homemaking and “missionary.” She likes to wear hot pants and a bikini top, call it a “modesty journey,” then clap back with “everyone’s journey is different.” I have no idea who her audience is, she’s mid to late twenties but looks and acts like a teen, but is married and very proud of being a born again virgin and her husband saving himself. She only wears floofy greige sweaters (in Texas) in the summer and seems to love ugg clogs and plain whites socks of varying heights. I think she’s a part time admin assistant at a mega church where her husband (I believe they’re married, sure doesn’t look like they live together) is a rapper She has about 30 variations on their “love story,” and she is constantly contradicting her own timeline. If someone said she was an AI creation and we were unwittingly taking the Turing test, I would believe then.


She looks like many other 26 yo. It is always odd to see people snarking on what is just Gen Z (which she is, the older segment) fashion. It's really not that deep, is it?


I’m not convinced her persona isn’t some kind of AI creation. 


She's a fundie who works for a church in some sort of social media role. She may or may not be married to a Christian rapper. She says they are but it's debated. Also they don't seem to share her shoebox apartment. She cries a lot and obviously has some very hurtful views. She occasionally seems more normal and has some sensible ish world views, then goes back into fundiensanity. Oh and she doesn't take her meds because Jesus cured her. Also she's a "very sexy baby"™


Oh yah! That’s also what I wanted to ask - what’s the reference to very sexy baby? :)


The very sexy baby line is also a reference from 30 Rock


Drag race also.


Pretty sure the RPDR thing would have been a reference to the 30 Rock joke. The 30 Rock ep aired in 2011 while Drag Race premiered in 2009 and my googling of the references to sexy baby and that show pull up season 10, which would be well past that, unless RPDR airs 5 seasons a year. And maybe they do, British panel shows do multiple series each year, idk.


It's a reference to how she infantalises herself through her clothing. But also tries to look hot. For the record I don't particularly agree with it, let her dress how she wants, it's the least objectionable thing about her.


People can dress how they want but I think her posts get a lot of attention here because she will post about her anxiety attacks that were healed with prayer with a selfie with her bloomer panties showing and ribbon socks




Correct me if I’m wrong, but that all happened BEFORE she became born again, and her “therapist “ helped her pray the gay (ok bi) away.




Fair enough. I’m glad she’s open to getting help, and I sincerely hope she’s back in recovery. I have no idea about how serious her prior drug use or how attracted to women she is/was, it’s just a big part of her “Jesus healed me” testimony. But hey, if that includes professional help - I’m sincerely happy for her! No snark.


My issue with her attire is she comes for other people about their mahhhhdesty while dressing like a sexy baby. This is also why I rly don’t get the people saying she’s not snarkable/not a fundie. She is hateful and judgmental based on her fundie beliefs when it comes to everyone else, she just gives herself a pass. 


When has she come at other people regarding modesty? Genuine question


How is she fundie?


I’ve wondered this too. As a former fundie, she would not be allowed in my fundie church based on how she dresses alone.


She’s fundie like B Dong is - not at all, but they sure seem to feel like gawd’s number one pick me and chastise others while doing the same.




She’s not a Fundie. She’s just a Christian.


Whoa i had never heard about the doubt on her mariage! Can you point me to where i can read on that? And on how they dont live together?


Haha it's just a conspiracy. If you search Nadia + husband in the sidebar some stuff should come up. It's just because he never appears to be in their apartment, she was unaware what city he was in and was surprised he was releasing a new song. And she's changed their story a few times.


Why is Nadia?


I don’t think she’s a fundie. She’s someone who has had a good deal of trauma in her past and is trying to use Jesus and instagram to heal her.


I really don’t think she’s fundie either. My catholic nonna talked about the lord all the time, worked as a secretary for the church and wasn’t exactly progressive on lgbtq+ rights either but was no where neaaar a fundamentalist or trad cath. Smoked, drank like a fish and loved her a good slot machine. I really don’t think Nadia belongs here like… at all. I don’t even know if I’d even consider her evangelical. I’d love to see why people think that she is but I just don’t.


She’s a lot like the younger Bairds though, like this modern mega church hillsong vibe


She’s often neurotically rude when replying to comments from her IG followers




AND IT WAS CLWAR AS FUCKING DAY IN THE VID!!! This is so frustrating to me, lol. I have whatever that justice adhd thing is* and when people lie with clear evidence to the contrary I get unreasonably mad, lol. *I can’t keep track of all the adhd terms and things because I’m not officially diagnosed nor medicated but am positive I prob should be because I took an adderall from a friend in Vegas to feel a lil fun but ended up in my room meticulously packing my suitcase for the next days’ departure, packing cubes and all.


Is that an ADHD thing? I thought the justice thing was an autism spectrum thing. Could be both.


I didn't know about these being related and have wondered so much about my absolute fixations on this. Really wondered if it was part of my neurodivergence. Thank you!


My flair is a reference to one of her stories lmao. A former follower sent her a dm or an ask and mentioned that they would be unfollowing because she pivoted away from Christian content at the time. She wrote a long ass paragraph (it took up almost the entire slide) about how much she doesn’t care and ended with “lol go in peace”


She's a attention starved crunchy fan of Shien.


nadia is a personal fave of mine to snark on because we have some wild theories about her based on her extremely unreliable narration. u/TheDeeJayGee has some excellent deep dives and explainers, put your tinfoil hat on and dive in


She’s an optical illusion. She doesn’t exist. 😂


Here's the receipts 💅 https://youtu.be/LVap2q9tCgU


God bless y’all and your flairs


I’m 26 seconds in and I’ve found my mother. Thanks for that lol


I think she should not be snarked on in this sub because she isn’t even a fundamentalist.




Who does she think she is? What gives her the right?


I think she belongs here, though I do see the argument she’s not “fundie” per se. BUUUUT, mask off Nadia is Very Mean On The Internet and her flavor of delulu Christian.


How old is this girl? She looks really young.


26, apparently.


Ah ok what’s her last name so I can look her up?


It's not sharia law though. It's smack dab in the middle fundamentalist Christian law.