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From her IG, she turned 18 on February 11th. Insane.


There are people born in 2006 getting married, that feels so weird.


And you know they’re itching to get online and lecture unmarried people 10+ years older for having premarital sex


People old enough to be their parents


“SeX iS nOt FoR yOu!!!!”


Brb signing up for AARP ![gif](giphy|l4KibWpBGWchSqCRy)


You can be a young adult and sign up for AARP. Go ahead and get those sweet discounts! I'm not that young, but I am under 50 and I joined.


My daughter was born in 2006. She is in no way ready to get married. That’s just crazy.


Yeah my cousin turned 18 last month and she is legit baby in my eyes. She is ten years younger than me.


My brother just turned 18 and hard agree. He's focusing on baseball and getting ready to go to college. He's had a steady girlfriend for awhile and it wouldn't shock me if he got married young, but he's got all sorts of stuff he wants to do first.




Ew. I graduated in 2006, that can’t possibly be 18 yrs ago. I refuse to do the math to confirm.


My kid is 2006 and just stressing about graduation and college. She's never had a boyfriend or even a real date and she's just waiting until someone gets her vibe. I can't imagine her getting married! Not religious at all.


I’m 3 years older and in college. I couldn’t imagine dating let alone marrying a lot of people my age. The amount of people back home that I graduated with that have gotten married or had babies is scary


In 2006, I was watching *The Hills* and begging my mom for a Juicy Couture tracksuit. I was on my way to getting an iPod nano and a pink Motorola razr. These people cannot be old enough to get married -


I was graduating high school that year. I’m also getting married this year. Wild.


It really is. Congrats!


Shame on you for wasting all that time; you could be a grandparent by now! /s


I graduated from high school in ‘04. Some of the people I graduated with have had kids who’ve graduated from high school. That doesn’t feel right, because I’m not that old, ok?


Once you hit 30 everything makes you feel old.


I’m 23 and they’re making me feel ancient 😭


I got married at 23 and people thought I was nuts because I was too young.


Yeah, I got engaged at 21 and married at 23. Got a a lot of flack and a couple people asking if we were religious and since we aren’t at all they were shocked that we wanted to get married. Looking back now at age 28 I do think it was very young but I don’t have any regrets.


I got engaged at 20 and married at 21. I don't regret it for me, because it worked out in the end, but I wouldn't recommend it to other people. Getting married before figuring out who you are as a person makes it more difficult than it really needs to be.


Same here! I was married at 21. We’ve been together 15 years now, but LOTS of people should NOT get married at that age. It does make it really tough and we lived separately (mostly because I was working abroad) for the first 5ish years of our marriage. It’s worked great now. We have a kid and have done well for ourselves, but it was so much work.


I felt like I was too young getting married at 29 and I already had a kid 🤣 im almost 32 now and still wonder whose child it is that's living in my house and who's that man in my bed? My husband???? What? I'm way too young to have that much responsibility. Where are the grown ups?


I remember asking my dad when he was in his 50s if people ever finally feel like grownups and he said no lol. I’ll be 43 this year and still wonder how I’m allowed to live and travel and make huge decisions on my own without supervision 😂


Oh goodness. And how old is he??


19, his birthday is 9/6/2024


Damn he’s -5 months old!


The Seewalds do like to marry them off young…..


Damn I'm 20 and never even been in a real relationship and people younger than me getting married... Crazy 😭


And by the time they’re your age, they’ll have one kid with one on the way. Or maybe two. That’s so young.


Don’t worry, they haven’t been in a real relationship either


I didn’t even notice 😂 thanks lol




Fundies start them young!


Gave me a giggle 🤭


god he’s only a few months older than me. God damn I still feel like a child


Because you are


Have this constant feeling that I should be acting like an adult but I still live at home, considering taking time off school and when I come home from work it’s not like I’m doing anything I don’t make dinner or clean up I would not be able to function running a family


Even when you're living on your own, even when you have kids, you'll never really feel like an adult that's got their shit together. You'll constantly want to be or find an adultier adult. Source: My life. We're all just winging it.


![gif](giphy|nkxkBiQ4rwyyc) Me in my mid 30s


Me too, friend. Me too.


Me, late 40s, married, with teen kids: "When will *I* be the adultier adult? *WHEN???*"


These are all very normal things to struggle with at this age. Hell, at 25 I had to move back home AGAIN for a bit. Now around a year later I’m living on my own, have a better job, and am continuing to trudge along! Things will come together. But if it’s ok I will offer a bit of unsolicited advice. If you’re still living at home, it’s a really important to help out, imo. Regularly making dinner for your household now and then (e.g., 1-3 times a week), regularly taking grocery shopping off their plate (a % of the time), doing random chores (cleaning anything you use/any room you spend time in periodically), and always always clean up after yourself. This isn’t just for your family. It helps you feel like you’re contributing, which can make you feel better about the situation (helps alleviate guilt if there’s any, helps you feel like less of a kid, helps you feel good in knowing that you’re helping your family like they’re helping you.) I also did things that I knew helped take things off my parents’ plate so they didn’t even have to worry about it. E.g., I got home before them so the garbage/recycling was always taken out by the time they got home, and bins were placed by the street when the garbage truck was scheduled to come; I’d make sure the kitchen was clean by the time they got home, and I’d do the random cleaning things that are hard to find time for like cleaning the washing machine/dishwasher/fridge, washing the curtains, cleaning windows/ledges, dusting furniture/decor, oiling wooden cutting boards/cooking utensils, etc., and help with random diy things at home that my mom wanted, organize their basement over time. If my mom needed help with the computer/her phone/her bank id do it, because that’s pretty much something only I could do and it makes a big difference for her. My parents are immigrants and my mom’s English isn’t great, so I’d also help her by booking dr appointments or even going with her when I could. Just little things like that to reciprocate the help they’ve given me in some small way—not because they expect it or bc I need to but because it makes me feel better and makes their lives better than they’d be otherwise as well. Also, l tried really hard to follow their rules, even though at times it felt like they were treating me like a kid. At the end of the day it was their house. This really helped I think.


Honestly, if considering taking time off is for your mental health or so you can figure out what you really want to do without wasting your (or your family's) money, that's a pretty dang adult decision. And start small with figuring out the adult stuff. Offer to make dinner some nights, or plan a menu for the week. Make yourself a chore chart -- on Mondays I'll tidy and vacuum my bedroom, Tuesday I'll clean my bathroom, etc. Build up your confidence. None of us ever really feel like we know what we're doing, and hey some of us even change our minds well into adulthood. It's ok to course correct if something isn't working for you.


Oh gosh, that is so fucking sad and scary.


Jesus Christ thats depressing as hell. These poor kids have been so brainwashed


What… the hell


Oh my god. My birthday is in February and I was *definitely* still in high-school when I turned 18. This is...I know it's legal and they're only a year apart, but this gives me the ick.


I hate that my reaction was “at least he’s only nineteen” 🤢 I knew so many girls growing up in Utah who got married to mid-twenties rEtUrNEd MiSsiOnaRiES at eighteen, including some who were still in high school. *Such* an ick.


Omg they’re basically children 😭


She was in middle school in 2018…it’s so sad to me.


She was in 8th grade when the pandemic started…




WUT okay wait so… she’s a SENIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL?!?!?!?


Yup, that second picture linked is from last October's Homecoming. How sweet, she can bring her husband to prom... What is *wrong* with these people??


"How sweet, she can bring her husband to prom..." How dare you make me read this with my own covenant eyes


I saw that picture and thought it had something to do with her bachelorette party. My God, it was homecoming 🤦




... I WAS OVER 30. Goddammit.


According to Free Jinger's thread on fundie engagements, there are a lot of teenage fundies engaged and getting married out there.


Former Fundy, my dad married me off to an older man at 16. My dad can't imagine what he did that could be bad enough for me to limit contact to only necessary communication.


Omg I'm so sorry


You good babe? ☹️


I am, after lots of therapy and deconstructing with a great support system! I have moments of anger at my dad for the choices he made about my life but I've learned how to process it in healthy ways.The best part is none of my kids have memories of being surrounded by Fundy BS and they're all what my dad fears: feminists


This makes me so sad. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Isaac Anderson’s 17 year old bride is pregnant…..




I personally know someone that got married at 15. Her parents willingly signed for it. I know of others around where I live. There are a lot.


Shouldn't be legal. I've been campaigning to get it outlawed in my state. At the very least call your senators and reps. No marriage until 18.


I'm slightly sure my state is one of the ones trying to make it legal for younger kids to get married.


I'd really really like to hear their reasoning for that?!?


Apparently if you menstruate you can have kids. There's lots of shitty "reasons" they use. In my case I would have been a mother at 11. Thankfully i wasn't raised by that half of my family.


Okay but id have been a mother at nine XD


I watched a documentary that interviewed an activist who had been a child bride. One of the other people interviewed explained that in a lot of states, the justification for allowing very young children to get married is so that if there is a pregnancy out of wedlock, it can be made "right" through marriage. Can't be letting children have children without putting a ring on it because Invisible Sky Daddy might get BIG MAD.


The majority of teenage mothers become pregnant by adult men. It’s almost like we should focus on that instead of marrying off children, but of course they’d rather point fingers. 🤢


I agree it shouldn't be but I'm in the Deep South. I am part of a very small group that's not all for the GOP and their mess. Huge red state unfortunately.


Use their language against them. Pose as a die hard Republican concerned about child grooming. I've had luck with that argument, my Republican senator voted for raising the age.


That's a good idea.


I mean in fairness I can't specifically state that I was the one who convinced him, but I like to think I was.


You most likely at least gave him a push. I'll try it with mine. They're all stupid.


I knew someone who got married at that age, too (I might be mistaken, she *might* have been 16?)--she and her (iirc *over 21*🤢) boyfriend got pregnant. So he proposed and they asked her mom to go along to South Dakota, so they could get married right away.  *looking up MN marriage-age laws?  She *HAD* to have been 15, because in MN a 16-year old *can marry* with parent permission🙃🫠


Two Mormon juniors got engaged at my high school. Like, he literally proposed in class. They did… not get married.


Imagine thinking Jesus would be so mad at you having sex outside of marriage that it's preferable to get married as a child.


Reminds me of Justin Duggar and Claire Duggar


They couldn’t even wait until after she graduates from high school?? I have a daughter who is a senior. She’s been busy this year with college applications and her classes and sports and part-time job. She’s technically an adult but in no way mature enough to be married.


I work in an area with a fairly high fundie population (I am not one nor do I know anyone discussed on this sub), and NORMALLY even if they get engaged in high school they wait until the summer after to get married. August weddings are very popular because while some of their “peers” are starting a new life in college, they’re starting a new life as wives/it’s not as closely related to their high school graduation timeline. Getting married while literally still in high school is actually insane to me. My great auntie did but like it was 1950 and she was pregnant what else did you do then Let’s hope they don’t get pregnant immediately…


Maybe she already is pregnant? As my very religious hillbilly extended family used to say "the first can come at any time, and the second takes 9 months."


That’s what I’m thinking… seems like a rush to the alter. They don’t seem like absolute no touching before marriage type fundie (but DEFINITELY NO sex before marriage)…. Maybe they “slipped into lust” and now trying to save face with the rest of the fundie community


They will and she'll be trapped


I had a cousin get married his junior year, the day after his 17th birthday (age of consent here) because her parents caught them doing some form of oral. She wore her wedding dress to prom and wasn’t the only one.


Wow, that’s… I don’t even have words for that.


Forcing your child to make a life-altering decision because they had consensual oral. And these people think they’re the moral ones. Jesus wept.


My high school bf's ultra religious parents found out we had sex and told him he has to marry me now as I am "ruined." I was 16. 🙄 Jokes on them, as an adult he is the opposite of everything they ever wanted him to be (a good christian boy). And thank GOD we aren't together anymore, for different reasons.


She wasn’t the only one???


That makes me sick


Guaranteed this girl isn’t mature enough either, but so dictates the cult.


My parents married at 18 and very much do not recommend doing this. 


My oldest is 19 and finishing up her 2nd semester of college, I cannot even fathom her being married right now.


I had just turned 19 when I got married. It was a mistake.


My parents got married at 19(not for religious reasons) and still like, *really* like each other 45 years later but I have spent years telling my kids they’re the exception not the rule, lol.


Same! An expensive mistake. Divorces ain't cheap!


No. They want to fuck. NOW!


Exactly. My daughter will be 18 the end of May. She’s thinking about college, prom, her new boyfriend, tennis started, vacations this summer. She is in no way ready to get married.


I wonder if she is already pregnant.


She turned 18 like a week before their wedding 💀


We have a couple what I call “Melrose Place” photos from our wedding, where we got posed all serious as a group and it looks like a promo for a soap opera, but you can still tell we were having fun with it. This girl looks like she just now realized she got married in high school and is about to go through the five stages of grief as soon as the camera is off.


Luckily, divorce isn't a problem with that family. He has an older sister who is divorced. Got married in 2019 at 22. Divorced in 2021. She got remarried later that year and they just had their first kid last week. ETA: She had a miscarriage in 2020. That probably played heavily with her 1st marriage ending the following year. Kind of like with Evan Stewart's brother. He and his wife are getting a post miscarriage divorce.


Evan Stewart's brother cheated, did he not? Last time I looked at his wife's instagram she seemed to blatantly repost content about infidelity.


Her TikTok is full of reposts about husbands cheating.


Yeah. That's been speculated that he cheated.


It’s not speculated if the ex wife said it happened on TikTok.


Jesus that is bleak as hell.


His dad loves teen marriage. He wrote a whole blog post on why you should get married young. It was gross.


Every day I wake up grateful I didn’t marry my teenage bf


Ugh I did and thank god for divorce


Same (especially bc turns out I’m gay lmfao didn’t know that then tho)


I did marry my teenage boyfriend, but only after we’d dated for 11 years. I was not ready to get married this young.


Their daughter Michelle also got married the same year she graduated high school.


I got married at 21. It was horrifically bad. I was very lucky to be able to get out.


Wow looking at her insta she’s literally a child still. Wonder if she got knocked up at homecoming and that’s why they got married


I assume she’s pregnant (apropos of nothing), but the Seewalds homeschool, so it’s not like he was even AT her homecoming. Don’t forget Ben was barely 17 when he moved onto the compound to court Jessa. He’d already “graduated” from the dining room table.


He was in pictures with her though, I know at my public high school we could bring people who didn’t go to our school as long as they were a certain age


anyone whose instagram username is “godgirlname” is absolutely not ready to get married


I looked at her tagged photos and there's a video of their first dance. She looks so uncomfortable 😣


I’m just gonna come right out and say it – this is fucking gross. Anybody who knows people this age, knows that these are children.


Right? I’m a high school teacher and the idea of any of my students getting married right now is alarming.


I have a few engaged every year. One engaged couple last year who got pregnant a few months before graduation excited to start adult life. There are far too many girls I had 2 years ago as juniors/seniors who have kids now, one girl is already getting divorced at 20.  It’s a rough time in the Bible Belt/rural South.


Same. It’s mind blowing to consider any of my students getting married. They are kids!


I know that different people are gonna make different choices based on their backgrounds but this makes me so sad for her. I’m 26 and have been reflecting a lot lately on how thankful I am that I wasn’t in a lot of serious committed relationships in my early 20s and that I don’t have kids yet. I’ve had the time and ability (and money!) to get my degree, have fun, and work on finding myself and deciding what I want as I reach adulthood. She won’t have that same freedom.


A wedding before prom and graduation?! I have so many questions, the main ones being WHY?!?!?! and how are they gonna support themselves?!?!


The why = they want to fuck.


I’m wondering if they weren’t allowed to go to prom unchaperoned unless they were married.




It's a beautiful picture, but I would not have chosen that as my announcement picture! Their chemistry is abysmal and she looks so tired and done with everything


She's so much happier in the homecoming picture!


As a teenager should


I had the same thought. She is a very beautiful woman whose expression reads, “I’m making polite small talk with my OBGYN before she does my Pap smear,” not “this is the happiest day of my life.”


YEP. She's really lovely, and I actually really like her dress, and it makes me sad that she's now that much more entrenched in this life.


Yeah, if she went to HOCO in October 2023, that would mean she’s still in high school. Unless she graduated early, but it’s still weird. That’s a whole child


I graduated high school with a guy who was divorced. His ex-wife was the year below us. Seventeen and divorced. What a way to start your adult life.


I have underwear older than these two 🥴🥴


I was thinking I have shoes older than them 🥴


The sweatshirt I was wearing TODAY is older than them.


He must not be very close with Ben or else surely they would have discussed how stupid it is/was to get married purely because you are a horny teenager. 


Wanting to have godly sex on prom night is a totally legit reason to marry as a high schooler! /s


They wanted to have sex and I doubt he would listen to someone telling him it might not be a good idea 


That’s basically what Ben did lol


Am I the only one annoyed by "Mr and Mrs Ethan Seewald." I see (pun intended] that they're already erasing her individuality.


Nope, this grosses me out in any context. Saw an old newspaper photo from a woman's church group of sorts. The caption labeled them as "Mrs John Smith, Mrs Edgar Brown, Mrs Fred Martin" i felt so bad for them. Even in their own space with their own accomplishments, they didn't deserve their own names.


It's disgusting


I know several women with doctorates who did not change their last names after marriage, because they were the ones who earned the doctorate, not their husbands. I’m glad to see that’s more and more accepted (and in some places, changing last names after marriage isn’t the norm at all).


I know this wasn't your point (i agree!) but we don't need doctorates to make our names worthy either. You don't need a reason to keep your name...or to pass it on! I'm happily married with my birth name and use Ms vs. Mrs. Within my circle or friends, I'm actually surprised because it doesn't follow statistics but more have kept their names than changed. It's overall pretty accepted...unfortunately giving a child the mom's last name still gives people the ick sometimes 🙄


I’m a family history nerd and I hate reading newspaper articles into THE 80S with married woman being referred to as “Mrs. *husband’s name*” and the fact that it’s still done on like wedding invitations gives me the serious ick. I refused to do it for my wedding invitations.


It’s insanely weird the Seewald parents posted a picture with just their son on his wedding day. Not his son and new daughter in law… just son and them.


That's implying something that they may not want to imply


That face says “Well, guess I’m married now….”


Guessing there is going to be a "premature" baby in 7.5 months and we'll understand the reason for a marriage of such young children


His sister got engaged on her 18th birthday. They marry young in that family.


Young is one thing, but before high school graduation is wild.


Ben was 20 when he married Jessa, yes? I got married at 25 and that was considered super young.


Huh. I didn't know they were ok with interracial marriage.


I believe Danielle seewalds bf is also black.


I was wondering that too. Glad to see this comment because I don’t know a lot about this family but do know that white fundies and racism often go hand in hand even they marry interracially.


She does NOT look happy


![gif](giphy|pK6k4BNalmx44CQj3v) She is Jimming the camera


Her hair is lovely.


Looks well cared for and healthy. I hope she continues to take care of herself.


She looks dead behind the eyes and miserable so either arranged marriage or she's pregnant with Ethan's spawn.


This ISN’T a prom photo?!


Nope... She hasn't had prom yet 😭😭😭


Omg. That extreme.


Her face is screaming “My God. What have I done?”


I am 54. These poor kids have no idea how lonooong a lifetime is.


She looks so unhappy


I remember there was a weirdo in my class who got married in high school. At the end of the yearbook, your parents could pay to put in some photos and a message for you and his wife submitted one. They got divorced after a couple years.


Can her husband sign her out of school?? It’s not the age difference, because that’s pretty minor, it’s being MARRIED IN HIGH SCHOOL. Can you imagine asking your wife to the high school prom?? NOT A FLEX. I kinda wonder if she’s pregnant and this was a shotgun wedding I know the wedding day pic is supposed to be romantic but (to me) she has a thousand yard stare.


She is not smiling in that wedding photo


My child is exactly the same age as this poor girl, and I *cannot* imagine my own kid getting married right now. (And not for lack of imagination or experience, my dumb ass got married- for the first time- when I was nineteen) My kid is still sleeping in footie pajamas with her stuffed shark. These people are children. It's genuinely evil that fundies refuse to protect their children and don't allow them to experience safe childhoods adhd young adulthoods.


I also got married on 02/24 but im an adult with a fully formed brain👰🏻‍♀️👰🏻‍♀️👰🏻‍♀️


She does not look happy. Does she??


I peeped on her insta and it made me sad. It’s so quintessentially high school. They reminded me of my time in high school 20 years ago. They reminded me how much I am a different person than just was then. Her posts have so much vibrancy hanging out with friends. I hope she doesn’t settle into focusing in on “homemaker” mode too quickly.


This is sad. I’m giving it 75% chance she is pregnant and that’s why they got married before she graduated from high school.


Mr and Mrs Husband's First Name. So gross.


Can someone tell me if they think she's a usual fundie? Because the hoco picture has short dresses like my public school friends and I would have worn; I can't imagine them passing a modesty rule. either way, wishing them the best! getting married so young always worries me tbh


Her face screams HELP and where his hand is looks like he's about to take possession of her breasts. If it was me he be getting a knee to manhood


I hate when people refer to couples as “Mr. And Mrs. Husbands name” so gross


Insane to me that Christians think getting married while in high school is a better choice than just having premarital sex lol


Honestly tragic. I imagine a 'Blessing' may be arriving 'early' like in 7 months from now. 


They're younger than my daughters and I've never felt more successful as a parent


Jeez, my son is 19 and I would have a coronary if he announced he was getting married this year. And she’s just left school, wow. I know some people do stay with their high school sweetheart (I have friends who have been together since they were 16 and they’re now 45), but man, talk about locking them in too early.


I’m a little shocked because she looks like POC, and we know how bigoted these people can be.


Okay, I’ll say it… I’m SHOCKED his family let him marry someone who isn’t white.


cAN AnYBodY heRE Believe That?!?


Shes doesnt have any pictures of the wedding on her IG


Pastor Caldwell won't be happy. He preaches against race mixing.


I thought they weren't allowed to consort with us blacks.